University of Indonesia
Industrial Engineering
Innovation is being view from four areas of innovation, product, service, technology, and marketing. Whereas customer loyalty is composed of customer expectation, perceived quality, perceived value, corporate image, customer satisfaction,... more
The high level of telecommunication growth in Indonesia has faced many obstacles in running the business performances.This research has investigate factors influenced the increasing of customer satisfaction in the telecommunication... more
Cloud Computing is one of the emerging technology in the world of information technology. Technology acceptance model is strongly influenced by the recommendations of the decision makers in companies, which are influenced by their... more
Business competition is very tough in information technology industry, especially technology-based on mobile phone transaction. Entering the year 2013, there is a need of a comprehensive report about the performance of electronic claim... more
Telecommunications industry in Indonesia has rapidly increased. An intense competition of telecommunication operators has often neglecting quality of services which must be provided but instead focussing on offering cheap... more
Decision-making in a project is a complex undertaking. A project is a temporary organization that is surrounded by inherent uncertainties. Uncertainties that may occur in the project, among others, are the uncertainty of the time, cost,... more
To maintain position as a major milk producer, the Indonesian milk industry should do some business development with the purpose of increasing customer service level. One strategy is to create on time release conditions for finished goods... more
This study aimed to investigate the influence of innovation and quality of service factors to customer loyalty in the telecommunication companies. Big three telecommunication companies in Inodnesia become an object of this research.... more
The promotion of innovation by means of information systems based on business process reengineering (BPR) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) has become a major trend in recent decades in organizations aiming to achieve performance... more
One way to increase university competitiveness is through information system management. A literature review was done to find information system factors that affect university performance in Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) University Ranking:... more
Currently the entertainment industry industry is adopting online ticketing for supporting business from main products to profitability improvement. E-loyalty needs to be examined because are deals with less loyal customer... more
Indonesia's exports of jewellery trends that continue to rise are not in line with the increase in Production Output Trends from companies in Indonesia’s industri. This research uses one of jewellery manufacturing company in Bali province... more
Atau dalam terjemahan bahasa Indonesia berjudul Dalih Pembunuhan Massal: Gerakan 30 September dan Kudeta Suharto, sangat menarik untuk dikaji/review. Penulis memilih buku tersebut karena, pertama, buku tersebut sepengatahuan penulis... more
With the Oil and Gas Law No. 22 of 2001, national and foreign private enterprises can invest in all sectors of Oil and Gas in Indonesia. In anticipation of this free competition, Pertamina, as a state-owned enterprises, which previously... more
Telepon seluler sebagai sebuah alat multimedia menjadi alat komunikasi yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan sehari-hari manusia. Berkaitan dengan fungsinya tersebut, keberadaan display pada sebuah telepon seluler, khususnya display... more