Books by M Sya'roni Rofii
SKSG UI, 2021
Penulisan ini berisi laporan tentang peran Indonesia dalam pemberdayaan wanita di Afghanistan yan... more Penulisan ini berisi laporan tentang peran Indonesia dalam pemberdayaan wanita di Afghanistan yang berisi mengenai peran serta pemerintah Indonesia dalam rangka ikut mendukung perdamaian di Afghanistan melalui pendekatan dan kerja sama pemberdayaan wanita diantara kedua negara. Selain itu, dilengkapi dengan langkah konkrit pemerintah Indonesia dalam membantu pemerintah Afghanistan dalam pemeliharaan perdamaian.
Kompilasi pemikiran para pakar hubungan internasional dan tokoh yang aktif dalam kampanye perdama... more Kompilasi pemikiran para pakar hubungan internasional dan tokoh yang aktif dalam kampanye perdamaian internasional. Kumpulan esai terkait respon mereka atas isu terorisme dan pandangan alternatif terhadap persoalan kekinian.
Mengulas tentang keresahan seorang diplomat atas ketidakadilan dunia, mengkritik globalisasi yang... more Mengulas tentang keresahan seorang diplomat atas ketidakadilan dunia, mengkritik globalisasi yang hanya menjadi alat negara-negara barat untuk memperkuat hegemoni dan dominasi.
Papers by M Sya'roni Rofii

Nuclear deal between Iran and the West has recently brought a significant impact on changing poli... more Nuclear deal between Iran and the West has recently brought a significant impact on changing political map of the Middle East region. Many parties assumed that the nuclear agreement initiated by the United States is part of the scenario to keep the Middle East remained stable. For the past five years America was so overwhelmed in facing threats either by state actors or non-state. At least with the achievement of the Iranian nuclear deal America can be free from a potential direct threat of nuclear weapons. However, this step is not fully run smoothly because the negotiation was challenged by the US strategic ally, Saudi Arabia and Israel, both criticized the policy of the White House as an error. Behind security considerations, economic factor also played significant role in sealing the deal. What are the main reasons and dynamics behind the deal? This paper intends to review these dynamics by elaborating prominent reports and research findings. Kesepakatan nuklir antara Iran dan Barat baru-baru ini membawa dampak signifikan bagi perubahan peta politik kawasan Timur Tengah. Banyak pihak beranggapan kesepakatan nuklir yang diinisiasi oleh Amerika Serikat merupakan bagian dari skenario untuk menjaga agar Timur Tengah tetap stabil. Sebab dalam lima tahun terakhir Amerika begitu kewalahan dalam menghadapi ancaman baik oleh aktor negara maupun non-negara. Setidaknya dengan tercapainya kesepakan nuklir dengan Iran Amerika bisa terbebas dari potensi ancaman langsung senjata nuklir. Namun, langkah ini tidak sepenuhnya berjalan lancar sebab negosiasi ini mendapat resistensi dari sekutu strategis Amerika, Arab Saudi dan Israel, keduanya mengkritik kebijakan Gedung Putih sebagai sebuah kesalahan. Di luar pertimbangan keamanan, faktor ekonomi ikut serta dalam tercapainya kesepakatan. Seperti apa persisnya dinamika yang terjadi? Paper ini hendak mengulas dinamika tersebut dengan mengelaborasi data-data terkini.

