Papers by Zubaidah Zubaidah

Children hospitalisation influence parents anxiety. Parents anxiety can be delayed patients heali... more Children hospitalisation influence parents anxiety. Parents anxiety can be delayed patients healing. The main problem of parents ansiety was healthy status of their children, work, and cost of therapy. The purpose of this study was to know the differences of parents anxiety in hozpitalized children with acute and chronic disease. The design was descriptive comparative design with survey method. The sample was 202 parents of the children with acute and chronic disease. The result of this research was 86,1% parents with acute disease suffered low anxiety, 64,4% parents with chorinic disease suffered middle-heavy. Chi square analysis showed p value 0,000 and alpha value 0,05. So, it can be conclude that there was a differences of parents anxiety level in hospitalized Pre School Aged Children with Acute and Chronic disease. This result expected to nursing services should pay attention to the parents when they serve their children and give an education about a coping to decrease anxiety ...

Adi Husada Nursing Journal
The outbreak of the Covid-19 virus in Indonesia has prompted the government to issue policies tha... more The outbreak of the Covid-19 virus in Indonesia has prompted the government to issue policies that support the prevention of the spread of the Covid-19 virus. This policy affects all age groups including children because this situation requires children to play and learn from home. Limited space for interaction and exploration in children can affect children's development, especially in preschool-aged children who are experiencing rapid development. The purpose of this research is to identify the description of development of preschool children during the Covid-19 pandemic. The type of research used is a descriptive survey with a cross-sectional approach. The instrument used was a developmental pre-screening questionnaire (KPSP). This research involved a number of 159 preschool-aged children in the Srondol Wetan Public Health Center, Semarang City. The results showed that at most the development of children was normal in 108 (67.9%) children, doubtful in 39 (24.5%) children, and...

ABSTRAK Ning Suwarsih Hubungan Antara Kepatuhan Budaya Dengan Waktu Pemberian Makanan Pendamping ... more ABSTRAK Ning Suwarsih Hubungan Antara Kepatuhan Budaya Dengan Waktu Pemberian Makanan Pendamping ASI di Desa Peniron Kecamatan Pejagoan Kabupaten Kebumen xv + 55 Halaman + 12 Tabel + 2 Gambar + 19 Lampiran Makanan Pendamping ASI merupakan makanan atau minuman selain ASI yang diberikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan zat-zat gizi pada bayi yang tidak tercukupi oleh ASI. Makanan pendamping ASI diberikan pada bayi mulai usia 6 bulan hingga usia 24 bulan. Meskipun demikian masih terdapat ibu yang memberikan makanan pendamping ASI pada usia kurang dari 6 bulan. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi waktu pemberian makanan pendamping ASI adalah faktor budaya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kepatuhan budaya dengan waktu pemberian makanan pendamping ASI di Desa Peniron Kecamatan Pejagoan Kabupaten Kebumen. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif korelatif dan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrumen. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik total samping ...

Gambaran Konsep Diri Pada Remaja Yang Tinggal DI Panti Asuhan Kelurahan Meteseh Dan Sambiroto, Kecamatan Tembalang
Usia remaja merupakan masa yang sangat penting bagi setiap individu. Masa dimana remaja mencari i... more Usia remaja merupakan masa yang sangat penting bagi setiap individu. Masa dimana remaja mencari identitas diri dan beradaptas i dengan lingkungannya. Remaja yang tinggal di panti asuhan memiliki kehidu pan yang berbeda dengan remaja pada umumnya yang tinggal di rumah dengan or ang tuanya. Perbedaan ini dapat membuat remaja di panti asuhan memiliki konse p diri yang cenderung negatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran konsep diri remaja yang tinggal di panti asuhan. Penelitian ini merupa kan penelitian kuantitatif non eksperimental dengan desain studi deskriptif. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling dengan jumlah 202 responden. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 43.6% remaja memiliki konsep diri yang negatif dan 56.4% memiliki konsep diri positif. Pada komponen konsep diri, terdapat remaja yang mem iliki citra diri positif sebanyak 55%, ideal diri realistis sebanyak 60,4%, harga diri tinggi sebanyak 5...

