Journal by Theresia Octastefani

Journal of Governance, 2022
Food is an excellent means of creating an image and spreading influence. This study aims to explo... more Food is an excellent means of creating an image and spreading influence. This study aims to explore Taiwanese street food as nostalgia and gastrodiplomacy in contemporary Indonesian society. This study uses a qualitative method with data collection through in-depth interviews and a literature study. The results showed that: first, food nostalgia tries to connect the past and the present. The feeling expressed by the Taiwanese diaspora on food will greatly depend on their previous lived experiences and homeland memories in the past, both personally and historically, with their present living circumstances in Indonesia. Second, gastrodiplomacy connects the relationship between the present and the future. The popularity of Taiwanese food in Indonesia is increasing, especially through boba and chicken Shilin consumption. This has a positive impact on building Taiwan's image. From food nostalgia and gastro diplomacy, we can learn about the past, present, and future relationships between people and nations.

International Journal of Culture and Art Studies, 2022
The Hakka Diaspora is one of the immigrant descendants who have lived in Indonesia for a very lon... more The Hakka Diaspora is one of the immigrant descendants who have lived in Indonesia for a very long time. Their existence has often experienced ups and downs. This study aims to analyze the waves of Hakka migration to Indonesia and how they negotiate with national identity. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach to analyze this phenomenon with data collected from interviews and literature studies. The research results showed that the wave of Hakka migration to Indonesia does not only come from mainland China but also from Taiwan. The Hakka migration waves from mainland China largely occurred during the Qing dynasty due to overcrowded populations, the difficulty of land ownership, and government discrimination problems. Meanwhile, the Hakka migration from Taiwan occurred after the Treaty of Shimonoseki in 1895, which forced the Qing dynasty to surrender Formosa to Japan after the First Sino-Japanese war and mass company relocation in the 1980s due to rising production costs in Taiwan. Second, to negotiate their background with Indonesian identity, the Hakka have five philosophies of life called Hakkacita. This philosophy emphasizes conscience, good virtue, cohesiveness, devotion, and shared prosperity between Hakka descendants and other ethnic groups within the framework of Indonesian nationalism.

Sawwa: Jurnal Studi Gender, 2022
Indonesian football competition is often seen as a masculine sport only suitable for men supporte... more Indonesian football competition is often seen as a masculine sport only suitable for men supporters. But now, women's supporter groups are increasingly popping up. Therefore, this study aims to analyze how hierarchical and power relations between women and men members in Brigata Curva Sud (BCS), a supporter base of PSS Sleman football club, which in 2017 was praised as the best ultras supporter in Asia. This study uses the power relation theory from Michel Foucault to analyze this phenomenon. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach. The research results showed that BCS had put gender equality as the foundation of its organization: First, BCS has a manifesto of "no leader just together, " which implies that BCS does not recognize a hierarchical organizational structure. Each member has the same rights and obligations in formulating the organization's future and making any agreed decisions. Second, there is no unequal power relation between women and men members in BCS. The only supreme power in the BCS that produces knowledge is a deliberative forum open to all members regardless of social background or gender.

Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, 2022
This study aims to explore the economic empowerment activities in the Argowijil Ecological Market... more This study aims to explore the economic empowerment activities in the Argowijil Ecological Market with the mission of environmental restoration. To get comprehensive results, this study used a qualitative method and data collection through in-depth interviews, literature review, and observation. The authors used empowerment theory by Zimmerman as an analytical tool for this research.The results showed that: first, the economic empowerment in the Argowijil Ecological Market is an accumulation results of both the empowering processes and empowered outcomes from activities at the individual, organizational, and community levels. Second, all empowerment activities to restore the ex-mining site can be realized because all stakeholders involved are willing to take a role. They work together to save the environment by transforming it into an ecological market for improving the socio-economic welfare of the community, village and the surrounding areas.

Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, 2022
The Indonesian constitution has stated that natural resources must be utilized for the people’s b... more The Indonesian constitution has stated that natural resources must be utilized for the people’s benefit. But the people’s interests are often defeated by the elite. The long-term goal of this research is not to close the mining area and its activities, but to ensure that the exploration and exploitation process that has already started must prioritize ecological balance and disaster resilience. Using a qualitative method and a descriptive approach, this study analyzes the role of the government, corporation, and local communities in the framework of resources governance in order to strengthen the advocacy of civil society who are often marginalized in the existence of extractive industries. The results of the study show that the gold mining activity is contrary to the forestry law where the existing rules have been liberalized by selling state assets to private companies; the lack of added value for local communities such as limited job vacancies; the occurrence of environmental damage around the gold mining area where this area is actually a protected forest and a natural barrier from the threat of a tsunami disaster; and even though mining companies have claimed that their activities are environmentally friendly, in fact disasters are starting to appear.

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 2019
This research focuses on the contribution of young millennials in reducing the risk of tidal fl o... more This research focuses on the contribution of young millennials in reducing the risk of tidal fl ooding along the northern coast of Semarang. Young millennials have received special att ention in disaster management, and the study of digital transformations in disaster management has become more signifi cant. The objective of this study is to examine how smart disaster responses to natural disasters, specifi cally the case of tidal fl ooding in three districts of the city (North Semarang, Genuk, and Tugu) and a district nearby Demak Regency (Sayung). To obtain comprehensive results, this research uses qualitative methods, which data collected through in-depth interviews; Focus Groups Discussion (FGD); observations; and desk studies. This study fi nds that Millennials' involvement is very important due to their distance from political interests and innovatively able to off er strategies in reducing the problems caused by tidal fl oods. The involvement of millennials in disaster management is relevant, given that Semarang will soon enjoy the demographic bonus, i.e. have a signifi cant percentage of its population of productive age. Lastly, this research argues that vibrant public participation in disaster management can only be possible under democratic circumstances. As the implication, the study on public active participation might help disaster risk reduction campaign.

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji aspek sosial dari sebuah bencana khususnya terkai... more Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji aspek sosial dari sebuah bencana khususnya terkait disaster risk reduction and social response serta mencari referensi dalam mengadopsi ataupun mengadaptasi best practice dari sejumlah negara yang sudah terlebih dulu mampu menjinakkan persebaran Covid-19 Untuk mengkaji isu tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dimana pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui desk studies yang bersumber dari data sekunder dan dapat diakses secara digital oleh publik dalam rentang waktu bulan Januari hingga Mei 2020 Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya unity of command dalam menyiapkan strategi pengurangan risiko bencana baik dari pemerintah pusat hingga pemerintah daerah menjadi kebutuhan mutlak sehingga upaya penanganan lebih terkoordinasi dan berkesinambungan Pandemi ini sekaligus menjadi alarming alert dan wakeup call bagi pemerintah untuk menempatkan penangganan bencana wabah penyakit sebagai agendaprioritas Selain itu memperkuatpeopl...

Jurnal Ilmiah Syi'ar, 2021
In the new normal period where all elements of the nation are struggling with the socio-economic... more In the new normal period where all elements of the nation are struggling with the socio-economic condition's recovery due to Covid-19, the society must be surprised by the incident that occurred at State Vocational School of 2 Padang. In this case, a non-Muslim student felt forced by the school to wear the hijab which an Islamic attribute. As a result, there is the ambivalence of da’wah and intolerance in public institutions that are supposed to serve society fairly. The government through the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Ministry of Religion Affairs immediately responded by issuing a Joint Decree (SKB) of Three Ministers about educational uniforms and attributes. To analyze the ambivalence and pros cons of this phenomenon, this study uses a descriptive qualitative type. The results showed that chronologically, the time span between the case appearance and the SKB issuance was very fast, which was less than two weeks. The SKB reaps the pros and cons where on the one hand some parties think that this is an effort to secularize education, while on the other hand, some parties think that this SKB is very appropriate because Indonesia is already in an emergency situation of intolerance. However, regardless of the pros and cons, the issuance of the SKB was effective in guaranteeing the religious freedom of all education personnel and preventing ambivalence from da’wah which was distorted into intolerance.

