Papers by Astrid Damayanti

IOP conference series, Sep 22, 2020
An earthquake is a natural disaster that is often found in Indonesia because its geological area ... more An earthquake is a natural disaster that is often found in Indonesia because its geological area is a meeting between three large tectonic plates. Earthquakes have a high level of danger due to unpredictable events. In the Sulawesi region, especially Makassar, in 2017, there was an earthquake measuring 3 SR-6 SR, with a shallow epicenter. Epicenter distance calculation is used to determine the value of peak ground acceleration (PGA), which can then affect the intensity value in the hypocenter. This study aims to analyze the level of earthquake hazard using the PGA value as the basis for the initial reference of earthquake disaster mitigation. Variables used include rock type (geology), slope and the value of peak ground acceleration (PGA). Data on rock types were obtained from the Makassar City BPBD, and slope variables were processed from the SRTM DEM. Next, an overlay analysis was conducted to determine the level of earthquake hazard using a GIS application. The results showed that Makassar City had a majority of 94% of its area has a low level of earthquake hazard, while 6% of the area that had an earthquake hazard level was quite high in the east of Makassar. The frequency of earthquakes that were felt to be influential by the community (scale III MMI) was only two times in the last three decades (1996 and 2018).

IOP conference series, Nov 1, 2022
Seaweed cultivation is an alternative used in coastal areas. It is necessary to increase seaweed ... more Seaweed cultivation is an alternative used in coastal areas. It is necessary to increase seaweed production because of the high carrying capacity and potential seaweed cultivation areas. The seaweed cultivation on Serangan Island continues to be pressured by the development of tourism and human activities. This study aims to analyze the suitability of the seaweed cultivation area in Serangan Island. The variables used in this study are water conditions such as sea surface temperature, salinity, total suspended solids, and dissolved oxygen—the data obtained through processing Landsat 8 imagery in January and May 2020. The method used is scoring and overlaying all variables, which are then analyzed spatially. The results showed a suitable area covering 616 Ha dominantly and the appropriate regions for 1,52 Ha, located in several parts of the northern and southern waters of Serangan Island in the rainy season. Whereas in the dry season, suitable areas are covering 223 Ha located in 31 grids in the northern, eastern, southern, and southwestern parts of Serangan Island, quite ideal for 392 Ha in 72 grids dominantly and unsuitable for 2,52 Ha located in part east and west grid of Serangan Island waters.

International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (Denpasar), Jan 18, 2023
The South Bali coast is prone to abrasion due to its geographical position facing the Indian Ocea... more The South Bali coast is prone to abrasion due to its geographical position facing the Indian Ocean. High sea waves and currents in the south of Bali will erode beaches whose lithology and morphology are prone to abrasion. Land cover conditions that do not support coastal protection will also affect the high abrasion of the southern coast of Bali. This study aims to analyze the shoreline changes in South Bali from 1995-2021. The analytical method used is the Digital shoreline analysis system (DSAS), with data from Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+, Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS, and Sentinel 2A. The analysis results show that the area directly facing the waves is relatively high, with volcanic rock formations, and there is no mangrove as coastal protection. The lack of good coastal management shows the area with the highest abrasion. It was found in the western part of Tabanan Regency, eastern Gianyar, and southern Badung. Meanwhile, the average coastal accretion was relatively high in the neck of South Bali, in areas where the land cover was mangrove and adjacent to river mouths, which experienced much sedimentation.
International Journal of GEOMATE, 2020

