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    • Aristotel
As a semiotic being, producing sense, man lives in a symbolic universe, where language plays an essential part. For a writer, the choice of a "major" language, like French, is problematic because it represents the beginning of a complex... more
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    • French Literature
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For the last sixty years, the French novel has sought for one or several aesthetic paths, failing to do so and sputtering into lots of individual perspectives, with an autofictional ruling pattern and with an increasing role of the media.... more
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and Holt Romania Foundation REVISTA DE CERCETARE SI INTERVENTIE SOCIALA is indexed by ISI Thomson Reuters-Social Sciences Citation Index (Sociology and Social Work Domains) Working together expert projects publishing 291... more
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In this paper, we aim at a transdisciplinary approach on atomicity. We especially focus on the mathematical perspective and we highlight the intimate, usual, defining property of the atom of being, in a sense, the essential... more
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    • Second Language Composition
La trilogie narrative de Rachid Mimouni fait ressortir des nuances interprétatives multiples, se réclamant d'une pensée complexe qui englobe plusieurs dimensions : linguistique, identitaire, culturelle, idéologique, historique.... more
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A primera vista es difícil encontrar dos personali-­ dades, dos estilos y dos obras más diferentes que las del pensador francés de origen rumano, Emil Cioran, y las del escritor canadiense francófono, acerca de la identidad-conceptos... more
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From the Hindu Vedas and the ancient Greek philosophy to the modern transdisciplinary vision and complex thought are solid proofs that the identification of the truly indivisible, ultimate particle. Science has reached nowadays the... more
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The term “knowledge” is difficult to understand when we want to define it. This is why “knowledge” has been reconstructed as a cluster concept that points out relevant features but that is not adequately captured by any definition. As... more
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      EpistemologyRevelationDomain KnowledgeSituated
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