Books by Alexey Golubev

Какую роль материальные объекты играют в общественной жизни? Насколько окружающие нас предметы вл... more Какую роль материальные объекты играют в общественной жизни? Насколько окружающие нас предметы влияют на конструирование коллективной и индивидуальной идентичности? Алексей Голубев в своей книге «Вещная жизнь» ищет ответы на эти вопросы в истории позднего СССР. В отличие от большинства исследователей, которые фокусируются на роли языка и идеологии в формировании советского «я», автор подчеркивает значение материальности для исторического и социального воображения, сложившегося у жителей страны в период позднего социализма. Он демонстрирует, как самые разные объекты в диапазоне от архитектурных памятников до телевизоров структурировали социальную жизнь советских людей, выстраивали их вкусы и предпочтения, определяли отношения внутри коллективов и сообществ. Такой взгляд на позднесоветскую историю не только помогает лучше ее понять, но и позволяет увидеть этот опыт как неотъемлемую часть глобальной модерности. Алексей Голубев — историк, PhD University of British Columbia, доцент Хьюстонского университета, соредактор антологии «XX век: письма войны», вышедшей в издательстве «НЛО».
The Things of Life i... more
The Things of Life is a social and cultural history of material objects and spaces during the late socialist era. It traces the biographies of Soviet things, examining how the material world of the late Soviet period influenced Soviet people's gender roles, habitual choices, social trajectories, and imaginary aspirations. Instead of seeing political structures and discursive frameworks as the only mechanisms for shaping Soviet citizens, Alexey Golubev explores how Soviet people used objects and spaces to substantiate their individual and collective selves. In doing so, Golubev rediscovers what helped Soviet citizens make sense of their selves and the world around them, ranging from space rockets and model aircraft to heritage buildings, and from home gyms to the hallways and basements of post-Stalinist housing. Through these various materialist fascinations, The Things of Life considers the ways in which many Soviet people subverted the efforts of the Communist regime to transform them into a rationally organized, disciplined, and easily controllable community.
Первое издание книги: Alexey Golubev and Irina Takala. The ... more
Первое издание книги: Alexey Golubev and Irina Takala. The Search for a Socialist El Dorado: Finnish Immigration to Soviet Karelia from the United States and Canada in the 1930s. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press; Winnipeg, MB: University of Manitoba Press, 2014. 236 p.
В начале 1930-х гг. примерно шесть с половиной тысяч финнов переехали из США и Канады в Советскую Карелию. Республика, где в это время шло активное экономическое и национальное строительство, испытывала острую нехватку рабочей силы, и квалифицированные рабочие и специалисты из Северной Америки оказались чрезвычайно востребованы в различных отраслях промышленности, строительстве, сельском хозяйстве и культуре.
Желая помочь делу строительства социализма, иммигранты везли с собой не только знания и навыки, но еще и машины, инструменты, валюту; их вклад в модернизацию экономики и культуры Советской Карелии трудно переоценить. Несмотря на это, многие из них были арестованы и расстреляны во время сталинских репрессий или отправлены на принудительные работы в трудовые армии НКВД во время Великой Отечественной войны.
На основе обширного источникового материала, включающего архивные документы, прессу и интервью с иммигрантами, авторы раскрывают причины и ход финской иммиграции из США и Канады в Советскую Карелию, дают комплексную оценку их вклада в экономическое и культурное развитие республики, анализируют отношения между иммигрантами и местным населением, знакомят с судьбами представителей финской диаспоры в годы репрессий и войн.

Войны ХХ века превратили Россию и СССР в страну писем. Обязательная воинская служба, всеобщая гра... more Войны ХХ века превратили Россию и СССР в страну писем. Обязательная воинская служба, всеобщая грамотность и хорошая организация почтовой службы сделали письма основной формой коммуникации между военнослужащими и их близкими. Массовые мобилизации во время больших и малых войн ХХ века существенно расширили эту форму общения. Сборник «ХХ век: Письма войны» позволяет проследить зарождение и завершение феномена военной корреспонденции на протяжении столетия — от первой войны прошлого века в Южной Африке, когда устойчивая переписка стала возможной, до последней войны столетия на Северном Кавказе, когда письменная корреспонденция была окончательно вытеснена телефонной связью. Вековая экспозиция военных писем, представленная в сборнике, не только показывает, как происходит трансформация войны на письме, но и демонстрирует историческую динамику жанра военного письма. В сборник вошли подборки писем из частных коллекций, архивных и музейных фондов, а также ранее опубликован-
ных, но малодоступных источников. За редким исключением письма представлены целиком, без купюр.

