Papers by Purnawan Junadi

Syntax Literate ; Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
Perkembangan bidang teknologi dan sistem informasi yang pesat memberi pengaruh di segala bidang k... more Perkembangan bidang teknologi dan sistem informasi yang pesat memberi pengaruh di segala bidang kehidupan manusia termasuk bidang kesehatan. Berbagai metode yang dikembangkan untuk menilai bagaimana teknologi tersebut diterima dan diterapkan dalam sistem rumah sakit. Salah satu metode yang dipakai adalah metode Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Konsep model TAM berkembang dari dua unsur kegununaan penggunaan dan kemudahan penggunaan. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah studi literatur. Kata kunci yang digunakan antara lain technology acceptance model, sistem manajemen dan informasi rumah sakit. Data base yang digunakan adalah Proquest, Embase, dan Scopus. Didapat total artikel 366 (terdiri dari (n=522) Proquest (n=32), Embase (n=44). Setelah di cek duplikasi dan dihilangkan dengan mesin otomatis sebanyak 44. Didapat 39 artikel. Kemudian dilakukan lagi penyortiran berdasarkan tahun (mulai tahun 2010 keatas) dan jenis artikel, maka didapat hasil akhir sebanyak 7 judul. TAM dapat digunaka...
IOP conference series, Apr 18, 2019
Medical Journal of Indonesia, Aug 1, 2009
Tujuan Mendapatkan metode diagnostik kanker paru dengan cara tidak invasif dengan HRCT sistem sko... more Tujuan Mendapatkan metode diagnostik kanker paru dengan cara tidak invasif dengan HRCT sistem skoring yang setara dengan pemeriksaa Patologi Anatomik.

Jurnal ekonomi kesehatan Indonesia, Dec 28, 2017
Puskesmas sebagai garda terdepan dalam pelayanan kesehatan dasar diharuskan menuntaskan kasus-kas... more Puskesmas sebagai garda terdepan dalam pelayanan kesehatan dasar diharuskan menuntaskan kasus-kasus non spesialistik. Namun, data laporan BPJS Kesehatan pada tahun 2015 menunjukkaan adanya 11.487 rujukan kasus non spesialistik dari 58 Puskesmas di Kabupaten Sukabumi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan tingginya rujukan kasus non spesialistik pasien JKN pada puskesmas di Kabupaten Sukabumi tahun 2015. Penelitian menggunakan desain cross sectional, pada sampel 58 Puskesmas dengan satu orang dokter dari setiap Puskesmas dengan menggunakan whole sampling. Hasil analisis data didapatkan ada hubungan antara wilayah (nilai p=0,000); kecukupan obat (nilai p=0,040); kecukupan alat kesehatan (nilai p=0,024) dan jarak puskesmas (nilai p=0,003) dengan rujukan kasus non spesialistik. Perlu adanya pemenuhan obat-obatan, alat kesehatan sesuai standar Puskesmas dan monitoring dan evaluasi rujukan kasus non spesialistik dari Puskesmas dan BPJS Kesehatan.

KnE Life Sciences, Dec 5, 2018
Stroke is the most common neurological problem encountered in an emergency department. The manage... more Stroke is the most common neurological problem encountered in an emergency department. The management of acute stroke in an emergency department in South Sumatra has not been the most important standard of examination in the diagnosis of stroke, especially ischemic stroke. Thrombolytic therapy was performed on patients within 3 hours after onset. The process of CT Scan of head at the arrival department of Emergency Department Mohammad Hoesin Hospital Palembang takes 4 hours from arrival to examination[1], while according to the guideline, it should take no more than 25 minutes [2]. The application of lean method is expected to improve the service quality for ischemic stroke patients in emergency departments. This study used an operational study method with lean management approach in accordance with the head CT scan evaluation of ischemic stroke patients in emergency departments. The evaluation started from the triage until the head CT scan examination. This study was conducted at the Mohammad Hoesin Hospital Palembang emergency department from November until December 2016. Primary data were collected from direct observation as well as interviews with informants, while secondary data were obtained with document search, patient service flow charts and other related data in emergency departments. Current value stream map showed that the CT scan turnaround time was 175.41 minutes, in 87.8% were waste activities (non-value-added), 6.9% were value-added activities and 5.26% were NVA but necessary. After utilizing lean management techniques, simulated value stream map showed significant decrease in lead time to 30.09 minutes, followed by increased in value-added activities and percentage of non-value-added activities. The results of this study are in accordance with what was disclosed by McManus [3] and Eitel [4] that the lean principle on increasing the percentage of value-added activities and reducing waste, thus providing considerable success in improving the quality of emergency room services. Lean management technique successfully improves the head CT scan turnaround time of ischemic stroke patients in the emergency department.

Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in children is a neglected global health problem, with an increasing ... more Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in children is a neglected global health problem, with an increasing proportion of TB cases in Indonesia. Children with TB are most often impacted by TB transmission in the population at large, especially adult TB that exists in the child's household. This study aimed to find protective factors that can keep children healthy despite household adult TB contacts. This study reports on 132 respondents with a case-control study conducted at nine referred hospitals and several primary health care based on medical records in Special Region of Yogyakarta Province. The study lasted from January to December 2014, while the data analysis was used by both of bivariate (chi-square) and multivariate (multiple logistic regression) analysis. The study found that healthy houses, especially those with healthy bedrooms and fewer exposures to adult TB sufferer, influenced by confounder variables, protected children from TB even though they were exposed to adult TB in their environment. Longer periods of living together is not a risk factor for children to contract TB when living with adult TB patients at home. However, this risk increases with frequent exposure among children to adult TB patients at home.
Routledge eBooks, Oct 24, 2019

IOP conference series, Apr 18, 2019
The existence of green open space in urban areas can help create a healthy environment. A healthy... more The existence of green open space in urban areas can help create a healthy environment. A healthy environment can affect public health. One of healthy environments which affects public health is in Kalijodo Green Open Space, Jakarta, Indonesia. The availability of sport facilities at Kalijodo Green Open Space has triggered this place to be visited as a place for sports and recreation. This study aimed to describe the role of Kalijodo Green Open Space environmental quality for public health in Jakarta city. The approach used in this study was mixed method through questionnaire, interview, observation, and literature study methods with a total sample of 148. The results showed that the environmental quality in Kalijodo Green Open Space helped create health for the society. This could be seen from the results of a strong public perception of environmental quality in Kalijodo Green Open Space reaching 65.7%. This strong environmental quality had an impact on the health of society who used sport facilities in this place. The society who did sports got results in the form of a healthier body condition and a sense of optimism after doing activities in Kalijodo Green Open Space.
Universitas Indonesia, 2002
Universitas Indonesia, 2002
Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana, 2020
Research for Social Justice, 2019

Following community participation and empowerment, recent studies advocate a transformation of de... more Following community participation and empowerment, recent studies advocate a transformation of development approach, from community-based to citizen engagement, a committed two-ways interrelation between citizen and government to reach better development outcomes. Although not a new concept in social studies, citizen engagement has just been revisited and mainstreamed in development practices beyond 2010 and foreseen to be more effective to sustain development program and to protect environment. Understanding citizen engagement requires understanding of basic elements of social life that consist of social structure, process and culture within the realm of community‟s living environment. This paper will elaborate basic elements of social life and environment that form and influence the engagement of citizen and government in delivering and sustaining rural water supply and sanitation services in Indonesia. The Sustainability of this sector is explored through a rural water supply ser...

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Strategic and Global Studies (ICSGS 2018), 2019
The model of 4.0 era information technology is a breakthrough that accords the convenience of an ... more The model of 4.0 era information technology is a breakthrough that accords the convenience of an integrative, responsive, and direct activity between users and providers. Moreover, the urban-suburban contexts are now more adaptable as tools and infrastructure have been developed across regions to accelerate the advances in information technology. Hence, the use of information technology has become a promising instrument for the increase of health awareness in parents. Mobile phone technology is now accessible and it can enhance the knowledge of parents in circumstances of emergency pertaining to the health of their children. This information can also guide parents in deciding whether or not the condition they face is an emergency, and the appropriate homecare they can undertake before visiting a medical professional. This study aimed to develop a suitable mhealth application for Indonesian parents using symptombased questions and offering homecare options. A mobile phone-based application based on a symptom-based approach was developed with the help of several experienced physicians and with current medical evidence. The user interface was made simple with interactive questions for they easy access of parents. This application was then implemented on a group of parents of average socioeconomic and education background. A focus group discussion was subsequently conducted to evaluate the product and as a medium of sharing knowledge pertaining to child emergency situations and to later introduce the application. The session ended with a workshop on the use of the application. These activities accorded several insights: a positive response was obtained with regard to the clear directions for the detection of symptoms in children and the helpful homecare recommendations; however, a negative feedback was received about the use of medical terminology and about the user interface. The use of m-health for parents in developing countries is a promising instrument for the increase of parental awareness. This application should be further developed in the future to become more practicable and to enhance its ease of use by parents.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The increasing number of population and urbanization in the city of Jakarta has led to greater la... more The increasing number of population and urbanization in the city of Jakarta has led to greater land requirements for housing and settlements. Meanwhile, the amount of available land is increasingly limited with higher prices. Construction of simple rental flats (Rusunawa), especially for low-income communities, is one of the housing provision policies by the Provincial Government of Capital Special Region of Jakarta. The development of Rusunawa is expected to improve the quality of settlements. The better quality of the housing environment is expected to improve the health of the Rusunawa residents. This research was conducted in Rusunawa Jatinegara Barat. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of the physical environmental conditions of Rusunawa Jatinegara Barat on health. The research approach used is a cross-sectional method. Primary data was obtained from questionnaires distributed to 225 families living in Rusunawa Jatinegara Barat. The selection of respondents was done by using proportional random sampling. The variables examined include physical environmental conditions (independent variables) and occupant health (dependent variables). Data is processed using statistical programs. The results showed that there was no improvement in the health of residents of Rusunawa Jatinegara Barat.

Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration
The use of a contact tracing application is one of the efforts made to overcome the global COVID-... more The use of a contact tracing application is one of the efforts made to overcome the global COVID-19 pandemic with an increasing number of cases. The contact tracing application used in Indonesia is PeduliLindungi which is one of the requirements for accessing public areas, which was initially applied to the Java-Bali region. However, in its use, there are still challenges that affect the quality of electronic services. This study aims to analyze user perceptions of the service quality of the PeduliLindungi application based on the E-Servqual dimension. The method used is observational with a quantitative approach using a cross-sectional design. The results showed that overall, the user's perception of the quality of the PeduliLindungi application was good with positive ratings on the service quality dimensions of the PeduliLindungi application. The dimensions that have a significant relationship to the user's perception of the quality of the PeduliLindungi (ESQ) application ...
Papers by Purnawan Junadi