Conference Presentations by Patrizia Rinaldi

I dati INVALSI: uno strumento per la ricerca e la didattica, 2023
Mentre i benefici dell'istruzione nel Paese ospitante per la prima generazione sono stati oggetto... more Mentre i benefici dell'istruzione nel Paese ospitante per la prima generazione sono stati oggetto di grande attenzione nella letteratura, poco è stato scritto su come l'istruzione influisca sulle "opportunità di vita"
della seconda generazione. Infatti, l'attuale dibattito sui sistemi educativi all'interno dell'Unione Europea si centra sulla valutazione delle scuole inclusive, nella convinzione che, per questo settore strategico come
l’istruzione, le politiche devono essere non solo evidence-based, ma anche eticamente orientate. L’ipotesi si basa sull’attuale assetto scolastico incapace di ridurre le disuguaglianze tra componente autoctona e
componente con background migratorio della popolazione studentesca. Queste disuguaglianze anche si sono acuite con la pandemia erano già presenti prima del Covid.
La domanda di ricerca é: la modernizzazione della didattica, sia dal punto di vista metodologico che infrastrutturale, puó superare questo divario?
L'obiettivo di questo articolo è determinare come la nozione di diversità culturale sia problematizzata nel scolastico e come siano valutate le differenze nella scuola.
Per questo fine il documento esamina le capacità e i limiti dei test standardizzati per valutare i contesti scolastici che includono studenti con un background migratorio. In particolare, in una prospettiva comparativa, prende in esame due sistemi scolastici, quello italiano e quello spagnolo, per concentrarsi sulla certificazione e sui metodi di valutazione del background educativo dei minori migranti di prima e/o
seconda generazione.
A tal fine, in Italia, i risultati delle prove INVALSI degli alunni con cittadinanza non italiana vengono confrontati con quelli dei loro coetanei autoctoni. In particolare, verranno esaminate le differenze tra
autoctoni e stranieri di prima e seconda generazione nelle prove standardizzate di italiano e matematica (G8) nella serie storica che va dall'anno scolastico 2012/13 al 2021/22. L'esame della serie storica è
fondamentale perché ci permette di distinguere, da un punto di vista descrittivo, gli effetti di Covid-19 sull'inclusione scolastica di un particolare target di studenti da quelli dovuti a limiti strutturali del sistema
scolastico italiano.
Le Rilevazioni nazionali INVALSI rappresentano ormai una componente essenziale del sistema nazionale di valutazione nonché un termometro imprescindibile per valutare lo stato di salute della scuola italiana. Uno
degli indicatori di tale stato di salute è dato dall’equità e dalla capacità di inclusione, che è operazionalizzabile attraverso la misurazione delle differenze negli apprendimenti tra diversi target della popolazione studentesca.
Nel caso di studio spagnolo, abbiamo preso in considerazione due tipi di valutazioni: una organizzata a livello nazionale dall'Istituto di Valutazione (Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa – INEE) e realizzata a livello territoriale ogni tre anni dalla singola Comunità Autonoma e una valutazione diagnostica a livello territoriale delegata alla singola Comunità Autonoma e realizzata annualmente, concentrando l'analisi sul
confronto tra alunni autoctoni e alunni di origine straniera. Questa agenzia combina due strategie: la valutazione generale del sistema e la valutazione diagnostica, entrambe volte a raccogliere informazioni sul sistema educativo valutando le competenze acquisite dagli studenti in relazione al loro contesto socio economico e familiare. La metodologia si è basata sull'analisi delle norme delle principali leggi educative spagnole dal 2012 al periodo post-pandemico, insieme all'osservazione partecipante, interviste o analisi dei documenti. I test vengono somministrati a campione sugli alunni al termine del quarto anno della scuola
primaria (10 anni di età) e al termine del secondo anno di scuola secondaria inferiore (14 anni di età). Le tematiche riguardano, a rotazione, le 8 competenze di base del curriculum, per coerenza interna a questo
documento esamineremo le materie equivalenti del caso italiano: spagnolo e matematica. I risultati delle valutazioni generali del sistema educativo spagnolo sono destinati a guidare i processi di innovazione e gli
impegni per rivedere e migliorare l'istruzione in tutto il sistema stesso.
Per effettuare un'analisi comparativa si analizzano i seguenti aspetti:
2. Trattamento della valutazione,
3. Caratteristiche della valutazione,
4. Promozione, qualificazione,
5. Altre differenze significative,
6. Conclusioni e spunti di riflessione.
La scuola di qualità rientra tra gli obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile (e i sistemi di valutazione possono contribuire in maniera determinante a tale obiettivo), e tra questi obiettivi c’è la riduzione delle disuguaglianze e della povertà in tutte le sue dimensioni, inclusa quella educativa.