The Encyclopedia of the Barents Region contains 415 articles covering the history, culture and e... more The Encyclopedia of the Barents Region contains 415 articles covering the history, culture and economy, as well as the background to the establishment of the Barents Region. The articles also review the cultural, socio-economic, and political prerequisites for a continued and intensified transborder interaction among the citizens inhabiting these sparsely populated areas in the European North. All thirteen member regions participating in the Barents collaboration are presented in articles describing their history and The History of the Barents Regiondevelopment illustrated with photographs and specially drawn maps.
One major objective of the Encyclopedia of the Barents Region is to connect the past with the present development of the region, thereby filling a gap in the recording of European history and, hopefully promoting the world’s interest in an area of the globe with such spectacular nature and such a rich variety of ethnic groups and cultures.
About 300 authors, mainly academics living and working in the Barents Region, have contributed articles to the Encyclopedia. Together with its companion publication, The Barents Region. A Transnational History of Subarctic Northern Europe, a textbook intended for university students of history previously published by Pax (2015), the Encyclopedia presents information on a broad range of topics that should appeal not only to experts in academia and government but also to students and the general public. It will, hopefully, facilitate and stimulate interaction among citizens in the region in their various capacities as businessmen, administrators, professionals, and tourists.

The Encyclopedia of the Barents Region contains 415 articles covering the history, culture and e... more The Encyclopedia of the Barents Region contains 415 articles covering the history, culture and economy, as well as the background to the establishment of the Barents Region. The articles also review the cultural, socio-economic, and political prerequisites for a continued and intensified transborder interaction among the citizens inhabiting these sparsely populated areas in the European North. All thirteen member regions participating in the Barents collaboration are presented in articles describing their history and The History of the Barents Regiondevelopment illustrated with photographs and specially drawn maps.
One major objective of the Encyclopedia of the Barents Region is to connect the past with the present development of the region, thereby filling a gap in the recording of European history and, hopefully promoting the world’s interest in an area of the globe with such spectacular nature and such a rich variety of ethnic groups and cultures.
About 300 authors, mainly academics living and working in the Barents Region, have contributed articles to the Encyclopedia. Together with its companion publication, The Barents Region. A Transnational History of Subarctic Northern Europe, a textbook intended for university students of history previously published by Pax (2015), the Encyclopedia presents information on a broad range of topics that should appeal not only to experts in academia and government but also to students and the general public. It will, hopefully, facilitate and stimulate interaction among citizens in the region in their various capacities as businessmen, administrators, professionals, and tourists.
This issue covers a region of Europe that is sometimes mentioned in reference to events such as t... more This issue covers a region of Europe that is sometimes mentioned in reference to events such as the conquest of Ingria by Pontus de la Gardie in the 1580s or the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939 -1940, yet remains generally poorly known in Western Europe: the borders between Russia and its Nordic neighbours. The collected papers deal with this subject over several centuries, from the end of the Middle Ages to the late twentieth century. This broad span of time enables the issue to assess profound changes in the meaning that we attribute to different words designating the border and border territories.

In the 1930s, thousands of Finns emigrated from their communities in the United States and Canada... more In the 1930s, thousands of Finns emigrated from their communities in the United States and Canada to Soviet Karelia, a region in the Soviet Union where Finnish Communist émigrés were building a society to implement their ideals of socialist Finland. To their new socialist home, these immigrants brought critically needed skills, tools, machines, and money. Educated and skilled, American and Canadian Finns were regarded by Soviet authorities as agents of revolutionary transformations who would not only modernize the economy of Soviet Karelia, but also enlighten its society. North American immigrants, indeed, became active participants of socialist colonization of what Bolshevik leaders perceived as dark, uneducated and backward Soviet ethnic periphery. The Search for a Socialist El Dorado is the first comprehensive account in English of this fascinating story. Using a vast body of documentary sources from archives in Petrozavodsk and Moscow, Russian- and Finnish-language press and literature from the 1930s, oral history interviews and secondary literature, Alexey Golubev and Irina Takala explore in depth the “Karelian fever” among Finnish Americans and Canadians, and the lives of immigrants in the Soviet Union, their contribution to Soviet economy and culture, and their fates in the Great Terror.

The Barents Region: A Transnational History of Subarctic Northern Europe, published by PAX (Oslo)... more The Barents Region: A Transnational History of Subarctic Northern Europe, published by PAX (Oslo), is a research-based history of this region. It was conceived as part of a large project of academic cooperation between northern universities of Russia and Scandinavia; the second part of this project is the two-volume Barents Encyclopedia due later in 2015. In order to establish a network of scholars, the head of the project Lars Elenius, then Assistant Professor of Luleå University of Technology, organized three international conferences in 2004 (Luleå), 2005 (Arkhangelsk) and 2006 (Petrozavodsk). It was at these conferences and several subsequent workshops that the final group of twenty-seven authors and four editors, plus two assistant editors, emerged, with Lars Elenius as the chief editor.
While the Barents Region is both a new and novel region, the history of regional interaction, cooperation and integration in northernmost Europe has much older roots. Therefore, the book compares the national and subregional development within the present-day Barents Region from the year 800 to 2010. The main and most difficult task for its authors and editors was to move beyond national borders, since the history writing of various parts of the present-day Barents Region has been mainly produced within national historiographies. Each chapter has four authors, each representing Russia, Norway, Finland, and Sweden, and a chapter editor whose responsibility was to bring four national perspectives together and forge a coherent narrative focusing on common historical aspects of the respective regions. In addition, the book has four national editors: Lars Elenius from Sweden, Hallvard Tjelmeland from Norway, Maria Lähteenmäki from Finland, and Alexey Golubev from Russia. Their collaborative work had to ensure that the history of the Barents Region as narrated in this book is more than the sum of histories of its constituent territories.
The authors and editors of the book represent University of Tromsø and Fridtjof Nansen Institute (Norway); Luleå University of Technology and University of Umeå (Sweden); University of Eastern Finland, University of Lapland and University of Oulu (Finland); Murmansk State University for Humanities, Northern Arctic Federal University in Arkhangelsk, Petrozavodsk State University, and Syktyvkar State University (Russia).
Сборник научных статей «Провинциальная журналистика и жизнь Российской империи в XIX — начале ХХ ... more Сборник научных статей «Провинциальная журналистика и жизнь Российской империи в XIX — начале ХХ в.» приурочен к 170-летию начала публикации «Олонецких губернских ведомостей» и посвящен изучению российской провинциальной периодической печати XIX — начала XX в. В первом разделе публикуются статьи, отражающие историю становления и развития провинциальной периодической печати и журналистики в указанный период. Второй раздел сборника посвящен роли местной периодической печати в культурной, научной, политической, социальной и экономической жизни российской провинции и отражению в ней повседневной жизни провинции.
Journal Articles by Alexey Golubev
Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue canadienne des slavistes 65.2, 2023
This paper discusses Soviet Marxist historical narratives of the 1920s and early 1930s that sough... more This paper discusses Soviet Marxist historical narratives of the 1920s and early 1930s that sought to reframe Russian history as a process driven by commercial capital and analyzed Russian territorial expansion and its historical scholarship in terms such as settler colonialism and indigenous erasure. As of now, the corpus of works by early Soviet Marxist historians still represents the most massive and sustained effort to challenge imperial narratives of Russian history from within the Russian academic community. Resonating with current conversations about Russian imperialism and colonialism, this intellectual tradition represents a major contribution to the postcolonial turn in the studies of Russian history.

Новое прошлое / The New Past, 2021
Аннотация. Статья рассматривает категорию закрытости применительно к советскому обществу. Данная ... more Аннотация. Статья рассматривает категорию закрытости применительно к советскому обществу. Данная категория часто воспроизводится как в публицистике, так и историографии для описания социального измерения советской истории, где она подразумевает радикальное различие между советским и несоветским историческим опытом и рассмотрение СССР через призму «альтернативной модерности» или ее отсутствия. В статье выдвигается ряд возражений теоретического и эмпирического характера против аргументов о принципиальной закрытости советского общества и ее ключевой роли в формировании «советского человека» как исторического феномена. Наряду со страхом и ксенофобией советское общество характеризовалось многочисленными формами космополитизма и интереса к внешнему миру. Многие из них поощрялись государством, другие формировались «снизу» и стихийно. В своем стремлении преобразовать Советский Союз в современное государство советское руководство выстроило сеть институтов, которые соответствовали западным аналогам, а в чем-то даже опережали их (например, социальная медицина и система распространения научных знаний). Эти институты формировали современные практики субъективации через медиализацию советского тела и новые режимы знания. В то же время интенсивная урбанизация сформировала в СССР новые сообщества, чьи социальные вкусы и нормы были сопоставимы с городскими культурами других индустриальных стран, что также стимулировало кросс-культурный обмен через «железный занавес». Как следствие, исторический опыт жизни в СССР означал парадоксальное совмещение государственного контроля и приобщения к многочисленным аспектам глобальной модерности.

