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A mathematical model was developed to represent the dynamics of predation and assimilation of ingested material by heterotrophic marine micro-zooplankton. Predation rate was made a rectangular hyperbolic function of prey carbon (C)... more
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      EcologyPredator-prey interactionPhysiological ModelsTrophic Level
There is a perception that anthropogenically-driven changes in nutrient supply to coastal waters influences the abundance, frequency and toxicity of harmful algal blooms (HABs) through a change in the form or ratio of nutrient that limits... more
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    • Earth Sciences
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      Facility LocationHarmful Algal bloomHarmful Algae
Variable inorganic nutrient concentrations were used to generate silicate (Si) or nitrogen (N) limited conditions in cultures of the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) harvested in the nutrient limited... more
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      Dissolved organic matterBacterial Production
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      Plant BiologyDomoic Acid
Protists are major consumers of phytoplankton and bacterioplankton in the marine environment, playing a key role in carbon cycling and nutrient regeneration. Consequently, the feeding activities of planktonic protists have been... more
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      Plant BiologyEcology
Many "model" protists are maintained in culture and used, experimentally, to answer questions associated with planktonic processes. Given the current interest and rapidly increasing amount of literature on the heterotrophic dinoflagellate... more
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      Plant BiologyEcology
A nutrient-manipulation mesocosm study was conducted in Norwegian coastal waters to determine the effect on a nitrogen-limited microbial food web of changes in the relative concentrations of dissolved organic and inorganic nitrogen (N).... more
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      Earth SciencesBiological Oceanography and LimnologyBacterial Production
The time course of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption and fluorescence were monitored during 50 to 70 days of laboratory incubations with water collected in the coastal upwelling system of the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian... more
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      GeochemistryOceanographyMarine chemistryDissolved organic matter
Phytoplankton underpin the marine food web in shelf seas, with some species having properties that are harmful to human health and coastal aquaculture. Pressures such as climate change and anthropogenic nutrient input are hypothesized to... more
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      OceanographyClimate ChangeWater MicrobiologyOceans and Seas
The recently completed European Census of Marine Life, conducted within the framework of the global Census of Marine Life programme (2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005)(2006)(2007)(2008)(2009)(2010), markedly enhanced our understanding of... more
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      BiodiversityConservation of Natural ResourcesOceans and Seas
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Laboratory experiments were conducted to study nitrogen (N) regeneration by the heterotrophic marine dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina when ingesting phytoplankton prey of two different species and of two alternative carbon:nitrogen (C:N)... more
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      Laboratory experimentTrophic LevelBiological AvailabilitySecondary production
An investigation into the diversity of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium was carried out during August 2007 within two fjordic sea lochs in the Shetland Isles, Scotland. The co-occurrence in the water column of the non-toxic West European... more
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    • Biodiversity
High-biomass harmful algal blooms can kill farmed fish through toxicity, physical effects or de-oxygenation of the water column. These blooms often form over spatially large areas meaning that Earth observation is well placed to monitor... more
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      Earth SciencesTemporal Information ExtractionAlgal BloomHarmful Algal bloom
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are thought to be increasing in coastal waters worldwide. Anthropogenic nutrient enrichment has been proposed as a principal causative factor of this increase through elevated inorganic and/or organic nutrient... more
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      Harmful Algal bloomOceans and Seas
High biomass Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) such as Karenia mikimotoi and shellfish toxin producing HAB species continue to be observed in UK and Republic of Ireland waters. Regional differences continue to be seen in the distribution of... more
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Many "model" protists are maintained in culture and used, experimentally, to answer questions associated with planktonic processes. Given the current interest and rapidly increasing amount of literature on the heterotrophic dinoflagellate... more
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      Plant BiologyEcology
The co-occurrence of morphologically identical toxic and non-toxic ribotypes of the biotoxin producing marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense presents a significant problem for its identification and enumeration, particularly in a... more
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    • Earth Sciences