Per colmare i divari spesso evidenziati dalle prove di valutazione, bisognerebbe non solo promuovere un’eccellenza diffusa, ma anche individuare le cattive prassi, in modo da realizzare i necessari interventi
correttivi, capire ed applicare la cosidetta “educazione interculturale”. Tenendo conto del fatto che le risorse socioculturali dei genitori sono associate ai risultati scolastici dei figli, la valutazione delle scuole dovrebbe anche considerare quanto la scuola sia inclusiva, cioè in grado di garantire risultati simili per gli studenti con cittadinanza italiana e spagnola e per i potenziali "nuovi cittadini".

This contribution examines the capabilities and limitations of standardised tests to assess schoo... more This contribution examines the capabilities and limitations of standardised tests to assess school settings that include students with a migrant background. Specifically, from a comparative perspective, it looks at two education systems, the Italian, and the Spanish, to focus on the certification and methods of evaluating the educational background of first- and/or second-generation migrant minors.
To this end, in Italy, the results of the Invalsi tests of pupils with non-Italian citizenship are compared with those of their native peers. In particular, the differences between 1st and 2nd generation natives and foreigners will be examined in the standardised tests of Italian and Mathematics (G8) in the historical series from 2012/13 to 2021/22 school year. Examination of the historical series is critical because it allows us to distinguish, from a descriptive point of view, the effects of Covid-19 on the school inclusion of a particular student target from those due to structural limits of the Italian school system.
In the Spanish case study, we took two types of evaluations: one organised at the national level by the Evaluation Institute that is carried out at the territorial level every three years by the individual Autonomous Community and a diagnostic evaluation at the territorial level delegated to the individual Autonomous Community and carried out annually, focusing the analysis on the comparison of native pupils with pupils of foreign origin. The methodology has been based on analysing the rules of the main Spanish Educational Laws from 2012 to post-pandemic time, together with participant observation,
interviews or document analysis.

J-Reading, 2023
Migration is based on mobility, on the crossing of space in a determined time; the inescapable 'p... more Migration is based on mobility, on the crossing of space in a determined time; the inescapable 'precariousness' of the foreigner's relationship with the territory is manifested in all its evidence. This paper focuses on the Mare Nostrum and the migration of the vulnerable.
The problems related to protecting unaccompanied foreign minors are linked to their condition, including their minor age, alien status, and the lack of parental figures. Both with the supranational legal space (international and European), recognising an element of alienation from the domestic system for managing such situations, and with issues related to migrant law contribute to protections, creating conflicts and overlaps. International law protects the child’s best interests; in contrast, domestic law aims to balance the rights of the foreigner and domestic interests of a collective nature (especially public order and internal security).
The research aims to analyse the multiple impacts of protection systems in several areas of great interest to unaccompanied young migrants: 1) rights and protection, 2) employment and job readiness, and 3) Andalusia and Sicily policies and programmes.
This article examines the legislative changes that have taken place over the last two years and how these have affected the condition of young migrants in two Mediterranean countries, Spain and Italy. More specifically, two regions are compared: Andalusia and Sicily. The methodology used is socio-legal analysis combined with empirical research.
Proyecto MigrantchildMed
Menores migrantes en el arco Mediterráneo: movilidad, sistemas de acogid... more Proyecto MigrantchildMed
Menores migrantes en el arco Mediterráneo: movilidad, sistemas de acogida e integración.
Jornada de presentación de resultados del proyecto I+D+i (DER2017-89623-R)
28 de enero de 2022
Ph.D. Workshop Europeanisation and Policy Learning
FUTURES Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
12 ... more Ph.D. Workshop Europeanisation and Policy Learning
FUTURES Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
12 October 2020
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
GT 3.9 Migración y políticas de i... more XV Congreso AECPA - LECCIONES Y RETOS POLÍTICOS DE LA PANDEMIA
GT 3.9 Migración y políticas de incorporación en tiempos de COVID: reformulando agendas, instituciones públicas y actores (online)
Conference in Interdisciplinary Poverty Research - University of Salzburg, September 19-20
International Conference: Migrants and Refugees in the Law- UCAM Catedra Inocencio III - December... more International Conference: Migrants and Refugees in the Law- UCAM Catedra Inocencio III - December 12-14. Murcia (Spain)
International Symposium: “Current Issues on Human Rights”, IPSA RC26, University Carlos III, 23-2... more International Symposium: “Current Issues on Human Rights”, IPSA RC26, University Carlos III, 23-24 May 2019. Madrid (Spain).
Interdisciplinary Doctoral Symposium: "Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights in Europe and the ... more Interdisciplinary Doctoral Symposium: "Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights in Europe and the World in Times of Contestation". Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, September, 20-21, 2018.
