Books by Peder Gammeltoft

NORNA-Rapporter 95, 2017
Summary in English
In spite of being the most widespread place-name element in the western Vikin... more Summary in English
In spite of being the most widespread place-name element in the western Viking-Age colonies, the place-name element toft has received very little attention since Bengt Holmberg’s thesis published in 1948. During surveys undertaken by me in the early 2000’s, it is, however, clear that there is a good deal more information to be culled from this name type and its importance as an active naming element in the Viking-Age colonies than has hitherto been acknowledged.
This article is partly a réevaluation of the hundreds of examples of the name type in Normandy (ending in -tot/-tôt) and partly a comparison with occurrences of the name type in England (-toft), Scotland (-toft and -tobhta) and the Faeroes (-tóft(ir)). The result is a considerable amount of reinterpretations of the Normandy toft-names, particularly reducing the number of personal names hitherto claimed to form part of the specifics in this material, see appendix.
Résumé en français
En dépit d’être l’élément de nom de lieu le plus répandu dans les colonies de l’Âge Viking occidentales, l’élément toft a reçu très peu d’attention depuis la thèse de Bengt Holmberg publié en 1948. Au cours de mes enquêtes menées dans les années 2000, il devient evident que beaucoup plus d’informations pourra être extraites à partir de ce type de nom et de son importance en tant qu’élément de nomination actif dans les colonies de l’Âge Viking qu’antérieurement reconnu.
Cet article est en partie une réévaluation des centaines d’exemples du type de nom en Normandie (se terminant en -tot/-tôt) et en partie d’une comparaison avec les occurrences du type de nom en Angleterre (-toft), Ecosse (-toft et -tobhta) et les îles Féroé (-tóft(ir)). Le résultat est une quantité considérable de réinterprétations des noms toft en Normandie, en réduisant notamment le nombre de noms de personnes revendiqué jusqu’à présent pour former une partie des spécificités de ce matériau, voir l’appendix.
For særligt at hylde kollegaen og vennen Bent har vi til dette festskrift samlet en række artikle... more For særligt at hylde kollegaen og vennen Bent har vi til dette festskrift samlet en række artikler forfattet af nuværende og tidligere kolleger på Afdeling for Navneforskning. Artiklerne afspejler ikke kun spændvidden generelt inden for faget navneforskning, men i høj grad også Bents mange interesseområder, herunder stednavne, personnavne, sproghistorie, retskrivning, leksikografi, storbyen København samt sporvogne og donaldisme. De, der kender til Bents virke, vil måske indvende, at det ikke er så svært, da hans produktion jo er både omfattende og særdeles varieret. Det afspejles tydeligt af den samlede oversigt over Bents publikationer, som også er inkluderet i dette festskrift.
Michael H. Gelting: The Courtly Viking: Education and mores in Dudo of Saint-Quentin’... more Contents:
Michael H. Gelting: The Courtly Viking: Education and mores in Dudo of Saint-Quentin’s Chronicle.
Sally N. Vaughn: “They all lived in the manner of the old Danes …” Perceptions of Danishness Remaining in Normandy in the Literature of the Abbey of Bec, 1030-1080.
Jens Christian Moesgaard: Vikingernes mønter I Normandiet: identitetsbærere og praktisk betalingsmiddel.
Mogens Bo Henriksen: Odenses forgænger – eller: én af mange?
Judith Jesch: Reading the Jelling Inscription.
Jens Peter Schjødt: Kristningen af Nord... more Content:
Judith Jesch: Reading the Jelling Inscription.
Jens Peter Schjødt: Kristningen af Norden: en diskussion af religionstypologiske karakteristika ved henholdsvis hedenskaben og kristendommen.
Else Roesdahl: … vandt sig Danmark al … – hvad mente Harald?
Mads Kähler Holst, Mads Dengsø Jessen & Anne Pedersen: Runestenens Jelling.
Niels Lund: Forholdet mellem Danmark og Tyskland i det 10. århundrede.
