Papers by Hossein Dastjerdi

The present study sought to investigate the effect of two types of tasks; namely, 'information-ga... more The present study sought to investigate the effect of two types of tasks; namely, 'information-gap' and 'opinion-exchange', on EFL learners' Willingness to Communicate (WTC). To this end, the needed data was collected from 90 female EFL learners in Koushesh Language Institute in Isfahan, Iran, and the participants were divided into one control and two experimental groups (A and B). The latter received treatments in one of the two experimental situations and were measured for their level of L2 Willingness to Communicate (WTC). Group A received 'information gap' for a period of 16 sessions, and group B received 'opinion-exchange' tasks. The control group received no task of specific type. At the end of the treatment, the participants filled a questionnaire on their WTC. The results indicated that members of both the experimental groups outperformed those of the control group. Furthermore, it was revealed that opinion-exchange tasks had better effects on the enhancement of the participants' WTC. The findings of this study may be very beneficial for the teachers of the English language who wish to improve their EFL learners' speaking ability. In fact, creating environments for learners to communicate in English inside and outside the classroom through tasks would enhance learners' willingness to communicate.
Journal of Language and Translation, Jun 1, 2021
Islamic Propagation Organization eBooks, 1984
Journal of Universal Language, Mar 1, 2008

Scientific Journal of Review, Jun 7, 2014
Hyperbole is one of the most widely used figure of speech in heroic texts, a long neglected form ... more Hyperbole is one of the most widely used figure of speech in heroic texts, a long neglected form of non-literal language. The present study set out to determine the extent of expansion and reduction in the translation of hyperbole in Euripides's dramatic texts, Andromache and Medea from English into Persian. In order to investigate the objective of this study, all hyperbolic expressions in English texts, which were considered hyperbolic in Persian as well, were identified. Then, they were classified based on the most recent classification of hyperbole in English by Claridge (2011), into three categories; namely, single-word hyperbole, phrasal hyperbole, and clausal hyperbole. To control the issue, English classification was carried out twice, and also a Persian Language and Literature expert confirmed Persian hyperbolic expressions twice. The first set of analysis examined the frequency of each category in both languages, and to check whether the extent of expansion and reduction in translation of hyperbolic expressions is significant, Chi-square test was performed via SPSS 21. The obtained results did not show any significant differences between English and Persian hyperbolic expressions in terms of expansion and reduction.

Journal of Language and Translation, Mar 31, 2010
This study investigates the application of expansion in Persian subtitles of English films. More ... more This study investigates the application of expansion in Persian subtitles of English films. More precisely, this study aims at classifying the different types of expansions used in subtitles as well as investigating the appropriateness or inappropriateness of the employment of each type, considering the time and space constraints which are peculiar to subtitling. To achieve this purpose, three English films, "The Net" (1995), "Contact" (1997), and "Mission Impossible 2" (2000), available with Persian subtitles, were selected for the study. To gather the required data, these films were watched and the Persian subtitles in which expansion had been used were identified and extracted along with their English dialogs. Then, the extracted Persian subtitles were classified based on the reason that gave rise to expansion in each case. Then, the appropriateness or inappropriateness of using expansion in the extracted Persian subtitles was descriptively investigated. Finally, an equivalent not containing any expansion was proposed for those cases in which the meaning could be fully transferred without this strategy. The findings of the study indicated that a number of reasons gave rise to the expansion of subtitles. These reasons range from explicitation 8 Expansion in Subtitling (explicitation of visual, co-textual and contextual information), mistranslation and paraphrasing to subtitler's preferences. Furthermore, it was found that the application of expansion was inappropriate in all cases except for those caused by explicitation of contextual information since correct and shorter equivalents, which were equally capable of conveying the intended meaning, could be posited for the original dialogs.
Iranian Journal of Applied Language Studies, Sep 1, 2021
... Page 6. Motahhari I ^ Noble character of the Holy prophet of Islam (Sira - i - Nabavi) / by M... more ... Page 6. Motahhari I ^ Noble character of the Holy prophet of Islam (Sira - i - Nabavi) / by Murtahhari; Translated by Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi. - Tehran: Al - Hoda International. Y--r = \r,\Y ISBN 1 - S70W7 - 14-0 .Vahid Dastjcrdi. Hossein Noble Character of the Holy prophet of. ...

