Contoh daftar pustaka untuk website bila tidak terdapat pengarang:, 2006, http:... more Contoh daftar pustaka untuk website bila tidak terdapat pengarang:, 2006, MF/index.jsp. 30. Bi la terdapat rumus, maka tidak diperlukan penomoran rumus. 31. Rumus atau karakter yang unik, diketik dengan menggunakan font symbol 11 pt. Misalnya: !), a, dan Jainnya. 32. Bila memungkinkan rumus dapat diketik dengan bantuan Microsoft Equation. 33. Penulis dapat mencantumkan Ucapan Terima Kasih atau Acknowledgement sebelum Daftar Pustaka. 34. Penulis disarankan merujuk pada 2 atau lebih artikel terbitan MABIS sebelumnya. 35. Daftar pusta ka harus merujuk pada artikel terbitan terbaru, dengan usia terbit tidak lebih dari 10 tahun, kecuali untuk artikel yang bersifat seminal. 36. Untuk contoh format artikel sesuai pedoman penulisan MABIS dapat diperoleh de ngan me nghubungi kantor Tim Penyunting melalui telepon, fax
Reforming business licensing is a key starting point for improving the investment climate. Comple... more Reforming business licensing is a key starting point for improving the investment climate. Complex licensing procedures may encourage firms to remain unregistered, giving rise to difficulties later in accessing finance from formal financial institutions and constraining productivity and expansion. Across sectors, this can suppress the establishment of new firms and therefore the creation of new jobs, dragging down overall economic growth. Improving and reforming business licensing can significantly increase the number of businesses and thus help nurture employment creation. Several quick-win interventions are possible. First, there is a need to improve the quality of the business licensing website and help desk. The website and help desk should act as a frontline in dealing with investment regulations and policies for investors. Improvements should cover both hard and soft infrastructure of the website and help desk, including the skills of officials. Second, business license simplification should be continued by limiting licenses to those that serve their objective and cutting unnecessary licenses, and or consolidating licenses. Third, full implementation of electronic application and payment systems for business licenses should be fostered, together with increasing the nonfiscal incentives for firms to become registered. The registration system should also function as a nationwide database which could then be a source of reliable information both on firms and for firms, linked to government programs and grants, and business regulation updates. Fourth, a transparent system to show the progress of each business application should be set up, together with a recorded evaluation system in which users can provide feedback to improve the system. Finally, efforts in the medium term should focus on improving coordination among government agencies and clarifying the roles of central and local regulations, both horizontally and vertically.
Food security is a fundamental issue for a country or state. In Indonesia, there are still many p... more Food security is a fundamental issue for a country or state. In Indonesia, there are still many problems related to food, ranging from production to distribution problems. Indonesia's national food consumption is still dominated by grains, so its availability becomes important for the community. In this article, case studies on the availability and food security issues from three selected countries (Vietnam, India and Japan) are presented. Vietnam is one of the ASEAN members that has successfully built its food industries. Over the last thirty years, Vietnam has transformed from a food crisis country to a food-secure country. Meanwhile, India is a large and populous country that has built institutional systems in order to establish its national food policy. Other more advanced lessons are from Japan, which has developed its agriculture industry to achieve food security and sovereignty. Japan has successfully developed advanced technology in its agriculture and food industries. The technology is generated through synergy between the government, the private sector, and university, and reasonable to be implemented. Indonesia could learn important lessons from the three countries, particularly in building systems and institutions to manage food supplies (rice) and distribution channels. In addition, the Indonesian government should encourage the development of technology, such as to build data, improve the productivity and quality of the food, as well as the distribution system. By working on this, food policy making and implementation to achieve food security and sustainability will be effective and efficient.
Food security is a fundamental issue for a country or state. In Indonesia, there are still many p... more Food security is a fundamental issue for a country or state. In Indonesia, there are still many problems related to food, ranging from production to distribution problems. Indonesia's national food consumption is still dominated by grains, so its availability becomes important for the community. In this article, case studies on the availability and food security issues from three selected countries (Vietnam, India and Japan) are presented. Vietnam is one of the ASEAN members that has successfully built its food industries. Over the last thirty years, Vietnam has transformed from a food crisis country to a food-secure country. Meanwhile, India is a large and populous country that has built institutional systems in order to establish its national food policy. Other more advanced lessons are from Japan, which has developed its agriculture industry to achieve food security and sovereignty. Japan has successfully developed advanced technology in its agriculture and food industries. ...
