Hugo Ortner
I am a field geologist. My main focus is the structural analysis of sedimentary rocks, and I work in thrust belts; I am interested in soft sediment deformation, brittle microtectonics, section balancing, seismic interpretation, 3D modeling and, as a foundation of most of the other work, geologic mapping. Due to my location in Innsbruck I work in the Alps, but also in the Pyrenees and Apennines.
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Papers by Hugo Ortner
This large variability of the geometries of the Alps northern deformation front is associated with the variable mechanical stratigraphy along strike, the different links to more internal units of the Alps, as well as links to the deep structure of the Alps, in particular the geometry and overall mechanical properties of the down-going European Plate. Similar to different geometries, timing and sequence of thrusting of the deformation front is highly variable along strike. This difference is caused by a link of the deformation front to the deep and shallow dynamics of the Alps. This stresses the need for a comprehensive approach to resolve the dynamics of the deformation front, including sedimentological and structural studies from outcrop to mountain belt scale. At the same time, the complexity of the deformation front is a unique record of the dynamics of the orogen through time.