Research in Applied Linguistics, Feb 1, 2017
Testing holds an important place in the Iranian test-oriented context where the entrance examinat... more Testing holds an important place in the Iranian test-oriented context where the entrance examinations have serious educational and occupational outcomes. This study aimed to explore the potential washback effects of the General English Language Test of the Ph.D. (GELTP) as part of the Ph.D. University Entrance Examination (PUEE) on the humanities and science students' perceptions and practices. The study also examined the students' language learning needs to examine the correspondence between the test-taker's language needs as well as the GELTP requirement and content. To this end, the data were collected through conducting interviews with 16 Ph.D. students and the administration of a questionnaire to 560 students. Results revealed minor differences in the GELTP washback effects across the science and humanities perceptions and practices. Moreover, the findings showed some mismatch between the test-takers' language needs and the test content that affected negatively the test washback effects. Findings can have implications for raising the education and assessment authorities' awareness to employ the students' feedbacks in designing and modifying high-stakes tests.
This study sets out to investigate the translation strategies, especially within the domain of no... more This study sets out to investigate the translation strategies, especially within the domain of non-equivalent options, applied by the subtitler to the English version of a speech by Iran's current President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The overall aim is to see whether there is any ideological manipulation in the subtitled version and also whether or not the emphasis and implications of the speech remain intact. To this end, we will apply a twofold theoretical framework based on the dichotomous categorization ‘euphemism’ versus ‘derogation’ developed by Hodge and Kress on the one hand, and on van Dijk's framework of critical discourse analysis with some supplementary elements on the other. The findings of the study suggest some degree of manipulation concerning some ideologically-loaded terms.

Virtual rendering of novels is an emerging phenomenon in translation studies in which novels are ... more Virtual rendering of novels is an emerging phenomenon in translation studies in which novels are actually translated and uploaded chapter by chapter at websites and weblogs. Regarding the rate of chapters downloaded, the acceptability of virtual translation among novel readers is investigated. As far as translation norms are concerned, however, there seems to be no control over the process or the product of translation in this type of rendering. That is due to plenty of limitations imposed on legal publication of such translated texts in the form of a hardcopy. Thus, virtual translators tend to publish their products online-a much easier way, without any academic supervision. Taking this lack of control into consideration, it is assumed that there should be some differences between virtual and hardcopy translations of novels in all aspects. Accordingly, based on the distinction between two key cultural strategies of domestication and foreignization proposed by Venuti (1998a), the present study explores the ways in which foreign literature has been portrayed in Persian through virtual and hardcopy translations of novels. Focusing on these two strategies and investigating four English novels with their Persian virtual and hardcopy translations, it is revealed that domestication is the dominant strategy in hardcopy renderings, whereas virtual renderings tend to make use of foreignization more frequently.

Adequacy of translation, especially in literary genre, has always been the point of concern for t... more Adequacy of translation, especially in literary genre, has always been the point of concern for translation scholars. This study aimed at investigating the adequacy of translation in one of Häfiz (The greatest mystic poet of Persian literature) sonnets rendered into English by two translators at different points in time. Based on the assessment model proposed by Reiss and in accordance with the text typology she has proposed, this study compared and contrasted each of the translated texts with the source text as well as with the other translated text in a verse-by-verse manner, taking into consideration different extra-and intra-linguistic criteria. The study, after a thorough analysis of different aspects of the translations, highlighted some of the important factors that translators need to utilize in poetry translation in order to produce adequate renderings of an original text. Furthermore, the findings of the study once more verified that a later version of a literary translation, i.e. a retranslation, is closer to the form and meaning of the original text, resulting consequently in a more adequate translation.

This study aimed to explore the application of SMS to the blended method of teaching L2 vocabular... more This study aimed to explore the application of SMS to the blended method of teaching L2 vocabulary. It was also aimed at investigating the impact of adding written cues to Iranian high-school juniors' L2 vocabulary learning. To these ends, after conducting Nelson English Language Test (i.e. Test 100 A), 60 out of 74 Iranian high-school juniors in two classes with pre-intermediate level of English language proficiency were selected. Then, they were divided into two equal groups in terms of number. The first group received the learning content in the traditional way (G1); while the second group received the learning content through the blended mode of teaching (G2), with and without written annotation. They were then evaluated on their recognition and recall of vocabulary items. The results showed that the participants who received treatment outperformed significantly the other group in L2 vocabulary learning. Moreover, the blended group performed in a better way than the other group in learning the annotated content. The results of the study also revealed that employing SMS as part of learning content can create a desirable condition to enhance the EFL learners' L2 vocabulary knowledge.

