Papers by Sri Nuryani Hidayah Utami

Mires and Peat, 2020
Peat and its substratum have different geology and parent materials. Studies on peat formation an... more Peat and its substratum have different geology and parent materials. Studies on peat formation and spatial patterns of peat deposits have been widely reported, but little is known about patterns of peat thickness across tropical peat landscapes. We studied the relationship between surface relief and peat thickness on Tebing Tinggi Island (Indonesia) by considering peat surface altitude, peat thickness and substratum altitude. The research location is unique, being a small (~ 70 × 30 km) predominantly peat-covered island separated by a strait from the mainland of Sumatra and its more extensive peat deposits. Geomorphological features on the island were identified using a digital terrain model (DTM) developed from LiDAR data, together with observations on peat cores. The results indicate that the topography of the peat landscape does not reflect peat thickness. Thick peat can be found at the edge of a peat dome if it overlies a basin or valley in the substratum, while thinner peat can...

Jurnal Irigasi, 2020
Populasi penduduk Indonesia diperkirakan akan mencapai 350 juta pada tahun 2045, mendorong Indone... more Populasi penduduk Indonesia diperkirakan akan mencapai 350 juta pada tahun 2045, mendorong Indonesia untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan pangan 3% setiap tahunnya. Program Upaya Khusus (Upsus) Padi Jagung Kedelai (Pajale), menjadi salah satu program unggulan pemerintah dalam menjawab tantangan ini. Di sisi lain, tekanan lingkungan memberikan batas jelas untuk melaksanakan proses budidaya pertanian berkelanjutan. Sebagaimana dua tujuan dari Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) adalah menghentikan kelaparan dan kepastian akses terhadap air. Konsep air virtual (virtual water) hadir sebagai salah satu alternatif konsep berserta alat hitung air yang diperlukan dalam sebuah proses produksi pertanian. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi air virtual untuk komoditas padi, jagung, dan kedelai di wilayah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Analisa dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan nilai tapak air yang terdiri dari blue water, green water, dan grey water. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa ...
Ilmu Pertanian (Agricultural Science), 2020

Journal of Smart Agriculture and Environmental Technology
The utilization of wetlands as agricultural land requires specific processing techniques, which a... more The utilization of wetlands as agricultural land requires specific processing techniques, which are relatively expensive and unaffordable for local farmers. The optimization of wetlands as agricultural land by local farmers is usually made by elevating a certain part using the adjacent soil material known as Surjan system. The land management using Surjan system increases the diversity of agricultural products and deals with inundation problems. However, its environmental impact has not been widely studied. The research was conducted by observing the land with Surjan system in Kulonprogo area to determine its characteristics. Interviews with farmers were conducted to determine land management techniques. Soil and gas emissions samples were taken based on the age of the crop. The characteristics of land with Surjan system and conventional rice field were then compared to determine the difference, and the implications of the two agricultural lands on the environment are discussed. Sur...

Ilmu Pertanian (Agricultural Science)
Andisol is a soil that has andic properties and develops from volcanic parent materials, especial... more Andisol is a soil that has andic properties and develops from volcanic parent materials, especially ash. Andic soil properties are formed due to weathering of tephra or other parent materials that contain volcanic glass in large quantities. The main components of soil-forming Andisol are amorphous (short-range-order) minerals, such as allophane, imogolite, ferrihydrite, and Al/Fe-humus complexes. The existence of short-range-order minerals causes Andisol to have high P-tapping ability, but efforts to lower the amount of P plunged with organic and inorganic an-ons have not been widely studied. This study aimed to compare the ability of humic acid, fulvic acid, and sulfate in suppressing P adsorption by amorphous minerals from the Andisol of Mount Dieng, Merbabu, and Sumbing. The highest calculation of % ferrihydrite was found at the location of Mount Merbabu with a value of 3.05%, while the % allophane + imogolite was determined by the content of Sio in the ground. The calculation re...

Penelitian bertujuan untuk menilai kualitas, karakteristik, potensi, kendala, kesuburan dan kese... more Penelitian bertujuan untuk menilai kualitas, karakteristik, potensi, kendala, kesuburan dan kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman padi (lahan kering) dan palawija (kedelai). Evaluasi lahan untuk tujuan ini telah dilakukan survei tanah dengan sistem satuan lahan di Raumoco (sub-distrik Lautem dan Luro) distrik Lautem Timor Leste sejak Oktober 2013 hingga Januari 2015. Luas lahan yang disurvei 4603,8 ha dengan 11 satuan tanah (SPT) yang peroleh melalui proses sistem digitasi overlay peta tanah, iklim dan litologi. Tiap SPT diwakili 1 profil tanah. Sampel tanah dianalisis di laboratorium Jurusan Tanah Fakultas Pertanian UGM. Hasil klasifikasi tanah berdasarkan Kys to Soil Taxonomy (SSS, 2010), sub-distrik Lautem dan Luro termasuk Haplustalf (10,7%),Ustipsament (11,1%), Ustifluvent (5,0%), Calsiustoll (14,0%), Haplustept (40,5%) dan Haplustoll (18,7%). Tanah-tanah tersebut berkembang di bawah curah hujan 1.044,7 mm/tahun, suhu udara rata-rata berkisar 22,1-30,9oC dengan regim suhu isotermik d...

