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Beberapa minggu terakhir, isu Rancangan Undang-Undang (RUU) Pengampunan Pajak (Tax Amnesty) kembali memanas. Karena panasnya, dunia internasional pun mulai menaruh perhatian pada isu ini.
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Beberapa minggu terakhir, isu Rancangan Undang-Undang (RUU) Pengampunan Pajak (Tax Amnesty) kembali memanas. Karena panasnya, dunia internasional pun mulai menaruh perhatian pada isu ini.
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      Political ScienceAmnesty
The Indonesian Government has set ambitious climate targets and commitments, and now appropriate climate action is needed to achieve these targets. This viewpoint article identifies gaps in financing to achieve Indonesia's climate... more
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      Green FinanceLow Carbon EconomyGreen EconomyLow carbon development
The Indonesian Government has set ambitious climate targets and commitments, and now appropriate climate action is needed to achieve these targets. This viewpoint article identifies gaps in financing to achieve Indonesia's climate... more
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      Green Economy & Green Jobs PerspectivesGreen FinanceLow carbon development
According to Islamic law, the Islamic banks deliver return to depositors based on profit and loss sharing principle. Consequently, the return will be uncertain following real business and economic condition. However, this research... more
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    • Islamic Finance
The main aims of this paper are, firstly, to investigate the extent to which Yemen's banks, in particular its Islamic banks, are applying Risk Management Practices (RMPs) and related techniques to deal with various types of risk, and... more
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    • Islamic Banking and Finance/Islamic Economics
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic BankingIslamic Finance
The writing is based on my concern on the monetary policy in Indonesia which is not fully in accordance with the Islamic teaching. Among all, the monetary policy doesn’t pay attention to the real sector. It can be seen from the sectorial... more
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    • Islam Nusantara
In gharar fahish, by behavior, there are natural gharar and created gharar. • Natural gharar happens without any intervention of any party like business loss, natural disaster, asset destruction, etc. Islamic banks may or may not avoid... more
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      Islamic EconomicsFinancial EconomicsCorporate GovernanceCorporate Finance
Paper ini akan mencoba membahas dampak penerapan otonomi daerah, khususnya dampak alokasi atau penyaluran dana perimbangan keuangan pusat dan daerah terhadap pengendalian moneter selama periode pertama (tahun pertama) penerapan otonomi... more
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Purpose This paper aims to examine the effect of management accounting–strategy coalignment on the maqasid Shariah-based performance of Islamic banks in Indonesia. The study also examines the role of the corporate life cycle of Islamic... more
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      EconomicsApplied EconomicsFinance and Investment Banking
Despite significant growth and development in recent years, Islamic banking (IB) continues to face widespread criticism given its apparently weak social outcomes. This study investigates the social performance of Islamic banking in... more
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    • Business
The purpose of this paper is to find the optimal portfolio of Hajj fund management by the Islamic banks in Indonesia. BPKH, as an authority, can place the Hajj fund on Islamic bank deposits. However, Islamic banks limited the expected... more
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    • Business
This study aims to analyze the investment decision of banks and measures their investment preferences in IILM sukuk with IILM sukuk preference index. The investment decision is investigated from several factors, such as the structure of... more
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    • Business
Indonesia is a country with a Muslim majority and hence the demand for Hajj (pilgrimage) is increasing especially for SAR (Saudi Arabian Real) currency during the peak hajj season. Unfortunately, the Hajj Financial Management Board (BPKH)... more
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This paper studies characteristics of banking depositors referring to some survey literatures on Indonesian Islamic banking industry. Then, the output of such literatures is used to construct and propose an integrated program to develop... more
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Islamic banking and finance has shown progressive development all over the world since its inception as a commercial banking model in mid-1970s. Indonesia, as the largest Moslem nation in the world, has initiated some policies to expand... more
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      BusinessShariaBusLiquidity risk
Murabahah is a dominant financing instrument in most Islamic banks all over the world. However, price volatility of the good being financed opens a chance for entrepreneurs to gain profit by pretending to be default (moral hazard).... more
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This paper attempts to assess the demand and supply of liquidity in Islamic banks and to check the resilience of the industry to liquidity pressure. Firstly, it identifies the sources of short-term demand and supply of liquidity.... more
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This paper attempts to analyze the economic development and fiscal policy in Indonesia. Especially, it investigates whether Wagner and/or Keynes law(s) of economic development apply in the country and what variables determine the economic... more
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    • Economics