Papers by Muhammad Chaidir Harist

The west Sumatra Province has a large agricultural area planted with various types of crops. One ... more The west Sumatra Province has a large agricultural area planted with various types of crops. One of them is horticulture farming, producing various types of medicinal plants and spices such as Amomum Compactum Soland ex Maton or Cardamom. It is a non-timber forest product in the form of a spice that potentially developed due to the intercropping of plants in the forest. According to West Sumatra statistical data, in 2015 11,500 kg of cardamom was produced each month, lower than most other crops. The market demand for cardamom is relatively high reaching approximately 10 tons/month/city, whereas production is only around 3-5 tons/month/city. Therefore, appropriate planning and management is very important to optimize the cultivation and to increase productivity. Planning and management through a land suitability analysis will help to describe potential areas for cardamom planting. The output map provides baseline information for suitable planting areas and can be included in the deci...

E3S Web of Conferences, 2019
Many countries in the world have various kinds of problems, such as disasters. Indonesia is one o... more Many countries in the world have various kinds of problems, such as disasters. Indonesia is one of the countries with high area and population affected by landslides, such as in several regions in Indonesia, namely Bogor Districts. The affected population can be caused by the increasing number of residents and built-up areas, as well as the low level of public knowledge about landslides. The high population affected can describe the level of vulnerability and capacity that exists in the community, such as in South Babakan Madang Subdistrict. The density of the population and the built-up area which includes settlements, public facilities and community knowledge related to landslides that are different in 3 Countryside namely Bojong Koneng, Cijayanti, and Karang Tengah make the people in South Babakan Madang Subdistrict vulnerable to landslides. The modified scoring method with reference to Perka BNPB No. 02 of 2012 can be used to determine the level of vulnerability and capacity of ...

Seminar Nasional Geomatika, 2019
Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) mencatat sejak tahun 2017 awal tahun 4 Desember 2017... more Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) mencatat sejak tahun 2017 awal tahun 4 Desember 2017 sebanyak 577 kejadian longsor di Indonesia. Tanah longsor juga menimpa salah satu kecamatan yang ada yaitu di Kecamatan Aranio, Kabupaten Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan yang menyebabkan kerugian material. Banyak faktor yang dapat menyebabkan tanah longsor seperti topografi, penggunaan lahan, dan kerapatan vegetasi. Pembangunan untuk pemukiman dan sektor pertanian di daerah lereng yang curam dapat memicu potensi longsor. Vegetasi memainkan peran penting untuk mencegah terjadinya longsor. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengantisipasi insiden korban jiwa dan kerugian material lebih banyak di Kecamatan Aranio, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk memperoleh potensi daerah longsor. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan identifikasi potensi longsor menggunakan metode Slope and Morphology (SMORPH) dengan menerapkan morfologi lereng dan sudut / gradien menggunakan ArcGIS 10.1, sedangkan untuk kerapatan vegetasi citra...

Seminar Nasional Geomatika, 2019
Kabupaten Bogor merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang saat ini pembangunannya cukup berkembang. Pad... more Kabupaten Bogor merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang saat ini pembangunannya cukup berkembang. Pada tahun 2016 jumlah penduduk di Kabupaten Bogor berjumlah 5.715.009 jiwa. Bertambahnya penduduk menyebabkan berkurangnya lahan dengan tutupan vegetasi menjadi daerah yang terbangun, dari bertambahnya lahan terbangun meyebabkan meningkatnya suhu di Kabupaten Bogor. Dengan pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dapat diketahui peningkatan suhu akibat dari padatnya bangunan di Kabupaten Bogor. Melalui pengolahan Citra Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS C1 Level-1 dengan ukuran 30 x 30 m tahun 2018 digunakan metode Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) untuk mengetahui indeks kerapatan vegetasi, Normalized Difference Built Index (NDBI) untuk mengetahui kerapatan bangunan, dan metode Land Surface Temperature (LST) untuk mengetahui suhu permukaan di Kabupaten Bogor. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah semakin rapatnya bangunan maka suhu semakin tinggi dan sebaliknya, begitu juga den...

