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Model-driven engineering (MDE) uses models during the application development process. Thus, the MDE is particularly based on model-driven architecture (MDA), which is one of the important variants of the Object Management Group (OMG).... more
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    • Computers
Model transformation becomes a very important technique in software engineering as it helps to guarantee traceability between models and develop software applications quickly, In this context, the purpose of this work is an approach that... more
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      Computer ScienceClass DiagramUnified Modeling LanguageProgramming language
Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and Agile Methods (AM) are two principal domains that are in the way of improvement and evolution in order to facilitate the development of IT projects. However, these areas evolve separately despite the... more
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      Computer ScienceArchitectureAgile software development
Manage Testing is one of the most important and difficult phases in the development process. Indeed, it is a decisive step before deploying a product which aims to verify and validate whether the developed product satisfies customer... more
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    • Computer Science
The Model Driven Architecture is a specific variant of Model Driven Engineering that aims to separate different areas of concerns. This architecture is defined by three levels of abstraction, i.e. Computation Independent Model (CIM),... more
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    • Computer Science
Business Intelligence or Decision Support System (DSS) is IT for decision-makers and business leaders. It describes the means, the tools and the methods that make it possible to collect, consolidate, model and restore the data, material... more
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      Model-Driven EngineeringBusiness IntelligenceNoSQLModel Driven Engineering
In recent years, the growing volume of RDF data requires scalable, efficient, and more robust systems. To meet this need we find NoSQL databases which are distributed, scalable and powerful systems for large data management. In this paper... more
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    • Computer Science
Semantic web technologies are increasingly used in different domains. The core technology of the Semantic Web is the RDF standard. Today with the growth of RDF data it requires systems capable of handling these large volumes of data and... more
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E-learning is a very dynamic field, constantly growing, which refers to an educa-tional content or learning experiences provided or made by means of digital tech-nologies. The development of this area has a direct impact on the quality of... more
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Today, many researches are focused on the use of Big Data technologies for managing large volumes of Semantic Web data. The use of Big Data technologies such as NoSQL database management systems guarantees the scalability and high... more
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Semantic web technologies are increasingly used in different domains. The core technology of the Semantic Web is the RDF standard. Today with the growth of RDF data it requires systems capable of handling these large volumes of data and... more
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In Web 3.0, semantic data gives machines the ability to understand and process data. Resource Description Framework (RDF) is the liagna franca of Semantic Web. While Big Data handles the problematic of storing and processing massive data,... more
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    • Distributed Computing
Internet of Things (IoT) is a set of technologies that aim at fitting together smart devices and applications to build an IoT ecosystem. The target of this kind of ecosystem is to enhance interaction between machines and humans through... more
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      Smart DevicesInternet of Things (IoT)MicroservicesIoT architecture
The digital transformation of companies and organizations leads to an evolution of databases towards Big Data. Our work is part of this transformation and concerns more specifically the mechanisms for processing semantic data stored on a... more
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Today the Resource Description Framework (RDF) that allows computers to understand and exploit Web data becomes very much in a progressive way, as well as the amount of web data that becomes very large. The storage and efficient... more
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Business Intelligence or Decision Support System (DSS) is IT for decision-makers and business leaders. It describes the means, the tools and the methods that make it possible to collect, consolidate, model and restore the data, material... more
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      Business IntelligenceNoSQLModel Driven EngineeringHadoop
The era of big data has emerged. The volume of generated data has never been greater. Massive quantities of data are stored on a huge number of servers that are interconnected and share their storage space. Computation methods have been... more
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    • Computer Science
Contemporary cities face many challenges: energy, ecological, demographic or economic. To answer this, technological means are implemented in cities through the use of sensors and actuators. These cities are said to be smart. Currently,... more
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    • Smart City