Bent Jørgensen:... more Content:
Niels Lund: Forholdet mellem Danmark og Tyskland i det 10. århundrede.
Bent Jørgensen: Navnet Danmark og danerne.
Morten Søvsø: Tidligkristne begravelser ved Ribe Domkirke – Ansgars kirkegård?
Anne Pedersen: Nabo, fjende og forbillede – Danernes forhold til Tyskland i det arkæologiske fundbillede.
Jens Christian Moesgaard: Hedeby og den danske kongemagt i 900-tallet – mønternes udsagn
Thorsten Lemm: Burgen, Adel und Herrschaft in Nordelbien – Jüngste Erkenntnisse zu den ... more Content:
Thorsten Lemm: Burgen, Adel und Herrschaft in Nordelbien – Jüngste Erkenntnisse zu den Frühmittelalterlichen Ringwällen im westlichen Holstein.
Sven Kalmring: Dorestad Hoogstraat: Ein Diskurs gegen das Verschwinden des Hafens des "vicus famosus".
Antje Wendt: Wikingerzeitliche Goldringe. Eine Fundgruppe ohne Kontext?
Joachim Schultze: Interessante Baubefunde aus dem frühen Schleswiger Hafen.

Torp - som ortnamn och bebyggelse er en tværfaglig forskningsantologi, der både præsenterer ældre... more Torp - som ortnamn och bebyggelse er en tværfaglig forskningsantologi, der både præsenterer ældre forskningsresultater og tolkninger, såvelsom de allernyeste iagttagelser og idéer fra Danmark, Sverige, Norge, Holland og England. Bogen henvender sig både til etablerede og vordende torp-forskere, såvel i universitetsverdenen som rundt om på museer og arkiver, hvor den forhåbentlig dels kan tjene som tjenligt opslagsværk vedrørende torp-relaterede spørgsmål, dels kan inspirere og/eller provokere til nye studier. Betegnelsen "torp-forsker" bør forstås med et glimt i øjet, idet vi godt er klar over, at der næppe findes ret mange, der har anvendt netop denne titel på deres visitkort. Omvendt er vi imidlertid også overbeviste om, at med godt 10.000 torper i Skandinavien alene, så vil rigtig mange geografer, historikere, arkæologer, navneforskere, museumsfolk, arkivarer m.fl. i både Danmark og Sverige med jævne mellemrum støde på en torp i deres arbejde. Og her kan Torp-antologien være et hjælpemiddel til en bedre forståelse af, hvad sådan en torp i grunden er for en størrelse.

Vibeke Dalberg has been studying place-names and personal names throughout a long and active life... more Vibeke Dalberg has been studying place-names and personal names throughout a long and active life of scholarly research. The material she has employed has generally been Danish but the perspective of the research and the scope of its results have normally been of relevance for the whole of the Germanic language area. Through her yearlong involvement in ICOS, Vibeke Dalberg has become wellknown and highly respected as an onomastician. For those who do not read Danish, however, much of her work and some of her most significant papers have remained a closed book.
To remedy this state of affairs, friends and colleagues at
Vibeke’s former place of work, the Name Research Section at the University of Copenhagen, have wished to mark her 70th birthday by arranging for ten important papers to be translated into English. The translations have been carried out by Gillian Fellows-Jensen, Peder Gammeltoft and Berit Sandnes in close cooperation.

For well over a generation, Gillian Fellows-Jensen was a central figure at the Institute of Name ... more For well over a generation, Gillian Fellows-Jensen was a central figure at the Institute of Name Research. Gillian has contributed greatly to research into the onomastic and cultural relations between Scandinavia and Britain and Normandy in the Viking Age and early Medieval period. Here, she has not only continued an established Scandinavian-British research tradition but she has also herself contributed with much new knowledge through new angles of access to this immensely large and interesting material.
Through her numerous publications and lectures she has made a major contribution to the knowledge of the names and culture of the period. Through her knowledge and her forthcoming nature she has thus inspired young generations to continue and extend Scandinavian-British research.