International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2021
Land-use change is a condition when the land has changed in terms of its use. The factor that can... more Land-use change is a condition when the land has changed in terms of its use. The factor that can affect land-use change is distance and long-stay of the community. Its distance could make a land-use change from the rivers and roads. Land-use change can affect the livelihoods of the local community. This study aimed to evaluate the way land is changed in Tanjung Village, from 2011 to 2017, and its impact on the livelihoods of local communities. At each predetermined sample point, we collected data by interview and direct observation. Determination of sample points using a buffer analysis on satellite imagery. Respondents were selected using the accidental sampling method. To illustrate how urban land functions have changed in Tanjung Village and analyze their impact on livelihoods using spatial descriptive comparative purposes. This research shows that there has been a land-use change in Tanjung Village that is influenced by a physical factor, which is the distance from the rivers a...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Erosion that exceeds the normal threshold can cause damage to the environment. The reduction of t... more Erosion that exceeds the normal threshold can cause damage to the environment. The reduction of the physical properties of soil is a result of erosion. The USLE method is an empirical model that can predict the amount of erosion. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of erosion hazard that occurs in the Tanralili sub-watershed. The benefit of this study is to find out areas that are experiencing severe erosion so that a recovery plan can be made for eroded soils to prevent even more significant decay Erosion calculated using the USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) model. There are several variables used in the calculation, which are the rainfall erosivity factor, the soil erodibility factor, the topographic factor, and the cropping management factor in looking at vegetation cover in the field using a survey method. The analysis used in this study is descriptive and spatial. Very high erosion occurs in almost all of the Tanraliili sub-watershed, about > 480 tons/ha/...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Development and economic growth in an area can cause land cover changes. Penajam Paser Utara Rege... more Development and economic growth in an area can cause land cover changes. Penajam Paser Utara Regency, as a new capital candidate, is also predicted to experience in land cover changes. Land cover changes that are not following the land’s potential will cause environmental problems, so it is necessary to predict land cover changes by looking at patterns of land cover changes in the past and the factors that influence it. The purpose of this study is to analyze and predict the land cover change in Penajam Paser Utara Regency in 2031. The method used in this study is modeling using Cellular Automata - Markov. The driving factor of land cover change is used in making prediction models such as distance from the center of activity, distance from the road, distance from the river, elevation, and slope. The prediction land cover changes show that there has been an increase in plantation area and a decrease in forest area, while the development of the built-up area is not visible. The kappa ...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Indonesia is an agrarian country with agrarian society producing and maintaining crops and farmla... more Indonesia is an agrarian country with agrarian society producing and maintaining crops and farmland. Most of the agrarian society in Indonesia is concentrated in the Java island. The Mount Patuha Area in West Java is considered to be a suitable area for agriculture. In May 2017, there has been erosion and major flood lately due to annual crop changed to seasonal crops in the Mount Patuha Area. This study aims to analyze spatially the suitability of agricultural plant types based on the WTU concept and soil types to prevent environmental damage from happening again and maintaining the sustainability of the agricultural sector. The Cultivated Land Region concept is also known as “Wilayah Tanah Usaha” (WTU) in Indonesia is an approach to manage agricultural land properly and sustainably based on the land elevation and slope as limiting factor from soil damage. Soil type also determines the plant suitability. This study is utilizing Geographic Information System (GIS) to overlay spatial...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The increase of population could leads to residential area availability. This could lead to imbal... more The increase of population could leads to residential area availability. This could lead to imbalance between population and available housing and could results in higher population pressure on the available area. Spatial modeling prediction is needed as a prevention step to prevent excessive land cover change in the future. This research aims to analyze residential area carrying capacity and spatial modelling of land cover change of Samarinda in 2006, 2014 and 2020 using Cellular Automata Markov Chain (CAMC) and residential area carrying capacity index. The Cellular Automata Markov Chain (CAMC) results show that there is an expansion of residential area land cover which affected by driving factors that consist of distance from the nearby road, distance from the river, distance from the point of interest (health facility and education facility), slope, and elevation. Residential area land carrying capacity affected by population density, standard needed land area, and residential ar...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Landslides disaster that occurred in Indonesia has caused environmental damage and claimed many l... more Landslides disaster that occurred in Indonesia has caused environmental damage and claimed many lives. Bungaya has a high risk of landslide threat and includes areas affected by severe landslides, so landslide mitigation needs to do. Landslide mitigation is an effort to reduce the risk of landslides, which can be applied by doing soil conservation. This study aims to find out the spatial pattern of vegetative conservation to prevent landslides in Bungaya. Slope morphology and slope gradient variables used to determine the potential area of landslide, obtained from BIG in 2018 and processed by the SMORPH Method. Data of vegetative conservation variables obtained by observation and interview. Analysis that used is an overlay technique on landslide potential areas, land use, and location of landslides. The highest potential of the landslide, clustered in the southern part of Bungaya, and moderate to low potential is randomly scattered. The highest potential is in Rannaloe and the lowes...

Landslide in the Southern part of West Java Province, Garut regency in upstream Cimanuk River bec... more Landslide in the Southern part of West Java Province, Garut regency in upstream Cimanuk River become a disaster for the population and its economic activities. The region is surrounded by active volcanoes, general condition of land topography is bumpy, hilly and mountainous, weathering the soil and high rainfall accumulatively make this region is very potential to landslides. SINMAP is an additional program of ArcView software developed by Pack, Torboton, and Goodwin at Terractech Consulting Ltd, Utah State University in 1998. The purpose of this research is to analyze the potential areas of landslide disaster in Cimanuk River Basin, Garut regency, West Java with Stability Index Mapping (SINMAP) method. The variables used are rainfall, soil type and slope. In addition, this study also using spatial analysis techniques with overlay between the potential that is validated with the location of landslide. The results showed areas with potential classes: (1) 57.8% of Ci Manuk Hulu Flow A...