Doctoral Workshop: “Mobility and Security in Europe: accommodating change and upholding values”. ... more Doctoral Workshop: “Mobility and Security in Europe: accommodating change and upholding values”. Leiden Law School, 28-29 June, 2018
International Conference AECPA, ‘Fortaleza Europa: La crisis migratoria y la politica de refugio ... more International Conference AECPA, ‘Fortaleza Europa: La crisis migratoria y la politica de refugio en Europa’, 21-23 September – Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain).
Teaching Documents by Patrizia Rinaldi
Papers by Patrizia Rinaldi

INVALSI Istituto nazionale per la valutazione del sistema educativo di istruzione e di formazione, 2024
This contribution offers a unique perspective by examining the capabilities and limitations of st... more This contribution offers a unique perspective by examining the capabilities and limitations of standardised tests to assess school settings that include students with a migrant background. It does so by focusing on two distinct education systems, the Italian and the Spanish, to delve into the certification and methods of evaluating the educational background of first- and/or second-generation migrant minors. This unique approach provides a fresh understanding of the educational inclusion of migrant students.
In the Italian case study, the results of the Invalsi tests of pupils with non-Italian citizenship are compared with those of their native peers. The focus is on the differences between 1st and 2nd generation natives and foreigners in the standardised tests of Italian and Mathematics (G8) in the historical series from the 2012/13 to 2021/22 school year. This historical series is of paramount importance as it allows us to distinguish, from a descriptive point of view, the effects of COVID-19 on the school inclusion of a particular student target from those due to structural limits of the Italian school system.
In the Spanish case study, we took two types of evaluations: one organised at the national level by the Evaluation Institute that is carried out at the territorial level every three years by the individual Autonomous Community and a diagnostic evaluation at the territorial level delegated to the individual Autonomous Community and carried out annually, focusing the analysis on the comparison of native pupils with pupils of foreign origin. The methodology has been based on analysing the rules of the main Spanish Educational Laws from 2012 to post-pandemic time, together with participant observation,
interviews or document analysis.
The evaluation of schools should not only focus on academic performance but also on the inclusivity of the school environment. Our research findings underscore the importance of ensuring schools can guarantee similar performance results for students with Italian and Spanish citizenship and potential 'new citizens'. This discovery carries significant implications for educational policies, emphasizing the pressing need for inclusive educational practices.

International Journal for the Semiotic of Law, 2023
Contemporary international migration is directly related to the construction of the nation-state.... more Contemporary international migration is directly related to the construction of the nation-state. The variations in this migration are multiple, depending on the type of mobility, the territories and the characteristics of the people who practice it. One kind of migration that has been particularly important at the end of the twentieth century and so far in the twenty-first century is that of minors who migrate without being accompanied by their parents. The legal definitions, bureaucratic practices and rights of these minors-turned-migrants vary across European states and in the international literature. This paper aims to analyse the terminology used colloquially in the media and academically to refer to this group of people. In the early days of the phenomenon, the acronym MENA (unaccompanied migrant minors) has been the most common in Spain. It was intended to be a "neutral" term used in the legal sphere and migration studies. Still, in recent times, MENA has become more than a descriptive category. It has become a way of criminalising a group of young people who are in national territory and come from another country (usually an African country and, especially, a Maghreb country). However, not everything is determined by the circumstances surrounding us or our lives as social beings. Social pressure, with its narrative, cannot mean leaving aside history, legal culture, and learning. We need a new language to talk about this group of people. Currently, the negative connotation hides the most human aspect of this condition; the term "MENA" is a banner to mystify a fundamental fact: we are talking about children and adolescents who, not being able to count on the protection of an adult or family member, are condemned to social exclusion. This article approaches the migrant child as a critical figure who embodies the paradox of humanitarian reasoning, which is also a legal and political paradox, encapsulating the tension between structural rejection and the individual capacity of the human subject. By focusing on the theoretically productive role of minors without parental guardianship as subjects of ethnographic examination, this paper aims to understand better how current anthropological knowledge redefines the concepts of childhood, adulthood, and migration. The first part of this paper focuses on examining the terminologies used at the European and international levels, with their respective social implications. The second part focuses on Extended author information available on the last page of the article

Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 2023
This article analyses an inclusive and participatory approach to regularising 'Non-Asylum Seeking... more This article analyses an inclusive and participatory approach to regularising 'Non-Asylum Seeking Unaccompanied Migrant Minors' in Spain. The terminology is multiple; in this paper, the choice has fallen on Unaccompanied Migrant Minors with the acronym UMMs instead of UAMs, to be consistent with the doctoral thesis already defended in 2021. The term UASC, specific to unaccompanied migrant minors seeking asylum, was excluded. To fully assess the process, it is necessary to account for the following factors shaping their administrative situation: (a) how they reach adulthood, (b) whether they are in regular or irregular situations, and (c) the waiting time for obtaining regularity status and citizenship. This article reviews the gap between perspectives of legal protection, good intentions, and political restrictions. The study has been carried out considering the results of qualitative research obtained through interviews with minors, staff members at reception centres, guardians, and immigration authorities. Particular attention is devoted to the limited number of resident permits granted to the UMMs. The methodology was enriched by desk research; most sources cited in the article are legal instruments and academic papers. The different dimensions of regularization are analysed by paying attention to (i) residence permits and political rights; (ii) the role of guardianship in administrative regularization; and (iii) vulnerability related to the legal status of unaccompanied migrant minors. A comprehensive assessment is carried out based on children's rights and the social, institutional, and organizational contexts, as well as considering the policies which condition the protection milieu concerning migrant children and the practices at both general and operative levels.