Can be purchased online here:
Three major name-studies societies met in Shetland in April 2003 for an international conference.... more Three major name-studies societies met in Shetland in April 2003 for an international conference. The societies were NORNA (Nordic Cooperative Committee for Onomastic Research), The Scottish Place-Name Society and the Society for Name Studies in Britain and Ireland. As the title suggests, this articles in this book concentrate on those aspects of cultural contact which are revealed through naming, whether of place or of person. The North Atlantic is broadly defined and includes names from Iceland to the Isle of Man with various sorties in between. The volume should appeal to everyone with an interest in the North Atlantic and/or in names.
Can be purchased online:, or follow link below.
Articles by Peder Gammeltoft

NORNA-Rapporter 95, 2017
Summary in English
In spite of being the most widespread place-name element in the western Vikin... more Summary in English
In spite of being the most widespread place-name element in the western Viking-Age colonies, the place-name element toft has received very little attention since Bengt Holmberg’s thesis published in 1948. During surveys undertaken by me in the early 2000’s, it is, however, clear that there is a good deal more information to be culled from this name type and its importance as an active naming element in the Viking-Age colonies than has hitherto been acknowledged.
This article is partly a réévaluation of the hundreds of examples of the name type in Normandy (ending in -tot/-tôt) and partly a comparison with occurrences of the name type in England (-toft), Scotland (-toft and -tobhta) and the Faeroes (-tóft(ir)). The result is a considerable amount of reinterpretations of the Normandy toft-names, particularly reducing the number of personal names hitherto claimed to form part of the specifics in this material, see appendix.
Résumé en français
En dépit d’être l’élément de nom de lieu le plus répandu dans les colonies de l’Âge Viking occidentales, l’élément toft a reçu très peu d’attention depuis la thèse de Bengt Holmberg publié en 1948. Au cours de mes enquêtes menées dans les années 2000, il devient evident que beaucoup plus d’informations pourra être extraites à partir de ce type de nom et de son importance en tant qu’élément de nomination actif dans les colonies de l’Âge Viking qu’antérieurement reconnu.
Cet article est en partie une réévaluation des centaines d’exemples du type de nom en Normandie (se terminant en -tot/-tôt) et en partie d’une comparaison avec les occurrences du type de nom en Angleterre (-toft), Ecosse (-toft et -tobhta) et les îles Féroé (-tóft(ir)). Le résultat est une quantité considérable de réinterprétations des noms toft en Normandie, en réduisant notamment le nombre de noms de personnes revendiqué jusqu’à présent pour former une partie des spécificités de ce matériau, voir l’appendix.
This presentation explores how differences in regulations in geographical naming between Denmark ... more This presentation explores how differences in regulations in geographical naming between Denmark and Norway affects the way in which public participation takes place in naming decisions. Where decisions in Norway are made with the backing of a Place-Names Act, the same decisions are taken in Denmark on the basis of a Departmental Order. The Norwegian Place-Names Act also covers a greater array of geographical name types than the Danish regulations. Thus, Norwegian naming decisions are much stronger in effect and wider in application -and, thus, is public participation greater, as the number of complaints in naming decisions in Norway outnumber those in Denmark by a factor ten or more. On the other hand, Denmark restricts public participation to a greater extent than Norway.
Books by Peder Gammeltoft
In spite of being the most widespread place-name element in the western Viking-Age colonies, the place-name element toft has received very little attention since Bengt Holmberg’s thesis published in 1948. During surveys undertaken by me in the early 2000’s, it is, however, clear that there is a good deal more information to be culled from this name type and its importance as an active naming element in the Viking-Age colonies than has hitherto been acknowledged.
This article is partly a réevaluation of the hundreds of examples of the name type in Normandy (ending in -tot/-tôt) and partly a comparison with occurrences of the name type in England (-toft), Scotland (-toft and -tobhta) and the Faeroes (-tóft(ir)). The result is a considerable amount of reinterpretations of the Normandy toft-names, particularly reducing the number of personal names hitherto claimed to form part of the specifics in this material, see appendix.
