Papers by Oyeduntan Adediran

Journal of Parasitology Research, 2014
Echinococcosis is a public health parasitic disease that is cosmopolitan (Echinococcus granulosus... more Echinococcosis is a public health parasitic disease that is cosmopolitan (Echinococcus granulosus) in its distribution. Domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) have been recognised as the definitive host of the parasite. The present study was carried out to determine the prevalence of canine echinococcosis in Southwest Nigeria using direct enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect sera antigen. Two hundred and seventy-three (273) canine sera were tested for the presence of Echinococcus antigen. Purpose of keeping (hunting or companion), age (young or adult), and sex of each dog were considered during sampling. Total prevalence recorded was 12.45% (34/273). There was significant difference (< 0.05) between hunting (15.94%) and companion dogs (1.52%) but there was no significant difference (> 0.05) between young and adult dogs. There was no association between sex and prevalence of canine echinococcosis. The result of this study established the presence of canine echinococcosis in Southwest Nigeria; thus there is the possibility of occurrence of zoonotic form of the disease (human cystic hydatid diseases) in the region.

Folia veterinaria, Jun 1, 2018
A new species of the genus Echinochasmushas been described from the small intestine of the black ... more A new species of the genus Echinochasmushas been described from the small intestine of the black kite (Milvus m. migrans) collected from Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan and identified as E. swabiensis n. sp. The new species is different from its congeners in its body size; it has 22 collar spines which includes two corner spines on one side, four on the other side and eight marginal plus ventral spines on each side. There aretegumental-scale like spines interspersed on the anterior margin of the ventral sucker with a smaller, terminal oral sucker. The pharynx is nearly twice as large as the oral sucker, while the ventral sucker is nearly six times as large as the oral sucker. The suckers' width ratio is 1 : 4.7 to 1 : 5.6. The vitelline follicles are compact and denser at the lateral sides masking the caeca. This species has been added to the record of trematodes circulating among avian species, especially in the study area.

Veterinarski arhiv, 2005
The anthelmintic efficacy of the aqueous crude extract of Euphorbia hirta Linn was studied in 20 ... more The anthelmintic efficacy of the aqueous crude extract of Euphorbia hirta Linn was studied in 20 Nigerian dogs that were naturally infected with nematodes. They were randomly divided into 4 groups, A, B, C and D. Groups A and B each comprised 4 dogs while groups C and D comprised 6 dogs each. Group A animals were untreated, while those in group B were treated with proprietary anthelmintic (Mebendazole). Groups C and D animals were treated with aqueous crude extracts of E. hirta using intramuscular and oral routes, respectively. Two weeks after treatment, blood and faecal samples were collected to evaluate haematological values and faecal egg counts, respectively. The procedure was repeated two weeks later. Results of this study show that the aqueous crude extracts of E. hirta after its administration into local dogs produced a significant increase (P< 0.05) in PCV, RBC, Hb conc., TWBC and lymphocyte counts. The faecal egg counts also showed a remarkable and significant reduction in the levels of the identified helminths. The reduction in faecal egg counts was more pronounced with the extract administered through the oral route when compared with the intramuscular route. The effects of the plant extracts were broad spectrum in action. The phenol compound present in the plant extract could have caused reduction in worm load through this same mechanism that culminates in exhaustion and death of worms. Since the aqueous crude extract of E. hirta significantly reduced the faecal egg count of the helminths, it could serve as an anthelmintic agent.
Nigerian Journal of Animal Production, 2016
Veterinarski arhiv, 2008
Sažetak Uspoređeni su rezultati pretrage na prisutnost jajašaca metilja Fasciola gigantica u žuči... more Sažetak Uspoređeni su rezultati pretrage na prisutnost jajašaca metilja Fasciola gigantica u žuči i izmetu s rezultatima pretrage na prisutnost specifičnih protutijela testom gel-difuzijske precipitacije. Istraživanje je provedeno na 1000 goveda zaklanih u gradskoj klaonici ...

