Papers by Josep Vidal-Conti

espanolEl aprendizaje cooperativo es una metodologia educativa basada en la interaccion en grupos... more espanolEl aprendizaje cooperativo es una metodologia educativa basada en la interaccion en grupos de trabajo reducidos, en los queel alumnado interioriza la corresponsabilidad en el aprendizaje de todo tipo de contenidos. En los ultimos anos esta metodologia inclusivase esta instaurando en las aulas de educacion infantil, primaria y secundaria de las Islas Baleares. Por ello, este trabajo nace de laimplementacion de una experiencia docente universitaria a traves del aprendizaje cooperativo en la asignatura de segundo curso del gradode educacion primaria titulada «Educacion Fisica y su didactica» situada en el departamento de Pedagogia y Didacticas especificas de laUniversidad de las Islas Baleares. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar el grado de aceptacion del alumnado de la asignatura deEducacion fisica y su didactica basandose en la utilizacion del trabajo cooperativo. Destaca la utilizacion del diario de practicas comoherramienta para el desarrollo de la asignatura. Los res...

espanolEl envejecimiento activo y saludable se ha convertido en una de las prioridades en la agen... more espanolEl envejecimiento activo y saludable se ha convertido en una de las prioridades en la agenda de los organismos de salud publica. La actividad fisica juega un papel crucial en la mejora de la salud. En la ultima decada, las capacidades tecnicas de la telefonia movil han evolucionado enormemente mostrando su aptitud para prescribir ejercicio fisico. La escasa evidencia cientifica en este sentido muestra la necesidad de confirmar este potencial mediante ensayos controlados bien disenados. En este capitulo se presenta por un lado una revision teorica de la importancia del ejercicio fisico durante el envejecimiento y la aparicion de la salud movil como metodologia innovadora para prescribir ejercicio fisico. Paralelamente, se senalan los resultados de una intervencion de ejercicio fisico prescrita mediante una aplicacion movil de mensajeria instantanea en una poblacion de edad avanzada. Los resultados del estudio muestran una disminucion en la presion arterial sistolica y en la fr...

Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 2021
Background Active commuting to school (ACS) is an important source to increase the total daily ph... more Background Active commuting to school (ACS) is an important source to increase the total daily physical activity in youth and improve their health. How the ACS rates change along the time is of interest. The objective of this study was to examine trends in the rates of ACS in a large sample of Spanish children and adolescents aged 6-18 years from 2010 to 2017. The study period included the economic crisis in Spain (2008 to 2013) and secondary analysis was conducted to compare ACS rates during and after the economic crisis. Methods To investigate trends in ACS among Spanish children and adolescents, data were obtained from 28 studies conducted across Spain. The study sample comprised 18,343 children (6 to 11.9 years old; 50.5% girls) and 18,438 adolescents (12 to 18 years old; 49.5% girls). The overall trends in ACS were evaluated using multilevel logistic regression analysis. Results The rates of ACS in Spanish children and adolescents did not change signi cantly during the 2010-2017 period, except a sporadic increase in the rate of ACS in adolescents in 2012-2013. No signi cant association between the ACS and the economic crisis time period in either children or adolescents were found. These ndings are in contrast to recently reported declines in ACS rates in other countries. Conclusions Strong partnerships between researchers, public health practitioners, policy-makers and communities, as well as long-term commitment and evaluations of interventions aiming to increase ACS are necessary to ensure positive results in the long term.

Apunts Educació Física i Esports, 2019
The aim of this study is to present the validation of a questionnaire to obtain objective data sh... more The aim of this study is to present the validation of a questionnaire to obtain objective data showing which aspects affect and can be improved in relation to the physical and emotional health of students between 6 and 12 years old during recess time in order to design changes in educational aspects. The 29-question survey seeks to reveal, through comprehensibility and internal validation, aspects related to wellbeing, health, relationships and physical activity during leisure time at school. The study was conducted in a school in Majorca using a random cluster sampling technique. In the first and second stages, 26 and 44 students, respectively, were selected from the fifth and sixth years of primary education. The questionnaire was validated through discussion by a panel of experts, an initial test of comprehensibility and the viability of the data collection methodology, and a test/ re-test to assess its reliability, consistency and validity. The results in terms of the questionnaire's comprehensibility are extremely satisfactory, as virtually all the questions were understood by the study sample. Content validity is also very high, with mean concordance values of 92.2% and mean kappa values of .64. Therefore, we can say that understanding is extremely satisfactory and reliability is excellent.
cultura_ciencia_deporte, 2016
Identificación de predictores de actividad física en escolares según el modelo socio-ecológico me... more Identificación de predictores de actividad física en escolares según el modelo socio-ecológico mediante un análisis multifactorial