Reforming business licensing is a key starting point for improving the investment climate. Comple... more Reforming business licensing is a key starting point for improving the investment climate. Complex licensing procedures may encourage firms to remain unregistered, giving rise to difficulties later in accessing finance from formal financial institutions and constraining productivity and expansion. Across sectors, this can suppress the establishment of new firms and therefore the creation of new jobs, dragging down overall economic growth. Improving and reforming business licensing can significantly increase the number of businesses and thus help nurture employment creation. Several quick-win interventions are possible. First, there is a need to improve the quality of the business licensing website and help desk. The website and help desk should act as a frontline in dealing with investment regulations and policies for investors. Improvements should cover both hard and soft infrastructure of the website and help desk, including the skills of officials. Second, business license simpli...
International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences, 2014
This paper highlights the important role of the four Emerging East Asian Economies (EEA-4), namel... more This paper highlights the important role of the four Emerging East Asian Economies (EEA-4), namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam in Asia. As China's growth pattern is changing as it moves up the income ladder, and is likely to rely more on consumption and less on investment and exports, and more on services and less on industry, these offer opportunities for EEA economies, particularly the EEA-4 to expand their economies through trade and investment. The EEA-4 could tap these opportunities as they have 3Ds: Durable macroeconomic, Domestic consumption and Demographic dividend. Nonetheless, they still face challenges of 3Cs: Credit, Competition and innovation and Confronting inequality. These economies should focus on how to optimize the growth potential of high value added sectors which will be beneficial for income growth and long-term prosperity. They have to be able to tap into its large pool of labor, while progressively moving up the value chain in the manufacturing and services sectors.
This study examines the determinants of Growth in Indonesia using time series data from the first... more This study examines the determinants of Growth in Indonesia using time series data from the first quarter of 1980 to fourth quarter of 2000. The result of OLS regression model shows that labor, physical capital, human capital, openness, and an institutional factor give positive effects to economic growth in Indonesia. This finding supports the arguments presented by neo-classical economists. The effect of institutional variable (e.g. inflation), in particular, exhibit the intervention of the central bank and the government in inflation and economic growth. Since the estimators consist of autocorrelation, the stationary test is applied to test the integration degrees and co-integration methodology is adopted to examine the linear combination of selected variables. The Granger’s two step error correction model tells us that the short-run disequilibrium is divergent from time to time from the long-run equilibrium, with the moderate speed of divergence. However, at least the long-run OL...
Contoh daftar pustaka untuk website bila tidak terdapat pengarang:, 2006, http:... more Contoh daftar pustaka untuk website bila tidak terdapat pengarang:, 2006, MF/index.jsp. 30. Bi la terdapat rumus, maka tidak diperlukan penomoran rumus. 31. Rumus atau karakter yang unik, diketik dengan menggunakan font symbol 11 pt. Misalnya: !), a, dan Jainnya. 32. Bila memungkinkan rumus dapat diketik dengan bantuan Microsoft Equation. 33. Penulis dapat mencantumkan Ucapan Terima Kasih atau Acknowledgement sebelum Daftar Pustaka. 34. Penulis disarankan merujuk pada 2 atau lebih artikel terbitan MABIS sebelumnya. 35. Daftar pusta ka harus merujuk pada artikel terbitan terbaru, dengan usia terbit tidak lebih dari 10 tahun, kecuali untuk artikel yang bersifat seminal. 36. Untuk contoh format artikel sesuai pedoman penulisan MABIS dapat diperoleh de ngan me nghubungi kantor Tim Penyunting melalui telepon, fax
Reforming business licensing is a key starting point for improving the investment climate. Comple... more Reforming business licensing is a key starting point for improving the investment climate. Complex licensing procedures may encourage firms to remain unregistered, giving rise to difficulties later in accessing finance from formal financial institutions and constraining productivity and expansion. Across sectors, this can suppress the establishment of new firms and therefore the creation of new jobs, dragging down overall economic growth. Improving and reforming business licensing can significantly increase the number of businesses and thus help nurture employment creation. Several quick-win interventions are possible. First, there is a need to improve the quality of the business licensing website and help desk. The website and help desk should act as a frontline in dealing with investment regulations and policies for investors. Improvements should cover both hard and soft infrastructure of the website and help desk, including the skills of officials. Second, business license simplification should be continued by limiting licenses to those that serve their objective and cutting unnecessary licenses, and or consolidating licenses. Third, full implementation of electronic application and payment systems for business licenses should be fostered, together with increasing the nonfiscal incentives for firms to become registered. The registration system should also function as a nationwide database which could then be a source of reliable information both on firms and for firms, linked to government programs and grants, and business regulation updates. Fourth, a transparent system to show the progress of each business application should be set up, together with a recorded evaluation system in which users can provide feedback to improve the system. Finally, efforts in the medium term should focus on improving coordination among government agencies and clarifying the roles of central and local regulations, both horizontally and vertically.