Researchers have variously submitted that Simulium damnosum, the arthropod vector carrying the on... more Researchers have variously submitted that Simulium damnosum, the arthropod vector carrying the onchocerciasis parasite, breeds during the rainy season in the south western part of Nigeria. Since there is a difference in the climatic condition found in the northern part of Nigeria, we need to specially do a comparative study of situations in the North, as related to the disease, in terms of its causes and effects. This study investigated the differences in the North-South prevalence of onchocerciasis and the different types of the disease found in the North versus the South of Nigeria. The comparative strength (quality) of its impact and the spread of its impact. Local government records were accessed and a survey for presence of microfilariae in individuals carried out in Kaduna and Oyo states. Onchocerciasis in the north is more impactful health-wise and economically on the Northern population with higher frequency of occurrence of river blindness and a higher overall prevalence as...

Folia Veterinaria, 2018
A new species of the genus Echinochasmushas been described from the small intestine of the black ... more A new species of the genus Echinochasmushas been described from the small intestine of the black kite (Milvus m. migrans) collected from Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan and identified as E. swabiensis n. sp. The new species is different from its congeners in its body size; it has 22 collar spines which includes two corner spines on one side, four on the other side and eight marginal plus ventral spines on each side. There aretegumental-scale like spines interspersed on the anterior margin of the ventral sucker with a smaller, terminal oral sucker. The pharynx is nearly twice as large as the oral sucker, while the ventral sucker is nearly six times as large as the oral sucker. The suckers’ width ratio is 1 : 4.7 to 1 : 5.6. The vitelline follicles are compact and denser at the lateral sides masking the caeca. This species has been added to the record of trematodes circulating among avian species, especially in the study area.
Livestock research for rural development, 2017

Issue 3, 2013
Seasonal variations in ecological parameters exert a profound effect on the distribution and popu... more Seasonal variations in ecological parameters exert a profound effect on the distribution and population density of both animal and plant species (Odum, 1971). The productivity in terms of planktonic biomass in freshwater bodies is regulated by various physico-chemical factors viz., temperature, transparency, pH, total hardness, nitrates, phosphates etc. A field study was conducted (October 2003 and March 2004) to develop a data-base on seasonal changes of physico-chemical parameters and nutrient load of the river sediment in Ibadan metropolis. Quantitative samples of sediments were collected during dry and rainy seasons from 11 stations and analyzed for various physico-chemical parameters and nutrient load. All (except dissolved oxygen) physico-chemical parameters assessed in this study were higher than the recommended standard (EPA, 2002). The nutrient load of pore water of Ibadan river system sediments during rainy and dry seasons was found in the range of: phosphate (2.23-16.2 pp...

Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, 2016
A case of diminazene-resistant trypanosomosis in a West African Dwarf (WAD) lamb with no previous... more A case of diminazene-resistant trypanosomosis in a West African Dwarf (WAD) lamb with no previous record of trypanocidal therapy is reported. Lamb was presented with clinical manifestations that included lethargy, blanched conjuntival mucous membrane, emaciation and exhaustion. Pre- and post-trypanocidal treatment evaluation of blood parasitologically by direct microscopy revealed parasitaemia of 31x10 6 and 15x 10 6 /ml of blood respectively. Specie specific Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and gel electrophoresis of the PCR products revealed amplicons size of 400 bp, expected size of Tryopanosoma vivax . The trypanosomes isolated obtained from the lamb before treatment was passaged into a haemoparasite free sheep. Pre and post reinfection chemotherapy of isolated trypanosomes into haemoparasite free sheep showed parasitemia of 7.5 x 10 6 and 15x 10 6 /ml of blood respectively. Epidemiological survey of sheep environment showed moderate infestation of Glossina palplispalplis precipitated by the incursion of different herd’s of Fulani cattle with the history of indiscriminate use of drugs; grazing their animals in the immediate vicinity of the flock. This report confirms the presence of diminazeneaceturate resistant T. vivax strain in the study area and also discussed the clinical implication of drug resistance trypanosomosis. Keywords: Dwarf lamb, T. vivax strain, drug resistance

Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 2014
As part of an ongoing project to investigate the epidemiology of gastrointestinal helminths of ca... more As part of an ongoing project to investigate the epidemiology of gastrointestinal helminths of cattle in Nigeria, we carried out a systematic random sampling of cattle slaughtered in a major abattoir in Ibadan, south-western Nigeria. Using sedimentation and floatation methods, we analyzed fecal samples from 397 animals between March and May 2013. Overall, 163 (41.6%) of the animals had at least one gastrointestinal helminth egg, comprising a total of eight helminths from different genera (i.e., four nematodes, three trematodes, and one cestode), with nematode infection being the highest (71.54%). In addition, eggs of four helminths of zoonotic importance were also obtained. Among the cattle examined, the Bunaji breed was the most infected (46%; 69/150). Furthermore, female animals (OR=1.1; 95% CI: 0.60–1.84) and animals with moderate body condition (OR=1.2; 95% CI: 0.80–1.79) are more likely to be positive to helminth infection. Our findings reveal that there were helminth infection...