Résumé en français
En dépit d’être l’élément de nom de lieu le plus répandu dans les colonies de l’Âge Viking occidentales, l’élément toft a reçu très peu d’attention depuis la thèse de Bengt Holmberg publié en 1948. Au cours de mes enquêtes menées dans les années 2000, il devient evident que beaucoup plus d’informations pourra être extraites à partir de ce type de nom et de son importance en tant qu’élément de nomination actif dans les colonies de l’Âge Viking qu’antérieurement reconnu.
Cet article est en partie une réévaluation des centaines d’exemples du type de nom en Normandie (se terminant en -tot/-tôt) et en partie d’une comparaison avec les occurrences du type de nom en Angleterre (-toft), Ecosse (-toft et -tobhta) et les îles Féroé (-tóft(ir)). Le résultat est une quantité considérable de réinterprétations des noms toft en Normandie, en réduisant notamment le nombre de noms de personnes revendiqué jusqu’à présent pour former une partie des spécificités de ce matériau, voir l’appendix.
ISBN 978-87-635-3268-6
Can be purchased here:
Michael H. Gelting: The Courtly Viking: Education and mores in Dudo of Saint-Quentin’s Chronicle.
Sally N. Vaughn: “They all lived in the manner of the old Danes …” Perceptions of Danishness Remaining in Normandy in the Literature of the Abbey of Bec, 1030-1080.
Jens Christian Moesgaard: Vikingernes mønter I Normandiet: identitetsbærere og praktisk betalingsmiddel.
Mogens Bo Henriksen: Odenses forgænger – eller: én af mange?
Judith Jesch: Reading the Jelling Inscription.
Jens Peter Schjødt: Kristningen af Norden: en diskussion af religionstypologiske karakteristika ved henholdsvis hedenskaben og kristendommen.
Else Roesdahl: … vandt sig Danmark al … – hvad mente Harald?
Mads Kähler Holst, Mads Dengsø Jessen & Anne Pedersen: Runestenens Jelling.
Niels Lund: Forholdet mellem Danmark og Tyskland i det 10. århundrede.
Bent Jørgensen: Navnet Danmark og danerne.
Morten Søvsø: Tidligkristne begravelser ved Ribe Domkirke – Ansgars kirkegård?
Anne Pedersen: Nabo, fjende og forbillede – Danernes forhold til Tyskland i det arkæologiske fundbillede.
Jens Christian Moesgaard: Hedeby og den danske kongemagt i 900-tallet – mønternes udsagn
Thorsten Lemm: Burgen, Adel und Herrschaft in Nordelbien – Jüngste Erkenntnisse zu den Frühmittelalterlichen Ringwällen im westlichen Holstein.
Sven Kalmring: Dorestad Hoogstraat: Ein Diskurs gegen das Verschwinden des Hafens des "vicus famosus".
Antje Wendt: Wikingerzeitliche Goldringe. Eine Fundgruppe ohne Kontext?
Joachim Schultze: Interessante Baubefunde aus dem frühen Schleswiger Hafen.
To remedy this state of affairs, friends and colleagues at
Vibeke’s former place of work, the Name Research Section at the University of Copenhagen, have wished to mark her 70th birthday by arranging for ten important papers to be translated into English. The translations have been carried out by Gillian Fellows-Jensen, Peder Gammeltoft and Berit Sandnes in close cooperation.
Can be purchased here:
ISSN: 0105-8118
ISBN: 978-87-908153-3
Through her numerous publications and lectures she has made a major contribution to the knowledge of the names and culture of the period. Through her knowledge and her forthcoming nature she has thus inspired young generations to continue and extend Scandinavian-British research.
Can be purchased online here:
Can be purchased online:, or follow link below.
