Papers by Elza Ibrahim Auerkari

Research Square (Research Square), Nov 27, 2023
Introduction: Aging is an inevitable process that signi cantly impacts oral and dental health, es... more Introduction: Aging is an inevitable process that signi cantly impacts oral and dental health, especially among individuals aged 65 and older. The protein p53 is thought to be involved in the aging process by regulating cellular senescence. Molecular docking techniques can assist in assessing the potential of compounds derived from various plants for use as herbal medicines. Indonesia alone possesses a wealth of medicinal plants known to contain herbal compounds believed to offer remedies for a wide range of illnesses. As an illustration, among these plants is Mexican mint, scienti cally known as Plectranthus amboinicus. Compounds of thymol, carvacrol, and avonoids (quercetin, luteolin, apigenin, rutin, eriodictyol) from the extract of the Plectranthus amboinicusplant which are rich in antioxidants are believed to have the potential to inhibit the cellular senescence process to suppress the aging process. The purpose of this research is to investigate the interaction between the ligand of thymol, carvacrol, and avonoid compounds from Plectranthus amboinicuswith the p53 target protein which is associated with cellular senescence activity in the aging procress. Methods: In silico study through molecular docking to examine the molecular interactions of the ligands of thymol, carvacrol, and avonoids (quercetin, luteolin, apigenin, rutin, eriodictyol) from the Plectranthus amboinicus plant against the target protein receptor p53 which is responsible for the process of cellular senescence. The interaction results obtained is a histogram which will be analyzed and interpreted to determine the binding a nity of the interactions that occurred. Results: Interactions existed between the ligands of thymol, carvacrol, and avonoids (quercetin, luteolin, apigenin, rutin, eriodictyol) from the Plectranthus amboinicus plant against the target protein receptor p53. Conclusion: Plectranthus amboinicushas the potential to be an anti-aging agent that can inhibit and slow down the process of aging through in silico studies. However, it is important to conduct additional research regarding the properties of Plectranthus amboinicusto determine the unknown potential of this plant to the human body.
Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia, 2014
Primary health care, Jul 24, 2017

Revista clinica espanola, 2018
Alcohol consumption promotes inflammation through the Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)/nuclear factor ... more Alcohol consumption promotes inflammation through the Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)/nuclear factor (NF)-?B pathway, leading to organic damage. Some micro-RNA (miRNA) molecules modulate this inflammatory response by downregulating TLR4/NF-?B pathway mediators, like interleukins (ILs). Thus, polymorphisms within IL genes located near miRNA binding sites could modify the risk of ethanol-induced damage. The present study analyzed potential relationships between alcoholism or alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and IL12B 2124 G>T (rs1368439), IL16 5000 C>T (rs1131445), IL1R1 3114 C>T (rs3917328), and NFKB1 3400 A>G (rs4648143) polymorphisms. The study included 301 male alcoholic patients and 156 male healthy volunteers. Polymorphisms were genotyped using TaqMan PCR assays for allelic discrimination. Allele and genotype frequencies were compared between groups. Logistic regression analysis was performed to analyze the inheritance model. Analysis of the IL1R1 (rs3917328) polymorphism s...

Proceedings of the 11th International Dentistry Scientific Meeting (IDSM 2017)
Ankyloglossia is an autosomal dominant condition with in complete penetrence, haracterized by fre... more Ankyloglossia is an autosomal dominant condition with in complete penetrence, haracterized by frenulum lingual hypertrophy that produces a thicker and shorter tongue, which may cause significant problems with breastfeeding. It also causes speech and oral motor problems. The prevalence of ankyloglossia is approximately 4% in babies, and tongue tie is estimated to affect 489,343 newborns, representing 10% of the Indonesian newborn population of 4,893,435.1 For reasons unknown, this condition is seen more often in males than in females. Ankyloglossia may be isolated or accompanied by cleft palate (CPX). The presentation of this condition is associated with nucleotide base substitution mutations in the TBX22 gene and the G-protein-coupled receptor Lgr5 and can be related to epigenetic modification, including DNA methylation and SUMOylation, which is one kind of histone modification.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, Jul 20, 2017