Вестник Пермского университета. История , 2021
Рассматриваются происхождение и развитие нарративов об исторических и современных контактах с вн... more Рассматриваются происхождение и развитие нарративов об исторических и современных контактах с внеземными цивилизациями (уфологии) в СССР после Великой Отечественной войны. В существующей исследовательской литературе уфология обычно рассматривается как форма квазирелигиозного и мифологического мышления. В данной статье, основанной на материале уфологических дискуссий второй половины 1940–1960-х гг., напротив, утверждается, что развитие альтернативных знаний о космосе было тесно связано с государственной пропагандой научных знаний, тем самым оказываясь – по крайней мере, отчасти – побочным продуктом стремления современных государственных и научных элит сформировать всеобщую научную грамотность. Связь между пропагандой научных знаний, с одной стороны, и ростом популярности альтернативных формам знаний, с другой, демонстрирует ошибочность представлений о научной популяризации как всего лишь об инструменте для передачи научных знаний от экспертов (ученых) широкой публике. Связывая воедино в процессе коммуникации популяризаторов науки и широкие аудитории, советская кампания по пропаганде научных знаний требовала от первых осваивать новые нарративные формы, чтобы апеллировать ко вторым. Однако нарративизация научных знаний для их популяризации выводит научно-популярные жанры из области производства и верификации научного знания и подчиняет их совсем иному, риторическому и литературному, контексту, где, в первую очередь, важны истории как нарративные структуры с развитием сюжета, внутренним конфликтом и иерархией персонажей. Тем самым история уфологии в послевоенном СССР обнажает механизмы формирования эпистемологического многоголосия и разнообразия, которые характеризовали позднесоветское общество.
Russian Studies in History, vol. 58, nos. 2–3, 2019
This paper examines the historical construction of the Western gaze and the Western observer as d... more This paper examines the historical construction of the Western gaze and the Western observer as disciplinary mechanisms in Soviet cultures. It argues that they were important components of the Soviet subjectivity acting through the affects of pride and shame.
Ab Imperio, 2019
The introduction to the forum “From a Province to the State, and Back: The Russian Northwest and ... more The introduction to the forum “From a Province to the State, and Back: The Russian Northwest and Finland during the Revolutionary Years” maps its spatial and chronological focus. The turbulent political events and social dislocations in the wake of the February Revolution in Russia revealed the dialectics of a civil war and a national war. As the cases of White Sea Karelia and the former Grand Duchy of Finland had demonstrated, a seemingly internal conflict was prone to spilling across the border, while an international confrontation had roots in unresolved domestic problems.
Неприкосновенный запас, 2018

This article examines architectural preservation in North Russia after World War II as a movement... more This article examines architectural preservation in North Russia after World War II as a movement that treated local vernacular architecture as a key to understanding authentic national history of Russia. It argues that the activities of Soviet architectural preservationists were driven by romantic nationalist ideas that sought to establish northern Russian vernacular architecture as an aesthetic system that fully realized the expressive potential of wood as a construction material. Moreover, Soviet preservationists linked this system to a society free of social conflicts that allegedly existed in North Russia thanks to its geographic and political marginality until the tsarist oppression of the nineteenth century. While widely employing the conceptual apparatus of early Soviet Marxist architects, such as Moisei Ginzburg and Aleksei Gan, Soviet architectural preservationists petrified the transformative social agenda of early Soviet architectural theory.
This article explores the passion for scale model hobby building in the USSR. Scale models of shi... more This article explores the passion for scale model hobby building in the USSR. Scale models of ships, aircrafts or vehicles, especially when organized in collections, were used to showcase Soviet industrial and technological capabilities, serving as a synecdoche for historical progress. The miniaturization of history in its particular technocentric and national understanding made models performative, as they organized history into a spectacle for the educated and quintessentially male gaze of Soviet model enthusiasts.