KnE Life Sciences, 2019
Indonesia has many low fertile soils so that agricultural productivity is not optimal. Indonesia ... more Indonesia has many low fertile soils so that agricultural productivity is not optimal. Indonesia is currently challenged by corn self-sufficiency, with a target to increase corn production by 1 t ⋅ ha −1. However, one of the major constraints of land for corn production is a low P availability. To support the increase in production, and provide a database of potential production, the identification of corn land that has P availability problems is extremely required. In this study, the approaches are to observe the distribution of soil parent material from geological maps, soil maps to determine the type of soil, statistical data from the statistics bureau to get the center area of corn, and field observations. From the survey conducted, we found that most of the land evolved from volcanic material, karst material, and acid soils are the soils with a problem of P. However, some areas of the soils showed a high P availability. Further identification of P availability in acid, volcanic, and karst soils needs to be done so that the database of potential corn production can be structured as a basis of corn land management policies in Indonesia.

Ilmu Pertanian (Agricultural Science)
Improper soil management inland with steep slopes is one of the causes of decreased agricultural ... more Improper soil management inland with steep slopes is one of the causes of decreased agricultural productivity in hilly areas. The use of terraces on steep slopes is considered effective in preventing erosion. However, this does not increase agricultural productivity significantly. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the performance of maize on land with and without terraces as affected by the addition of goat manure and NPK. A field experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design, consisting of 12 experimental plots that were made on a hill with a slope of 79 % with three replications. Plant tissue samples were analyzed for assessing N, P, and K content. However, soil samples were measured for N, P, K, SOC, pH H2O, EC, CEC, and soil texture. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and continued with a Post-Hoc test (DMRT at α= 5%). The application of manure and NPK fertilizers significantly improved EC, SOC, N, and P in soil, also N and P content in plant tiss...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The use of acid sulfate soils for agricultural cultivation is constrained by due to the oxidation... more The use of acid sulfate soils for agricultural cultivation is constrained by due to the oxidation process of pyrite (FeS), increasing the solubility of Al and Fe, which causes the pH to be more acidic. The specific strategy needed to utilize acid sulfate soil is through calcification technology combined with in situ organic materials. This study used lime at dose determined by the incubation method and organic materials from composted grey sedge plants, rice straw, and cow dung. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of organic matter on improving the chemical properties of acid sulfate soils. This research was arranged in a completely randomized design with four treatments and three replications. The treatments consisted of control (K0), lime without organic matter (K1), lime and organic matter (K2), and organic matter without lime (K3). The results showed that the application administration of organic matter combined with lime was able to increase the pH and available c...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Acid sulfate soil is use as an alternative in optimizing suboptimal land to achieve corn self-suf... more Acid sulfate soil is use as an alternative in optimizing suboptimal land to achieve corn self-sufficiency. Balanced fertilization plays an important role in efforts to improve corn yields. This study aimed to determine the effect of planting methods and optimal dose of fertilization. This research was carried out in potential acid sulfate soils with B type overflow. This study was arranged in factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) consist of 2 factors. The first factor was the planting method consist of Zigzag, Legowo and Conventional planting methods. The second factor was the fertilizer types comprising NPK phonska 450 kg ha−1 + urea 300 kg ha−1 + SP36 300 kg ha−1, NPK mutiara 450 kg ha−1 + urea 300 kg ha−1 + SP36 300 kg ha−1, Urea 450 kg ha−1 + SP36 300 kg ha−1 + KCl 300 kg ha−1, and NPK phonska 300 kg ha−1 + SP36 300 kg ha−1. The results showed that the application of different types of fertilizer and planting methods could improve pH in all treatments from very acidi...

Smart city (kota cerdas) adalah kota yang masyarakatnya mampu mengelola sumber daya dengan efisie... more Smart city (kota cerdas) adalah kota yang masyarakatnya mampu mengelola sumber daya dengan efisien, dalam arti “mampu memaksimalkan investasi sumberdaya manusia, transportasi, dan infrastruktur teknologi informasi untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kenyamanan hidup” (Caragliu, Del, & Nijkamp, 2009). Smart city memiliki enam karakteristik, yaitu smart economy, smart mobility, smart environment, smart people, smart living, dan smart governance (Albino, Berardi, and Dangelico, 2015). Smart economy adalah pengembangan ekonomi kota yang berorientasi pada upaya untuk menyejahterakan masyarakat melalui upaya meningkatkan kegiatan-kegiatan kewirausahaan, membangun dan meningkatkan semangat produktifitas, melakukan dan meningkatkan upaya-upaya promosi produk-produk lokal, dan melakukan inovasi budaya terkait dengan e-commerce dan e-bussinesss. Smart mobility terkait dengan upaya perbaikan dan peningkatan kualitas infrastruktur, yang lebih menekankan pada aspek aksesibilitas transport...

Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 2020
The high rate of drop out is still a problem in the distance learning system, including at the Un... more The high rate of drop out is still a problem in the distance learning system, including at the Universitas Terbuka (UT). At UT, the term dropout is better known as the status of non-active students. The study aims was to determine the median time and determinant of non-active student in distance learning in Indonesia. This study used a cohort analysis in student of biology department who first registered in 2012 to 2014. The median time of non-active students was identified by the Kaplan-Meier analysis and the determinant of non-active student was analyzed by Cox proportional hazard model. The percentage of non-active students in this study reached 42%, with half of the students becoming non-active in the first two semesters. Students who have a greater risk of becoming non-active are those who are >45 years old, women, employed, recent education is not relevant to the field of biology, knowledge of the concept of distance learning and laboratory practice is lacking, has never participated in online tutorials and face-to-face tutorials, and is not satisfied existing academic services. The optimization of the provision and quality of preferred learning services at the beginning of the semester will be able to avoid higher-risk of non-active students.

Ilmu Pertanian (Agricultural Science)
Nanotechnology fertilizers are fertilizers associated with objects measuring 1 nm to 100 nm capab... more Nanotechnology fertilizers are fertilizers associated with objects measuring 1 nm to 100 nm capable of controlling or manipulating at an atomic scale. Phosphorus is one of the essential nutrients needed by plants in large amounts. Maize is a strategic commodity requiring optimal nutrients. Inceptisol is soil that has relatively low fertility and chemical properties. The addition of P nutrients to the soil plays an important role in improving soil quality. This study aimed to compare the types of P fertilizers of nano guano, nano phosphate rock, and SP-36 with various doses of P2O5 and determine the most effective type. This research was arranged in a completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors. The first factor is the type of fertilizer, consisting of nano guano, nano phosphate rock, and SP-36. The second factor is the dose of P2O5 with four treatment levels, namely 0 kg.ha-1, 50 kg.ha-1, 100 kg.ha-1, and 150 kg.ha-1. The results showed that nano phosphate rock was the most ...

Ilmu Pertanian (Agricultural Science)
Iron toxicity in rice plants occurs due to the excessive concentrations of ferrous ions (Fe2+) in... more Iron toxicity in rice plants occurs due to the excessive concentrations of ferrous ions (Fe2+) in the soil solution. The application of organic matter and water management is one way to alleviate iron toxicity in rice plants. This study aimed to determine the potential of organic matter and water management in controlling the solubility of Fe2+ in the soil and its effect on the symptoms of toxicity, growth and yield of rice plants. The research was conducted in the greenhouse of the Indonesian Swampland Agricultural Research Institute from August to December 2020, arranged in a completely randomized design with three factors. The first factor consisted of low Fe2+ concentration (<300 ppm, actual acid sulfate soil (AASS)) and high Fe2+ concentration (>300 ppm, potential acid sulfate soil (PASS)), the second factor consisted of waterlogging without leaching and leaching of once every two weeks, and the third factor consisted of without organic matter amendment and with organic m...

Engagement: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
The mentoring and demonstration plot program with the application of technology carried out by th... more The mentoring and demonstration plot program with the application of technology carried out by the Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Gadjah Mada Team was proven to be able to increase the productivity and quality of soybeans, although some were only applied partially (not completely) from the recommended technology package, this was constrained by many factors in each mentoring area. In the Cilacap area, the demonstration plot results showed a fairly high potential reaching 2.24 tons/ha in Bantarsari, 2.94 and 3.77 tons/ha in Kawunganten, while in Majenang before harvesting soybeans showed good potential with 130-140 pods. per plant, this is of course the potential yield can reach above 3.0 tons/ha, but unfortunately it was affected by the flood due to the broken embankment, so the soybeans were inundated and damaged (rotten) in a relatively short time. The process of technology transfer and adoption that occurred went well, and many farmers gave testimony that this mentoring pro...

