University of Isfahan
In RIn3 and RSn3 the rare earth (R) is trivalent, except for Eu and Yb, which are divalent. This was experimentally determined in 1977 by perturbed angular correlation measurements of the electric-field gradient on a 111Cd impurity. At... more
In this paper we present details of our developed open source software, cubic-elastic, for the calculation of the elastic constants (ECs) of cubic crystals. The comparison of the calculated ECs for various types of cubic systems by this... more
In this paper, we explore the electric field gradients (EFGs) at 238U sites for antiferromagnetic UX2 (X = P, As, Sb, Bi) dipnicties using LDA, LDA + U, GGA, GGA + U, and EECE schemes in the presence of spin–orbit coupling.
Density functional theory is used to investigate the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of the anti-perovskites NiNMn 3 and ZnNMn 3 . The calculated structural parameters are found consistent with the experimental results. The... more
ECM Nancy s141 conference abstracts s11.m2.o3 First principles elasticity of major silicate and oxide phases of the lower mantle and geophysical implications. B.
The hyperfine interactions at the uranium site in the antiferromagnetic USb 2 compound were calculated within the density functional theory (DFT) employing augmented plane wave plus local orbital (APW+lo) method. We investigated the... more
Structural, electronic and optical properties of CdS x Se 1Àx at various compositions (0 6 x 6 1) are investigated using full potential linearized augmented plane waves (FP-LAPWs) method. A structural phase transition from zinc-blende to... more
The Pb/Si(111) thin films were simulated within the density functional theory (DFT). The wellknown Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) version of the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and its recent nonempirical successor Wu-Cohen (WC)... more
Structural, electronic and optical properties of antiperovskite compounds, SbNCa 3 and BiNCa 3 , are studied by using the full-potential linearized augmented plane waves (FP-LAPW) method under the framework of density functional theory... more
Abstract: In this paper we calculated the elastic constants of $\ gamma Ce $. The calculations were performed self-consistently using the full potential augmented plane wave plus local orbital (FP-APW+ lo) method. We used the generalized... more
The photoluminescence emission of nanoporous anodic aluminum oxide films formed in phosphoric acid is studied in order to explore their defect-based subband electronic structure. Different excitation wavelengths are used to identify most... more
γ-Al2O3 is a porous metal oxide and described as a defective spinel with some cationic vacancies. In this work, we calculate the electronic density of states and band structure for the bulk of this material. The calculations are performed... more
We investigated the effect of spin polarization on the structural properties and gradient of electric field (EFG) on Sn, In, and Cd impurity in RSn 3 (R=Sm, Eu, Gd) and RIn 3 (R=Tm, Yb, Lu) compounds. The calculations were performed... more
Structural, electronic and magnetic properties were calculated for the optimized α-U/W(110) thin films (TFs) within the density functional theory. Our optimization for 1U/7W(110) shows that the U-W vertical interlayer spacing (ILS) is... more
Ferromagnetic metallic inverse-perovskite (Eu 3 O)In is studied using hybrid functional theory (HF) in the frame work DFT. The calculated structural parameters and geometries of the material are calculated by different exchange... more