Monica Pinto Mendes
Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla, Master in Human Resources Management, Department Member
The BA in European Studies, I have followed allowed me to gain in-depth insight into the various aspects of the European Union and knowledge of European affairs, with emphasis on art, literature and culture.
The MA in Human Resources Management allows me to manage people to achieve better performance. Optimizing companies to perform through better management of human resources.
As a volunteer in an NGO - Mentoring 50+ qualified professionals. As a coach, I provide motivation and feedback. Positive, and constructive feedback reinforces or change behaviour which helps the mentee to develop professional interests, and set realistic career goals/plan that outlines what knowledge, skills, and abilities are needed to reach career goals.3C's
Research and promoting synergies, facilitating agile partnerships between employment agencies, companies in different sectors, and learning institutions to support increased demand for skills, competencies or resources in response to concrete professional needs. It is very rewarding.
Address: Portugal
The MA in Human Resources Management allows me to manage people to achieve better performance. Optimizing companies to perform through better management of human resources.
As a volunteer in an NGO - Mentoring 50+ qualified professionals. As a coach, I provide motivation and feedback. Positive, and constructive feedback reinforces or change behaviour which helps the mentee to develop professional interests, and set realistic career goals/plan that outlines what knowledge, skills, and abilities are needed to reach career goals.3C's
Research and promoting synergies, facilitating agile partnerships between employment agencies, companies in different sectors, and learning institutions to support increased demand for skills, competencies or resources in response to concrete professional needs. It is very rewarding.
Address: Portugal
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Recensões/Reviews by Monica Pinto Mendes
Night Will Fall – The documentary on the German concentration camps. Turning attention to the documentary Night Will Fall, from Bernstein and Hitchcock's original project (1945), although unfinished, is undoubtedly a valuable and powerful proof of the atrocities committed by the Nazis within the concentration camps. This historical document, which covers the footage filmed at the end of World War II by the Allies, is a key tool for teaching and prevention, ensuring that history is not repeated.
Keywords: Allies, European Cinema, Hitchcock, Nazism, Holocaust.
Papers by Monica Pinto Mendes
A Evolução do Cinema Europeu desde o seu aparecimento até à I Guerra Mundial
By learning about the earliest technologies, and how their inventors were influenced by each other, we can gain a better understanding of the cinema of the past as well as the future (Ezra, 2004: 39),(1) leva-nos a conhecer e a melhor compreender porque a invenção do cinema é indubitavelmente atribuída a várias personalidades, tais como: Thomas Edison, George Eastman. Eastman, em 1884 inventou a bobine, posteriormente, as perfurações nas extremidades das películas, contribuindo para a precisão junto da objetiva.
Podemos dividir o trabalho de Rembrandt em três períodos/fases tal como salientar as três temáticas mais comuns...
O objetivo é refletir sobre a importância destes processos, as suas dimensões teóricas e práticas aplicadas para o desenvolvimento comunitário.
Exemplificando com um projeto (caso de sucesso) desenvolvido inicialmente num Bairro identificado como Bairro de Intervenção Prioritária em Lisboa.
Artigos | OPINIÃO by Monica Pinto Mendes
Night Will Fall – The documentary on the German concentration camps. Turning attention to the documentary Night Will Fall, from Bernstein and Hitchcock's original project (1945), although unfinished, is undoubtedly a valuable and powerful proof of the atrocities committed by the Nazis within the concentration camps. This historical document, which covers the footage filmed at the end of World War II by the Allies, is a key tool for teaching and prevention, ensuring that history is not repeated.
Keywords: Allies, European Cinema, Hitchcock, Nazism, Holocaust.
A Evolução do Cinema Europeu desde o seu aparecimento até à I Guerra Mundial
By learning about the earliest technologies, and how their inventors were influenced by each other, we can gain a better understanding of the cinema of the past as well as the future (Ezra, 2004: 39),(1) leva-nos a conhecer e a melhor compreender porque a invenção do cinema é indubitavelmente atribuída a várias personalidades, tais como: Thomas Edison, George Eastman. Eastman, em 1884 inventou a bobine, posteriormente, as perfurações nas extremidades das películas, contribuindo para a precisão junto da objetiva.
Podemos dividir o trabalho de Rembrandt em três períodos/fases tal como salientar as três temáticas mais comuns...
O objetivo é refletir sobre a importância destes processos, as suas dimensões teóricas e práticas aplicadas para o desenvolvimento comunitário.
Exemplificando com um projeto (caso de sucesso) desenvolvido inicialmente num Bairro identificado como Bairro de Intervenção Prioritária em Lisboa.