Jordi Maíz
Professor of Medieval History, specialized in social minorities and heterodoxies. He has focused his studies in recent years on the study of violence in the Middle Ages, on the repression of the Jews and historiographical discourses. Social History, Economic History and Historiography.
Address: Jordi Maíz Chacón
Edifici Ramon Llull
Despatx AB11 - Tlf +34 971 172397
Departament de Ciències Històriques i Teoria de les Arts
Universitat de les Illes Balears
Cra. de Valldemossa, km 7.5. 07122 Palma (Illes Balears)
correu-e - [email protected]
Address: Jordi Maíz Chacón
Edifici Ramon Llull
Despatx AB11 - Tlf +34 971 172397
Departament de Ciències Històriques i Teoria de les Arts
Universitat de les Illes Balears
Cra. de Valldemossa, km 7.5. 07122 Palma (Illes Balears)
correu-e - [email protected]
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Papers by Jordi Maíz
Carolingians, and Vikings overlapped in this important geostrategic location in the western Mediterranean. This text addresses a state of the art and the main analyzes and controversies developed on the subject.
movement and the establishment of egalitarian communities
that embraced a lifestyle without taxes or private property. The
concern of the authorities and the resulting internal conflicts
highlighted significant changes and internal struggles. Leaders
such as Jan Žižka adopted more aggressive and violent stances,
considering Prague and other cities as enemies. In this context,
Petr Chelčický, influenced by the Taborites, emerges as a
prominent figure. His critical writings towards the clergy and
the Church defend pacifism, egalitarianism, and communism,
advocating for the autonomy of the Czech church and opposing
German domination. Chelčický distances himself from the
Hussites due to his rejection of violence and in his hometown,
he develops an extensive body of work proposing a life free from
materialism and power conflicts. His local influence is
significant, leaving a legacy in the religious and social reforms of
the era and beyond.
Carolingians, and Vikings overlapped in this important geostrategic location in the western Mediterranean. This text addresses a state of the art and the main analyzes and controversies developed on the subject.
movement and the establishment of egalitarian communities
that embraced a lifestyle without taxes or private property. The
concern of the authorities and the resulting internal conflicts
highlighted significant changes and internal struggles. Leaders
such as Jan Žižka adopted more aggressive and violent stances,
considering Prague and other cities as enemies. In this context,
Petr Chelčický, influenced by the Taborites, emerges as a
prominent figure. His critical writings towards the clergy and
the Church defend pacifism, egalitarianism, and communism,
advocating for the autonomy of the Czech church and opposing
German domination. Chelčický distances himself from the
Hussites due to his rejection of violence and in his hometown,
he develops an extensive body of work proposing a life free from
materialism and power conflicts. His local influence is
significant, leaving a legacy in the religious and social reforms of
the era and beyond.
El regnat de Jaume III de Mallorca sintetitza a la perfecció la curta però complexa història del regne medieval de Mallorca. Les llegendes, les disputes ideològiques i els tòpics han conformat diverses visions de la trajectòria i transcendència històrica del regne privatiu. La seva vida va coincidir amb una etapa de forta desestabilització a la Mediterrània i de disputes polítiques i familiars amb el Casal de Barcelona. A hores dara, la figura i la vida del darrer rei de la monarquia mallorquina són objecte de debats tan intensos que en fan un personatge incòmode per una banda i lloat per una altra. Aquest volum recull les aportacions de diversos especialistes que descriuen i expliquen, amb rigor històric i documental, una etapa molt suggeridora de la història mallorquina. Es tracta duna obra amb la qual podem revisar lèpoca de Jaume III i la seva vida set-cents anys després del seu naixement.
Pau Cateura Bennàsser / Jordi Maíz Chacón / Lluís Tudela Villalonga
TAMID: Revista Catalana Anual d´Estudis Hebraics, ISSN 1138-5561, ISSN-e 2013-4029, Nº. 8, 2012, págs. 202-206