Papers by Simona Modreanu

Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science
The term “knowledge” is difficult to understand when we want to define it. This is why “knowledge... more The term “knowledge” is difficult to understand when we want to define it. This is why “knowledge” has been reconstructed as a cluster concept that points out relevant features but that is not adequately captured by any definition. As long as knowledge can only be situated in forms of time, it is doomed to remain truncated and to manifest disjointly. Knowledge’s lack of unity is expressed into different forms of knowledge. Fragmented by the cutouts that allowed its manifestation, knowledge is - whatever type of knowledge we talk about - incomplete, subjective, limited and fragmentary and, in most cases, it is not possible to understand exhaustively a specific domain. That is why, in this paper, we pursue a transdisciplinary exercise, involving science and religion, and an interdisciplinary one, involving disciplines and theories found in the complex systems theory.
L'article explore des sujets tels que l'identité littéraire francophone, ou l'inserti... more L'article explore des sujets tels que l'identité littéraire francophone, ou l'insertion d'une langue étrangère dans la langue d'expression, rendant celle-ci plus vive, plus profonde, plus joyeuse, jouant avec les mots et les voix narratives, détestant et tuant les mots afin d'approcher le réel, les sensations naturelles, tout ceci à l'aide du roman La Symphonie du loup, de l'écrivain roumain-suisse, Marius Daniel Popescu.
Paralleles, 2016
The transnational circulation of works is largely connected to existing translations and to the r... more The transnational circulation of works is largely connected to existing translations and to the role of the press in their dissemination. The aim of this article is to establish the type of relationship between the two poles and to determine the mediator’s position, by examining how the transmission of francophone literary translations is reflected in Swedish and Romanian journals between 2010 and 2014. Starting from the models developed by Sapiro (2007) and Casanova (2002), this study points out three discourse types: autonomous, heteronomous and hybrid. The first is focused on the international field and overconsecrates the Metropolitan French writers, the second develops a heterodoxical, subversive voice, and the third is hybrid, both nationally and globally oriented. This case study tentatively advances theoretical classifications.
Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 2022
From the Hindu Vedas and the ancient Greek philosophy to the modern transdisciplinary vision and ... more From the Hindu Vedas and the ancient Greek philosophy to the modern transdisciplinary vision and complex thought are solid proofs that the identification of the truly indivisible, ultimate particle. Science has reached nowadays the frontiers of metaphysics, and quantum physics, the levels of reality, the fractals, the holographic universe, the standard model of cosmology, etc. cause human beings to ask themselves again the questions that science cannot answer: Where do we come from? Who are we? Where are we going?

A primera vista es difícil encontrar dos personali- dades, dos estilos y dos obras más diferente... more A primera vista es difícil encontrar dos personali- dades, dos estilos y dos obras más diferentes que las del pensador francés de origen rumano, Emil Cioran, y las del escritor canadiense francófono, acerca de la identidad-conceptos densos y fecundos, ante el cruzamiento del singular y del colectivo, del consciente y del subconsciente-ponen en juego nociones comunes: representación, pertenencia, ser, otro, reconocimiento y (re) construcción, conformidad y diferencia, ejes de búsqueda que pueden echar por tierra el estudio de cada uno de los escritores mencionados. E igualmente para todos aquellos que los cambiarían al principio dentro de su propio escudo hermenéutico: el nihilista subversivo, vigilante de un mun- do en deriva, y el prosista para jóvenes, cínico y amargo, tratando el dicho derivado con los medios del siglo XXI. Al fondo de todo esto hay la misma distancia consigo mismo, la misma angustia vital, el mismo gusto de la consumación a toda velocidad, del sensacionalismo ...
La trilogie narrative de Rachid Mimouni fait ressortir des nuances interprétatives multiples, se ... more La trilogie narrative de Rachid Mimouni fait ressortir des nuances interprétatives multiples, se réclamant d'une pensée complexe qui englobe plusieurs dimensions : linguistique, identitaire, culturelle, idéologique, historique. L'héritage traditionnel et l'adstrat français se combinent pour donner naissance à une littérature riche, fracturée, mais ambivalente, infusée de saveurs variées, qui se forge des moyens adéquats d'expression d'une vision moderne et somme toute unitaire.
Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 2022
In this paper, we aim at a transdisciplinary approach on atomicity. We especially focus on the ma... more In this paper, we aim at a transdisciplinary approach on atomicity. We especially focus on the mathematical perspective and we highlight the intimate, usual, defining property of the atom of being, in a sense, the essential indestructible, indivisible, irreducible, minimal, and self-similar unity. Using notions, concepts, and results, we try to answer the question \What is the atom?" from a mathematical perspective, offering at the same time a series of possible interpretations and meanings that exceed its strict limits.
Îles réelles, îles fictionnelles
Si le mot brièveté, du latin breuitas traduction du grec brakhulogia, a connu un essor valorisant... more Si le mot brièveté, du latin breuitas traduction du grec brakhulogia, a connu un essor valorisant, le mot brachylogie a rejoint les tropes avec une valeur péjorative. Réinventer la brachylogie entre dialectique et rhétorique c'est la définir comme la forme-sens poétique d'une écriture brachylogique.
![Research paper thumbnail of Revista de cercetare [i interven]ie social\ (electronic) Selected by coverage in Social Sciences Citation Index, ISI databases MAJOR LANGUAGE, MINOR DESTINY? THE SPACE OF FRANCOPHONE LIBERTY Major Language, Minor Destiny? The Space of Francophone Liberty](
and Holt Romania Foundation REVISTA DE CERCETARE SI INTERVENTIE SOCIALA is indexed by ISI Thomson... more and Holt Romania Foundation REVISTA DE CERCETARE SI INTERVENTIE SOCIALA is indexed by ISI Thomson Reuters-Social Sciences Citation Index (Sociology and Social Work Domains) Working together expert projects publishing 291 Abstract As a semiotic being, producing sense, man lives in a symbolic universe, where language plays an essential part. For a writer, the choice of a "major" language, like French, is problematic because it represents the beginning of a complex process, sometimes conflicting, involving two or several cultural traditions, history and life experience. But it is also a chance to define a francophone polyphonic "space", beyond all geographical or institutional considerations, beyond physical space or concrete time, where a writer (like the Romanian-Swiss one, Marius Daniel Popescu) feels free to develop, throughout a language which is different in many ways from the classical French, a new literature, disregarding traditional genres and ...

Mediation is more than translation. A study on the reception of translations of French-language l... more Mediation is more than translation. A study on the reception of translations of French-language literature in the Swedish and Romanian press – Abstract The transnational circulation of a work is largely dependent on existing translations and the role of the press in its dissemination. This article aims to establish the relationship between these two factors and to define the mediator's position, by examining the reception of translations of French-language literarature in Swedish and Romanian newspapers between 2010 and 2014. Basing itself on the models developed by Sapiro (2007) and Casanova (2002), this study identifies three discourse types: autonomous, heteronomous and hybrid. The first focuses on the international field and overconsecrates the Metropolitan French writers; the second features the development of a heterodoxical, subversive voice; and the third is a hybrid, both nationally-and globally-oriented. Through this study, we observe that there tends to be a shift in ...
Papers by Simona Modreanu