Gambaran Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut (Ispa) Pada Balita DI Puskesmas Karangdoro Kota Semarang
Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is one of diseases usually found under five years old. Most mot... more Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is one of diseases usually found under five years old. Most mothers have the opinion that ARI is a common disease, thus not dangerous. According to the preliminary study conducted, it has been discovered that there has been an increasing number of ARI cases in Karangdoro Health Center, Semarang Municipality. The study was aimed to obtain an overview of mother’s knowledge on Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) in Karangdoro Health Center, Semarang Municipality. The study was based on descriptive design. The research population was 142 mothers having toddlers with ARI symptoms in Karangdoro Health Center, Semarang Municipality. The sample was taken using non probability sampling technique called purposive sampling which resulted in 104 mothers. The result shows that 45,2% mothers have adequate knowledge of ARI prevention and 55,2% mothers are lack of knowledge about ARI treatment. Considering the fact that many mothers are lack of knowledge about ARI tr...

Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga terhadap ASI Ekslusif dengan Pemberian MP-ASI pada Ibu Bekerja di Desa Rembes Kecamatan Bringin Kabupaten Semarang
Laela Anjarsari The Relationship between Family Support on Exclusive Breastfeeding and Complement... more Laela Anjarsari The Relationship between Family Support on Exclusive Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding among the Working Mothers in Rembes Village, Bringin District, Regency of Semarang xvi + 70 pages + 8 tables + 2 images + 18 attachments Breastmilk is the most suitable main food that given to baby since the first day they born. Nowadays, most of working mothers that could not give exclusive breastfeeding and complementary food for infant because of career reason. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between family support on exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding among the working mothers in Rembes Village, Bringin District, Regency of Semarang. The method of this study was quantitative research which is used correlation descriptive study and cross sectional approach. This study collected data by using questionnaire as instrument. This study involved 47 respondent which taken by total sampling technique. The result of this study revealed that 61,7 % mo...

Hubungan Durasi Penggunaan Gadget Terhadap Perkembangan Sosial Anak Prasekolah di TK PGRI 33 Sumurboto, Banyumanik
Meta Anindya Aryanti Gunawan The relationship between Duration of Gadget Usage on Social Developm... more Meta Anindya Aryanti Gunawan The relationship between Duration of Gadget Usage on Social Development of Preschoolers in TK PGRI 33 Sumurboto, Banyumanik xvi + 63 Pages + 7 Tables + 2 Images + 10 Attachments The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that 5-25% of preschool-aged children suffer from developmental disorders. Recorded 8 to 9% of preschool children have psychosocial problems, especially social-emotional problems such as anxiety, difficulty adapting, difficulty socializing, difficult separation from parents, unruly children, and aggressive behavior. Various stimulation can affect the development of children, including the gadget. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between the duration of use of gadgets on the social development of preschool children in TK PGRI 33 Sumurboto, Banyumanik. This research is a descriptive correlation by using quantitative method. The research design uses cross sectional approach, and uses questioner as instrument. The s...

Gambaran Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Tentang Kehamilan Beresiko DI Puskesmas Ngesrep
High-risk pregnancy is one of the factors related to maternal mortality rate (MMR). The number of... more High-risk pregnancy is one of the factors related to maternal mortality rate (MMR). The number of high-risk pregnancies in Ngesrep Community Health Center within the last 4 month was 116 persons or 22,5%. The research was aimed to get the overvier of expectant mother knowledge level about high-risk pregnancy. The research design was quantitative descriptive using cross sectional approach. Sample was taken based on total sampling technique. Data were collected using questionnaire tested for its validity adi reliability. The result shows that expectant mother has adequate (29,2%), fair (53,8%), and poor (16,9%) knowledge about high-risk pregnancy. It can be seen that some expectant mothers have poor knowledge about high-risk pregnancy. To broaden the knowledge, information can be transferred to the expectant mothers through various sources like electronic or printed media as well as direct information from the health officers. Expectant mothers also have to be avtively involved in see...