The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review , 2016
“Desirable Things of Ogoniok: The Material Face of a Soviet Illustrated Magazine,” The Soviet and... more “Desirable Things of Ogoniok: The Material Face of a Soviet Illustrated Magazine,” The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review 43.2 (2016): 152–181.
This article examines the popular Soviet illustrated magazine Ogoniok as a site that provoked, negotiated, and exposed consumer desire in post-World War II USSR. It argues that Ogoniok was an important medium that produced and reflected cultural fantasies of material possessions in Soviet society. The article identifies and describes changes in the principles of visual representation of material objects in the magazine, and interprets them as an evidence of changes in the social form of the Soviet commodity. Finally, it analyzes the visual form of Soviet commodity and aims to understand the social relations that encapsulated Soviet commodity-value.
This article explores two conflicting aesthetics of the female body in post-Stalinist Soviet scie... more This article explores two conflicting aesthetics of the female body in post-Stalinist Soviet science fiction. One represented women of the communist future as explorers of the space frontier in assemblages with machines, testing the cultural border between the female and the technological. Another appealed to the mysterious female nature as the Other of human culture, pushing forward the understanding of socialist progress as a masculine project. This article argues that both aesthetics grew within the cultural phenomenon of socialist Romanticism, which emerged in the mid-1950s as a reaction to Stalin-era quasi-Enlightenment rationality and its dominant style of socialist realism.
Books by Alexey Golubev
The Things of Life is a social and cultural history of material objects and spaces during the late socialist era. It traces the biographies of Soviet things, examining how the material world of the late Soviet period influenced Soviet people's gender roles, habitual choices, social trajectories, and imaginary aspirations. Instead of seeing political structures and discursive frameworks as the only mechanisms for shaping Soviet citizens, Alexey Golubev explores how Soviet people used objects and spaces to substantiate their individual and collective selves. In doing so, Golubev rediscovers what helped Soviet citizens make sense of their selves and the world around them, ranging from space rockets and model aircraft to heritage buildings, and from home gyms to the hallways and basements of post-Stalinist housing. Through these various materialist fascinations, The Things of Life considers the ways in which many Soviet people subverted the efforts of the Communist regime to transform them into a rationally organized, disciplined, and easily controllable community.
Первое издание книги: Alexey Golubev and Irina Takala. The Search for a Socialist El Dorado: Finnish Immigration to Soviet Karelia from the United States and Canada in the 1930s. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press; Winnipeg, MB: University of Manitoba Press, 2014. 236 p.
В начале 1930-х гг. примерно шесть с половиной тысяч финнов переехали из США и Канады в Советскую Карелию. Республика, где в это время шло активное экономическое и национальное строительство, испытывала острую нехватку рабочей силы, и квалифицированные рабочие и специалисты из Северной Америки оказались чрезвычайно востребованы в различных отраслях промышленности, строительстве, сельском хозяйстве и культуре.
Желая помочь делу строительства социализма, иммигранты везли с собой не только знания и навыки, но еще и машины, инструменты, валюту; их вклад в модернизацию экономики и культуры Советской Карелии трудно переоценить. Несмотря на это, многие из них были арестованы и расстреляны во время сталинских репрессий или отправлены на принудительные работы в трудовые армии НКВД во время Великой Отечественной войны.
На основе обширного источникового материала, включающего архивные документы, прессу и интервью с иммигрантами, авторы раскрывают причины и ход финской иммиграции из США и Канады в Советскую Карелию, дают комплексную оценку их вклада в экономическое и культурное развитие республики, анализируют отношения между иммигрантами и местным населением, знакомят с судьбами представителей финской диаспоры в годы репрессий и войн.
ных, но малодоступных источников. За редким исключением письма представлены целиком, без купюр.
One major objective of the Encyclopedia of the Barents Region is to connect the past with the present development of the region, thereby filling a gap in the recording of European history and, hopefully promoting the world’s interest in an area of the globe with such spectacular nature and such a rich variety of ethnic groups and cultures.
About 300 authors, mainly academics living and working in the Barents Region, have contributed articles to the Encyclopedia. Together with its companion publication, The Barents Region. A Transnational History of Subarctic Northern Europe, a textbook intended for university students of history previously published by Pax (2015), the Encyclopedia presents information on a broad range of topics that should appeal not only to experts in academia and government but also to students and the general public. It will, hopefully, facilitate and stimulate interaction among citizens in the region in their various capacities as businessmen, administrators, professionals, and tourists.
