Papers by Aderemi Alarape

Proceedings of The 9th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences
Employees have various reasons for engaging in Counterproductive work behaviour (CWBs) and the me... more Employees have various reasons for engaging in Counterproductive work behaviour (CWBs) and the means of expressing them differ from one person to the other, this, somewhat makes it difficult for organizations to pinpoint the exact predictors of CWBs. This study examined the determinants of CWB among local government workers by establishing the prevalence of sabotage, theft, withdrawal, production deviance and abuse against others at the workplace and the impact they have on organizational performance. Data was collected from 263 employees in five urban local governments in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. These employees were selected through accidental sampling and responded to organizational politics scale, leader member relationship scale and counterproductive work behaviour scale. The checklist (CWB-C) with the 32-item Counterproductive Work Behaviour Checklist with 5 dimensions by Spector et al., 2006 was used for the study. Correlation, multiple regression and t-test were the statistical tools used to test the hypotheses. The results of the analysis showed significant influence of leader member relationship on CWB (β=-0.18; t=-2.78; p<0.05) and no significant influence of organizational politics on CWB. Specifically, leader member relationship significantly predicted sabotage (β=-0.15; t=-2.39; p<0.05), withdrawal (β=-0.17; t=-2.65; p<0.05), theft (β=-0.13; t=-2.04; p<0.05), abuse against others (β=-0.16; t=-2.54; p<0.05) and production deviance (β=-0.20; t=-3.16; p<0.05). In addition, gender did not significantly influenced CWB neither did it significantly influenced any of the dimensions of CWBs. The findings concluded that negative perception of organizational justice and leader member relationship lead to higher tendency of engaging in counterproductive work behaviour.

Citizenship behavior research and measurement has been limited to organizational settings, hence ... more Citizenship behavior research and measurement has been limited to organizational settings, hence the dearth of standardized tools to measure citizenship behavior towards a nation. Nigeria is characterized of citizenship issues, hence the necessity for a tool to quantify the citizenship behaviour of Nigerians for better policy formulation. The Nigerian Citizenship Behavior (NCB) scale was consequently developed. Aided by literature search and experts' opinions, 78-items were generated and mailed to 2404 (M=1439, F=965) postgraduate students of a Nigerian university, as online survey. Content and face validity produced 60 items; reduced to 50 by item analysis (minimum r=0.30). Divergent validity (r=-0.28) and convergent validity (r=0.44) were obtained using Counter-Productive Work Behavior (CWB) and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) scales respectively. Cronbach α=0.941, split-half r=0.728, factor analyses with principal component and varimax rotation yielded five components (Altruism, Attachment, Affectivity, Civic responsibility, Allegiance). The strength of the scale in assessing citizenship behavior across varying contexts in Nigeria was discussed.

Journal of Social Sciences, 2016
Predictors of drug involvement among secondary school students in Ibadan were examined in this st... more Predictors of drug involvement among secondary school students in Ibadan were examined in this study. Two hundred and four (204) students comprising 113 males and 91 females, whose age ranged between 13 and 25 years (M = 16.32, S.D. = 1.81) participated in the study. Data collected with a structured questionnaire were subjected to independent sample t-test, and regression analysis. Psychosocial factors (life purpose, need for achievement and self-esteem) significantly predicted drug abuse [F (6, 113) = 7.75; p < .01, R2 = .29]. Participants with low score on life purpose reported higher substance abuse than those with high score on life purpose, t (161) = 2.62, p <.05 ; those with low score on the need for achievement reported higher substance abuse than those with high score on the need for achievement, t (162) = 4.09, p < .01 ; those with low score on the need for achievement reported higher substance abuse than those with high score on the need for achievement t (162) = ...
Journal of Social Sciences