European Spine Journal, 2012
Purpose Population based studies have demonstrated that children and adolescents often complain o... more Purpose Population based studies have demonstrated that children and adolescents often complain of low back pain. A group-randomized controlled trial was carried out to investigate the effects of a postural education program on school backpack habits related to low back pain in children aged 10-12 year. Methods The study sample included 137 children aged 10.7 years (SD = 0.672). Six classes from two primary schools were randomly allocated into experimental group (EG) (N = 63) or control group (CG) (N = 74). The EG received a postural education program over 6 weeks consisting of six sessions, while the CG followed the usual school curriculum. A questionnaire was fulfilled by the participants at pre-test, post-test, and 3 months after the intervention finished. The outcomes collected were: (1) try to load the minimum weight possible, (2) carry school backpack on two shoulders, (3) belief that school backpack weight does not affect to the back, and (4) the use of locker or something similar at school. A sum score was computed from the four items. Results Single healthy items mostly improved after the intervention and remained improved after 3-month follow-up in EG, while no substantial changes were observed in the CG. Healthy backpack use habits score was significantly increased at post-test compared to baseline in the EG (P \ 0.000), and remained significantly increased after 3-month, compared to baseline (P = 0.001). No significant changes were observed in the CG (P [ 0.2). Conclusions The present study findings confirm that children are able to learn healthy backpack habits which might prevent future low back pain.
Supplemental material, sj-rar-1-jhi-10.1177_1460458220987275 for The effects of a physical activi... more Supplemental material, sj-rar-1-jhi-10.1177_1460458220987275 for The effects of a physical activity intervention based on a fatness and fitness smartphone app for University students by Adrià Muntaner-Mas, Victor A Sanchez-Azanza, Francisco B Ortega, Josep Vidal-Conti, Pere Antoni Borràs, Jaume Cantallops and Pere Palou in Health Informatics Journal

Health informatics journal, 2021
Since the 2012 Lancet Series on physical activity, progress regarding this topic has been negligi... more Since the 2012 Lancet Series on physical activity, progress regarding this topic has been negligible at global level. Thus, improving physical activity levels in specific populations through new methodologies is positioned as a priority. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of a physical activity intervention on body fatness composition, and measured and self-reported physical fitness components based on the use of a smartphone app. The investigation included 100 Spanish university students, cluster-randomized into the smartphone app intervention group or a control group (n = 35 and n = 31 respectively, after applying exclusion criteria). The physical activity intervention comprised a 9-week programme designed to promote a healthy physical activity pattern using a smartphone app. Specifically, an mHealth approach was taken containing five BCTs. The results showed that the intervention group improved their physical fitness (F = 8.1, p = .006) and reported better general...

Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation, Jan 21, 2018
Low back pain (LBP) is one of the biggest health problems worldwide. The purpose of this study wa... more Low back pain (LBP) is one of the biggest health problems worldwide. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between sports participation (duration and type) and LBP related outcomes in childhood. This cross-sectional study involved 5th and 6th grade primary school students. The final sample included 2,032 children aged 10-12 years old. Children completed a questionnaire about the prevalence of LBP and some LBP-related outcomes. In addition, the participants were surveyed about the type of sport they did and the duration. There appears to be no relation between sports participation and severity of LBP-related outcomes studied, independently of their duration. Participating in football ⩾ 4 hours per week was associated with a decreased of six LBP-related outcomes (OR ranging from 0.54 to 0.66). Basketball participation does not seem to affect in developing back problems amongst children. It can be suggested with caution that doing sport is not dangerous for LBP p...

Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 2017
Childhood and adolescents' obesity remains a public health concern. In addition, it has been repo... more Childhood and adolescents' obesity remains a public health concern. In addition, it has been reported that youth population do not reach the international recommendations for physical activity. The aims of the present study were to determine the prevalence and risk factors of overweight and obesity, and to investigate the lifestyle determinants of physical activity practice in children and adolescents of the Balearic Islands (Spain). A cross-sectional survey (n = 3164; 44.2% girls; 10-16 years old) was carried out. Weight and height were assessed to estimate obesity prevalence according to the International Obesity Task Force cutoffs for body mass index. Physical activity patterns, sedentary behaviours, lifestyles determinants and parental characteristics were surveyed. The prevalence of overweight and obesity among Balearic Islands youth aged 10 to 16 years was 22.3% and 19.2%, respectively. Low parental educational level was associated with higher levels of children's and adolescent's body mass index, in both genders. The probability of being an overweight children and adolescent was increased significantly with a mother who never practice physical activity. Physically inactive children and adolescents had one and half (boys) and two (girls) times higher odds of being obese than physically active. Girls who exceeded 2 h per day of media screen time had a significantly higher body mass index. Parental educational level, mother's physical activity practice, size of municipality of school, media screen time and physical activity are important factors of obesity among Balearic Islands children and adolescent.

Revista De Psicologia Del Deporte, 2014
The aim of this research study is to explore the existence of back pain in schoolchildren aged 10... more The aim of this research study is to explore the existence of back pain in schoolchildren aged 10-12 years old related to sports practice or not, sports type, frequency, and gender differences. This study was carried out using a sample of 2270 schoolchildren (1214 boys and 1056 girls) aged 10-12, resident in Mallorca. The sample was chosen using intentional random sampling. The questionnaire and method for gathering the data were previously validated using the test-rest reliability method. The results show the existence of low back pain among 38.3% of the schoolchildren (34.5% boys and 42.8% girls) suffers from back pain. There is a significant relationship between back pain and sport practice, positively in boys and negativity in girls, being explicated for the different sports practice according to gender. The highest values of back pain incidence were found in volleyball, masculine gymnastics and swimming more the 4 hours per week, and in rhythmic gymnastics. This study suggests, according to the results, back pain as a problem that affects the young population, especially to girls. The type of sport and its frequency is determinant to define if a sport could be or not a risk factor related to low back pain.

The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, Jan 11, 2015
This pilot study evaluated the feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of a 10-week WhatsApp-ba... more This pilot study evaluated the feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of a 10-week WhatsApp-based intervention aimed at enhancing health-related physical fitness components and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors compared with a face-to-face condition. Participants (n= 32) were assigned to one of three groups: Training group (n= 16), Mobile group (n= 7) and Control group (n= 9). Training group and Mobile group performed the same training program, based on strength training with elastics bands and aerobic exercise, during 10 weeks; only the delivery mode differed. The Mobile group increased handgrip strength, aerobic capacity and decreased systolic blood pressure and heart rate after exercise though there were no significant differences respect to Control group. The Training group decreased significantly systolic blood pressure (P = 0.038), diastolic blood pressure (P = 0.005), mean arterial pressure (P = 0.006) and heart rate after exercise (P = 0.002), respect to Control g...

Health informatics journal, Jan 3, 2015
Physical inactivity is a health problem that affects people worldwide and has been identified as ... more Physical inactivity is a health problem that affects people worldwide and has been identified as the fourth largest risk factor for overall mortality (contributing to 6% of deaths globally). Many researchers have tried to increase physical activity levels through traditional methods without much success. Thus, many researchers are turning to mobile technology as an emerging method for changing health behaviours. This systematic review sought to summarise and update the existing scientific literature on increasing physical activity through mobile device interventions, taking into account the methodological quality of the studies. The articles were identified by searching the PubMed, SCOPUS and SPORTDiscus databases for studies published between January 2003 and December 2013. Studies investigating efforts to increase physical activity through mobile phone or even personal digital assistant interventions were included. The search results allowed the inclusion of 11 studies that gave r...
... Spine, 21(20), 2323-2328. 5. Burton, AK, Balague, F., Cardon, G. i COST B13 Working Group on ... more ... Spine, 21(20), 2323-2328. 5. Burton, AK, Balague, F., Cardon, G. i COST B13 Working Group on Guidelines for Prevention in Low Back Pain. (2006). ... 22. Harreby, M., Nygaard, B., Jessen, T., Larsen, E., Storr-Paulsen, A., Lindahl, A., Fisker, I. y Laegaard, E. (1999). ...