Muwazah: Jurnal Kajian Gender, 2019
Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) is an area still retains a strong cultural heritage, ranging from... more Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) is an area still retains a strong cultural heritage, ranging from customs of Javanese-Islamic culture and Mataram Sultanate system. DIY becomes the only province that has a special authority to institutionalize the administration of government by placing the roles and responsibilities of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Sultanate and Kadipaten Pakualaman in filling the positions of provincial leaders. This process was legitimized by Indonesian Law No. 13 of 2012 about Special Administrative Status for Yogyakarta. But over time, polemics have emerged since Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X issued Sabda Raja and Dawuh Raja who reaped pros-cons and were clashed with the royal tradition's values from generation to generation. Based on these realities, it becomes interesting to discuss about the dynamics of women and politics of heritage in DIY as a critical reflection in welcoming the next leader. On the one side, the system of the Javanese-Islamic Mataram Sultanate as a cultural heritage must be maintained. But on the other side, the aspect of modernity through the struggle for gender equality also opens the opportunity for Indonesian women are also capable of being and have become capable democratic leaders in the 21 st Century. Abstrak Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) merupakan daerah yang masih kuat mempertahankan warisan budaya, mulai dari adat istiadat hingga sistem Kasultanan Mataram Jawa-Islam. Bahkan DIY juga menjadi satu-satunya provinsi yang memiliki wewenang khusus untuk melembagakan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dengan menempatkan peran dan tanggungjawab Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat dan Kadipaten Pakualaman dalam pengisian jabatan Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur. Proses ini dilegitimasi dengan terbitnya Undang-Undang No. 13 Tahun 2012 tentang Keistimewaan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Akan tetapi seiring berjalannya waktu, polemik muncul semenjak Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X mengeluarkan Sabda Raja dan Dawuh Raja yang menuai pro-kontra dan dibenturkan dengan nilai-nilai tradisi turun temurun. Berdasarkan realitas ini, penelitian ini menjadi menarik untuk membahas tentang dinamika perempuan dan politik warisan di DIY sebagai refleksi kritis dalam menyambut pemimpin selanjutnya. Di satu sisi, system Kasultanan Mataram Jawa-Islam sebagai warisan budaya harus dipertahankan. Namun di

Al-Izzah: Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Penelitian, 2019
The Jakarta Gubernatorial Election 2017 is an important momentum for improving and evaluating the... more The Jakarta Gubernatorial Election 2017 is an important momentum for improving and evaluating the quality of democracy at the local level. Various issues of religion, ethnicity, as well as differences in political support, colored both in the first and second round. Anies-Sandi's victory in this local election is interesting to study further by using the political representation approach by Olle Törnquist. The results of this study showed that voters have been polarized through strengthening religious and ethnic sentiments so it can be ignored the factor of achievement, capacity, and track record of candidates. Extensive efforts to spread identity politics were carried out through various movements and actors. The quality of political participation among DKI Jakarta residents can also be seen from the extent of voter autonomy and literacy in determining positions. Based on those results, a critical discussion of the Jakarta Gubernatorial Election 2017 will be a reflection of useful learning to observe the political climate, which transform relation to connect or disconnect relations between constituent and their representative. Abstrak Pemilihan Gubernur DKI Jakarta 2017 menjadi momentum penting untuk meningkatkan dan mengevaluasi kualitas demokrasi di tingkat lokal. Berbagai isu terkait agama, etnis, serta perbedaan dukungan politik turut mewarnai baik di putaran pertama maupun kedua. Kemenangan Anies-Sandi dalam pemilukada ini menarik untuk diteliti lebih lanjut dengan menggunakan pendekatan representasi politik yang dikemukakan oleh Olle Törnquist. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa voters telah terpolarisasi melalui menguatnya sentimen agama dan etnisitas sehingga seolah mengabaikan faktor prestasi, kapasitas, dan rekam jejak kandidat. Upaya luas untuk menyebarkan politik identitas dilakukan melalui berbagai gerakan dan aktor. Kualitas partisipasi politik di antara penduduk DKI Jakarta juga dapat dilihat dari tingkat otonomi dan literasi pemilih dalam menentukan posisi. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, tinjauan kritis dari Pemilihan Gubernur DKI Jakarta 2017 menjadi refleksi pembelajaran berharga untuk meninjau iklim politik dimana dapat mentransformasi relasi untuk memperkuat atau justru memutuskan hubungan antara konstituen dengan wakil politiknya. Kata kunci: identitas; demokrasi lokal; politik transformative; PilGub DKI Jakarta.