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations, 2018
The crops exposed to salinity face reduced crop growth and productivity due to intervention in th... more The crops exposed to salinity face reduced crop growth and productivity due to intervention in the physiological activities like ion toxicity, nutrient deficiency and oxidative stress. Therefore, it is critical that the plant counteract the production of reactive oxygen species with mechanisms for neutralizing them. Antioxidant enzymes are essential components of the plant's antioxidant defence system. The antioxidant enzyme activity and role in scavenging oxidative stress of certain endophytic microbes may be useful as growth promoting microbial agent for enhancing the vigour and tolerance of agricultural and horticultural crops under salt stress. In the present study two experiments have been conducted to standardise the method of application (Foliar spray, Soil Application, Foliar spray +Soil application) and to find the impact of microbial consortium containing antioxidant producing bacterial endophytes on growth and antioxidant activity of bhendi (CoBh H1) under in vitro condition by implementing four treatments as Control, Biofertilizer + Biocontrol agents, AOE Consortium, Biofertilizer + Biocontrol agents + AOE Consortium. Among the various methods of application tried foliar spray performed better by recording higher Plant height (19.82 cm) and stem girth (1.8cm) on 60 th DAS and leaf Area of (32.18cm 2 , 101.53cm 2 , 77.37cm 2) on 30,45 and 60 DAS. In the second experiment, plants treated with AOX consortium recorded higher plant height (19.2 cm), stem girth (1.9cm), average leaf number (10.3) and catalase (145 U mg protein-1) & peroxidase activity (21.6 U mg protein-1) on 60 DAS which were statistically on par with Biofertilizers + biocontrol agents imposed plants.
Turki had been utilized various instrument to convince European Union regarding their commitment ... more Turki had been utilized various instrument to convince European Union regarding their commitment to meet all the standards required by EU. So far, Turkey had maximized their diplomatic ways to mold its national image in a better shape compared to Turkey’s national image ten years before. Now, still with diplomatic approach, Turkey strive to create an international image as one of the key actors in the Middle East that actively involved in the strategic issues in the region Keywords: Turkey, EU, Diplomacy, National Image

Abstrak Isu korupsi setelah satu dekade reformasi ternyata belum membawa Indonesia pada titik zon... more Abstrak Isu korupsi setelah satu dekade reformasi ternyata belum membawa Indonesia pada titik zona bebas korupsi. Keberadaan lembaga seperti KPK pernah dianggap sebagai ujung tombak untuk membersihkan republik ini dari virus korupsi. Namun pada akhirnya menemui anti klimaks lantaran tak adanya tanda-tanda pelaku korupsi menjadi jera dan tidak mendatangkan efek jera. KPK dihadapkan pada situasi sulit ditandai dengan upaya pelemahan wewenangnya sementara hukuman mati untuk koruptor bagi sebagian pihak belum dianggap urgen. Undang Undang KPK secara eksplisit sebetulnya membuka ruang untuk hukuman mati bagi koruptor namun tampaknya masih belum menemukan momentum. Tindak pidana korupsi adalah masalah yang perlu dihadapi dengan serius dan merupakanpersoalan hukum di setiap negara di dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Penyakit korupsi semakinhari semakin merajalela. Keseriusan pemerintah dalam menanggulangi tindak pidana korupsiyaitu dengan dibentuknya Undang-undang Nomor 31 tahun 1999 sebagaimana...
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Interdependence, Jul 7, 2018
Islam was recently reputed as an enemy by European’s society, whether as aftermath of cases relat... more Islam was recently reputed as an enemy by European’s society, whether as aftermath of cases related to Moslem society at their homeland or historical events in the past time. This article elaborates Islamophobia and its impact to Turkey’s nomination as a permamnent member to European Union. Furthermore Islamophobia was expanding becomes as Turkophobia, many facts show that Turkey is home for majority Moslem society. The latest survei in several member countries of EU asserts that resistance toward the membership of Turkey in EU was increased. This article also states that Islamophobia and Turkophobia is the biggest obstacle for Turkey’s membership process in EU.

Elementary Education Online, 2020
Abstract- China's claim to the South China Sea has a direct impact on China's relations with coun... more Abstract- China's claim to the South China Sea has a direct impact on China's relations with countries in the ASEAN region, including Indonesia. Indonesia is one of China's essential partners in the trade sector. However, the incidents of violations of Indonesian sea territories carried out by the Coast Guard and Chinese fishers in early January 2020 in the Natuna Waters invited a strong reaction from the Indonesian government. The Indonesian Foreign Minister summoned the Chinese ambassador to ask for an explanation as well as a form of protest. Previously, Indonesian President Joko Widodo also criticized the map of China that included Natuna Waters as part of its territory. The Indonesian President even specifically made a working visit to the Natuna island with an escort of the fleet of war as a form of commitment to protecting Indonesian territory. Furthermore, when COVID-19 hit the world, including Indonesia, one of the strategies chosen by the Indonesian government was to make Natuna a place for quarantine of patients brought home from Wuhan. This research itself seeks to investigate issues related to Natuna's historical background, how the Indonesian government's strategy in counteracting Chinese claims against Natuna, as well as exploring Indonesian government's decision in making Natuna a place for quarantine of COVID-19 patients brought home from China.

Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 2020
COVID-19 has become a global threat. The ferocity of this virus has paralyzed the health system o... more COVID-19 has become a global threat. The ferocity of this virus has paralyzed the health system of major countries such as the United States, Britain, Italy and Spain. When this virus entered its peak period, countries experienced a shortage of medical devices. This situation has inspired some countries to play a diplomatic role, such as Russia and Turkey who sending medical equipment assistance to countries that were previously their enemies. This article discusses the Turkish and Russian approaches to using medical devices as diplomatic instruments. Based on the soft power theory, the Turkish and Russian approaches have been very effective in changing their image in the eyes of countries that were previously hostile to them. This research is a qualitative research which utilize official statements and release from Russia and Turkish ministry of foreign affairs as well as secondary source from publication of reputable global think tank in the US, Russia, Turkey and Europe.This research explains how Turkey and Russia used the resources they owned during the Covid-19 pandemic to build an image as friendly countries and could become partners for Eastern European countries and some member states of the European Union. It can also be concluded that the Turkish and Russian approaches can be categorized as health diplomacy.
Jurnal Interdependence Unmul, 2013
Islam was recently reputed as an enemy by European’s society, whether as aftermath of cases relat... more Islam was recently reputed as an enemy by European’s society, whether as aftermath of cases related to Moslem society at their homeland or historical events in the past time. This article elaborates Islamophobia and its impact to Turkey’s nomination as a permamnent member to European Union. Furthermore Islamophobia was expanding becomes as Turkophobia, many facts show that Turkey is home for majority Moslem society. The latest survei in several member countries of EU asserts that resistance toward the membership of Turkey in EU was increased. This article also states that Islamophobia and Turkophobia is the biggest obstacle for Turkey’s membership process in EU.
Jurnal Interdependence Unmul, 2017
Turkey had been utilized various instrument to convince European Union regarding their commitment... more Turkey had been utilized various instrument to convince European Union regarding their commitment to meet all the standards required by EU. So far, Turkey had maximized their diplomatic ways to mold its national image in a better shape compared to Turkey’s national image ten years before. Now, still with diplomatic approach, Turkey strive to create an international image as one of the key actors in the Middle East that actively involved in the strategic issues in the region

The people's revolution in the Middle East, including Syria, was originally intended to repair th... more The people's revolution in the Middle East, including Syria, was originally intended to repair the system of government toward democratisation. But in its development, the Syrian no longer can expect free and fair general election as expected before the revolution, the Syrian now find themselves into the abyss of the tragedy of civil war involving the regime of Bashar Al-Assad with Russian support against the opposition which also received support from the United States. The Syrian people did not have much choice but to live in their own country along with the authoritarian regime they hate or exile as refugees with millions of Syrians who already leave. International organizations are failed to prevent the Syrian crisis because of differing interests and approaches between Russia and America, the two involved in a war of proxy. This paper outlines the reasons behind the prolonged conflict in Syria and the picture of a proxy war involving Russia and the United States.
Dinamika pasca pemutusan hubungan diplomatik antara Qatar dan negara-negara Teluk, memiliki dampa... more Dinamika pasca pemutusan hubungan diplomatik antara Qatar dan negara-negara Teluk, memiliki dampak pada perubahan total peta politik kawasan Timur Tengah
Kebijakan domestik dan luar negeri rezim Donald Trump

