Papers by Tore Nordenstam
The Power of Example, 1909
In all cultural understanding, concepts and examples are closely tied to each other, but there is... more In all cultural understanding, concepts and examples are closely tied to each other, but there is no reason to assume that all cultural concepts are linked to examples in the same way. The world of cultural concepts is a varied and motley one. Two cultural concepts and their relations to examples are considered in some detail, one from the history of art (the concept of mannerism) and one from the legal field (the concept of inherently dangerous articles in Anglo-Saxon case law).
Sudan Notes and Records, 1967
The study of ethical beliefs in the Sudan is a fascinating and more or less
unexplored field of ... more The study of ethical beliefs in the Sudan is a fascinating and more or less
unexplored field of research. The purpose of this paper is to give an introductory
survey of some of the problems and possible lines of research within this field. I
shall first give a general outline of the nature of descriptive ethics, as I see it, then
I shall highlight some of the problems in the field by discussing one particular
example. Finally, I shall brieflly indicate why research of this nature is of special
importance in a developing country like the Sudan.

D. Papenfuss & J Söring, eds., Transzendenz und Immanentz. Philosophie und Theologie in der veränderten Welt, Stuttgart 1977.
Die staatliche Strafe wird gewöhnlich durch Hinweis auf Umstände wie Schuld und
Sühne, Abschreck... more Die staatliche Strafe wird gewöhnlich durch Hinweis auf Umstände wie Schuld und
Sühne, Abschreckung, Therapie und Reform gerechtfertigt. Die klassischen Abschreckungstheorien über die Strafe wurden am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts von Beccaria, Bentham und Feuerbach vorgelegt. Heutzutage scheinen Kompromißversuche zu überwiegen. Typisch in dieser Hinsicht sind z. B. F. J. 0. Coddington, der von einer »klugen Mischung von Abschreckung und Verbesserung« spricht, »ohne die Vergeltung zu vergessen« und Claus Roxin, der eine »dialektische Vereinigungstheorie« vorgeschlagen hat.
In der juristischen Literatur werden die Theorien über die Strafe oft in recht schemati-
scher Form dargestellt. Es gibt, wie H .L. A.Hart betont hat, »eine durchgehende Ten-
denz, vielfacettierte Probleme, die getrennt behandelt werden müßten, über Gebühr zu
vereinfachen«. Die Straftheorie, von der ich im folgenden ausgehen werde, unterstreicht
Harts Bemerkung. Es dreht sich, wie ich zeigen werde, um eine starke Vereinfachung des Fragenkomplexes.
Journal for General Philosophy of Science - Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie, 1973
Norwegian philosophy of science right after the war was empiricistic, scientistic, rather undogma... more Norwegian philosophy of science right after the war was empiricistic, scientistic, rather undogmatic and heavily dominated by Arne Næss.
The positivistic conception of science has been severely criticized in the last two decades, and the attempts to find viable alternatives have led to a broadening of the perspective, philosophically as well as scientifically.
This survey tries to map the main lines of that development.
After an account of the rise and fall of Næss's programme for a behaviouristic theory of science, we outline first the development of the internal philosophical
critique and then the parallel story on the social science scene.
Journal for General Philosophy of Science - Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie, 1979
We argue that "normal science" is not enough to secure high-quality research, especially in the... more We argue that "normal science" is not enough to secure high-quality research, especially in the underdeveloped parts of the world.
We survey some of the problems raised by the role of science (in a wide sense including the humanities and the social sciences) in development.
A simple model for "research-practice complexes" is presented.
It is suggested that research-practice complexes ought to fulfil the three basic criteria of efficiency, perceptiveness, and sensitivity.
The role of joint paradigm discussions in research-practice complexes is particularly emphasized
T. Nordenstam et al., Research and Development in the Sudan, 1985
In technocratic practices of development, the emphasis is on efficiency in reaching the goals whi... more In technocratic practices of development, the emphasis is on efficiency in reaching the goals which the authorities have set. The planning procedures take place above the head of those who will be immediately affected by the changes. In humanistic practices, the emphasis is on the needs and concerns of the people concerned.