Legal Method Lab, 2023
Although migration is part of human history, the creation of nation-states, with the demarcation ... more Although migration is part of human history, the creation of nation-states, with the demarcation of borders, has presented this phenomenon as a watershed between legality and illegality. Despite this, migrants and asylum seekers irregularly use the Mediterranean routes to enter the EU. Within these flows is a specific subgroup of our interest, namely minors without a parent or legal representative. In my recent article "Variable impacts on young migrants and related measures in Spain and Italy. Andalusia and Sicily: a comparative analysis." (1) I deal with the legislative changes

J-Reading, 2023
Migration is based on mobility, on the crossing of space in a determined time; the inescapable 'p... more Migration is based on mobility, on the crossing of space in a determined time; the inescapable 'precariousness' of the foreigner's relationship with the territory is manifested in all its evidence. This paper focuses on the Mare Nostrum and the migration of the vulnerable.
The problems related to protecting unaccompanied foreign minors are linked to their condition, including their minor age, alien status, and the lack of parental figures. Both with the supranational legal space (international and European), recognising an element of alienation from the domestic system for managing such situations, and with issues related to migrant law contribute to protections, creating conflicts and overlaps. International law protects the child’s best interests; in contrast, domestic law aims to balance the rights of the foreigner and domestic interests of a collective nature (especially public order and internal security).
The research aims to analyse the multiple impacts of protection systems in several areas of great interest to unaccompanied young migrants: 1) rights and protection, 2) employment and job readiness, and 3) Andalusia and Sicily policies and programmes.
This article examines the legislative changes that have taken place over the last two years and how these have affected the condition of young migrants in two Mediterranean countries, Spain and Italy. More specifically, two regions are compared: Andalusia and Sicily. The methodology used is socio-legal analysis combined with empirical research.
Conference Presentations by Patrizia Rinaldi
della seconda generazione. Infatti, l'attuale dibattito sui sistemi educativi all'interno dell'Unione Europea si centra sulla valutazione delle scuole inclusive, nella convinzione che, per questo settore strategico come
l’istruzione, le politiche devono essere non solo evidence-based, ma anche eticamente orientate. L’ipotesi si basa sull’attuale assetto scolastico incapace di ridurre le disuguaglianze tra componente autoctona e
componente con background migratorio della popolazione studentesca. Queste disuguaglianze anche si sono acuite con la pandemia erano già presenti prima del Covid.
La domanda di ricerca é: la modernizzazione della didattica, sia dal punto di vista metodologico che infrastrutturale, puó superare questo divario?
L'obiettivo di questo articolo è determinare come la nozione di diversità culturale sia problematizzata nel scolastico e come siano valutate le differenze nella scuola.
Per questo fine il documento esamina le capacità e i limiti dei test standardizzati per valutare i contesti scolastici che includono studenti con un background migratorio. In particolare, in una prospettiva comparativa, prende in esame due sistemi scolastici, quello italiano e quello spagnolo, per concentrarsi sulla certificazione e sui metodi di valutazione del background educativo dei minori migranti di prima e/o
seconda generazione.
A tal fine, in Italia, i risultati delle prove INVALSI degli alunni con cittadinanza non italiana vengono confrontati con quelli dei loro coetanei autoctoni. In particolare, verranno esaminate le differenze tra
autoctoni e stranieri di prima e seconda generazione nelle prove standardizzate di italiano e matematica (G8) nella serie storica che va dall'anno scolastico 2012/13 al 2021/22. L'esame della serie storica è
fondamentale perché ci permette di distinguere, da un punto di vista descrittivo, gli effetti di Covid-19 sull'inclusione scolastica di un particolare target di studenti da quelli dovuti a limiti strutturali del sistema
scolastico italiano.
Le Rilevazioni nazionali INVALSI rappresentano ormai una componente essenziale del sistema nazionale di valutazione nonché un termometro imprescindibile per valutare lo stato di salute della scuola italiana. Uno
degli indicatori di tale stato di salute è dato dall’equità e dalla capacità di inclusione, che è operazionalizzabile attraverso la misurazione delle differenze negli apprendimenti tra diversi target della popolazione studentesca.
