University of Houston
Mary Jean Corbett's provocative study of nineteenth-century ''fictions of family'' approaches its family fictions by carefully considering who did and did not count as immediate kin within an evolving mesh of nineteenthcentury incest... more
Drought is a major factor in decreased sugarcane productivity because of the resulting morphophysiological effects that it causes. Gene expression studies that have examined the influence of water stress in sugarcane have yielded... more
The Crying Game's central, tragic theme of warrior/lovers caught between their love for one another and loyalty to their respective factions has signi cant roots in early Celtic mythology. The elegaic theme of potential lovers forced into... more
Like its title, Julie Anne Taddeo's study of Lytton Strachey's sexual identity positions Strachey in between modern and Victorian regimes. Taddeo
McCann was born in Derry, into the first generation of workingclass Catholics to benefit from the Education Act of 1947. McCann's biography is in a sense paradigmatic of the experiences of this generation. Guaranteeing free secondary and... more
I A Star Called Henry (), Roddy Doyle has his fictional protagonist Henry Smart, a fourteen-year-old Irish Citizen Army volunteer, ask the socialist labor organizer and Easter Rising leader James Connolly to add something... more
Like its title, Julie Anne Taddeo's study of Lytton Strachey's sexual identity positions Strachey in between modern and Victorian regimes. Taddeo
Though information literacy (IL) instruction is often assumed by faculty to be electronic, introductory, and teachable in a single visit, our collaboration on an inquiry-driven, research-intensive capstone course for English majors... more
Mazella offers a wide-ranging and ambitious argument about assessment and broader issues of institutional organization. Mazella bases his conclusions on research into institutional behavior as well as his own experience launching the... more
This article describes a unique course-based collaboration involving an English professor, a Learning Strategies Counselor, and a Librarian. The potential benefits and barriers of collaborative teaching in literature are reviewed. The... more