One major objective of the Encyclopedia of the Barents Region is to connect the past with the present development of the region, thereby filling a gap in the recording of European history and, hopefully promoting the world’s interest in an area of the globe with such spectacular nature and such a rich variety of ethnic groups and cultures.
About 300 authors, mainly academics living and working in the Barents Region, have contributed articles to the Encyclopedia. Together with its companion publication, The Barents Region. A Transnational History of Subarctic Northern Europe, a textbook intended for university students of history previously published by Pax (2015), the Encyclopedia presents information on a broad range of topics that should appeal not only to experts in academia and government but also to students and the general public. It will, hopefully, facilitate and stimulate interaction among citizens in the region in their various capacities as businessmen, administrators, professionals, and tourists.
While the Barents Region is both a new and novel region, the history of regional interaction, cooperation and integration in northernmost Europe has much older roots. Therefore, the book compares the national and subregional development within the present-day Barents Region from the year 800 to 2010. The main and most difficult task for its authors and editors was to move beyond national borders, since the history writing of various parts of the present-day Barents Region has been mainly produced within national historiographies. Each chapter has four authors, each representing Russia, Norway, Finland, and Sweden, and a chapter editor whose responsibility was to bring four national perspectives together and forge a coherent narrative focusing on common historical aspects of the respective regions. In addition, the book has four national editors: Lars Elenius from Sweden, Hallvard Tjelmeland from Norway, Maria Lähteenmäki from Finland, and Alexey Golubev from Russia. Their collaborative work had to ensure that the history of the Barents Region as narrated in this book is more than the sum of histories of its constituent territories.
The authors and editors of the book represent University of Tromsø and Fridtjof Nansen Institute (Norway); Luleå University of Technology and University of Umeå (Sweden); University of Eastern Finland, University of Lapland and University of Oulu (Finland); Murmansk State University for Humanities, Northern Arctic Federal University in Arkhangelsk, Petrozavodsk State University, and Syktyvkar State University (Russia).
Journal Articles by Alexey Golubev
This article examines the popular Soviet illustrated magazine Ogoniok as a site that provoked, negotiated, and exposed consumer desire in post-World War II USSR. It argues that Ogoniok was an important medium that produced and reflected cultural fantasies of material possessions in Soviet society. The article identifies and describes changes in the principles of visual representation of material objects in the magazine, and interprets them as an evidence of changes in the social form of the Soviet commodity. Finally, it analyzes the visual form of Soviet commodity and aims to understand the social relations that encapsulated Soviet commodity-value.
The Things of Life is a social and cultural history of material objects and spaces during the late socialist era. It traces the biographies of Soviet things, examining how the material world of the late Soviet period influenced Soviet people's gender roles, habitual choices, social trajectories, and imaginary aspirations. Instead of seeing political structures and discursive frameworks as the only mechanisms for shaping Soviet citizens, Alexey Golubev explores how Soviet people used objects and spaces to substantiate their individual and collective selves. In doing so, Golubev rediscovers what helped Soviet citizens make sense of their selves and the world around them, ranging from space rockets and model aircraft to heritage buildings, and from home gyms to the hallways and basements of post-Stalinist housing. Through these various materialist fascinations, The Things of Life considers the ways in which many Soviet people subverted the efforts of the Communist regime to transform them into a rationally organized, disciplined, and easily controllable community.
Первое издание книги: Alexey Golubev and Irina Takala. The Search for a Socialist El Dorado: Finnish Immigration to Soviet Karelia from the United States and Canada in the 1930s. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press; Winnipeg, MB: University of Manitoba Press, 2014. 236 p.
В начале 1930-х гг. примерно шесть с половиной тысяч финнов переехали из США и Канады в Советскую Карелию. Республика, где в это время шло активное экономическое и национальное строительство, испытывала острую нехватку рабочей силы, и квалифицированные рабочие и специалисты из Северной Америки оказались чрезвычайно востребованы в различных отраслях промышленности, строительстве, сельском хозяйстве и культуре.
Желая помочь делу строительства социализма, иммигранты везли с собой не только знания и навыки, но еще и машины, инструменты, валюту; их вклад в модернизацию экономики и культуры Советской Карелии трудно переоценить. Несмотря на это, многие из них были арестованы и расстреляны во время сталинских репрессий или отправлены на принудительные работы в трудовые армии НКВД во время Великой Отечественной войны.