Kawistara: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora, 2019
Since democratization (Reformasi) in 1998, documentary films gradually evolve with their locus of... more Since democratization (Reformasi) in 1998, documentary films gradually evolve with their locus of production spreading across the Indonesian archipelago. With the spirit of democratization brought about by digital technology, film communities and civil organizations in outer islands of Java utilize digital documentary film to capture several pertinent sociopolitical issues and raise public and government attention and responses. Those issues are commonly overlooked by the local media and were never a part of local government's policies. Based on our fieldwork conducted in three areas outside of the Java Island (Ambon, Aceh and Bali), where digital documentary filmmaking and civil organizations are active and vibrant, our study indicates that rather than simply producing documentaries, film communities or non-governmental organizations disseminated documentaries through public screenings to invite further engagement of audiences by discussing the film with authorities (policy makers) that were often invited in that event. In this article, we attempt to illuminate how documentary filmmaking allows the unseen and neglected issues to be articulated visually and sonically. Therefore, it would be compelling public or media attention and encouraging further government policy to resolve that matters. In other words, documentary films are a catalyst for social change by taking their roles as witness for the public and demanding responsibilities of the political authority. ABSTRAK Sejak bergulirnya demokratisasi (Reformasi) pada 1998, film dokumenter secara perlahan mengalami pertumbuhan yang lokus produksinya kian tersebar ke sejumlah wilayah di Indonesia. Dengan spirit demokratisasi yang diusung oleh teknologi digital, komunitas film dan organisasi masyarakat sipil di luar Jawa menggunakan dokumenter digital untuk merekam pelbagai masalah sosio-politik dan membangkitkan kesadaran publik maupun kepedulian serta respon pemerintah. Persoalan yang diangkat oleh film dokumenter tersebut lazimnya luput dari perhatian media massa dan tidak pernah menjadi prioritas kebijakan pemerintah daerah. Berangkat dari studi lapangan di tiga daerah luar Jawa (Ambon, Aceh dan Bali) di mana produksi film dokumenternya terbilang aktif dan hidup, studi kami mengindikasikan bahwa lebih dari sekadar memproduksi film, komunitas film dan organisasi non pemerintah mendiseminasikan film dokumenter lewat pemutaran publik. Tujuannya, mengundang keterlibatan penonton lebih jauh dengan mendiskusikan film tersebut dengan pihak yang berwenang (pengambil kebijakan) yang kadangkala diundang ke acara pemutaran. Artikel ini berikhtiar menjelaskan ISSN 2088-5415 (Print) ISSN 2355-5777 (Online)

Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, 2018
This research focuses on how to develop the institutional governance in Village-Owned Enterprises... more This research focuses on how to develop the institutional governance in Village-Owned Enterprises(known as BUM Desa)Mardi Gemi with one of its business units is Argo Wijil Ecological Market. The establishment of this ecological market is initiated by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) through the Directorate General of Pollution Control and Environmental Degradation (DG PPKL) to restore the location of former illegal limestone mines and minimize the natural disasters risk that may result from environmental damage. In doing this research, we used qualitative research methods and for collecting data, we used in-depth interviews, observations, and literature study. The results of this study showed that in developing of institutional governance, the Government of Gari Village, the Manager of BUM DesaMardi Gemi, and market traders need to synergize further to formulate Market Standard Operational Procedures (SOP)to serve as guidelines for implementation this ecological market. This market also can realize the practice to create a friendly environment market atmosphere, moreover, it can be used to empower the community as well as to improve the community welfare. So, Argo Wijil Ecological Market can have a multiplier effect for all Gari Village communities.

Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development , 2015
Nowadays, the supply of clean water in the world is declined because of the human population grow... more Nowadays, the supply of clean water in the world is declined because of the human population growth pressure. So that water security is a real challenge for the people in the twenty-first century. More than a third of the world's population is not fulfilled the need for clean water, both for drinking water and sanitation. Various policies through the water governance need to be done in addressing the water crisis. It is because state/government remains the locus of power in managing natural resources for development. Singapore is one of country which previously experienced major problems in the availability of fresh water. Since separation from Malaysia in 1965, water becomes a major problem. Singapore does not have a clean water source because geographically Singapore is surrounded by beaches. This research will focus on how is the water governance in Singapore can achieve sustainable water security. Furthermore, to elaborate data, this research uses qualitative method with descriptive analysis approach. The result of research shows that to overcome the water crisis problem, the governments of Singapore take steps that are very creative and innovative to manage water independently with the goal to achieve water self-sufficiency and water security. Through the Public Utilities Board (PUB) program, Singapore's government cans fulfill the water needs for the people. Singapore implemented water governance by designing a comprehensive water management strategy which consisting from the protection and expansion of its water sources, reclamation of wastewater, desalination, demand management, and public education and awareness programs. Holistic approach to water governance has allowed Singapore to achieve sustainable water self-sufficiency and water security which is one of the best examples for innovative water management in the world.

Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, 2017
Islam is a da’wah religion which disseminate the truth. But on the other hand, Islam is a politic... more Islam is a da’wah religion which disseminate the truth. But on the other hand, Islam is a political religion that is often used as the basis of ideology and struggle in the democratics era that upholds the constitution. Nowadays Muslims have various political channels through Islamic political party. But each Islamic party has different interests although equally portray itself as the da’wah party or Indonesian Muslim political home. In the dynamics, political behavior by using da’wah symbols and labeling was also performed by parties with nationalist genealogy like Partai Demokrasi Indonesia – Perjuangan, Partai Golongan Karya, and Partai Demokrat through the Islamic religious wing organization. One actual case we can make a referral is the DKI Jakarta governor election. That phenomenon is authentic evidence that the negotiation between da’wah and practical politics is happen. To deepen the phenomenon, this study used qualitative types, descriptive approach, and interactive data analyst methods by Miles and Huberman. The research results showed that the da’wah agendas which organized tends to be incidental to adjust with the political constellation that they face and optimized just ahead of key moments in the political calendar like regional head election. It can be concluded that the orientation of Islamic religious wing organization by nationalist political party are more on political da’wah rather than da’wah politics. So that in the negotiations between da’wah and practical politics, the political aspect is more advantaged than the da’wah aspect.

Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, 2019
Muslim communities in Southern Thailand have experienced in discrimination among in economic, soc... more Muslim communities in Southern Thailand have experienced in discrimination among in economic, social, and politics. This condition has even occurred in the last seven decades under King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who was known to be wise king. Basically, King Bhumibol as the head of state always stated that social welfare approace is the best way to solve the problem, but almost every Thai Prime Minister as the head of government unfortunately always uses a militaristic approach that triggers social resistance. Since King Bhumibol died, Thailand has faced with the potential crisis for two reasons. First, Maha Vajiralongkorn as a successor, he is considered have different charisma with his father because he is very glamorous and have controversial lifestyle. Secondly, the absence of King Bhumibol, who has been a counterweight to the state made the Thai military more often coups. This conditions give impact to Muslim communities in the South who always live with uncertainty condition with two possibilities. First, Muslim communities have a better life under the new monarchy regime with social welfare and humanity approaches. Secondly, the condition of the Muslim communities will remains stagnant under the controversial king with continued by martial law.

The Indonesian Journal of Public Administration, 2016
In the Kingdom of Thailand, politics and governmental system have close relation with Buddha as o... more In the Kingdom of Thailand, politics and governmental system have close relation with Buddha as official state religion. Moreover Thai government implementing assimilation policy and determine Buddhist Thai as a single national culture and identity. These Thai government autocracy causes the emerged of various resistance group; among other is Pattani United Liberation Organization (PULO) which established in 1968. The research result showed that from the perspective of Thai government, PULO is rebellion, separatist and terrorist. But from the perspective of Malay Muslim in the south, PULO is manifestation of jihad, struggle and heroism. In the beginning, PULO was established in order to fight toward Thai government discrimination toward Malay Muslim in Pattani. But later, PULO's movement orientation is converted as local politics movement which tries to obtain authority to manage Pattani. Moreover hardly they also try to establish Pattani Darussalam state through political of identity issues for getting public attention.