The underlying assumptions behind current practices of development is the subject of the first part of the text.
The second part consists of a critical analysis of five development projects in the Sudan: a classical case of technocratic development in South Sudan, an irrigation scheme outside Omdurman, the Khasm El-Ghirba project in the northern-most part of the Sudan, the Jongley canal project, and a language project in South Sudan.

A.P. Frank et al., Übersetzen, verstehen, Brücken bauen, 1993
In einer Welt, die durch einen zunehmend kulturübergreifenden Kontakt geprägt ist,
gehört die Üb... more In einer Welt, die durch einen zunehmend kulturübergreifenden Kontakt geprägt ist,
gehört die Übertragung kultureller Produkte von einer Kultur in eine andere in praktisch
allen Kulturen auf der Welt zum Alltagsleben.
Ich werde die Übertragung von bedeutungstragenden Phänomenen wie sprachlichen Ausdrücken, Handlungen, Gesten, Bildern, Filmsequenzen usw. fokussieren.
Die grundlegenden Probleme, die die Übertragung von solchen Phänomenen von einer Kultur in eine andere verursachen können, liegen auf der Verstehensebene.
Bedeutungstragende Phänomene sind kontextabhängig, und insoweit der Kontext eines bestimmten Ausdrucks einem Individuum unbekannt ist, entstehen für ihn Verstehensschwierigkeiten.
Was mit dieser für bedeutungstragende Phänomene konstitutiven Kontextabhängigkeit
gemeint ist, kann am besten durch Beispiele verdeutlicht werden.
Im Hauptteil meines Vortrags werde ich drei Beispiele aus drei verschiedenen Kulturen vorführen. Bevor ich aber auf diese Beispiele eingehe, werde ich die klassische Frage nach der Möglichkeit des Übersetzens kurz kommentieren.
The Power of Example, 1909
The legacy of the American engineer F.W. Taylor is a varied one. Assessments of his work range fr... more The legacy of the American engineer F.W. Taylor is a varied one. Assessments of his work range from praise as one of the major innovators in working life studies to criticism of Taylorism as one of the worst examples of the efforts of capitalism to exploit the working class for its own ends. But if you turn to his essay, The Principles of Scientific Management (1911), you will meet a more subtle and far more humane figure. The starting point for my reflections on his contribution to working life studies is the question, What did Taylor mean by ́scientific ́ and what he did he mean by ́principles ́?
Systematic research in the field of practical knowledge is a recent phenomenon. In this paper, th... more Systematic research in the field of practical knowledge is a recent phenomenon. In this paper, the approaches which have been developed in the main centres of research into practical knowledge in Norway and Sweden are compared with an emphasis on their potential for the study of ethics. The focus on narratives and reflection based on the researcher's own professional experience which is the distingushing feature of the Centre for Practical Knowledge at the University of Nordland is seen as a very promising addition to the traditional repertory of ethical studies.
Aesthetics, Literature and Life, eds. C.Carmona & J.Levinson, 2019
Wittgenstein's first book, a bilingual publication in 1922 entitled Tractatus logico-philosophicu... more Wittgenstein's first book, a bilingual publication in 1922 entitled Tractatus logico-philosophicus, was an attempt to achieve maximal clarity in the notoriously unclear field of competing worldviews. He characterized his method as clarification. The traditional fining agent in wine clarification is egg white. In Wittgenstein's first work, it is a combination of logic and literary form that serves as the egg.
Books by Tore Nordenstam
This is a study in descriptive ethics, based upon discussions with Sudanese university students.
... more This is a study in descriptive ethics, based upon discussions with Sudanese university students.
The first part of the book outlines a framework for research into ethical systems, with particular attention to those aspects which have to do with personality ideals.
In the second part, this framework is applied in a study of how some well educated young Sudanese conceive of the virtues which are traditionally highly valued in their own society: courage, generosity and hospitality, dignity, honour and self-respect.
The third part of the book consists of edited transcripts of the conversations with the three main informants.
