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Hypertension remains a formidable cardiovascular problem in the entire world. Untreated or poorly controlled hypertension predisposes to target-organ damage and is often followed by serious cardiovascular events. Knowledge of the type and... more
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      NigeriaElectrocardiographyHypertensionRegression Analysis
Background The use of conjunctiva autograft, adjunct antimetabolite therapy has been shown to be effective in preventing pterygium recurrence. Objective To compare 5 fluorouracil (5-FU) to conjunctival autograft in the treatment of large,... more
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      ImmunologyConjunctivaProspective studiesClinical Sciences
Hypertension remains a formidable cardiovascular problem in the entire world. Untreated or poorly controlled hypertension predisposes to target-organ damage and is often followed by serious cardiovascular events. Knowledge of the type and... more
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      NigeriaElectrocardiographyHypertensionRegression Analysis
Background: Visual function is important for optimal orientation in functional and social life, and has an effect on physical and emotional well-being. Visual impairment, therefore, leads to restrictions in all aspects of daily living and... more
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    • Eye Disease
Aim: To conduct a rapid assessment of cataract surgical services to estimate the prevalence and causes of blindness and visual impairment in members of the population aged >40 years in the Limbe urban area, Cameroon. Methods: Clusters of... more
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      BritishLow visionVisual ImpairmentClinical Sciences
Background: Scleral buckle surgery is not a commonly performed surgical procedure in Sub-Saharan Africa due to a paucity of trained vitreo retinal surgeons. The aim of the study was to review sclera buckle procedures with a view to... more
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      Optometry and OphthalmologyClinical Ophthalmology
Results: In the 3 years reviewed, 768 retinal cases were seen in the hospital, 101 (14%) of which were diagnosed with AMD. The peak age was 60-79 years. The male to female ratio was approximately 2:3. More males presented with the... more
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      Optometry and OphthalmologyClinical Ophthalmology
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      Optometry and OphthalmologyClinical Ophthalmology
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      ImmunologyDeveloping CountriesNigeriaAdolescent
Choroidal neovascularization (CNV) with chorioretinal atrophy is the most common cause of poor vision in patients with pathologic myopia. 1 In India, refractive errors are a major cause of treatable blindness. Population surveys in... more
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      Treatment OutcomePorphyrinsVisual acuityProspective studies
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      Clinical PracticeClinical SciencesClinical Study
Purpose The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence and causes of eye diseases and visual impairment in students in the Ilesa East local government area of Osun state, Nigeria. Methods A cross-sectional survey that utilised a... more
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Tuberculous uveitis is an underdiagnosed form of uveitis. Absence of pulmonary signs and symptoms does not rule out the disease. In an era of reduced immunity from human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, the... more
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      Operations ManagementBlindnessAdolescentCerebrospinal Fluid
Background: Posterior vitrectomy facilities are lacking in Sub Sahara Africa due to paucity of trained personnel in vitreo retinal subspecialty. More cases are seen needing vitrectomy, especially cases with vitreous opacities and... more
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Best macular dystrophy is reported to be rare in Africans. It is a hereditary disease that starts in childhood and progresses through some stages before visual symptoms occur. This case report presents a 43-year-old Nigerian with the... more
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Angiogenesis is a contributing factor in some retinal diseases, hence the role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as a common pathway in proliferative retinopathies. Bevacizumab has been found to be effective in the treatment of... more
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    • Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
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Diabetic retinopathy is now an important cause of visual impairment in the developing countries due to changing lifestyles. This review includes recent developments on the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy emphasizing the role of... more
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      AntioxidantsDiabetic RetinopathyDisease ManagementAngiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors