Papers by Azucena G . Blanco
Literature Compass, 2012
Translation plays an important role in creating the category of 'world literature', a term that h... more Translation plays an important role in creating the category of 'world literature', a term that has acquired new currency in this era of globalization.

Pensamiento, Pandemia y Big Data
Me gustaría comenzar citando una serie de datos del trabajo "The rapid, massive growth of COVID-1... more Me gustaría comenzar citando una serie de datos del trabajo "The rapid, massive growth of COVID-19 authors in the scientific literature" (publicado por la Royal Society Open Science, septiembre de 2021): Según Scopus (corte de datos, 1 de agosto de 2021), 210.183 publicaciones relacionadas con COVID-19 habían sido realizadas por 720.801 autores únicos, de los cuales 360.005 autores habían publicado al menos cinco artículos completos en su carrera y 23.520 autores se encontraban en el 2% superior de su subcampo científico según un indicador de citas compuesto a lo largo de su carrera. El crecimiento de los autores de COVID-19 fue mucho más rápido y masivo en comparación con la cantidad de autores que históricamente han publicado sobre temas fundamentales como el Zika, el Ébola, el VIH/SIDA y la tuberculosis. Todos los subcampos científicos (174) contaban con algunos especialistas que habían publicado sobre COVID-19. En 109 de los 174 subcampos de la ciencia, al menos uno de cada 10 autores activos e influyentes (es decir, aquellos cuyo indicador compuesto de citas pertenece al 2% más alto) del subcampo había escrito algo sobre el COVID-19. Cincuenta y tres autores hiperprolíficos tenían ya al menos 60 (y hasta 227) publicaciones sobre COVID-19 cada uno. Entre los 300 autores con el mayor indicador de citación compuesto para sus publicaciones sobre COVID-19, los países más comunes fueron Estados Unidos (frecuencia de n = 67), China (n = 52), Reino Unido (n = 32) e Italia (n = 18). En definitiva, decía este artículo, la rápida y masiva participación de científicos/as en los trabajos relacionados con COVID-19 no tiene precedentes. Hay pruebas de una productividad hiperprolífica 1 (1).

La propuesta consiste en trazar una introducción a una de las múltiples líneas de desarrollo del ... more La propuesta consiste en trazar una introducción a una de las múltiples líneas de desarrollo del pensamiento de la Escuela de Frankfurt en Alemania, la de la crítica de la dialéctica tradicional, y esto a partir de la relación del pensamiento frankfurtiano con el pensamiento francés de la diferencia. Trazo que iría del pensamiento estético de Walter Benjamin y Theodor W. Adorno al pensamiento retórico de Michel Foucault, principalmente, o Gilles Deleuze. Me propongo, así, establecer un vínculo, tenso y conflictivo en la mayoría de las ocasiones, entre los pensamientos estéticos y literarios de los autores citados: una “constelación” de fuerzas, tomando el término de Adorno.My proposal consists of devising an introduction to one of the multiple lines of developing thought of the Frankfurt School in Germany, of the critique of the traditional dialectic, based on the relation of the Frankfurtian thought with the French though of diff erence. From the aesthetic thought of Walter Benjami...

Este dossier se propone como un espacio de reflexión sobre el actual debate acerca de la politici... more Este dossier se propone como un espacio de reflexión sobre el actual debate acerca de la politicidad de la literatura en su herencia más inmediata, la del siglo XX. La última década del siglo XXI ha venido protagonizada por lo que se ha considerado un “giro político”2que afecta no sólo al pensamiento continental, sino también, y de manera destacada, a los estudios literarios. Las últimas décadas del siglo pasado son claves para comprender este nuevo paradigma. Ciertamente, el final del siglo vino protagonizado por los denominados Cultural Studies, Gender Studiesy Postcolonial Studiesque sin duda son los antecedentes inmediatos y más fácilmente reconocibles. Es allí donde podemos rastrear la génesis del denominado giro político en gran parte de las disciplinas humanistas. En consecuencia, los estudios literarios establecían un diálogo con lo social en el espacio de la globalización: un nuevo concepto de mundo se comenzaba a leer desde conceptos teóricos y comparatistas de la literatu...
My proposal consists of devising an introduction to one of the multiple lines of developing thoug... more My proposal consists of devising an introduction to one of the multiple lines of developing thought of the Frankfurt School in Germany, of the critique of the traditional dialectic, based on the relation of the Frankfurtian thought with the French though of difference. From the aesthetic thought of Walter Benjamin and. Theodor Adorno to the rhetoric thought of Michel Foucault, mostly, or Gilles Deleuze. Thus, I propose to establish a link, which is mostly tense and conflictive,between the aesthetic and literary thoughts of the cited authors: a “constelations of forces”, to use the Adorno’s term.

In "Politics of Literature in Late Foucault", I address the definition of the concept of democrac... more In "Politics of Literature in Late Foucault", I address the definition of the concept of democracy in the literary thought of Michel Foucault, the functions of literature in the social space and a politics of literary form. This literary writing is a critique of the principle of social partition that in modernity is associated with madness. Due to the long tradition that links literature and madness, since the classical period (as inspired poet), literature is shown as a privileged space for political criticism. In "Literature, Subjectivity and Veridiction", I set forth an analysis of the forms of veridiction, in which Foucault shows the necessary intertwining of subject and truth, through the analyses of literary texts that he made in the 1970s and the early 1980s. The writings that Foucault devotes to the work of the Marquis de Sade at the start of the seventies show the relation between writing and novel forms of being. Sade's logic provides Foucault with an alternative to the attributive logic that restricts the forms of being and that would be fundamental in the last stage of his productive output. And it therefore puts forward the connection between truth and desire as a performative truth of self, which Foucault later develops in the concept of parrhesia in the lectures of the 1980s. The concept of desire here is, as Daniele Lorenzini shows, a transhistorical constant and a theory of speech as passion. The technologies of self took up a large part of Foucault's analyses from the late 1970s until his death. The forms of selftransformation of subjects since the classical era do not make an exception of Christianityfar from it. Hence I will analyze these works from a post-secular perspective that I consider necessary for understanding the ethical and dissident value of these behaviors. Lastly, this chapter discusses the legacy of Foucault in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. His concept of subject has been debated and developed by other thinkers, such as Judith Butler and Giorgio Agamben, who both maintain a far-reaching dialogue with the Frenchman. In the case of Butler, her concept of the retroactive subject is of particular interest, as is Agamben's revision of the Heideggerian concept of the subject for death in the light of Foucault's work. As a result of these readings, I propose a concept of [being] subject to the "intemperie". The chapter entitled "Tragedy and Historical Event" looks at the texts of the eighties in which Foucault makes use of the tragedies of Sophocles (Oedipus Rex) and Euripides (Ion, The Trojan Women, and Orestes), in order to study the emergence and analysis of the notion of parrhesia. In these lectures, Foucault presents literature as a place of "event", hence the time of literature is the time of Kairos. Foucault also analyzes the pre-democratic concept of truth as symbol, a truth that can be reconstructed from different testimonies, which is in the origin of this right to free speech in the Assembly, as Oedipus Rex shows. The problematization of this concept, which presents a parrhesia that is open "to anyone",

Theory, Culture & Society, 2020
Madness, Language, Literature (2019) brings together a series of unpublished works on literature ... more Madness, Language, Literature (2019) brings together a series of unpublished works on literature that belong to Michel Foucault’s first stage of production. This article focuses on those works that express a concept of madness as social partition or outside, and also on those that elucidate the concept of the ‘extralinguistic’ of literature. The combined reading of these texts sheds light on a concept of the extralinguistic outside of literature that enables Foucault to overcome a concept of ontological outside and, therefore, using literature, think on this discourse’s historical possibilities of resistance. As a result of this new reading, I analyse some fundamental aspects of this early Foucault. First, his development of a politics of literary form in the 1960s. Second, I propose that Foucault’s studies on literature in the 1960s were a kind of laboratory in which he was already raising some questions concerning his political history of truth. And, lastly, I examine the capacity...

Caravelle, 2019
Ces dernieres annees, le discours sur la litterature comparee s’est vu transforme par le debat su... more Ces dernieres annees, le discours sur la litterature comparee s’est vu transforme par le debat sur les rapports entre litterature, marche et mondialisation. Des theoriciens comme D. Damrosch (litterature mondiale), G. Spivak (planetarite), Pascale Casanova (La Langue mondiale) ou L. Venuti (traduction et mondialisation), entre autres, ont contribue a ce debat depuis des perspectives differentes. Notre objet sera d’analyser, dans ce cadre theorique et depuis la peripherie (paroissialisme), un exemple de litterature, marche et traduction comme resistance/domestication a la tendance homogeneisatrice de la mondialisation que nous avons appelee traduction domestique. La traduction dialectale de poesie en espagnol nous permet d’aborder un cas fondamental des mouvements de la litterature sur le marche de ce que l’on appelle glocalisation comme alternative effective a la globalisation.
Revue internationale de philosophie, 2020
Revue internationale de philosophie, 2020
This article posits that in Foucault’s later work we find not a forgetting of literature, but a r... more This article posits that in Foucault’s later work we find not a forgetting of literature, but a reformulation of the role that literature had come to occupy in his work, and that, in this later work, there is a trace of the texts on literary thought that he wrote from the 1960s to the mid-1970s. Drawing upon Foucault’s later work, I reconsider the key question: What relationship does literature, as literature, have with the political dimension of discourses? This necessarily goes hand-in-hand with the classic question concerning the truth of literature: How does literature tell the truth?
Translation and World Literature, 2018
This chapter observed how world literature shows that comparative literature and translation stud... more This chapter observed how world literature shows that comparative literature and translation studies have to work from collaborative models. Not only because of the linguistic limits of the comparatist who cannot know all languages, but also because translation will show, in the space of the plural linguistic community, ways in which the different traditions dialogue. And secondly, on an epistemological level, this work answer two questions in which translation plays a fundamental role: how does world literature account for the world? And how to review the myth of Weltliteratur in the light of the interrupted myth of world literature?
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, 2018
Dedicated to the dissemination of scholarly and professional information, Purdue University Press... more Dedicated to the dissemination of scholarly and professional information, Purdue University Press selects, develops, and distributes quality resources in several key subject areas for which its parent university is famous, including business, technology, health, veterinary medicine, and other selected disciplines in the humanities and sciences. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, the peer-reviewed, full-text, and open-access learned journal in the humanities and social sciences, publishes new scholarship following tenets of the discipline of comparative literature and the field of cultural studies designated as "comparative cultural studies.

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, 2018
Dedicated to the dissemination of scholarly and professional information, Purdue University Press... more Dedicated to the dissemination of scholarly and professional information, Purdue University Press selects, develops, and distributes quality resources in several key subject areas for which its parent university is famous, including business, technology, health, veterinary medicine, and other selected disciplines in the humanities and sciences. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, the peer-reviewed, full-text, and open-access learned journal in the humanities and social sciences, publishes new scholarship following tenets of the discipline of comparative literature and the field of cultural studies designated as "comparative cultural studies." Publications in the journal are indexed in the Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (Chadwyck-Healey), the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (Thomson Reuters ISI), the Humanities Index (Wilson), Humanities International Complete (EBSCO), the International Bibliography of the Modern Language Association of America, and Scopus (Elsevier). The journal is affiliated with the Purdue University Press monograph series of Books in Comparative Cultural Studies.

La relación de Foucault con el pensamiento literario ha pasado por ser, en la mayoría de las ocas... more La relación de Foucault con el pensamiento literario ha pasado por ser, en la mayoría de las ocasiones, un interés que el autor habría mantenido en los primeros años de su producción, a lo largo de la década de los sesenta. Es decir, la atención que Foucault habría prestado a la literatura sería un vano interés que con el tiempo se curaría, o cuanto menos una mera anécdota en relación a su pensamiento. O por el contrario, el interés de Foucault por la literatura y el arte en general habría contaminado su producción hasta volverla inútil, mera literatura. Cito dos ejemplos: el caso del trabajo de Hurtado Valero Michel Foucault (1994), quien como Sergio Givone (Historia de la Estética, 2001) o Gianni Vattimo (Poesia e ontologia, 1967), considera que con el fin de la metafísica y de la muerte del arte, asistimos a una explosión estética que sitúa a la disciplina de la estética fuera de sus confines tradicionales con el fin de convertirlo todo en "hecho estético integral". Esta postura, semejante a la defendida por Fortier también en su tendencia a estetizar la obra de Foucault (Les stratégies textuelles de Michel Foucault. Un enjeu de véridiction, 1997), niega, en su totalización estetizante, la posibilidad de generar ningún cambio efectivo sobre la historia. Esta lectura situaría a Foucault del lado del nihilismo del "mundo como voluntad y representación" de corte schopenhauriano; lo cual no sería compatible con la "voluntad de poder" propia de los textos de Foucault que ya supone la asimilación de la crítica de Nietzsche al respecto, y que sería la que recorre también los textos del autor francés.
Desde El Sur El Discurso Sobre Europa Actas Del X Simposio Internacional De La Asociacion Andaluza De Semiotica 2007 Pags 223 228, 2007
Autobiografia En Espana Un Balance Actas Del Congreso Internacional Celebrado En La Facultad De Filosofia Y Letras De Cordoba Del 25 Al 27 De Octubre De 2001 2004 Isbn 84 7522 872 0 Pags 465 472, 2004
Sociocriticism, 2007
Leer a Maurice Blanchot es diferente a cualquier otra experiencia de lectura. PAUL DE MAN, Visión... more Leer a Maurice Blanchot es diferente a cualquier otra experiencia de lectura. PAUL DE MAN, Visión y ceguera "Pienso (leo), luego no existo‰ M BLANCHOT, Thomas el oscuro.
Papers by Azucena G . Blanco