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology - International Journal of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences, 2018
Organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) is a construct in industrial and organisational behavi... more Organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) is a construct in industrial and organisational behaviour that explains a person's voluntary commitment within an organisation, which is outside the scope of his or her contractual tasks. To attain organisational effectiveness the human factor of production is inevitable, hence the importance of employee behaviour. While the concept of organisational citizenship behavior is mostly discussed in the context of the workplace, it is reasoned that the idea could be reflective in relation to national commitment. Many developing countries in Africa, including Nigeria, suffer economic hardship today not necessarily due to poor resources but bad management of the resources. The mangers of their economies are not committed to the tenets of economic growth but engrossed in fraud, corruption, bribery, and other economic vices. It is this backdrop that necessitated the development and validation of the Ibadan-Nigeria Citizenship Behaviour (I-NCB) Scale. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey (online) research design, using 2404 postgraduate students in the Premier University of the country, with 99.2% being Nigerians and 0.8% non-Nigerians. Gender composition was 1,439 (60%) males and 965 (40%) females, 1201 (50%) were employed while 1203 50% unemployed, 74.2% of the employed were in public paid employment, 19.5% in private sector, and 6.3% were self-employed. Through literature review, 78 items were generated. Using 10 lecturers and 21 students, content and face validity were established respectively. Data collected were subjected to reliability and factor analytic statistics at p < .05 level of significance. Results of the content and face validity at 80% level of item acceptance resulted to 60 items; this was further reduced to 50 after item-total correlation using r=.30 criterion. Divergent validity of r=-.28 and convergent validity of r= .44 were obtained by correlating the I-NCB scale with standardized Counterproductive work behaviour (CWB) scale and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) scale among the workers. The reliability coefficients obtained were; Cronbach alpha of internal consistency (α = 0.941) and split-half reliability of r = 0.728. Factor analyses of the I-NCB scale with principal component and varimax rotation yielded five factors when Eigenvalue above 1 were extracted. The factors which accounted for larger proportions of the total variance were given factor names as; Altruistic, Attachment, Affective, Civic responsibility and Allegiance. As much as there are vast journals on citizenship behaviour in organisations, there exists no standardized tool to measure citizenship behaviour of a country. The Ibadan-Nigeria Citizenship Behaviour (I-NCB) scale was consequently developed. The scale could be used to select personnel into political positions and senior administrative positions among career workers in Nigeria, with the aim of determining national commitment to service.

Journal of Social Sciences, 2016
Predictors of drug involvement among secondary school students in Ibadan were examined in this st... more Predictors of drug involvement among secondary school students in Ibadan were examined in this study. Two hundred and four (204) students comprising 113 males and 91 females, whose age ranged between 13 and 25 years (M = 16.32, S.D. = 1.81) participated in the study. Data collected with a structured questionnaire were subjected to independent sample t-test, and regression analysis. Psychosocial factors (life purpose, need for achievement and self-esteem) significantly predicted drug abuse [F (6, 113) = 7.75; p < .01, R2 = .29]. Participants with low score on life purpose reported higher substance abuse than those with high score on life purpose, t (161) = 2.62, p <.05 ; those with low score on the need for achievement reported higher substance abuse than those with high score on the need for achievement, t (162) = 4.09, p < .01 ; those with low score on the need for achievement reported higher substance abuse than those with high score on the need for achievement t (162) = 2.62, p <.05; female participants reported higher substance abuse than male counterparts, t (176) =-4.05, p <.01). In conclusion, it is expedient that efforts be intensified on actions that will reawaken the strive for excellence and sense of self worth through engagement in self development activities, thereby minimizing the prevalence of substance abuse among Nigerian youths.

Predictors of drug involvement among secondary school students in Ibadan were examined in this st... more Predictors of drug involvement among secondary school students in Ibadan were examined in this study. Two hundred and four (204) students comprising 113 males and 91 females, whose age ranged between 13 and 25 years (M = 16.32, S.D. = 1.81) participated in the study. Data collected with a structured questionnaire were subjected to independent sample t-test, and regression analysis. Psychosocial factors (life purpose, need for achievement and self-esteem) significantly predicted drug abuse [F (6, 113) = 7.75; p < .01, R2 = .29]. Participants with low score on life purpose reported higher substance abuse than those with high score on life purpose, t (161) = 2.62, p <.05 ; those with low score on the need for achievement reported higher substance abuse than those with high score on the need for achievement, t (162) = 4.09, p < .01 ; those with low score on the need for achievement reported higher substance abuse than those with high score on the need for achievement t (162) = 2.62, p <.05; female participants reported higher substance abuse than male counterparts, t (176) =-4.05, p <.01). In conclusion, it is expedient that efforts be intensified on actions that will reawaken the strive for excellence and sense of self worth through engagement in self development activities, thereby minimizing the prevalence of substance abuse among Nigerian youths.
Ibadan Journal of the Social Sciences, 2006
Gender and Behaviour, 2011

Nigerian Journal of Clinical and Counselling Psychology, 2001
ABSTRACT This study investigated the impact of multiple role strain, self-efficacy and locus of c... more ABSTRACT This study investigated the impact of multiple role strain, self-efficacy and locus of control on the psychological health of working mothers. One hundred and ninety-nine working mothers participated in the study. A total of 175 (87.9%) were married, 20 (10.7%) were single, 2 (1.0%) were divorced and 2 (1.0%) were widowed. Results showed that working mothers who scored high on multiple role strain experienced significantly more anxiety than their counterpart who scored low on multiple role strain, F (1,190) = 35.34, P &lt; .01; working mothers who scored low on self-efficacy experienced significant more anxiety than working mothers who scored high on self-efficacy, F (1,190) = 23.45, P &lt; .01; and internally oriented working mothers experienced more anxiety (M=46.98) than their counterpart with external locus of control, F (1,190) = 9.84, P &lt; .01. The three-way interaction was also significant, F (1,190) = 7.22, P &lt;. 01. The main effects for multiple role strain and locus of control were not significant on depression F (1,190) = 0.61, ns; F (1,190) = 1.50, ns. Self-efficacy had a significant effect on depression F (1,190) = 10.86, P &lt; .01. Working mothers who scored low on self-efficacy experienced significantly more depression than working mothers who scored high on self-efficacy. The multiple role strain X self-efficacy interaction term was also significant on depression. F (1,190) = 6.17, P &lt; .05. Implications for promoting more healthful work environments and facilitating working mothers coping are discussed. (Nigerian Journal of Clinical and Counselling Psychology: 7 (1&amp;2): 1-16)
African Research Review, 2009

