University of Ibadan Nigeria
Agricultural Economics
This paper provides the prediction of future production of citrus and mango in the medium term up to 2010. The prediction was based on the assumptions that past trends (area planted and yield) and existence of normal weather pattern will... more
This study analyzed the factors influencing the exports of timber in Nigeria with the aid of Error Correction Model (ECM) representation procedures. The analysis was carried out with the data collected on roundwood and sawnwood over 33... more
This study examines the factors that determine the export performance of three major agricultural exportable commodities of cocoa, rubber and palm-kernel in the context of liberalization. Using time series data covering thirty three years... more
Nigeria is the fourth largest producer of palm oil in the world after Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand in the order of annual production volume. The industry provides direct and indirect employment to about four million people in... more
This paper investigates how remittances flow to Nigeria from household migrants affect farm production efficiency of the left behind in rural areas. We used the Living Standard Measurement Survey data set and applied production frontier... more
This paper investigates how remittances flow to Nigeria from household migrants affect farm production efficiency of the left behind in rural areas. We used the Living Standard Measurement Survey data set and applied production frontier... more
This study examines the factors that determine the export performance of three major agricultural exportable commodities of cocoa, rubber and palm-kernel in the context of liberalization. Using time series data covering thirty three years... more
It is widely acknowledged that access to financial services plays a critical role in helping poor people strengthen their economic potentials, increase their asset base and diminish their vulnerabilities to external shocks. However, poor... more
Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) is paramount to the success of farming activities today in the face of the menace of climate change. This study therefore investigated the frequency of usage of CSA and the factors influencing its level of... more
This paper investigates how remittances flow to Nigeria from household migrants correlate with farm production efficiency of the left behind in rural areas using the Living Standard Measurement Survey data set. We applied the production... more
Introduction: Commercial banks in Nigeria are more engrossed with profit maximization and as such they tend to neglect the importance of liquidity management. This eventually leads to financial indebtedness and consequently low patronage... more
This paper examined vulnerability to poverty of households among rural households in South West Nigeria using primary data from a two-wave panel survey (lean versus harvesting periods). Results showed that on the average there is a 0.56... more