I. Introduction.
II. The oldest universities in Africa.
III. The colonial ideologies of educati... more I. Introduction.
II. The oldest universities in Africa.
III. The colonial ideologies of education.
IV. Independance and new roles for the universities.
V. Universities and development.
VI. International cooperation.

The analytic-synthetic distinction has long been considered a coriierstorie of empiricism. T h e ... more The analytic-synthetic distinction has long been considered a coriierstorie of empiricism. T h e rhcsrs that all statements can be sharply dividcd inco aniilytic and synthetic and that all necessary truths are analytic were among thc ceiiual doctrines of the logical empiricists between the nvo world war5. Rut in the late 1930's some empirically-minded philosophers bcgaii to doubt the adcquacy of the notion of an:,ly~icity itself. Shese dotibts eventually foiind a striking and provocativa cxpression in three papci-s which were pubiished around 1950: UT. V. Quine's 'Two Dogmas of Empiricism', A j. G. White's 'The Analytic and the Synrhetic: an Uritenable Dualism', and N. Gc~odrnan's 'On Lilien~ss of .21eaning'.i The thïee papcrs v cre the rcsult of joint discussions, and there are many similarities between thcm. The Quinr-Ivhite-Goodman attack on analyticity and similar ilotions spaaked off a lively dehate, which has nosv lasted for two d e c a d~s .~ In the midst of the debate, the situation was surnmcd up by o112 philouopher as f o l l o w~.The sharp distinction between a~ialytic and synthctic truths is a necessary condition of empiricism as it is usually conciiiveil. Thcïe is no sharp distinction between analytic and synthetic truths in nataral 13iig~t3ges but only in aitificial languages. The sharp analytic-synthetic distinct'-ion can therefore be maintained only by means of conventioi~s. But there is nothing about conventions in eithcr empiricism or the analytic-syiithetic distinction as it is usuaily conceived. Therefore empiricism lias to be reconsidcred. In this paper I shall examine this argument from the analytic-syntiirtic distinction. The assumption that empiricism presupposes a sharp analyticsynthetic distinction will be examined in Chapter I. The two following chapters deal with the assumption that there is no sharp distinction between analytic and synthetic statements in natural languages. The charge that the artificial language approach is incompatible with empiricism will be taken up in Chapter 4. The last chapter rcviews some recent coritributions-cvliich seem to me t o clarify the situation considerably. Finally, in the Conclusion, I shall uy to draw some of the threads together in ar1 evaluation of the argument from the analytic-synthetic distinction and a general asscssmcnt of the Quine-White-Goodman attack and its outcome. The first four chapters of this paper were originally urritten in 1960-61 ' " " In the early fifties three ieading analytic phllosopRers-Quine, Wh..
Papers by Tore Nordenstam
unexplored field of research. The purpose of this paper is to give an introductory
survey of some of the problems and possible lines of research within this field. I
shall first give a general outline of the nature of descriptive ethics, as I see it, then
I shall highlight some of the problems in the field by discussing one particular
example. Finally, I shall brieflly indicate why research of this nature is of special
importance in a developing country like the Sudan.
Sühne, Abschreckung, Therapie und Reform gerechtfertigt. Die klassischen Abschreckungstheorien über die Strafe wurden am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts von Beccaria, Bentham und Feuerbach vorgelegt. Heutzutage scheinen Kompromißversuche zu überwiegen. Typisch in dieser Hinsicht sind z. B. F. J. 0. Coddington, der von einer »klugen Mischung von Abschreckung und Verbesserung« spricht, »ohne die Vergeltung zu vergessen« und Claus Roxin, der eine »dialektische Vereinigungstheorie« vorgeschlagen hat.
In der juristischen Literatur werden die Theorien über die Strafe oft in recht schemati-
scher Form dargestellt. Es gibt, wie H .L. A.Hart betont hat, »eine durchgehende Ten-
denz, vielfacettierte Probleme, die getrennt behandelt werden müßten, über Gebühr zu
vereinfachen«. Die Straftheorie, von der ich im folgenden ausgehen werde, unterstreicht
Harts Bemerkung. Es dreht sich, wie ich zeigen werde, um eine starke Vereinfachung des Fragenkomplexes.
The positivistic conception of science has been severely criticized in the last two decades, and the attempts to find viable alternatives have led to a broadening of the perspective, philosophically as well as scientifically.
This survey tries to map the main lines of that development.
After an account of the rise and fall of Næss's programme for a behaviouristic theory of science, we outline first the development of the internal philosophical
critique and then the parallel story on the social science scene.
We survey some of the problems raised by the role of science (in a wide sense including the humanities and the social sciences) in development.
A simple model for "research-practice complexes" is presented.
It is suggested that research-practice complexes ought to fulfil the three basic criteria of efficiency, perceptiveness, and sensitivity.
The role of joint paradigm discussions in research-practice complexes is particularly emphasized
The underlying assumptions behind current practices of development is the subject of the first part of the text.
The second part consists of a critical analysis of five development projects in the Sudan: a classical case of technocratic development in South Sudan, an irrigation scheme outside Omdurman, the Khasm El-Ghirba project in the northern-most part of the Sudan, the Jongley canal project, and a language project in South Sudan.
gehört die Übertragung kultureller Produkte von einer Kultur in eine andere in praktisch
allen Kulturen auf der Welt zum Alltagsleben.
Ich werde die Übertragung von bedeutungstragenden Phänomenen wie sprachlichen Ausdrücken, Handlungen, Gesten, Bildern, Filmsequenzen usw. fokussieren.
Die grundlegenden Probleme, die die Übertragung von solchen Phänomenen von einer Kultur in eine andere verursachen können, liegen auf der Verstehensebene.
Bedeutungstragende Phänomene sind kontextabhängig, und insoweit der Kontext eines bestimmten Ausdrucks einem Individuum unbekannt ist, entstehen für ihn Verstehensschwierigkeiten.
Was mit dieser für bedeutungstragende Phänomene konstitutiven Kontextabhängigkeit
gemeint ist, kann am besten durch Beispiele verdeutlicht werden.
Im Hauptteil meines Vortrags werde ich drei Beispiele aus drei verschiedenen Kulturen vorführen. Bevor ich aber auf diese Beispiele eingehe, werde ich die klassische Frage nach der Möglichkeit des Übersetzens kurz kommentieren.
Books by Tore Nordenstam
The first part of the book outlines a framework for research into ethical systems, with particular attention to those aspects which have to do with personality ideals.
In the second part, this framework is applied in a study of how some well educated young Sudanese conceive of the virtues which are traditionally highly valued in their own society: courage, generosity and hospitality, dignity, honour and self-respect.
The third part of the book consists of edited transcripts of the conversations with the three main informants.
II. The oldest universities in Africa.
III. The colonial ideologies of education.
IV. Independance and new roles for the universities.
V. Universities and development.
VI. International cooperation.
unexplored field of research. The purpose of this paper is to give an introductory
survey of some of the problems and possible lines of research within this field. I
shall first give a general outline of the nature of descriptive ethics, as I see it, then
I shall highlight some of the problems in the field by discussing one particular
example. Finally, I shall brieflly indicate why research of this nature is of special
importance in a developing country like the Sudan.
Sühne, Abschreckung, Therapie und Reform gerechtfertigt. Die klassischen Abschreckungstheorien über die Strafe wurden am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts von Beccaria, Bentham und Feuerbach vorgelegt. Heutzutage scheinen Kompromißversuche zu überwiegen. Typisch in dieser Hinsicht sind z. B. F. J. 0. Coddington, der von einer »klugen Mischung von Abschreckung und Verbesserung« spricht, »ohne die Vergeltung zu vergessen« und Claus Roxin, der eine »dialektische Vereinigungstheorie« vorgeschlagen hat.
In der juristischen Literatur werden die Theorien über die Strafe oft in recht schemati-
scher Form dargestellt. Es gibt, wie H .L. A.Hart betont hat, »eine durchgehende Ten-
denz, vielfacettierte Probleme, die getrennt behandelt werden müßten, über Gebühr zu
vereinfachen«. Die Straftheorie, von der ich im folgenden ausgehen werde, unterstreicht
Harts Bemerkung. Es dreht sich, wie ich zeigen werde, um eine starke Vereinfachung des Fragenkomplexes.