The present study aimed at investigating the effect of textual integrity of argumentative texts o... more The present study aimed at investigating the effect of textual integrity of argumentative texts on EFL learners' reading comprehension performance. It also aimed at checking the extent of such an effect among learners with different language proficiency. To this purpose, 120 students learning English at Jihad Daneshgahi Institute in Isfahan were selected as the participants. They were selected from a pool of 200 available and interested students and were divided into three groups of low proficient, intermediate and high proficient learners of equal size (40), based on their scores on an OQPT proficiency test. Then, 3 reading comprehension tests (cloze tests), with an appropriate level of text difficulty, were prepared by the researcher. In making the tests, the text in each test was either kept authentic in terms of textual integrity (i.e. text organization, cohesive devices, etc.), or manipulated to lose its textual unity and, thus, be more difficult to read and understand. The results of data analysis indicated that manipulated argumentative texts negatively affect EFL learners' reading performance at all levels of language proficiency. The results additionally revealed that text manipulation, i.e. textual integrity decrease, has a more significant effect on the reading performance of the intermediate group participants. The findings of this study can have some implications for language teachers to become more alert to the effect of textual integrity of texts on reading comprehension performance of students when trying to understand argumentative texts. Furthermore, the findings might be constructive for materials developers, i.e helping them to prepare appropriate texts in terms of textual integrity and readability, in line with the needs and levels of EFL learners.
International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research, Mar 1, 2015

Journal of Universal Language, Mar 1, 2010
This study investigates the application of expansion in Persian subtitles of English films. More ... more This study investigates the application of expansion in Persian subtitles of English films. More precisely, this study aims at classifying the different types of expansions used in subtitles as well as investigating the appropriateness or inappropriateness of the employment of each type, considering the time and space constraints which are peculiar to subtitling. To achieve this purpose, three English films, “The Net” (1995), “Contact” (1997), and “Mission Impossible 2” (2000), available with Persian subtitles, were selected for the study. To gather the required data, these films were watched and the Persian subtitles in which expansion had been used were identified and extracted along with their English dialogs. Then, the extracted Persian subtitles were classified based on the reason that gave rise to expansion in each case. Then, the appropriateness or inappropriateness of using expansion in the extracted Persian subtitles was descriptively investigated. Finally, an equivalent not containing any expansion was proposed for those cases in which the meaning could be fully transferred without this strategy. The findings of the study indicated that a number of reasons gave rise to the expansion of subtitles. These reasons range from explicitation (explicitation of visual, co-textual and contextual information), mistranslation and paraphrasing to subtitler’s preferences. Furthermore, it was found that the application of expansion was inappropriate in all cases except for those caused by explicitation of contextual information since correct and shorter equivalents, which were equally capable of conveying the intended meaning, could be posited for the original dialogs.

Journal of Language and Discourse Practice, May 1, 2020
The present position study provides arguments about different aspects of Grecian Maxims (Grice 19... more The present position study provides arguments about different aspects of Grecian Maxims (Grice 1975) within the Persian socio-cultural, Islamic setting. According to one of the most reliable Islamic Shiite sources, Man La Yahdhoroh Al-Faghih (Vol. 4), people are allowed to tell lie in some circumstances, for specific purposes, e.g. in battlefields, out of discretion, for building up reconciliation among people, and when promising to secure family relations and foundations. Also, based on the Holy Quran, telling lie to save life, properties and family from real enemies, which is regarded as Taqiyyeh; namely, guard-avoidance (Holy Quran, Surah Al-Imran, 28; An-Nahl, 106; Al-Mo'min, 28) is permissible. This qualitative study is, therefore, aimed at investigating ethics in the Holy Quran, as a highly culture-specific element, to explain and exemplify the above-mentioned cases and demonstrate that ethics is a missing maxim in the framework of Grecian Cooperative Principles, at least in two respects, 1) ethics should govern Grice's Maxim of Quality and 2) Maxim of Ethics does not allow us to draw on unpleasant, offensive discourse.
Papers by Hossein Dastjerdi