Eur. J. Sci. Res, 2008
Many people acknowledge that menstruation-notably equal access to menstrual hygiene products-is a... more Many people acknowledge that menstruation-notably equal access to menstrual hygiene products-is an equity issue. It does not require a commission to address it. What is needed is for health care clinicians and administrators to be in the forefront of a growing movement to ensure that all adolescent girls and women have access to safe, hygienic menstrual management and assured menstrual health. An estimated one-fourth of the world's population of women and adolescent girls of reproductive age-approximately 500 million-say that they do not have everything they need to manage their menstruation. "Period poverty" has been defined by the American Medical Women's Association as inadequate access to menstrual hygiene tools and education, "including but not limited to sanitary products, washing facilities, and waste management." An expanding body of evidence from low-, middle-, and high-resource countries indicates significant menstruation-related challenges faced by schoolgirls, displaced adolescent girls and women, and women in the workplace-challenges that include menstrual stigma, insufficient menstrual education, and limited access to menstrual materials, toilets with water, mechanisms for disposal of used materials, or privacy. 1,2 This disparity is exacerbated by the pandemic.

Advances in Environmental Biology
The common African toad (Bufo regularis) has been used for several things and served different pu... more The common African toad (Bufo regularis) has been used for several things and served different purposes including being a good source of protein for humans in some parts of Africa and Asia.Various studies have been carried out on amphibians in and outside Africa but with little work done on its parasitofauna. An investigation of the endoparasites of the common African toad (Bufo regularis) in the wild from different sites in Ibadan, southwest Nigeria was undertaken. With the use of coprological methods of floatation and sedimentation, two nematodes were identified in male and female toads. These include Kalicephalus spp,and Strongyloides stercoralis. Ascaridoid spp adults were seen on examination of worms passed out with faeces by the toads in the laboratory. This may be the first report of Kalicephalus and Strongyloides spp in toads in Nigeria and this work has added to the understanding of the parasite fauna of Bufo regularis in Nigeria.

Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium... more Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Anthelmintic drug resistance has led to the search for alternatives in controlling helminth infections. FiftyWest AfricanDwarf goats without history of anthelmintic treatment were divided equally into five groups. Group A was treated with ivermectin injection subcutaneously, group B with levamisole subcutaneously, group C with albendazole orally, and group D with aqueous extract of Vernonia amygdalina and group E was untreated control. Faecal samples were collected before treatment from each animal and larval culture was carried out. Faecal egg count reduction (FECR) test was carried out for each group and the data analysed using FECR version 4 to calculate percent reduction in faecal egg count. Predominant helminth infections from larval culture were Haemonchus contortus (70%),Trichostrongylus spp. (61%), andOesophagostomum spp. (56%).Mixe...

The anthelmintic efficacy of the aqueous crude extract of Euphorbia hirta Linn was studied in 20 ... more The anthelmintic efficacy of the aqueous crude extract of Euphorbia hirta Linn was studied in 20 Nigerian dogs that were naturally infected with nematodes. They were randomly divided into 4 groups, A, B, C and D. Groups A and B each comprised 4 dogs while groups C and D comprised 6 dogs each. Group A animals were untreated, while those in group B were treated with proprietary anthelmintic (Mebendazole). Groups C and D animals were treated with aqueous crude extracts of E. hirta using intramuscular and oral routes, respectively. Two weeks after treatment, blood and faecal samples were collected to evaluate haematological values and faecal egg counts, respectively. The procedure was repeated two weeks later. Results of this study show that the aqueous crude extracts of E. hirta after its administration into local dogs produced a significant increase (P< 0.05) in PCV, RBC, Hb conc., TWBC and lymphocyte counts. The faecal egg counts also showed a remarkable and significant reduction ...

Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium... more Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. As part of an ongoing project to investigate the epidemiology of gastrointestinal helminths of cattle in Nigeria, we carried out a systematic random sampling of cattle slaughtered in a major abattoir in Ibadan, south-western Nigeria. Using sedimentation and floatation methods, we analyzed fecal samples from 397 animals between March and May 2013. Overall, 163 (41.6%) of the animals had at least one gastrointestinal helminth egg, comprising a total of eight helminths fromdifferent genera (i.e., four nematodes, three trematodes, and one cestode), with nematode infection being the highest (71.54%). In addition, eggs of four helminths of zoonotic importance were also obtained. Among the cattle examined, the Bunaji breed was the most infected (46%; 69/150). Furthermore, female animals (OR = 1.1; 95 % CI: 0.60–1.84) and animals with moderate body...
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium... more Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Echinococcosis is a public health parasitic disease that is cosmopolitan (Echinococcus granulosus) in its distribution. Domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) have been recognised as the definitive host of the parasite. The present study was carried out to determine the prevalence of canine echinococcosis in Southwest Nigeria using direct enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect sera antigen. Two hundred and seventy-three (273) canine sera were tested for the presence of Echinococcus antigen. Purpose of keeping (hunting or companion), age (young or adult), and sex of each dog were considered during sampling. Total prevalence recorded was 12.45 % (34/273). There was significant difference (

ENGLISH/ANGLAIS] Affiliations: Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology, University... more ENGLISH/ANGLAIS] Affiliations: Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, NIGERIA * Email Address for Correspondence/ Adresse de courriel pour la correspondance: [email protected] Accepted/Accepté: September, 2012 Full Citation: Adediran O, Uwalaka E. Seroprevalence of Trichinellosis in Pigs slaughtered in Bodija Abbattoir Oyo State Nigeria. World Journal of Life Science and Medical Research 2012;2(5):166-9. This survey was carried out to determine the prevalence of trichinellosis in Bodija municipal abattoir of Oyo state, Nigeria. Sera samples were collected from pigs slaughtered on the slabs from July to November, 2010 and taken to the laboratory in the department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology, University of Ibadan for analysis. The samples were processed for Trichinella antibodies by ELISA using excretory-secretory (E/S) antigen.246 samples were collected and a prevalence of 15.04% was recorded. Adult pigs had a highe...

In Nigeria, where the great majority of herds are managed traditionally, the search for feed and ... more In Nigeria, where the great majority of herds are managed traditionally, the search for feed and water results in scavenging livestock-raising methods. This often exposes such animals to high levels of infections, causing considerable losses. A survey was conducted during the short wet season to determine the prevalence and role of factors associated with small ruminant helminthosis in Ibadan region. A total of 880 sheep and goats were examined using standard parasitological procedures. The overall prevalence of helminthosis was 92.7%. Species prevalence of helminthosis was 96.1% and 89.3% in sheep and goats respectively. Sex prevalence was 94.1% and 87.8% in females and males respectively. Peri-urban prevalence was 96.0% while urban had 88.8% of mixed helminth infection. It was also observed that 42.5% and 57.7% of animal owners in urban and peri-urban areas lacked knowledge of anthelmintic used. Others, 20% and 30% of urban and peri- urban owners expressed some knowledge of existe...

Veterinarski Arhiv, 2008
AdedOkuN, O. A., A. B. AyiNmOde, B. O. F AgBemi: A comparative study of three methods for detecti... more AdedOkuN, O. A., A. B. AyiNmOde, B. O. F AgBemi: A comparative study of three methods for detecting Fasciola infections in Nigerian cattle. Vet. arhiv 78, 411- 416, 2008. ABstrAct Qualitative examination of Fasciola gigantica eggs in faeces and bile were compared with the detection of precipitating antibodies in sera by agar gel precipitation test (AGPT) in 1000 cattle slaughtered at the Bodija municipal abattoir in Ibadan, Nigeria. Faecal and bile examination methods detected (196) 33.5% and (389) 38.9% of the animals as positive for fasciolosis, while (474) 47.4% were positive by AGPT. Both direct bile examination and faecal egg detection methods have high specificity and positive predictive value (100%) when compared with AGPT. However, lower values for sensitivity and negative predictive value were observed for both faecal egg examination (66.5% and 67.9% respectively) and bile examination (81.0% and 78.9% respectively). Fecal and bile examination failed to detect 33.5% and 19.0...
Papers by Oyeduntan Adediran