Welfare: Jurnal Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial, 2018
In the decentralization era, local governments are given more space to create a policy based on t... more In the decentralization era, local governments are given more space to create a policy based on their people aspirations. Among others is the policy on poverty alleviation. Poverty which happens is not only absolute poverty but also cultural poverty and it is occurs in various regions in Indonesia. To fight the culture of poverty, the Government of Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) published a Local Regulation No. 1 of 2014 about the Homeless and Beggars Handling. Overall this regulation contains about the homeless and beggars handling approach such as preventive, coercive, rehabilitative, repressive, and social re-integration. To examine this issue, the authors use SWOT analysis. The study results showed that the implementation strategy that can be done by the local government of DIY are conduct direct raids and coaching, optimizing ‘Desaku Menanti’ Program, reduce overlapping authority, providing labor-intensive jobs, synergy with the community and private sector in empowering sprawl in the activities of small and medium enterprises, enforcement of the rules in a way that is persuasive and humane, and provide an official aid channel for the donors. Although there are pros and cons in the implementation, this regulation basically has a noble purpose to make DIY free from homeless and beggars.

The Indonesian Journal of Public Administration, 2016
Two-thirds of Ringinkembar Village's total population is poor people, so to meet their daily food... more Two-thirds of Ringinkembar Village's total population is poor people, so to meet their daily food needs are extremely difficult and limited. To solve it, one of government's strategies is implementing Food Independent Village Program. This program focuses on the effort to empower community in order to achieve food security and alleviate poverty. The research method used was descriptive method with qualitative approach. The selection of key informants is done by purposive sampling and data was analyzed using interactive data analysis model by Miles and Huberman. The results showed that: before implementing these programs, the food security condition was proved very weak and vulnerable; after implementing these programs, the condition of food security in this village more strengthen and can develop other productive business. It can realize through the entire process of rural community empowerment that was done through four stages and successfully run by the poor household.

Jurnal Kebijakan dan Manajemen Publik, 2015
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan peran Pemerintah Kabupaten Malang... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan peran Pemerintah Kabupaten Malang dalam meningkatkan pembangunan ekonomi daerah melalui sektor pariwisata (studi pada Pantai Balekambang, Kabupaten Malang). Peneliti menggunakan perspektif New Public Management dalam menganalisis hasil penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif, pendekatan deskriptif, dengan analisis data interaktif Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam meningkatkan pembangunan ekonomi daerah melalui sektor pariwisata, Pemerintah Kabupaten Malang telah menjalankan peranannya sebagai entrepreneur, koordinator, fasilitator, dan stimulator dengan semaksimal mungkin untuk mampu meningkatkan pembangunan ekonomi daerah. Meskipun pada kenyataannya tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa masih ada kendala atau hambatan yang harus dihadapi dalam memainkan peranan pemerintah daerah tersebut. Kata Kunci: peran pemerintah daerah, pembangunan ekonomi daerah, pariwisata

Jurnal Politik dan Kebijakan Publik, 2015
The agricultural is a major sector in providing food for the community needs. As we know, rice is... more The agricultural is a major sector in providing food for the community needs. As we know, rice is the largest agricultural products owned by Indonesia. Indonesia has an important role as the third largest rice producer in the world after China and India. But in the reality, Indonesia as the third largest rice producer in the world have problems going to the inability of the State to meet the domestic rice needs. Consequently, when the agricultural sector collapsed and was not able to meet food needs, especially the needs of the rice, it will create the conditions for the food crisis. To maintain rice production, the government is forced to rely on rice import policy, which in turn makes Indonesia is always dependent on the supply of imported rice. When associated with dependency theory, agricultural development in Indonesia is actually ideologically and praxis has undergone a period of transformation. Agricultural development in Indonesia has led to stagnation and could threaten food sovereignty and food security. The result of research shows that as a solution, dependency theory offers two alternatives: first, reducing the relationship with imported rice. Second, Indonesia had to make a breakthrough by creating food security through policies that support the growth of the national rice production. This research uses qualitative research, descriptive approach, and emphasizes on literature study. A. Research Background The agricultural sector is a heart of defense in achieving food security. It is because agricultural sector has function as a major sector in providing food for the community needs. Declining productivity of the agricultural sector in national development, especially in food security will bring the nation to a food crisis. In
Journal by Theresia Octastefani