IFE PsychologIA, 2004
ABSTRACT The present study considered the influence of self-esteem, locus of control and computer... more ABSTRACT The present study considered the influence of self-esteem, locus of control and computer expertise on computer-induced stress in a cross sectional survey. One hundred and fifty cyber café users drawn from 10 cyber cafes randomly chosen from University of Ibadan and its environs participated in the study. Of the 150 respondents, 27 (31.3%) were females while 103 (68.7%) were males; mean age was 25.41 with a standard deviation of 7.00. Result indicated that the main effect of self-esteem was significant, F (1, 142)=6.32, P&lt;. 05. Computer expertise also had a significant effect on computer-induced stress F (1, 142) =28.04, P&lt;. 001. As hypothesized, high self-esteem persons reported lower level of computer-induced stress than low self-esteem persons. Also, people with higher level of computer expertise reported lower computer-induced stress than people with less computer expertise. The implication and results were discussed and suggestions for further studies were highlighted in the light of the findings.IFE Psychologia Vol.12(2) 2004: 27-39

IFE PsychologIA, 2001
ABSTRACT The study examined menopausal status, timing of menopause and their influence on experie... more ABSTRACT The study examined menopausal status, timing of menopause and their influence on experience of depression and life satisfaction among 188 working women. The participants were drawn from organizations in Lagos and Ibadan. Results of the study revealed that (I) currently menopausal women experienced a significantly higher level of depression and a lower level of life satisfaction than non-menopausal and post menopausal women. (ii) women who experienced late menopause were more depressed and less satisfied with life than women who experienced menopause on-time. (iii) there was a significant negative relationship between depression and life satisfaction among menopausal women. Based on the findings of this study, it was concluded that menopause, irrespective of the caliber of women experiencing it, is accompanied with varying degrees of depression and lowered life satisfaction. This is because menopause itself imposes various uncomfortable symptoms on the women. It is recommended that menopausal women should see menopause, as a normal phase of life and programmes should be designed to enlighten women about the menopause experience. IFE PsychologIA Vol 9, No 2 September 2001, pp. 18-26

IFE PsychologIA, 2004
ABSTRACT This paper reports the development and construction of a 14-item attitude towards cheati... more ABSTRACT This paper reports the development and construction of a 14-item attitude towards cheating scales and 18-item cheating behaviour scale are reported. Cheating or academic dishonesty is one of the problem plaguing students in its entirety. Two scales were developed to measure students&#39; attitude towards the phenomenon and the extent to which they actually engage in it. A total of 250 students (96 males [38.4%] and 152 [60.8%] females)responded to the Attitude towards Examination Cheating (ATEC) and Examination Cheating Behaviour (ECB) scales. The ATEC scale had a reliability coefficient alpha of 0.83 and a Spearman-Brown split half coefficient of 0.76 while the ECB scale had a reliability coefficient alpha of 0.91 and a Spearman Brown split half of 0.89. Results supporting the intended measure&#39;s reliability and the implications for students in general are discussed. IFE Psychologia (2003) 11(2), 59-67
IFE PsychologIA, 2003
ABSTRACT Cheating is gradually becoming a means of getting ahead academically. Past research indi... more ABSTRACT Cheating is gradually becoming a means of getting ahead academically. Past research indicates who cheats and reasons for cheating. This study sought to find out some psychological correlates of examination cheating behaviour among university students in Nigeria. Cheating behaviour data was obtained with a survey design using two hundred and fifty [250] subjects with a mean age of twenty-three [23]. Results revealed that age, and self-esteem had a significant positive relationship with examination cheating behaviour while locus of control and need for achievement had a significant negative relationship with examination cheating behaviour. These findings were discussed, particularly in terms of various personality differences of students, which suggest different reasons why students cheat. (IFE PsychologIA: 2003 11 (1): 71-79)
Health Education Journal, 2006
Objective To identify factors that predict condom use and sexual practices of brewery employees w... more Objective To identify factors that predict condom use and sexual practices of brewery employees who had recently been on short- and longterm migration in the course of their jobs in Nigeria.Design A cross-sectional survey design was adopted to investigate the relationship between sexual practices and condom use of migrant employees, and to determine the predictors of condom use at last
Papers by Aderemi Alarape