International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2020
Mangrove forests have an essential role in reducing the impact of global warming in the urban and... more Mangrove forests have an essential role in reducing the impact of global warming in the urban and surrounding areas; one of them is through carbon sequestration. Carbon sequestration is needed to reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The capacity of carbon sequestration or carbon stocks of mangrove forests can be seen from its biomass value. This study aims to produce a regression model between the vegetation index and the carbon stock of mangrove forests so that carbon stocks can be seen easily from satellite imagery and analyze their distribution in the Coastal City of Benoa, Bali. The distribution of carbon stocks was analyzed using a combination of vegetation index approach and statistical regression analysis. The vegetation index used is ARVI and EVI obtained from processing Sentinel 2-A satellite imagery in 2020. Mangrove forest biomass values are derived from allometric equations. After getting the amount of biomass, a regression model was built with a vegetation index. The model with the highest level of accuracy is used to process the image of the whole mangrove forest. This study's results indicate that the regression model formed by the ARVI has the highest level of accuracy compared to the EVI, with the best regression model for predicting carbon stock values is the exponential regression model with an ARVI vegetation index variable. High carbon stock values are distributed in almost all regions of Benoa Bay.

Seminar Nasional Geomatika, Feb 9, 2018
Budidaya udang merupakan salah satu kegiatan ekonomi yang sangat produktif dalam meningkatkan kes... more Budidaya udang merupakan salah satu kegiatan ekonomi yang sangat produktif dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyrakat pesisir di Kabupaten Brebes. Pada wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Brebes banyak terdapat budidaya tambak udang yang belum optimal. Banyak budidaya tambak intensif yang produktivitasnya setiap tahun menurun karena budidaya tambak tersebut belum memenuhi persyaratan lokasi teknis, fisik dan ekologis yang sesuai. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan wilayah potensi tambak udang di Kecamatan Pesisir Kabupaten Brebes. Lokasi potensi budidaya tambak udang tersebut didapatkan dengan menggunakan teknik pemodelan spasial dari Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG). Analisis spasial dengan menggunakan metode overlay dipilih untuk mendapatkan hasil yang komprehensif. Parameter-parameter yang digunakan adalah: Jarak dari jalan, jarak dari sungai, jarak dari laut, jarak dari pasar, jarak dari Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (TPI), dan penggunaan tanah di sekitar tambak. Hasil dari analisis tersebut akan memberikan informasi wilayah yang berpotensi tinggi, berpotensi sedang, berpotensi rendah di Kabupaten Brebes. Dalam pemilihan lokasi dengan metode tersebut, dapat dihasilkan juga luasan wilayah potensi yang dapat dikembangkan. Lokasi yang berpotensi untuk budidaya tambak udang adalah kecamatan Losari, Kecamatan Bulakamba, dan Kecamatan Brebes karena memiliki nilai total potensi yang tinggi. Sedangkan untuk kecamatan Wanasari memiliki nilai potensi yang sedang dan Kecamatan Tanjung memiliki nilai potensi yang rendah.
Kekeringan merupakan salah satu fenomena yang terjadi sebagai dampak sirkulasi musiman ataupun pe... more Kekeringan merupakan salah satu fenomena yang terjadi sebagai dampak sirkulasi musiman ataupun perubahan iklim global. Berdasarkan data dan informasi bencana Indonesia Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB), Kabupaten Cilacap merupakan salah satu Kabupaten di Indonesia yang sering mengalami kekeringan parah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui secara spasial bahaya kekeringan di Kabupaten Cilacap. Tingkat bahaya dihitung berdasarkan parameter fisik dari komponen keterpaparan dan sensitivitas dengan memanfaatkan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode overlay. Tingkat bahaya dipengaruhi oleh distribusi curah hujan, tutupan lahan, dan lereng. Semakin ke utara, jumlah curah hujan semakin tinggi, dan di wilayah tersebut tingkat bahaya termasuk kategori rendah, dan berlaku sebaliknya.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Karst region of Maros Regency is valuable due to the natural resources available for the local ec... more Karst region of Maros Regency is valuable due to the natural resources available for the local economy. This study aims to map the karst geomorphology units using GIS techniques and to illustrate the use of the landscape by surrounding communities. Information on karst distribution is needed because the karst potential has scientific, economic, and humanitarian values, which are a wealth of resources. The variables used in this study are geological, altitude, drainage pattern, and slope maps. We determine the distribution of karst geomorphological units using the overlay method. Primary data processing and descriptive analysis are used to determine the utilization of each karst geomorphology unit. The result is that the karst has an area of 33.58 km² or 20% of the total area, which covers the 10.17 km² plain karst, 15.84 km² plateau karst, 6.07 km² cone karst, and 1.49 km² tower karst. The plain karst is used for agricultural land, while the plateau karst and cone karst for tourism ...