Nel caso di studio spagnolo, abbiamo preso in considerazione due tipi di valutazioni: una organizzata a livello nazionale dall'Istituto di Valutazione (Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa – INEE) e realizzata a livello territoriale ogni tre anni dalla singola Comunità Autonoma e una valutazione diagnostica a livello territoriale delegata alla singola Comunità Autonoma e realizzata annualmente, concentrando l'analisi sul
confronto tra alunni autoctoni e alunni di origine straniera. Questa agenzia combina due strategie: la valutazione generale del sistema e la valutazione diagnostica, entrambe volte a raccogliere informazioni sul sistema educativo valutando le competenze acquisite dagli studenti in relazione al loro contesto socio economico e familiare. La metodologia si è basata sull'analisi delle norme delle principali leggi educative spagnole dal 2012 al periodo post-pandemico, insieme all'osservazione partecipante, interviste o analisi dei documenti. I test vengono somministrati a campione sugli alunni al termine del quarto anno della scuola
primaria (10 anni di età) e al termine del secondo anno di scuola secondaria inferiore (14 anni di età). Le tematiche riguardano, a rotazione, le 8 competenze di base del curriculum, per coerenza interna a questo
documento esamineremo le materie equivalenti del caso italiano: spagnolo e matematica. I risultati delle valutazioni generali del sistema educativo spagnolo sono destinati a guidare i processi di innovazione e gli
impegni per rivedere e migliorare l'istruzione in tutto il sistema stesso.
Per effettuare un'analisi comparativa si analizzano i seguenti aspetti:
2. Trattamento della valutazione,
3. Caratteristiche della valutazione,
4. Promozione, qualificazione,
5. Altre differenze significative,
6. Conclusioni e spunti di riflessione.
La scuola di qualità rientra tra gli obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile (e i sistemi di valutazione possono contribuire in maniera determinante a tale obiettivo), e tra questi obiettivi c’è la riduzione delle disuguaglianze e della povertà in tutte le sue dimensioni, inclusa quella educativa.
Per colmare i divari spesso evidenziati dalle prove di valutazione, bisognerebbe non solo promuovere un’eccellenza diffusa, ma anche individuare le cattive prassi, in modo da realizzare i necessari interventi
correttivi, capire ed applicare la cosidetta “educazione interculturale”. Tenendo conto del fatto che le risorse socioculturali dei genitori sono associate ai risultati scolastici dei figli, la valutazione delle scuole dovrebbe anche considerare quanto la scuola sia inclusiva, cioè in grado di garantire risultati simili per gli studenti con cittadinanza italiana e spagnola e per i potenziali "nuovi cittadini".
To this end, in Italy, the results of the Invalsi tests of pupils with non-Italian citizenship are compared with those of their native peers. In particular, the differences between 1st and 2nd generation natives and foreigners will be examined in the standardised tests of Italian and Mathematics (G8) in the historical series from 2012/13 to 2021/22 school year. Examination of the historical series is critical because it allows us to distinguish, from a descriptive point of view, the effects of Covid-19 on the school inclusion of a particular student target from those due to structural limits of the Italian school system.
In the Spanish case study, we took two types of evaluations: one organised at the national level by the Evaluation Institute that is carried out at the territorial level every three years by the individual Autonomous Community and a diagnostic evaluation at the territorial level delegated to the individual Autonomous Community and carried out annually, focusing the analysis on the comparison of native pupils with pupils of foreign origin. The methodology has been based on analysing the rules of the main Spanish Educational Laws from 2012 to post-pandemic time, together with participant observation,
interviews or document analysis.
The problems related to protecting unaccompanied foreign minors are linked to their condition, including their minor age, alien status, and the lack of parental figures. Both with the supranational legal space (international and European), recognising an element of alienation from the domestic system for managing such situations, and with issues related to migrant law contribute to protections, creating conflicts and overlaps. International law protects the child’s best interests; in contrast, domestic law aims to balance the rights of the foreigner and domestic interests of a collective nature (especially public order and internal security).
The research aims to analyse the multiple impacts of protection systems in several areas of great interest to unaccompanied young migrants: 1) rights and protection, 2) employment and job readiness, and 3) Andalusia and Sicily policies and programmes.
This article examines the legislative changes that have taken place over the last two years and how these have affected the condition of young migrants in two Mediterranean countries, Spain and Italy. More specifically, two regions are compared: Andalusia and Sicily. The methodology used is socio-legal analysis combined with empirical research.
Menores migrantes en el arco Mediterráneo: movilidad, sistemas de acogida e integración.
Jornada de presentación de resultados del proyecto I+D+i (DER2017-89623-R)
28 de enero de 2022
FUTURES Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
12 October 2020
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
GT 3.9 Migración y políticas de incorporación en tiempos de COVID: reformulando agendas, instituciones públicas y actores (online)
Teaching Documents by Patrizia Rinaldi
Papers by Patrizia Rinaldi
In the Italian case study, the results of the Invalsi tests of pupils with non-Italian citizenship are compared with those of their native peers. The focus is on the differences between 1st and 2nd generation natives and foreigners in the standardised tests of Italian and Mathematics (G8) in the historical series from the 2012/13 to 2021/22 school year. This historical series is of paramount importance as it allows us to distinguish, from a descriptive point of view, the effects of COVID-19 on the school inclusion of a particular student target from those due to structural limits of the Italian school system.
In the Spanish case study, we took two types of evaluations: one organised at the national level by the Evaluation Institute that is carried out at the territorial level every three years by the individual Autonomous Community and a diagnostic evaluation at the territorial level delegated to the individual Autonomous Community and carried out annually, focusing the analysis on the comparison of native pupils with pupils of foreign origin. The methodology has been based on analysing the rules of the main Spanish Educational Laws from 2012 to post-pandemic time, together with participant observation,
interviews or document analysis.
The evaluation of schools should not only focus on academic performance but also on the inclusivity of the school environment. Our research findings underscore the importance of ensuring schools can guarantee similar performance results for students with Italian and Spanish citizenship and potential 'new citizens'. This discovery carries significant implications for educational policies, emphasizing the pressing need for inclusive educational practices.
The problems related to protecting unaccompanied foreign minors are linked to their condition, including their minor age, alien status, and the lack of parental figures. Both with the supranational legal space (international and European), recognising an element of alienation from the domestic system for managing such situations, and with issues related to migrant law contribute to protections, creating conflicts and overlaps. International law protects the child’s best interests; in contrast, domestic law aims to balance the rights of the foreigner and domestic interests of a collective nature (especially public order and internal security).
The research aims to analyse the multiple impacts of protection systems in several areas of great interest to unaccompanied young migrants: 1) rights and protection, 2) employment and job readiness, and 3) Andalusia and Sicily policies and programmes.
This article examines the legislative changes that have taken place over the last two years and how these have affected the condition of young migrants in two Mediterranean countries, Spain and Italy. More specifically, two regions are compared: Andalusia and Sicily. The methodology used is socio-legal analysis combined with empirical research.
della seconda generazione. Infatti, l'attuale dibattito sui sistemi educativi all'interno dell'Unione Europea si centra sulla valutazione delle scuole inclusive, nella convinzione che, per questo settore strategico come
l’istruzione, le politiche devono essere non solo evidence-based, ma anche eticamente orientate. L’ipotesi si basa sull’attuale assetto scolastico incapace di ridurre le disuguaglianze tra componente autoctona e
componente con background migratorio della popolazione studentesca. Queste disuguaglianze anche si sono acuite con la pandemia erano già presenti prima del Covid.
La domanda di ricerca é: la modernizzazione della didattica, sia dal punto di vista metodologico che infrastrutturale, puó superare questo divario?
L'obiettivo di questo articolo è determinare come la nozione di diversità culturale sia problematizzata nel scolastico e come siano valutate le differenze nella scuola.
Per questo fine il documento esamina le capacità e i limiti dei test standardizzati per valutare i contesti scolastici che includono studenti con un background migratorio. In particolare, in una prospettiva comparativa, prende in esame due sistemi scolastici, quello italiano e quello spagnolo, per concentrarsi sulla certificazione e sui metodi di valutazione del background educativo dei minori migranti di prima e/o
seconda generazione.
A tal fine, in Italia, i risultati delle prove INVALSI degli alunni con cittadinanza non italiana vengono confrontati con quelli dei loro coetanei autoctoni. In particolare, verranno esaminate le differenze tra
autoctoni e stranieri di prima e seconda generazione nelle prove standardizzate di italiano e matematica (G8) nella serie storica che va dall'anno scolastico 2012/13 al 2021/22. L'esame della serie storica è
fondamentale perché ci permette di distinguere, da un punto di vista descrittivo, gli effetti di Covid-19 sull'inclusione scolastica di un particolare target di studenti da quelli dovuti a limiti strutturali del sistema
scolastico italiano.
Le Rilevazioni nazionali INVALSI rappresentano ormai una componente essenziale del sistema nazionale di valutazione nonché un termometro imprescindibile per valutare lo stato di salute della scuola italiana. Uno
degli indicatori di tale stato di salute è dato dall’equità e dalla capacità di inclusione, che è operazionalizzabile attraverso la misurazione delle differenze negli apprendimenti tra diversi target della popolazione studentesca.
Nel caso di studio spagnolo, abbiamo preso in considerazione due tipi di valutazioni: una organizzata a livello nazionale dall'Istituto di Valutazione (Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa – INEE) e realizzata a livello territoriale ogni tre anni dalla singola Comunità Autonoma e una valutazione diagnostica a livello territoriale delegata alla singola Comunità Autonoma e realizzata annualmente, concentrando l'analisi sul
confronto tra alunni autoctoni e alunni di origine straniera. Questa agenzia combina due strategie: la valutazione generale del sistema e la valutazione diagnostica, entrambe volte a raccogliere informazioni sul sistema educativo valutando le competenze acquisite dagli studenti in relazione al loro contesto socio economico e familiare. La metodologia si è basata sull'analisi delle norme delle principali leggi educative spagnole dal 2012 al periodo post-pandemico, insieme all'osservazione partecipante, interviste o analisi dei documenti. I test vengono somministrati a campione sugli alunni al termine del quarto anno della scuola
primaria (10 anni di età) e al termine del secondo anno di scuola secondaria inferiore (14 anni di età). Le tematiche riguardano, a rotazione, le 8 competenze di base del curriculum, per coerenza interna a questo
documento esamineremo le materie equivalenti del caso italiano: spagnolo e matematica. I risultati delle valutazioni generali del sistema educativo spagnolo sono destinati a guidare i processi di innovazione e gli
impegni per rivedere e migliorare l'istruzione in tutto il sistema stesso.
Per effettuare un'analisi comparativa si analizzano i seguenti aspetti:
2. Trattamento della valutazione,
3. Caratteristiche della valutazione,
4. Promozione, qualificazione,
5. Altre differenze significative,
6. Conclusioni e spunti di riflessione.
La scuola di qualità rientra tra gli obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile (e i sistemi di valutazione possono contribuire in maniera determinante a tale obiettivo), e tra questi obiettivi c’è la riduzione delle disuguaglianze e della povertà in tutte le sue dimensioni, inclusa quella educativa.
Per colmare i divari spesso evidenziati dalle prove di valutazione, bisognerebbe non solo promuovere un’eccellenza diffusa, ma anche individuare le cattive prassi, in modo da realizzare i necessari interventi
correttivi, capire ed applicare la cosidetta “educazione interculturale”. Tenendo conto del fatto che le risorse socioculturali dei genitori sono associate ai risultati scolastici dei figli, la valutazione delle scuole dovrebbe anche considerare quanto la scuola sia inclusiva, cioè in grado di garantire risultati simili per gli studenti con cittadinanza italiana e spagnola e per i potenziali "nuovi cittadini".
To this end, in Italy, the results of the Invalsi tests of pupils with non-Italian citizenship are compared with those of their native peers. In particular, the differences between 1st and 2nd generation natives and foreigners will be examined in the standardised tests of Italian and Mathematics (G8) in the historical series from 2012/13 to 2021/22 school year. Examination of the historical series is critical because it allows us to distinguish, from a descriptive point of view, the effects of Covid-19 on the school inclusion of a particular student target from those due to structural limits of the Italian school system.
In the Spanish case study, we took two types of evaluations: one organised at the national level by the Evaluation Institute that is carried out at the territorial level every three years by the individual Autonomous Community and a diagnostic evaluation at the territorial level delegated to the individual Autonomous Community and carried out annually, focusing the analysis on the comparison of native pupils with pupils of foreign origin. The methodology has been based on analysing the rules of the main Spanish Educational Laws from 2012 to post-pandemic time, together with participant observation,
interviews or document analysis.
The problems related to protecting unaccompanied foreign minors are linked to their condition, including their minor age, alien status, and the lack of parental figures. Both with the supranational legal space (international and European), recognising an element of alienation from the domestic system for managing such situations, and with issues related to migrant law contribute to protections, creating conflicts and overlaps. International law protects the child’s best interests; in contrast, domestic law aims to balance the rights of the foreigner and domestic interests of a collective nature (especially public order and internal security).
The research aims to analyse the multiple impacts of protection systems in several areas of great interest to unaccompanied young migrants: 1) rights and protection, 2) employment and job readiness, and 3) Andalusia and Sicily policies and programmes.
This article examines the legislative changes that have taken place over the last two years and how these have affected the condition of young migrants in two Mediterranean countries, Spain and Italy. More specifically, two regions are compared: Andalusia and Sicily. The methodology used is socio-legal analysis combined with empirical research.
Menores migrantes en el arco Mediterráneo: movilidad, sistemas de acogida e integración.
Jornada de presentación de resultados del proyecto I+D+i (DER2017-89623-R)
28 de enero de 2022
FUTURES Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
12 October 2020
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
GT 3.9 Migración y políticas de incorporación en tiempos de COVID: reformulando agendas, instituciones públicas y actores (online)
In the Italian case study, the results of the Invalsi tests of pupils with non-Italian citizenship are compared with those of their native peers. The focus is on the differences between 1st and 2nd generation natives and foreigners in the standardised tests of Italian and Mathematics (G8) in the historical series from the 2012/13 to 2021/22 school year. This historical series is of paramount importance as it allows us to distinguish, from a descriptive point of view, the effects of COVID-19 on the school inclusion of a particular student target from those due to structural limits of the Italian school system.