Seminar Nasional Geomatika, 2019
Musim kemarau merupakan salah satu musim yang terjadi di negara-negara equatorial seperti Indones... more Musim kemarau merupakan salah satu musim yang terjadi di negara-negara equatorial seperti Indonesia yang terjadi karena adanya sistem monsun. Berbagai wilayah di Indonesia mengalami kekeringan dari Mei hingga Juli 2017, salah satunya adalah Kabupaten Brebes. Berdasarkan Data Informasi Bencana Indonesia (DIBI) terdapat 12 kejadian kekeringan di Brebes, Jawa Tengah selama 2006-2018. Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Brebes (BPBD) menyebutkan 4 wilayah yaitu Kecamatan Larangan, Songgom, Ketanggungan dan Kersana mengalami kekeringan dan menyebabkan kesulitan air bersih bagi penduduk lokal. Musim kemarau menciptakan berbagai dampak negatif seperti yang disebutkan diatas, termasuk merusak lahan pertanian, tanaman dan ekosistem lain di wilayah yang terdampak kekeringan. Dengan menggunakan NDVI and metode Tasseled Cap, dimana NDVI untuk mendapatkan nilai indeks kehijauan dan Tasseled Cap untuk mendapatkan nilai dari indeks kebasahan dan kecerahan. Selanjutnya digunakan metode overlay dan ...

MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018
National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) noted since early 2017 to December 4th, 2017 recor... more National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) noted since early 2017 to December 4th, 2017 recorded as many as 577 incidents of landslides throughout Indonesia. Based on Indonesia Disaster Information Data (DIBI) within 2017 until now in Wonosobo District there are 9 landslide events and one of them is in Wadaslintang Sub-District where causing fatalities and material loss. Many factors can cause landslides such as rainfall, slope, geological soil type and vegetation density, which is slopes are a major factor in some landslide disaster cases. Therefore, to anticipate the loss of both casualties and material losses more in Wonosobo Regency, it is necessary to conduct a study in order to obtain landslide potential areas. The model applied to determine landslide potential areas is the SMORPH model approach by implementing slope morphology and angle/gradient of the slopes using Geographic Information System (GIS). From the results of data processing found that the area of landslide po...

Padang City is the capital of West Sumatra Province which is located on the west coast of Sumatra... more Padang City is the capital of West Sumatra Province which is located on the west coast of Sumatra island. Nowadays, big cities like Padang City are demanding to have Green Open Space (RTH), which based on UU Number 26, 2007 on spatial arrangement requires RTH in an urban area at least 30 percent from urban areas. With the RTH will be very beneficial for the life of the citizens of the city, such as the availability of clean air. Along with the development of technology in Multispectral Remote Sensing, it can be known for the existing RTH in a city, whether it is ideal or not through the density of vegetation by using the science of Remote Sensing utilizing Satellite Imagery is Landsat 8 as the data in this study. The method used in this study is Landsat 8 Image interpretation by calculating the index of vegetation density or NDVI obtained by the calculation of near infrared with red reflected by the plant. Classification of five classes of green cover on NDVI processed, IE non-green...

Indonesia is an archipelago country located on the equator, so it only has two seasons of drought... more Indonesia is an archipelago country located on the equator, so it only has two seasons of drought and rain. Entering the rainy season can certainly cause various disasters, such as landslides. National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) noted since early 2017 to December 4, 2017 recorded as many as 577 incidents of landslides throughout Indonesia. Landslide has occurred in one of the existing regencies in Central Java, namely Wonosobo district precisely in Wadaslintang sub-district where causing ftalities and material loss. Based on Indonesia Disaster Information Data (DIBI) within 2017 until now in Wonosobo regency there are 9 landslide. Many factors can cause landslides such as rainfall, slope, geological soil type and vegetation density, which is slopes are a major factor in some landslide disaster cases. Therefore, to anticipate the loss of both casualties and material losses more in Wonosobo district, it is necessary to conduct a study in order to obtain landslide potential ...

MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018
National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) noted since early 2017 to December 4 th , 2017 rec... more National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) noted since early 2017 to December 4 th , 2017 recorded as many as 577 incidents of landslides throughout Indonesia. Based on Indonesia Disaster Information Data (DIBI) within 2017 until now in Wonosobo District there are 9 landslide events and one of them is in Wadaslintang Sub-District where causing fatalities and material loss. Many factors can cause landslides such as rainfall, slope, geological soil type and vegetation density, which is slopes are a major factor in some landslide disaster cases. Therefore, to anticipate the loss of both casualties and material losses more in Wonosobo Regency, it is necessary to conduct a study in order to obtain landslide potential areas. The model applied to determine landslide potential areas is the SMORPH model approach by implementing slope morphology and angle/gradient of the slopes using Geographic Information System (GIS). From the results of data processing found that the area of landslide potential with the highest grade in Wonosobo district of 17% area, and for sub-district and the sub-district with the highest potential landslide is Wadaslintang with the percentage of 13.85% area. Landslides can affect a variety of land uses, and the most widely affected is a plantation with 87,07 Km 2

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018
The west Sumatra Province has a large agricultural area planted with various types of crops. One ... more The west Sumatra Province has a large agricultural area planted with various types of crops. One of them is
horticulture farming, producing various types of medicinal plants and spices such as Amomum Compactum Soland ex
Maton or Cardamom. It is a non-timber forest product in the form of a spice that potentially developed due to the
intercropping of plants in the forest. According to West Sumatra statistical data, in 2015 11,500 kg of cardamom was
produced each month, lower than most other crops. The market demand for cardamom is relatively high reaching
approximately 10 tons/month/city, whereas production is only around 3-5 tons/month/city. Therefore, appropriate
planning and management is very important to optimize the cultivation and to increase productivity. Planning and
management through a land suitability analysis will help to describe potential areas for cardamom planting. The output
map provides baseline information for suitable planting areas and can be included in the decision-making process. This
analysis was developed using a geographic information system (GIS), a processing tool capable of collecting, creating,
storing, and managing various types of spatial data. In this study, the land suitability analysis was based on three
variables, which included rainfall, soil type, and elevation. A matrix table was then created from those variables and
compared with the plant’s growth requirements. A map of cardamom potential planting areas was subsequently generated
from this table. The results showed that 53% of West Sumatra is suitable for cardamom production. The other 35% and
12% are for less suitable and not suitable, respectively.

Currently, Indonesia is undergoing transformation to becoming an industrial country. To become an... more Currently, Indonesia is undergoing transformation to becoming an industrial country. To become an industrial country, it is necessary to have an area that will be the center of industrial activities supported with the proper facilities and utilities facilities. This will later be called the integrated industrial park (based on PP 24/2009). This integrated industrial park is beginning to develop in places such as Pulogadung, Jakarta and Karawang, West Java. Palembang as the capital city of South Sumatra Province, is showing development in its economy including its industrial sector. However, the placement and organization of these industries is not yet ideal. The aim of writing this research, is to give an analysis to find the areas suited to develop an integrated industrial park in Palembang. The method that will be used are spatial analysis and area suitability. ArcGis 10.1 will be the software used to supplement both methods in order to obtain an integrated industrial park in Palembang with proper infrastructure, quick access to transportation facilities such as harbors, airports and strategic roads with good electrical distribution and placed far from the civilization.

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Geomatika 2018
Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) mencatat sejak awal tahun 2017 hingga 4 Desember 201... more Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) mencatat sejak awal tahun 2017 hingga 4 Desember 2017 sebanyak 577 kejadian longsor di seluruh Indonesia. Tanah longsor juga menimpa salah satu kecamatan yang ada di Kecamatan Aranio, Kabupaten Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan yang menyebabkan kerugian material. Banyak faktor yang dapat menyebabkan tanah longsor seperti topografi, penggunaan lahan, dan kerapatan vegetasi. Pembangunan untuk pemukiman dan sektor pertanian di daerah lereng yang curam dapat memicu potensi longsor. Vegetasi memainkan peran penting untuk mencegah terjadinya longsor. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengantisipasi insiden korban jiwa dan kerugian material lebih banyak di Kecamatan Aranio, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk memperoleh potensi daerah longsor. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan identifikasi potensi longsor menggunakan metode Slope and Morphology (SMORPH) dengan menerapkan morfologi lereng dan sudut / gradien menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG), sedangkan untuk kerapatan vegetasi citra Landsat 8 menggunakan metode NDVI. Dari hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa daerah potensial longsor tersebar merata di selatan, tengah, dan utara Kecamatan Aranio yang mendominasi di selatan tepatnya di Desa Tiwingan Lama dan Desa Aranio. Ada hubungan antara kerapatan vegetasi dan tingkat area potensi longsor. Vegetasi yang lebih padat dengan batang tanaman besar dan akar yang kuat, memiliki potensi longsor lebih rendah, dan sebaliknya. Kerapatan vegetasi tanaman tertentu dapat menjadi salah satu solusi untuk mencegah insiden korban dan kerugian material akibat tanah longsor, dengan pertimbangan morfologi masing-masing tempat.