Kecamatan Gerokgak berada di bagian barat Kabupaten Buleleng, Bali. Penggunaan tanah di Kecamatan... more Kecamatan Gerokgak berada di bagian barat Kabupaten Buleleng, Bali. Penggunaan tanah di Kecamatan Gerokgak sangat bervariasi seperti Taman Nasional Bali Barat, Pura Pulaki, Pelabuhan besar Celukan Bawang dan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) Celukan Bawang. Perkembangan penggunaan tanah cenderung mengarah ke pesisir. Hal ini dapat mempengaruhi kestabilan transportasi sedimen di pantai sehingga lebih rentan mengalami abrasi. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh perubahan penggunaan tanah di Kecamatan Gerokgak terhadap abrasi yang mempengaruhi perubahan garis pantai. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat kepada pemerintah setempat sebagai pertimbangan dalam mengkaji pembangunan agar lebih memperhatikan keseimbangan lingkungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan citra Landsat 5 dan 8 dengan kurun waktu 20 tahun yaitu tahun 1997 dan 2017. Metodologinya dengan analisis perubahan garis pantai menggunakan citra landsat dan diolah dengan software ArcMap 10.4 dan tools DSAS untuk perhitungan jarak dan luas perubahan garis pantai. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan perubahan garis Pantai di Kecamatan Gerokgak terjadi di sepanjang pantai terutama di wilayah Pelabuhan dan PLTU Celukan Bawang. Kata Kunci : Abrasi, Perubahan garis pantai, Citra Landsat

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Rice is a basic need for most Indonesians. Subang Regency is one of the food districts in West Ja... more Rice is a basic need for most Indonesians. Subang Regency is one of the food districts in West Java with high paddy rice production. Fluctuation in the value of paddy rice production over the past five years makes production conditions uncertain and difficult to predict. Monitoring the condition of paddy rice fields over a short period of time would improve crop size prediction. This study aims to explain the paddy rice phenology using Sentinel 2-A imagery with NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) algorithm in Subang Regency. The benefit of this study is to monitor the paddy rice phenology using remote sensing technology. Greenness values were recorded from Sentinel 2-A temporal 10 daily images with NDVI algorithm. Greenness values will be analysed descriptively according to CCTV recording on paddy rice fields. Based on the greenness value, NDVI can determine the beginning of the planting period and the end of the paddy rice planting period. The results show that Sentinel 2...

Seminar Nasional Geomatika, 2018
Kota Pariaman merupakan salah satu kota di Indonesia yang terindikasi rawan terhadap bencana tsun... more Kota Pariaman merupakan salah satu kota di Indonesia yang terindikasi rawan terhadap bencana tsunami dikarenakan lokasinya yang berada di pinggir pantai serta berbatasan langsung dengan Samudera Hindia. Permukiman merupakan salah satu aset yang harus dijaga. Pemetaan zona keterpaparan permukiman terhadap tsunami diperlukan demi menjaga penduduk yang bertempat tinggal di kota tersebut serta sebagai acuan dalam mitigasi bencana dan meminimalkan kerugian akibat bencana tersebut. Pemetaan ini bertujuan untuk menaksir tingkat keterpaparan permukiman terhadap bencana tsunami. Tingkat keterpaparan dilihat dari dua komponen, yaitu tingkat bahaya (hazard), serta element at risk. Tingkat bahaya tsunami dilihat dari jarak dari garis pantai, ketinggian, wilayah lereng, serta jarak dari sungai sedangkan Element at risk atau elemen yang terkena bencana tsunami yaitu permukiman. Pemetaan keterpaparan ini menggunakan teknik overlay, metode skoring dan pembobotan dengan menggunakan software ArcMap 1...
Papers by Astrid Damayanti