Hubungan Peran Orang Tua dalam Kebersihan Gigi dan Mulut denganKejadian Karies Gigi pada Anak Prasekolah di Taman Kanak-kanak (TK)PGRI Kelurahan Ngesrep Semarang
Karies gigi merupakan daerah yang membusuk pada gigi akibat proses bertahap melarutkan mineral pe... more Karies gigi merupakan daerah yang membusuk pada gigi akibat proses bertahap melarutkan mineral permukaan gigi dan terus berkembang kebagian dalam gigi. Karies gigi pada tingkat tertentu dapat menyebabkan terganggunya fungsi pengunyahan dan rasa nyeri pada gigi. Pada anak prasekolah, pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi masih bergantung pada orang tua. Peran orang tua sangat berpengaruh dalam merawat dan memelihara kesehatan gigi anak secara teratur. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara peran orang tua dalam kebersihan gigi dan mulut dengan kejadian karies gigi pada anak prasekolah di TK PGRI Kelurahan Ngesrep Semarang. Jenis penelitian ini kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif korelatif dan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrumen. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling dengan jumlah sampel 125 orang tua dan anak prasekolah. Sebanyak (68,0%) orang tua memiliki peran cukup dalam kebersihan gigi dan mulut anak dan (83,2%) anak mengalami k...

Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga dengan Usia Penyapihan ASI di Desa Rowosari Tembalang Kota Semarang
Breast milk (ASI) is a fat emulsion in protein, lactose, and organic salt secreted by mother'... more Breast milk (ASI) is a fat emulsion in protein, lactose, and organic salt secreted by mother's breast as food for the baby. Breastfeeding was recommended at the age of 0-6 months, after that it can be added with complementary foods. Breast milk is still given until child reach 2 years old, and before mother stops the breastfeeding process or it can be called weaning. Weaning is the gradually process cessation of breastfeeding. Working mother was one of the factors for early weaning in children. This study was aimed to determine relationship of family support with breastfeeding weaning at working mother in Rowosari Village, Tembalang District, Semarang City. The research type was quantitative with descriptive correlation and cross sectional approach, and used questionnaire as the instrument. Sampling technique was used proportional random sampling with 115 samples. The results of this study indicate that 60.0% of respondents have less family support and 81.1% weaned under 2 years...

Pengaruh Edukasi Oleh Teman Sebaya Terhadap Pengetahuan Dan Efikasi Diri Anak Sekolah Dasar Dalam Pencegahan Kekerasan Seksual DI Kecamatan Grabag Kabupaten Magelang
The incidence of sexual violence in school-age children increases from year to year. Prevention o... more The incidence of sexual violence in school-age children increases from year to year. Prevention of child sexual violence can be done through school-based education intervention. The objective of this study was to identify the effects of peer education on the knowledge and self-efficacy of primary school children in the prevention of sexual abuse. This study was a quasi-experimental research with pretest and posttest non-equivalent control group. This study used 84 respondents recruited using purposive sampling. The samples were divided into two groups (intervention and control) with 42 respondents each. A total of 10 educators selected by purposive sampling were trained to provide 2 weeks of peer education intervention. There was a significant difference in the knowledge variable of school-age children before and after peer education in the intervention group (p = 0.008). There was also a significant difference in the self-efficacy of school-age children before and after peer educat...

Hubungan Praktik Pencegahan dan Perawatan Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut (ISPA) oleh Ibu Bekerja dengan Frekuensi Kejadian ISPA pada Balita di Desa Tingkir Lor Salatiga
Acute respiratory infection (ARI) is an acute infection which attacks one or more organs of respi... more Acute respiratory infection (ARI) is an acute infection which attacks one or more organs of respiratory tracks from the nose to the alveoli including the adnexa. ARI is a leading cause of under-five mortality. One of the roles of mothers in handling their child health is to prevent and treat ARI. This study aimed to determine the relationship between the prevention and treatment of ARI of working mothers and the incidence of ARI in under-five children in Tingkir Lor Village, Salatiga. This study employed a quantitative design with a descriptive correlation and cross-sectional approach. The samples were 121 respondents who were recruited using a proportional random sampling. The data were collected through questionnaires. The results indicated that 64.5% of respondents sufficiently practiced the prevention and treatment of ARI, and 52.9% of under-five children rarely experiencedARI. The result of Chi-Square correlation test obtained a p-value of 0.000 (p<0.05), indicating that the...

Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Anak
Pain is a subjective feeling and an unpleasant experience. In neonates, pain that is not handled ... more Pain is a subjective feeling and an unpleasant experience. In neonates, pain that is not handled properly can cause short-term and long-term effects. Repeated pain can affect the development of the baby later on. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between knowledge, attitudes of nurses and the practice of pain management in neonates. Method: The design of this study was descriptive associative with a cross sectional approach. The sample in this study involved 119 nurses who work in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Data analysis using the Pearson correlation statistic test by identifying the relationship between respondent characteristics, knowledge, nurse attitudes and the practice of pain management in neonates. Results: Knowledge of nurses about pain management in neonates in the adequate category was 37%, nurses had negative attitudes towards pain management as much as 52.1%, and nurses who performed pain management well as much as 51.3%. There is ...

Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Anak, Nov 30, 2018
Pain is a subjective feeling and an unpleasant experience. In neonates, pain that is not handled ... more Pain is a subjective feeling and an unpleasant experience. In neonates, pain that is not handled properly can cause short-term and long-term effects. Repeated pain can affect the development of the baby later on. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between knowledge, attitudes of nurses and the practice of pain management in neonates. Method: The design of this study was descriptive associative with a cross sectional approach. The sample in this study involved 119 nurses who work in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Data analysis using the Pearson correlation statistic test by identifying the relationship between respondent characteristics, knowledge, nurse attitudes and the practice of pain management in neonates. Results: Knowledge of nurses about pain management in neonates in the adequate category was 37%, nurses had negative attitudes towards pain management as much as 52.1%, and nurses who performed pain management well as much as 51.3%. There is a significant relationship between knowledge, attitudes of nurses and the practice of pain management in neonates (r = 0.715; p value = 0,000) and (r = 0.659; p value = 0,000). There is a need for a neonatal pain management training for nurses worked in high-risk neonatal ward to improve nurses' knowledge and attitudes.

Buletin Udayana Mengabdi
Es puter merupakan bentuk es krim khas Indonesia yang berbahan dasar santan kelapa. Es puter bany... more Es puter merupakan bentuk es krim khas Indonesia yang berbahan dasar santan kelapa. Es puter banyak di gemari oleh masyarakat dari berbagai kalangan usia maupun kalangan status sosial ekonomi, akan tetapi es puter yang banyak dijual pada umumnya mengandung bahan yang tidak aman terutama bila dikonsumsi oleh anak-anak karena mengandung pewarna dan pemanis buatan. Kegiatan Ipteks bagi masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas es puter yang di produksi oleh mitra agar dapat menghasilkan produk yang sehat dan bergizi sehingga omset mitra akan meningkat. Kegiatan ini telah dilakukan pada 2 mitra UKM yaitu usaha es puter yang berada di di Kota Semarang. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis situasi pada kedua mitra, perencanaan kegiatan, implementasi dan pendampingan serta evaluasi. Adapun kegiatan yang telah dilakukan adalah penyusunan modul pembuatan es puter sehat, pelatihan tentang es puter sehat yang meliputi: Pentingnya menyediakan makanan sehat dan bergizi ...

Increasing the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice in caring LBW infant through the developmental care information provision
Background: Low birth weight (LBW) is still a major problem contributing to the high infant morta... more Background: Low birth weight (LBW) is still a major problem contributing to the high infant mortality rate in Indonesia. Varoius effort have been developed in order to minimize the negative impact of low birth weight due to hospitalization that one of which is developmental care. Developmental care is an essential component in the nursing care of LBW infant to reduce stress and improve growth and development. Aim: to identify the influence of the developmental care information provision to the knowledge, attitude, and practice in caring LBW infant. Method: The design of this study was “quasi experimental before and after design”. This study involved 18 nurses of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Nurses were given information about developmental care, and then the knowledge, attitudes, and practice were measured before and after the research intervention. Knowledge and attitudes were measured using a questionnaire, while the nursing practice performance using the observation sheet. Result: Score of knowledge, attitiudes, and practice was higher than before research intervention. There was a significant increase of the average score of knowledge, attitude, and practice after the research intervention (p value: 0.000, α= 0.05). Result and Recommendation: This information provision was effective to increase the knowledge, attitude, and practice. This research recommended a socialization of developmental care to other health professionals in hospitals. Keyword: LBW infant, developmental care, knowledge, attitude, and practice
Papers by Zubaidah Zubaidah