THE 5TH BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING’S RECENT PROGRESS IN BIOMATERIALS, DRUGS DEVELOPMENT, AND MEDICAL DEVICES: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium of Biomedical Engineering (ISBE) 2020, 2021
Forensic radiology exists in a specific field of medical imaging technologies that are utilized t... more Forensic radiology exists in a specific field of medical imaging technologies that are utilized to assist doctors. Radiology technology has increasingly been significantly advanced and developed. Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is one of the forensic odontology for image analysis examinations. Through CBCT radiology, evolutionary forensic odontology has been developed extensively in many applications, such as the estimation of age through teeth, the role of dentists in trials or forensic witnesses, analysis of bite marks, investigation of trauma cases, and determination of sex and race. The advantages of digital CBCT radiographs include the speed at which radiographs are retrieved, radiograph displays visible directly on a computer screen, and the application of contrast, density, sharpness, image, and color adjustments available on the CBCT digital radiograph software. These help significantly in identification checks in forensic, especially in skeletal and odontology cases. This article discusses the use of CBCT in forensic odontology.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
Pain is the common reason why patient seeking for medical help. Recent studies, shows that there ... more Pain is the common reason why patient seeking for medical help. Recent studies, shows that there are various type of genes that have a role in pain perception. Genetic’s role include pain sensation Genome Wide Association Study, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, and epigenetic in pain modulation. Recent studies shows that epigenetic mechanism can alter the expression of pronSetyaociceptive or antinociceptive gene that useful in managing pain from now on. In genes there are one or more polymorphisms that effect the expression of the protein products that later affect the pain response. Ion Channel is a protein membrrane that transporting ion in and out of a cell. This ion channel can change depends on the genes that made the protein. Recent studies shown that there’s more than 450 ion channel genes. From all of those ion channels, voltage gated sodium channel (Nav) tend to be investigated more deeply because Nav is the most common and widely distributed in human cell. Changes on those ...

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 2021
Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common form of oral cancer and the focus on findi... more Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common form of oral cancer and the focus on finding chemotherapeutic agents have recently shifted to natural products. Areca nut is a medicinal plant with various biological activities. However, not much data is available on the anti-cancer effect of areca nut extract. Due to the current interest in the potential activity of antioxidant in areca nut extract, we investigated its ability to induce cell cycle arrest and reduce Ki-67 activity in oral cancer cell lines: HSC-2 and HSC-3. The flow cytometry was conducted for the quantification of the cells that underwent cell cycle arrest and had the expression of Ki-67 protein. All determinations were analyzed using the unpaired t-test through SPSS with p<0.01 considered as significant. The areca nut extract induced a significant increase of the cell population in subG1 phase of HSC-2 cells after 24 and 48 hours. The study also found that in HSC-3, there was significant increase in G1 phase after 24 hours treatment, but after 48 hours the areca nut extract couldn't induce cell cycle arrest. There was significant reduction in Ki-67 expression after 24 hours treatment of areca nut extract in HSC-2 and HSC-3 cells. The increasing of subG1 population showed that apoptosis might be one of the cell death mechanism by areca nut extract in HSC-2 cells. The cell cycle arrest and the reduction of Ki-67 activities occurred in both cells after 24 hours. These findings suggest that areca nut extract could inhibit the proliferation of OSCC cell lines.
The data set is a raw data for manuscript "Association of subgingival Epstein–Barr virus and... more The data set is a raw data for manuscript "Association of subgingival Epstein–Barr virus and periodontitis"
The data set is a raw dataset for "Effect of obesity on risk and severity of periodontitis&q... more The data set is a raw dataset for "Effect of obesity on risk and severity of periodontitis" manuscript
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2008

Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 1999
Since the role of retinoids in normal growth, reproduction, maintenance and differentiantion of e... more Since the role of retinoids in normal growth, reproduction, maintenance and differentiantion of epithelial tissue has been known, the therapeutic value of retinoids has been utilised in disorders resembling vitamin A (retinol) deficiency. Much effort has been directed to developing less toxic retinoids to increase this therapeutic potential, and now more than 2000 synthetic retinoids are known. However, the most severe side effect of retinoids is their teratogenicity, and a desired goal in the retinoids development is in dissociating the therapeutic benefits from teratogenic risk. It is not known if this result can be achieved, but increasing the understanding of the basic molecular mechanisms of retinoic action should offer one route to the attainment of this goal. This work reviews of the molecular biology of retinoids with particular reference with teratogenic effects, and summarises the strategies for managing the teratogenic risk with oral retinoid therapy.

Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 1995
Analisis DNA dalam bidang forensik merupakan teknik yang relatif baru dan berkembang pesar sesuai... more Analisis DNA dalam bidang forensik merupakan teknik yang relatif baru dan berkembang pesar sesuai dengan peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas kriminalitas disamping dapat digunakan dalam penentuan hubungan keluarga. Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana kemampuan analisis DNA ini dalam mengidentifikasi individu pada kasus-kasus tersebut. Dari 3,3 milyar pasang basa yang membentuk genom manusia, terdapat sekitar 3 juta perbedaan di antara setiap dua individu. Untuk tujuan identifikasi DNA dalam bidang forensik, regio yang sangat penting adalah lokus polimorfik DNA termasuk regio ukuran satelit (Satelite sequence) pada bagian yang tidak mengkode produk tertentu dari genom manusia. Bila frekuensi folimorfis DNA pada suatu populasi diketahui, probabilitas dari identifikasi, lokus polimorfik dengan frekuensi yang diketahui dalam suatu populasi dapat dipilih sebagai DNA maeker. Analisis DNA merupakan suatu metode yang sangat potensial yang dewasa ini telah diterima secara luas sebagai suatu cara...

Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2001
Tooth development provides a dynamic process that has recently been studied at molecular level. T... more Tooth development provides a dynamic process that has recently been studied at molecular level. There has been much progress toward the understanding of epithelial-mesenchymal cell signaling in tooth germ formation, morphogenesis and cell differentiation. The epithelial-mesenchym interaction is suggested to be the most important mechanism in organogenesis that stimulate mitosis and prevent apoptosis adjacent to the tissue surface. Moreover it affects cell formation and cell differentiation. Enamel knot is assumed to act as a signaling center in the tooth germ epithelial in organizing the tooth pattern as well as controlling the tooth growth. The genes involved in this mechanism are p21, Fgf-4, Shh, Bmp-2, bmp-4, Msx-1 and Lef-1 which are expressed in the enamel knot during the bud stage and cap stage. At the further step of differentiation, epithelial ameloblast and mesenchymal odontoblast will deposit organic matrix in enamel and dentin. This article reviews the molecular morphogen...

Tooth eruption is the movement of a tooth from its growth site in the alveolar bone to its functi... more Tooth eruption is the movement of a tooth from its growth site in the alveolar bone to its functional place in the oral cavity. This process continues for life, and does not stop even when teeth have reached the occlusal plane. It is still unclear how and when proceeds in detail the process of teeth eruption into the oral cavity, and the related studies are still rare, especially from the genetic aspects. The aim of this study is to systematically review the latest studies on the genetic aspects of tooth eruption. A systematic search was conducted according to the PRISMA guidelines, using the Pubmed database using the keywords "genetic," "tooth eruption," and "tooth emergence." The activated Pubmed filtering criteria included the article type, publication time, subject study, and age. The filtering was carried out manually based on the factors of nonduplication, feasibility of the complete manuscript and physiological tooth eruption, and absence of dise...
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 1998
The reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is widely applied for detecting mRNA... more The reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is widely applied for detecting mRNA expression and cloning cDNA. This method consists of two parts: cDNA synthesis from mRNA by reverse transcription (RT) and amplification of cDNA by PCR. The RT-PCR has proved useful in amplifying very small amount of specific mRNA to obtain cDNA clones and to detect mRNA transcripts from abnormal cells in a background of normal cells.

Background: Identification in forensic science is an effort to help investigators to determine th... more Background: Identification in forensic science is an effort to help investigators to determine the person’s identity. Human identification is an individual character recognition based on the unique physical characteristics. Sex determination is one of a biological identity in forensic science conducted as an initial step of identification because it can determine the following other identification method. Sex determination can be done in various ways. Common methods of sex identification in odontology forensic such as morphological and measurement characteristics of teeth, histological examination, and DNA analysis from teeth. Purpose: This article discusses about sex determination methods through histological examination and DNA analysis. Review: Histological examination for sex determination can be done through presence of Barr body and Y-body. DNA analysis for sex determination using Amelogenin, SRY and Y-STRs. Conclusion: Each of these methods have its own accuracy and weakness....
Papers by Elza Ibrahim Auerkari