The aim of this pilot study was to determine (a) the effects of high intensity strength training ... more The aim of this pilot study was to determine (a) the effects of high intensity strength training in the workplace on blood pressure, fat percentage and physical fitness in overweight adults, and (b) the influence of this intervention on the blood pressure in a subsample of hypertensive subjects. Overweight adults (n=15) aged 42.8 years underwent anthropometric assessment (weight, fat percentage, waist circumference, and triceps skinfold), physical fitness assessment (leg extensor power, upper body endurance, hand grip strength and Vo2max) and blood pressure assessment before and after 8 weeks of high intensity resistance training in the workplace. Each training session consisted of 16 sets of 45 repetitions performed at 1 repetition per second, decreasing load at the point of muscular failure starting at 60% of repetition maximum (RM). The effects of the intervention were analyzed by paired sample t-tests. For exploratory purposes, a non-parametric test was also performed (Wilcoxon matched-pair signed-rank) to examine if this decision could affect the results. Weight, body fat percentage, and triceps skinfold decreased significantly with the high intensity resistance training protocol in the workplace (all P<0.05). Performance in physical fitness tests increased significantly with training (all P<0.05), except for handgrip strength. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly with R-HIRT in the workplace (all P <0.05) in hypertensive subjects (n=10). This protocol performed in the workplace in this pilot study produces health and fitness benefits in overweight and hypertensive people.

espanolEn el presente articulo se exponen los beneficios del ejercicio fisico y la importancia qu... more espanolEn el presente articulo se exponen los beneficios del ejercicio fisico y la importancia que tiene en las personas mayores. Para empezar se realiza una introduccion en la que se destacan los rasgos principales que definen a la sociedad actual, caracterizada, entre otros aspectos, por ser cada vez mas sedentaria; se hace patente la necesidad de un cambio de planteamiento en el que el ejercicio fisico forme parte de nuestras vidas, ya que, de forma general, posibilita que tengamos una mejor calidad de vida. Seguidamente, se distinguen los conceptos de actividad fisica y ejercicio fisico, siendo este ultimo el mas indicando para referirnos a un trabajo planificado, estructurado, repetitivo y progresivo, con el objetivo de mejorar o mantener la condicion fisica. Se muestran las investigaciones mas innovadoras en el terreno de la calidad de vida y se indica como el ejercicio fisico puede contribuir a su consecucion. Es fundamental que las personas mayores tomen conciencia de que un...
Aquest article sintetitza els aspectes mes rellevants de la tesi doctoral del doctor Jaime Cantal... more Aquest article sintetitza els aspectes mes rellevants de la tesi doctoral del doctor Jaime Cantallops Ramon, enfocada en l'elaboracio d'un programa aquatic i en la seva aplicacio, al CEE Pinyol Vermell (ASPACE) de Mallorca, amb un plantejament educatiu
The research presented is motivated by the lack of studies and experiences that relate to the aqu... more The research presented is motivated by the lack of studies and experiences that relate to the aquatic environment as a learning tool for severely affected people. Specifically, in this case, it shows how water can act as a facilitator of interpersonal relationships in children with Angelman syndrome. The aim of this study was to develop and implement an aquatic education with an approach aimed at severely affected students a special education center, with the intention of providing an educational resource that could contribute to their education and, while, evaluate the benefits observed. For this purpose, a sample of two participants diagnosed with Angelman syndrome, aged 12 and 14. The information was collected

El objetivo de esta investigacion es estudiar la existencia de dolor de espalda en escolares y de... more El objetivo de esta investigacion es estudiar la existencia de dolor de espalda en escolares y determinar los factores de riesgo asociados a un mayor riesgo de padecerlo con el fin de disenar una intervencion. El presente estudio se llevo a cabo en 178 escolares (94 ninos y 84 ninas) de 10-12 anos, de Mallorca. La seleccion de los colegios se realizo por aleatorizacion estratificada, en funcion de tamano del centro, tipo y ubicacion. El cuestionario y la metodologia de recogida de datos fueron previamente validados mediante el metodo test-retest. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la existencia de dolor de espalda fue del 61.2% (ninos en un 45.7% y ninas en un 78.6%). No existe relacion significativa alguna entre el deporte ni las horas de practica con la existencia o no de sintomas de dolor de espalda en los jovenes. En cuanto al peso de las mochilas, su peso medio fue 4.99 kg. equivalente al 11.9% del peso corporal de los ninos/as. Este estudio sugiere, a partir de los resultad...
Papers by Josep Vidal-Conti