ISBN: 91-7276-075-3
Can be purchased through Swedish Science Press:
Articles by Peder Gammeltoft
In spite of being the most widespread place-name element in the western Viking-Age colonies, the place-name element toft has received very little attention since Bengt Holmberg’s thesis published in 1948. During surveys undertaken by me in the early 2000’s, it is, however, clear that there is a good deal more information to be culled from this name type and its importance as an active naming element in the Viking-Age colonies than has hitherto been acknowledged.
This article is partly a réévaluation of the hundreds of examples of the name type in Normandy (ending in -tot/-tôt) and partly a comparison with occurrences of the name type in England (-toft), Scotland (-toft and -tobhta) and the Faeroes (-tóft(ir)). The result is a considerable amount of reinterpretations of the Normandy toft-names, particularly reducing the number of personal names hitherto claimed to form part of the specifics in this material, see appendix.
Résumé en français
En dépit d’être l’élément de nom de lieu le plus répandu dans les colonies de l’Âge Viking occidentales, l’élément toft a reçu très peu d’attention depuis la thèse de Bengt Holmberg publié en 1948. Au cours de mes enquêtes menées dans les années 2000, il devient evident que beaucoup plus d’informations pourra être extraites à partir de ce type de nom et de son importance en tant qu’élément de nomination actif dans les colonies de l’Âge Viking qu’antérieurement reconnu.
Cet article est en partie une réévaluation des centaines d’exemples du type de nom en Normandie (se terminant en -tot/-tôt) et en partie d’une comparaison avec les occurrences du type de nom en Angleterre (-toft), Ecosse (-toft et -tobhta) et les îles Féroé (-tóft(ir)). Le résultat est une quantité considérable de réinterprétations des noms toft en Normandie, en réduisant notamment le nombre de noms de personnes revendiqué jusqu’à présent pour former une partie des spécificités de ce matériau, voir l’appendix.
In spite of being the most widespread place-name element in the western Viking-Age colonies, the place-name element toft has received very little attention since Bengt Holmberg’s thesis published in 1948. During surveys undertaken by me in the early 2000’s, it is, however, clear that there is a good deal more information to be culled from this name type and its importance as an active naming element in the Viking-Age colonies than has hitherto been acknowledged.
This article is partly a réevaluation of the hundreds of examples of the name type in Normandy (ending in -tot/-tôt) and partly a comparison with occurrences of the name type in England (-toft), Scotland (-toft and -tobhta) and the Faeroes (-tóft(ir)). The result is a considerable amount of reinterpretations of the Normandy toft-names, particularly reducing the number of personal names hitherto claimed to form part of the specifics in this material, see appendix.
Résumé en français
En dépit d’être l’élément de nom de lieu le plus répandu dans les colonies de l’Âge Viking occidentales, l’élément toft a reçu très peu d’attention depuis la thèse de Bengt Holmberg publié en 1948. Au cours de mes enquêtes menées dans les années 2000, il devient evident que beaucoup plus d’informations pourra être extraites à partir de ce type de nom et de son importance en tant qu’élément de nomination actif dans les colonies de l’Âge Viking qu’antérieurement reconnu.
Cet article est en partie une réévaluation des centaines d’exemples du type de nom en Normandie (se terminant en -tot/-tôt) et en partie d’une comparaison avec les occurrences du type de nom en Angleterre (-toft), Ecosse (-toft et -tobhta) et les îles Féroé (-tóft(ir)). Le résultat est une quantité considérable de réinterprétations des noms toft en Normandie, en réduisant notamment le nombre de noms de personnes revendiqué jusqu’à présent pour former une partie des spécificités de ce matériau, voir l’appendix.
ISBN 978-87-635-3268-6
Can be purchased here:
Michael H. Gelting: The Courtly Viking: Education and mores in Dudo of Saint-Quentin’s Chronicle.
Sally N. Vaughn: “They all lived in the manner of the old Danes …” Perceptions of Danishness Remaining in Normandy in the Literature of the Abbey of Bec, 1030-1080.
Jens Christian Moesgaard: Vikingernes mønter I Normandiet: identitetsbærere og praktisk betalingsmiddel.
Mogens Bo Henriksen: Odenses forgænger – eller: én af mange?