The positivistic conception of science has been severely criticized in the last two decades, and the attempts to find viable alternatives have led to a broadening of the perspective, philosophically as well as scientifically.
This survey tries to map the main lines of that development.
After an account of the rise and fall of Næss's programme for a behaviouristic theory of science, we outline first the development of the internal philosophical
critique and then the parallel story on the social science scene.
We survey some of the problems raised by the role of science (in a wide sense including the humanities and the social sciences) in development.
A simple model for "research-practice complexes" is presented.
It is suggested that research-practice complexes ought to fulfil the three basic criteria of efficiency, perceptiveness, and sensitivity.
The role of joint paradigm discussions in research-practice complexes is particularly emphasized
The underlying assumptions behind current practices of development is the subject of the first part of the text.
The second part consists of a critical analysis of five development projects in the Sudan: a classical case of technocratic development in South Sudan, an irrigation scheme outside Omdurman, the Khasm El-Ghirba project in the northern-most part of the Sudan, the Jongley canal project, and a language project in South Sudan.
gehört die Übertragung kultureller Produkte von einer Kultur in eine andere in praktisch
allen Kulturen auf der Welt zum Alltagsleben.
Ich werde die Übertragung von bedeutungstragenden Phänomenen wie sprachlichen Ausdrücken, Handlungen, Gesten, Bildern, Filmsequenzen usw. fokussieren.
Die grundlegenden Probleme, die die Übertragung von solchen Phänomenen von einer Kultur in eine andere verursachen können, liegen auf der Verstehensebene.
Bedeutungstragende Phänomene sind kontextabhängig, und insoweit der Kontext eines bestimmten Ausdrucks einem Individuum unbekannt ist, entstehen für ihn Verstehensschwierigkeiten.
Was mit dieser für bedeutungstragende Phänomene konstitutiven Kontextabhängigkeit
gemeint ist, kann am besten durch Beispiele verdeutlicht werden.
Im Hauptteil meines Vortrags werde ich drei Beispiele aus drei verschiedenen Kulturen vorführen. Bevor ich aber auf diese Beispiele eingehe, werde ich die klassische Frage nach der Möglichkeit des Übersetzens kurz kommentieren.
The first part of the book outlines a framework for research into ethical systems, with particular attention to those aspects which have to do with personality ideals.
In the second part, this framework is applied in a study of how some well educated young Sudanese conceive of the virtues which are traditionally highly valued in their own society: courage, generosity and hospitality, dignity, honour and self-respect.
The third part of the book consists of edited transcripts of the conversations with the three main informants.
II. The oldest universities in Africa.
III. The colonial ideologies of education.
IV. Independance and new roles for the universities.
V. Universities and development.
VI. International cooperation.
In this essay I try to shed some light on the nature of explanation and understanding of works of art by reflecting upon the oeuvre of Piet Mondrian and some of the literature on those works.
Men är det inte så att humanister är viktiga både för skolsystemet och för näringslivet, exempelvis som förmedlare av kunskaper om främmande språk och kulturer? Är det inte så att humanister behandlar väsentliga inslag i människans liv, till exempel konst och litteratur och musik och frågan om hur den världen som vi lever i har kunnat bli sådan som den faktiskt är?
Om man söker efter svar på sådana frågor, är det bästa framgångssättet enligt min erfarenhet att anlägga ett historiskt perspektiv på saken. Genom att beskriva vad humanister faktiskt har gjort under historiens gång och genom att antyda något om vad humanister gör i våra dagar kan vi också få fram konturerna av ett svar på frågan om vilken nytta och glädje man eventuellt kan ha av att befatta sig med humanistiska ämnen av olika slag.
There is a common theme – the inevitability of examples in concept formation and cultural understanding.
As befits such matters, the procedure is example-based throughout, interspersed with the kind of hints and comments that are needed to make the examples stand out as examples of something.
In English: The Power of Example, Santérus Academic Press Sweden, Stockholm 2009.