На основе обширного источникового материала, включающего архивные документы, прессу и интервью с иммигрантами, авторы раскрывают причины и ход финской иммиграции из США и Канады в Советскую Карелию, дают комплексную оценку их вклада в экономическое и культурное развитие республики, анализируют отношения между иммигрантами и местным населением, знакомят с судьбами представителей финской диаспоры в годы репрессий и войн.
ных, но малодоступных источников. За редким исключением письма представлены целиком, без купюр.
One major objective of the Encyclopedia of the Barents Region is to connect the past with the present development of the region, thereby filling a gap in the recording of European history and, hopefully promoting the world’s interest in an area of the globe with such spectacular nature and such a rich variety of ethnic groups and cultures.
About 300 authors, mainly academics living and working in the Barents Region, have contributed articles to the Encyclopedia. Together with its companion publication, The Barents Region. A Transnational History of Subarctic Northern Europe, a textbook intended for university students of history previously published by Pax (2015), the Encyclopedia presents information on a broad range of topics that should appeal not only to experts in academia and government but also to students and the general public. It will, hopefully, facilitate and stimulate interaction among citizens in the region in their various capacities as businessmen, administrators, professionals, and tourists.
One major objective of the Encyclopedia of the Barents Region is to connect the past with the present development of the region, thereby filling a gap in the recording of European history and, hopefully promoting the world’s interest in an area of the globe with such spectacular nature and such a rich variety of ethnic groups and cultures.
About 300 authors, mainly academics living and working in the Barents Region, have contributed articles to the Encyclopedia. Together with its companion publication, The Barents Region. A Transnational History of Subarctic Northern Europe, a textbook intended for university students of history previously published by Pax (2015), the Encyclopedia presents information on a broad range of topics that should appeal not only to experts in academia and government but also to students and the general public. It will, hopefully, facilitate and stimulate interaction among citizens in the region in their various capacities as businessmen, administrators, professionals, and tourists.
While the Barents Region is both a new and novel region, the history of regional interaction, cooperation and integration in northernmost Europe has much older roots. Therefore, the book compares the national and subregional development within the present-day Barents Region from the year 800 to 2010. The main and most difficult task for its authors and editors was to move beyond national borders, since the history writing of various parts of the present-day Barents Region has been mainly produced within national historiographies. Each chapter has four authors, each representing Russia, Norway, Finland, and Sweden, and a chapter editor whose responsibility was to bring four national perspectives together and forge a coherent narrative focusing on common historical aspects of the respective regions. In addition, the book has four national editors: Lars Elenius from Sweden, Hallvard Tjelmeland from Norway, Maria Lähteenmäki from Finland, and Alexey Golubev from Russia. Their collaborative work had to ensure that the history of the Barents Region as narrated in this book is more than the sum of histories of its constituent territories.
The authors and editors of the book represent University of Tromsø and Fridtjof Nansen Institute (Norway); Luleå University of Technology and University of Umeå (Sweden); University of Eastern Finland, University of Lapland and University of Oulu (Finland); Murmansk State University for Humanities, Northern Arctic Federal University in Arkhangelsk, Petrozavodsk State University, and Syktyvkar State University (Russia).
This article examines the popular Soviet illustrated magazine Ogoniok as a site that provoked, negotiated, and exposed consumer desire in post-World War II USSR. It argues that Ogoniok was an important medium that produced and reflected cultural fantasies of material possessions in Soviet society. The article identifies and describes changes in the principles of visual representation of material objects in the magazine, and interprets them as an evidence of changes in the social form of the Soviet commodity. Finally, it analyzes the visual form of Soviet commodity and aims to understand the social relations that encapsulated Soviet commodity-value.
о событиях, связанных с войной, в процессе письма авторы постоянно сводят разговор на тему работы, любви, денег или, допустим, еды. Военная переписка — с фронта, из плена, тыла или эвакуации — становится своеобразным механизмом и актом перевода с военного языка на мирный, и тринадцать разделов сборника — от «Военного дела» до «Утрат войны» — это первая попытка вычленить тематические якоря, которые, на наш взгляд, придавали устойчивость процессу подобного перевода. Понятно, что эти разделы условны: их число может быть увеличено, а их содержание может быть уточнено. Главным в данном случае является общий принцип исторической поэтики военной переписки, состоящий в стремлении понять роль (формы) письма в организации как личного опыта, так и дискурсивного материала, порожденного войной.