Food security is a fundamental issue for a country or state. In Indonesia, there are still many p... more Food security is a fundamental issue for a country or state. In Indonesia, there are still many problems related to food, ranging from production to distribution problems. Indonesia's national food consumption is still dominated by grains, so its availability becomes important for the community. In this article, case studies on the availability and food security issues from three selected countries (Vietnam, India and Japan) are presented. Vietnam is one of the ASEAN members that has successfully built its food industries. Over the last thirty years, Vietnam has transformed from a food crisis country to a food-secure country. Meanwhile, India is a large and populous country that has built institutional systems in order to establish its national food policy. Other more advanced lessons are from Japan, which has developed its agriculture industry to achieve food security and sovereignty. Japan has successfully developed advanced technology in its agriculture and food industries. The technology is generated through synergy between the government, the private sector, and university, and reasonable to be implemented. Indonesia could learn important lessons from the three countries, particularly in building systems and institutions to manage food supplies (rice) and distribution channels. In addition, the Indonesian government should encourage the development of technology, such as to build data, improve the productivity and quality of the food, as well as the distribution system. By working on this, food policy making and implementation to achieve food security and sustainability will be effective and efficient.
Food security is a fundamental issue for a country or state. In Indonesia, there are still many p... more Food security is a fundamental issue for a country or state. In Indonesia, there are still many problems related to food, ranging from production to distribution problems. Indonesia's national food consumption is still dominated by grains, so its availability becomes important for the community. In this article, case studies on the availability and food security issues from three selected countries (Vietnam, India and Japan) are presented. Vietnam is one of the ASEAN members that has successfully built its food industries. Over the last thirty years, Vietnam has transformed from a food crisis country to a food-secure country. Meanwhile, India is a large and populous country that has built institutional systems in order to establish its national food policy. Other more advanced lessons are from Japan, which has developed its agriculture industry to achieve food security and sovereignty. Japan has successfully developed advanced technology in its agriculture and food industries. ...
Reforming business licensing is a key starting point for improving the investment climate. Comple... more Reforming business licensing is a key starting point for improving the investment climate. Complex licensing procedures may encourage firms to remain unregistered, giving rise to difficulties later in accessing finance from formal financial institutions and constraining productivity and expansion. Across sectors, this can suppress the establishment of new firms and therefore the creation of new jobs, dragging down overall economic growth. Improving and reforming business licensing can significantly increase the number of businesses and thus help nurture employment creation. Several quick-win interventions are possible. First, there is a need to improve the quality of the business licensing website and help desk. The website and help desk should act as a frontline in dealing with investment regulations and policies for investors. Improvements should cover both hard and soft infrastructure of the website and help desk, including the skills of officials. Second, business license simpli...
International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences, 2014
This paper highlights the important role of the four Emerging East Asian Economies (EEA-4), namel... more This paper highlights the important role of the four Emerging East Asian Economies (EEA-4), namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam in Asia. As China's growth pattern is changing as it moves up the income ladder, and is likely to rely more on consumption and less on investment and exports, and more on services and less on industry, these offer opportunities for EEA economies, particularly the EEA-4 to expand their economies through trade and investment. The EEA-4 could tap these opportunities as they have 3Ds: Durable macroeconomic, Domestic consumption and Demographic dividend. Nonetheless, they still face challenges of 3Cs: Credit, Competition and innovation and Confronting inequality. These economies should focus on how to optimize the growth potential of high value added sectors which will be beneficial for income growth and long-term prosperity. They have to be able to tap into its large pool of labor, while progressively moving up the value chain in the manufacturing and services sectors.
This study examines the determinants of Growth in Indonesia using time series data from the first... more This study examines the determinants of Growth in Indonesia using time series data from the first quarter of 1980 to fourth quarter of 2000. The result of OLS regression model shows that labor, physical capital, human capital, openness, and an institutional factor give positive effects to economic growth in Indonesia. This finding supports the arguments presented by neo-classical economists. The effect of institutional variable (e.g. inflation), in particular, exhibit the intervention of the central bank and the government in inflation and economic growth. Since the estimators consist of autocorrelation, the stationary test is applied to test the integration degrees and co-integration methodology is adopted to examine the linear combination of selected variables. The Granger’s two step error correction model tells us that the short-run disequilibrium is divergent from time to time from the long-run equilibrium, with the moderate speed of divergence. However, at least the long-run OL...
Papers by anika widiana