Publikasi Ilmiah UMS, 2018
ABSTRAK – Kota Padang merupakan ibukota Propinsi Sumatera Barat yang terletak di pantai barat pul... more ABSTRAK – Kota Padang merupakan ibukota Propinsi Sumatera Barat yang terletak di pantai barat pulau Sumatera. Dewasa ini kota kota besar seperti Kota Padang dituntut untuk memiliki kawasan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH), dimana berdasarkan Undang Undang (UU) Nomor 26 Tahun 2007 tentang penataan ruang mensyaratkan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) pada wilayah kota paling sedikit 30 persen dari luas wilayah kota. Dengan adanya Ruang Terbuka Hijau akan sangat bermanfaat bagi kehidupan warga kota tersebut, seperti tersedianya udara bersih. Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi dalam Penginderaan Jauh Multispektral, maka dapat diketahui untuk RTH yang ada di suatu kota apakah sudah ideal atau belum melalui kerapatan vegetasinya dengan menggunakan ilmu Penginderaan Jauh yang memanfaatkan Citra Satelit yaitu Landsat 8 sebagai data dalam penelitian ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah interpretasi Citra Landsat 8 dengan menghitung indeks kerapatan vegetasi atau Normalized Diffrerence Vegetation Index (NDVI) yang diperoleh dengan perhitungan near infrared dengan red yang dipantulkan oleh tumbuhan. Hasil yang nantinya didapatkan dari pengolahan data citra berupa persentase luasan tutupan hijau vegetasi yang ada di Kota Padang, sehingga dapat menggambarkan kawasan RTH yang ada apakah sudah ideal atau belum dan dapat diambil tindakan lebih lanjut bagi pemerintah setempat.
Papers by Muhammad Chaidir Harist
horticulture farming, producing various types of medicinal plants and spices such as Amomum Compactum Soland ex
Maton or Cardamom. It is a non-timber forest product in the form of a spice that potentially developed due to the
intercropping of plants in the forest. According to West Sumatra statistical data, in 2015 11,500 kg of cardamom was
produced each month, lower than most other crops. The market demand for cardamom is relatively high reaching
approximately 10 tons/month/city, whereas production is only around 3-5 tons/month/city. Therefore, appropriate
planning and management is very important to optimize the cultivation and to increase productivity. Planning and
management through a land suitability analysis will help to describe potential areas for cardamom planting. The output
map provides baseline information for suitable planting areas and can be included in the decision-making process. This
analysis was developed using a geographic information system (GIS), a processing tool capable of collecting, creating,
storing, and managing various types of spatial data. In this study, the land suitability analysis was based on three
variables, which included rainfall, soil type, and elevation. A matrix table was then created from those variables and
compared with the plant’s growth requirements. A map of cardamom potential planting areas was subsequently generated
from this table. The results showed that 53% of West Sumatra is suitable for cardamom production. The other 35% and
12% are for less suitable and not suitable, respectively.
horticulture farming, producing various types of medicinal plants and spices such as Amomum Compactum Soland ex
Maton or Cardamom. It is a non-timber forest product in the form of a spice that potentially developed due to the
intercropping of plants in the forest. According to West Sumatra statistical data, in 2015 11,500 kg of cardamom was
produced each month, lower than most other crops. The market demand for cardamom is relatively high reaching
approximately 10 tons/month/city, whereas production is only around 3-5 tons/month/city. Therefore, appropriate
planning and management is very important to optimize the cultivation and to increase productivity. Planning and
management through a land suitability analysis will help to describe potential areas for cardamom planting. The output
map provides baseline information for suitable planting areas and can be included in the decision-making process. This
analysis was developed using a geographic information system (GIS), a processing tool capable of collecting, creating,
storing, and managing various types of spatial data. In this study, the land suitability analysis was based on three
variables, which included rainfall, soil type, and elevation. A matrix table was then created from those variables and
compared with the plant’s growth requirements. A map of cardamom potential planting areas was subsequently generated
from this table. The results showed that 53% of West Sumatra is suitable for cardamom production. The other 35% and
12% are for less suitable and not suitable, respectively.