In the Spanish case study, we took two types of evaluations: one organised at the national level by the Evaluation Institute that is carried out at the territorial level every three years by the individual Autonomous Community and a diagnostic evaluation at the territorial level delegated to the individual Autonomous Community and carried out annually, focusing the analysis on the comparison of native pupils with pupils of foreign origin. The methodology has been based on analysing the rules of the main Spanish Educational Laws from 2012 to post-pandemic time, together with participant observation,
interviews or document analysis.
The evaluation of schools should not only focus on academic performance but also on the inclusivity of the school environment. Our research findings underscore the importance of ensuring schools can guarantee similar performance results for students with Italian and Spanish citizenship and potential 'new citizens'. This discovery carries significant implications for educational policies, emphasizing the pressing need for inclusive educational practices.
The problems related to protecting unaccompanied foreign minors are linked to their condition, including their minor age, alien status, and the lack of parental figures. Both with the supranational legal space (international and European), recognising an element of alienation from the domestic system for managing such situations, and with issues related to migrant law contribute to protections, creating conflicts and overlaps. International law protects the child’s best interests; in contrast, domestic law aims to balance the rights of the foreigner and domestic interests of a collective nature (especially public order and internal security).
The research aims to analyse the multiple impacts of protection systems in several areas of great interest to unaccompanied young migrants: 1) rights and protection, 2) employment and job readiness, and 3) Andalusia and Sicily policies and programmes.
This article examines the legislative changes that have taken place over the last two years and how these have affected the condition of young migrants in two Mediterranean countries, Spain and Italy. More specifically, two regions are compared: Andalusia and Sicily. The methodology used is socio-legal analysis combined with empirical research.
migratorios. La presencia de estudiantes inmigrantes en la escuela española ha pasado de ser un hecho excepcional a una situación cada vez más común, lo que requiere una profunda reflexión sobre los cambios generados en el sistema educativo en términos de heterogeneidad e integración (Mayoral Peñas, Jiménez Blasco, Sassano y Resino, 2020 ; García Castaño y Carrasco, 2011). La heterogeneidad de los MENA es múltiple, por origen, por nivel de edad y por nivel educativo en los
países de origen.
Para ponderar plenamente el fenómeno es necesario tener conocimiento de su condición administrativa: cómo llegan a la edad adulta, en situaciones regulares o irregulares; cómo se estructura su educación y formación y cuál es su disposición para integrarse en la sociedad de acogida (De Palma Del Teso, 2011; Senovilla and Lagrange, 2011; Duran Ruiz, 2011). La protección se realiza a nivel regional, de las Comunidades Autónomas y Ciudades Autónomas, responsables de su desarrollo humano.
La pregunta de investigación es: ¿Es el sistema de educación y formación adecuado para su integración en la sociedad de acogida? El capitulo se desarrolla siguiendo la brecha entre protección legal, buenas intenciones y restricciones políticas.
The right to education is one of the most vulnerable for migrant children who travel without the company of an adult relative. It is especially relevant that the Convention on the Rights of the Child is to recognize the importance that education has in the development of the person and the suitability of applying it from an early age. This paper evaluates whether the education and training received by MENAs is reflected in their labour market integration, within the broader cost-benefit analysis of the protection system. A multi-method approach is combined with a with socio-legal analysis.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the effectiveness of guardianship systems for children in migration to Spain deprived of parental care, considering the European Union rule of law and the international standards on children’s rights. It examines on the entry strategies implemented with regard to young migrants who confront the provisions established by the Spanish protection system. After an overview of the phenomenon under scrutiny and an introduction to the definition of “unaccompanied migrant minor” (UMM), the article develops in two parts: the first deals with the general guiding lines of the guardianship system for unaccompanied migrant minors arriving in Europe. The second part evaluates the Spanish reception system for the UMM, which mainly concerns the key aspect of guardianship.
The purpose of this work is to analyse the decision of the European Court of Human Rights about the refoulement to the border or the indiscriminate expulsion that is not carried out with the best interests of the minor (Article 3 of UNCRC), and the article 24 (2) of EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
To what extent and by whom is the right of the child to be heard? This is a crucial question to be answered. The application of article 12 of the UNCRC in the reception process ought to provide agency with the minor, which is fundamental in the integration process. The transition to adulthood is conditioned by such process and the "best interests" is often reshaped, according to the local actors involved.
The open questions are:
a) what factors influence the start-up of new businesses?
b) how do these factors vary between different areas of the country?
c) can the factors relevant to the formation of new businesses be influenced by economic policy and industrial policy in particular?
The included publications engage in four analytical sub-areas which are linked with the main research questions: Frontier, Reception, Guardianship, and Transition to Adulthood.