PLANTA TROPIKA: Jurnal Agrosains (Journal of Agro Science), 2022
Indigenous Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (VAM) are natural mycorrhizae from specific areas tha... more Indigenous Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (VAM) are natural mycorrhizae from specific areas that have good environmental adaptability. This study, conducted from January to November 2020 at the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, aimed to isolate the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus so that it can be used as information on the type and role of VAM on Gunung Kidul soil. The research was arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three factors. The first factor was soil type from Gunung Kidul Regency (Inceptisol, Mollisol, and Alfisol), the second factor was sterilization (sterilized soil and unsterilized soil), and the third factor was corn variety (local and hybrid). Analysis of soil and plant growth was performed by using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference (Tukey's HSD) Test. Genetic detection of root infecting VAM was performed by using Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) method ...

A swampland has considerable potential in agriculture. This land has high soil acidity level, and... more A swampland has considerable potential in agriculture. This land has high soil acidity level, and high iron content. Therefore, the application of ameliorant to acid sulfate soil is essential to improve the soil and make it more suitable for rice cultivation. This study aimed to know the effects of phosphorus (P) from Moroccan Rock Phosphate (MRP) and fertilization on swamp rice (Oryza sativa L.). The experiment was conducted at the experimental location of Indonesian Swampland Agricultural Research Institute (ISARI), Puntik Village, Barito Kuala District, South Kalimantan and arranged in a randomized nested design with four replications consisting of 100 kg.ha -1 TSP (Control), 750 kg.ha -1 , 1,000 kg.ha -1 , and 1,250 kg.ha -1 Moroccan rock phosphate with four replications in each treatment. The yield component of grain increased significantly at 3.77 ton.ha -1 . The highest of grain yield was obtained in the application of 1,000 kg.ha -1 MRP. Meanwhile, significant positive corr...

PLANTA TROPIKA: Jurnal Agrosains (Journal of Agro Science), 2022
Appropriate weeds control is needed against weeds constraints in field, especially the organic fi... more Appropriate weeds control is needed against weeds constraints in field, especially the organic field. With the appropriate management, weeding would benefit the organic field not only in reducing weeds but also in increasing nitrogen (N) availability in organic rice fields. This research aims to observe soil available N changes affected by weeding frequencies in organic paddy fields. Treatments applied were five weeding frequencies (WF) such as 0 WF, 2 WF, 4 WF, 6 WF, and 8 WF, to study the effect of various weeding frequencies on soil total N and available N ( NH4+ and NO3–) in the organic rice field. The soil in the conventional field was analyzed as a comparison to organic field soil. The results showed that soil C and N contents are similar in all treatments. Meanwhile, 6 WF performed the highest soil NH4+ among organic plots (10.36 mg N kg–1) and 8 WF enhanced soil NO3– to the highest average among all plots (10.12 mg N kg–1). The treatment of 6 WF and 8 WF also maintain the i...

Applied and Environmental Soil Science, 2021
Most corn planted on tropical acidic soils suffers substantial yield loss caused by low crop phos... more Most corn planted on tropical acidic soils suffers substantial yield loss caused by low crop phosphorus (P) uptake. Humic acid is recommended to increase crop P uptake since it is capable of competing with P to be bound to soil adsorption complexes. Humic acid extracted from composted manure (MHA) is a good alternative to humic acid because it is more reactive and has a higher complexation ability compared with leonardite. Therefore, the effectiveness of soil-applied MHA combined with P was evaluated to improve corn yields in acidic soils from the aspect of crop nutrient uptake efficiency and crop physiological performance. Two high-yielding corn cultivars that are highly accepted by Indonesian farmers and resistant to downy mildew disease were subjected to five different types of MHA and P combinations. The amount of P fertilizer was equivalent to 120 mg P2O5 kg−1 soil. The H10P1 produced the most significant result p < 0.05 in terms of total crop dry weight, grain dry weight, a...

Agronomy, 2021
Different weeding frequencies (WFs)―0WF, 2WF, 4WF, 6WF, and 8WF―were adopted in an organic rice f... more Different weeding frequencies (WFs)―0WF, 2WF, 4WF, 6WF, and 8WF―were adopted in an organic rice field to investigate their influence on weed types, rice and weed biomass, rice tiller and weed number, N concentration, and N uptake. The study field was located in Tsuruoka, Yamagata, Japan. Rice (cv. Sasanishiki) was planted from May to September 2019, and all weeding events were carried out until 49 days after transplantation (DAT) using a rotary weeder. Rice and weed samples were collected at 60, 88, and 110 DAT. Echinochloa crus-galli (E. crus-galli), Schoenoplectus juncoides, and Monochoria vaginalis (Burm. f.) were the most commonly found weeds. High weed diversity was observed at both 6WF and 8WF, E. crus-galli was the dominant weed at 0WF. Compared to 0WF, 2WF displayed a significantly decreased weed biomass. However, at 8WF, the weed biomass was reduced by 79.0%, the rice biomass was increased by 277%, and the rice tiller number was almost three times higher than that at 0WF an...
Papers by Sri Nuryani Hidayah Utami