Judith Jesch: Reading the Jelling Inscription.
Jens Peter Schjødt: Kristningen af Norden: en diskussion af religionstypologiske karakteristika ved henholdsvis hedenskaben og kristendommen.
Else Roesdahl: … vandt sig Danmark al … – hvad mente Harald?
Mads Kähler Holst, Mads Dengsø Jessen & Anne Pedersen: Runestenens Jelling.
Niels Lund: Forholdet mellem Danmark og Tyskland i det 10. århundrede.
Bent Jørgensen: Navnet Danmark og danerne.
Morten Søvsø: Tidligkristne begravelser ved Ribe Domkirke – Ansgars kirkegård?
Anne Pedersen: Nabo, fjende og forbillede – Danernes forhold til Tyskland i det arkæologiske fundbillede.
Jens Christian Moesgaard: Hedeby og den danske kongemagt i 900-tallet – mønternes udsagn
Thorsten Lemm: Burgen, Adel und Herrschaft in Nordelbien – Jüngste Erkenntnisse zu den Frühmittelalterlichen Ringwällen im westlichen Holstein.
Sven Kalmring: Dorestad Hoogstraat: Ein Diskurs gegen das Verschwinden des Hafens des "vicus famosus".
Antje Wendt: Wikingerzeitliche Goldringe. Eine Fundgruppe ohne Kontext?
Joachim Schultze: Interessante Baubefunde aus dem frühen Schleswiger Hafen.
To remedy this state of affairs, friends and colleagues at
Vibeke’s former place of work, the Name Research Section at the University of Copenhagen, have wished to mark her 70th birthday by arranging for ten important papers to be translated into English. The translations have been carried out by Gillian Fellows-Jensen, Peder Gammeltoft and Berit Sandnes in close cooperation.
Can be purchased here:
ISSN: 0105-8118
ISBN: 978-87-908153-3
Through her numerous publications and lectures she has made a major contribution to the knowledge of the names and culture of the period. Through her knowledge and her forthcoming nature she has thus inspired young generations to continue and extend Scandinavian-British research.
Can be purchased online here:
Can be purchased online:, or follow link below.
ISBN: 91-7276-075-3
Can be purchased through Swedish Science Press:
In spite of being the most widespread place-name element in the western Viking-Age colonies, the place-name element toft has received very little attention since Bengt Holmberg’s thesis published in 1948. During surveys undertaken by me in the early 2000’s, it is, however, clear that there is a good deal more information to be culled from this name type and its importance as an active naming element in the Viking-Age colonies than has hitherto been acknowledged.
This article is partly a réévaluation of the hundreds of examples of the name type in Normandy (ending in -tot/-tôt) and partly a comparison with occurrences of the name type in England (-toft), Scotland (-toft and -tobhta) and the Faeroes (-tóft(ir)). The result is a considerable amount of reinterpretations of the Normandy toft-names, particularly reducing the number of personal names hitherto claimed to form part of the specifics in this material, see appendix.
Résumé en français
En dépit d’être l’élément de nom de lieu le plus répandu dans les colonies de l’Âge Viking occidentales, l’élément toft a reçu très peu d’attention depuis la thèse de Bengt Holmberg publié en 1948. Au cours de mes enquêtes menées dans les années 2000, il devient evident que beaucoup plus d’informations pourra être extraites à partir de ce type de nom et de son importance en tant qu’élément de nomination actif dans les colonies de l’Âge Viking qu’antérieurement reconnu.
Cet article est en partie une réévaluation des centaines d’exemples du type de nom en Normandie (se terminant en -tot/-tôt) et en partie d’une comparaison avec les occurrences du type de nom en Angleterre (-toft), Ecosse (-toft et -tobhta) et les îles Féroé (-tóft(ir)). Le résultat est une quantité considérable de réinterprétations des noms toft en Normandie, en réduisant notamment le nombre de noms de personnes revendiqué jusqu’à présent pour former une partie des spécificités de ce matériau, voir l’appendix.