Nuclear deal between Iran and the West has recently brought a significant impact on changing poli... more Nuclear deal between Iran and the West has recently brought a significant impact on changing political map of the Middle East region. Many parties assumed that the nuclear agreement initiated by the United States is part of the scenario to keep the Middle East remained stable. For the past five years America was so overwhelmed in facing threats either by state actors or non-state. At least with the achievement of the Iranian nuclear deal America can be free from a potential direct threat of nuclear weapons. However, this step is not fully run smoothly because the negotiation was challenged by the US strategic ally, Saudi Arabia and Israel, both criticized the policy of the White House as an error. Behind security considerations, economic factor also played significant role in sealing the deal. What are the main reasons and dynamics behind the deal? This paper intends to review these dynamics by elaborating prominent reports and research findings. Kesepakatan nuklir antara Iran dan Barat baru-baru ini membawa dampak signifikan bagi perubahan peta politik kawasan Timur Tengah. Banyak pihak beranggapan kesepakatan nuklir yang diinisiasi oleh Amerika Serikat merupakan bagian dari skenario untuk menjaga agar Timur Tengah tetap stabil. Sebab dalam lima tahun terakhir Amerika begitu kewalahan dalam menghadapi ancaman baik oleh aktor negara maupun non-negara. Setidaknya dengan tercapainya kesepakan nuklir dengan Iran Amerika bisa terbebas dari potensi ancaman langsung senjata nuklir. Namun, langkah ini tidak sepenuhnya berjalan lancar sebab negosiasi ini mendapat resistensi dari sekutu strategis Amerika, Arab Saudi dan Israel, keduanya mengkritik kebijakan Gedung Putih sebagai sebuah kesalahan. Di luar pertimbangan keamanan, faktor ekonomi ikut serta dalam tercapainya kesepakatan. Seperti apa persisnya dinamika yang terjadi? Paper ini hendak mengulas dinamika tersebut dengan mengelaborasi data-data terkini.
Abstrak Tujuan jangka panjang Traktat Non-proliferasi Nuklir adalah menciptakan dunia yang bebas ... more Abstrak Tujuan jangka panjang Traktat Non-proliferasi Nuklir adalah menciptakan dunia yang bebas dari senjata nuklir, alasannya sederhana ingin menyelamatkan masa depan kemanusiaan dari kehancuran. Sselain senjata nuklir telah menciptakan efek traumatis masyarakat dunia, ia juga diharapkan menjadi penegasan tentang penghargaan atas kemanusiaan walaupun itu dalam kondisi perang. Visi NPT sangatlah luhur, namun demikian politik dunia sangatlah dinamis.

Abstrak Isu korupsi setelah satu dekade reformasi ternyata belum membawa Indonesia pada titik zon... more Abstrak Isu korupsi setelah satu dekade reformasi ternyata belum membawa Indonesia pada titik zona bebas korupsi. Keberadaan lembaga seperti KPK pernah dianggap sebagai ujung tombak untuk membersihkan republik ini dari virus korupsi. Namun pada akhirnya menemui anti klimaks lantaran tak adanya tanda-tanda pelaku korupsi menjadi jera dan tidak mendatangkan efek jera. KPK dihadapkan pada situasi sulit ditandai dengan upaya pelemahan wewenangnya sementara hukuman mati untuk koruptor bagi sebagian pihak belum dianggap urgen. Undang Undang KPK secara eksplisit sebetulnya membuka ruang untuk hukuman mati bagi koruptor namun tampaknya masih belum menemukan momentum.Tindak pidana korupsi adalah masalah yang perlu dihadapi dengan serius dan merupakanpersoalan hukum di setiap negara di dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Penyakit korupsi semakinhari semakin merajalela. Keseriusan pemerintah dalam menanggulangi tindak pidana korupsiyaitu dengan dibentuknya Undang-undang Nomor 31 tahun 1999 sebagaimana telah diubahdengan Undang-undang Nomor 20 tahun 2001 mengenai Pemberantasan Tindak PidanaKorupsi. Kata Kunci: korupsi, hukuman mati, KPK, hukum progressif
Alasan dibalik kemenangan dramatis partai AKP pada pemilu lanjutan di Turki, November 2015. Kemen... more Alasan dibalik kemenangan dramatis partai AKP pada pemilu lanjutan di Turki, November 2015. Kemenangan ini tidak lepas dari perkembangan politik domestik dan performa partai.
Jawa Pos, Aug 3, 2015
HARI - HARI ini dalam pergaulan internasional, ketika berbicara tentang Islam, sejumlah kata iden... more HARI - HARI ini dalam pergaulan internasional, ketika berbicara tentang Islam, sejumlah kata identik yang muncul pertama adalah terorisme, kekerasan, intoleransi, dan keterbelakangan. Kendati kata-kata tersebut sangat bias makna dan cenderung tendensius karena telah terpatri dalam tradisi orientalisme Barat yang menempatkan Timur, meminjam istilah Edward Said, dalam posisi inferior (Edward Said, 1978).
Books by M Sya'roni Rofii
Papers by M Sya'roni Rofii
Membahas tentang insiden Charlie Hebdo dan analisa mendalam tentang Islamophobia dan politik Eropa.