Papers by Syarif Hidayatullah

Jurnal Filsafat, 2023
One of phenomena that can be analyzed in modern life of human being nowadays is the dysfunction o... more One of phenomena that can be analyzed in modern life of human being nowadays is the dysfunction of religion in the social sphere and the development of science and technology. In the context of getting a solution on such modernity crisis, Seyyed Hossein Nasr offers perennial philosophy, by representing Islamic traditional wisdom in modern life of human beings who suffer from a loss of spiritual dimension. This research aims, first, to know the perspective of Seyyed Hossein Nasr's perennial philosophy, and, second, to explore the relevance of perennial philosophy in Seyyed Hossein Nasr's thought about the study of religion. The research results are: firstly, perennial philosophy is a monumental work of Seyyed Hossein Nasr that unites among religion of Islam, philosophy, and science. For Nasr, perennial philosophy is a universal knowledge; that applies eternal and lasting values or norms which emerged from religion throughout the history of human being. Secondly, Nasr offers perennial philosophy as a perspective for study on religions, especially Islam. According to Nasr, there are three responses, namely: firstly, to criticize modern human being whose non-spirituality caused by secularist paradigm of the West modern science and technology; secondly, excavation and reinforcement of the traditional wisdom; and, thirdly, unity or meeting point of all religions in eternal universal principles.
Keywords Perennial Philosophy, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Religious Studies, Traditional Wisdom, Islam

Jurnal Filsafat, 2014
Artikel ini merupakan penelitian Filsafat Nusantara, berupa kajian-kajian filosofis tentang keari... more Artikel ini merupakan penelitian Filsafat Nusantara, berupa kajian-kajian filosofis tentang kearifan lokal yang digali dari tradisi masyarakat NU atau yang populer dengan sebutan nahdliyin, yaitu pengikut Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), organisasi masyarakat dan keagamaan yang didirikan oleh KH. Hasyim Asyari pada 1926, baik secara organisasional (jam'iyah) maupun komunal (jamaah). Rumusan masalah dalam kajian adalah: pertama, bagaimana bentuk-bentuk kearifan lokal yang terkandung dalam tradisi NU?, dan, kedua, bagaimana analisis filosofis terhadap tradisi NU tersebut? Dari kajian yang dilakukan terungkap ada beberapa tradisi yang dilakukan warga NU, antara lain: mengikuti paham Ahlus-sunnah wal-Jamaah (Aswaja), berpedoman pada mazhab muktabarah, bertarekat, ziarah kubur, tahlilan, dan tawassul. Tradisi-tradisi tersebut dilakukan warga NU sebagai bentuk kearifan lokal yang mereka miliki dalam membangun relasi harmonis dengan tradisi lokal yang telah berkembang sebelumnya di Indonesia.

Artikel ini membahas tiga masalah pokok, yaitu: pertama, mengapa kita perlu melakukan Islamisasi ... more Artikel ini membahas tiga masalah pokok, yaitu: pertama, mengapa kita perlu melakukan Islamisasi ilmu?; kedua, mengapa filsafat ilmu dapat digunakan sebagai perspektif dalam gagasan Islamisasi ilmu tersebut?; ketiga, bagaimana filsafat ilmu dapat digunakan dalam Islamisasi ilmu?. Objek material dari kajian adalah pemikiran yang berkembang di dunia Islam dalam upaya pengembangan bangunan keilmuan Islam. Sedangkan filsafat ilmu digunakan sebagai objek formal penelitian. Dari hasil kajian terungkap, bahwa: pertama, gagasan Islamisasi ilmu muncul sebagai akibat keterbelakangan umat Islam dari bangsa Barat yang disebabkan oleh: penggunaan metodologi ilmiah pada berbagai disiplin ilmu yang “asal tiru”, kurangnya wawasan keislaman pada umat Islam, dan adanya dikotomi-dualisme sistem pendidikan modern sekuler dengan sistem pendidikan Islam. Kedua, pengembangan keilmuan dalam gagasan Islamisasi ilmu sangat membutuhkan filsafat ilmu sebagai perspektifnya. Ini karena filsafat ilmu adalah salah...
When he paid close attention to dynamic of the members of a religious community interpretation to... more When he paid close attention to dynamic of the members of a religious community interpretation toward Pancasila, Notonagoro had an idea his compromise and philosophical point of view that show strongly wisdom and knowing glance deeply, namely: religiosity of Pancasila. Although he never mention this term, religiosity of Pancasila, at all, but its contain and meaning was strongly pictured in his thinking about three principles of Pancasila, viz.: cultural principle, religiosity principle, and affairs of state principle. Religiosity of Pancasila was not intend to that Pancasila then become “a religion” for all peoples. Religiosity of Pancasila, which was formulated from Notonagoro’s thingkiing, was a functionalizing of spiritual principle of Pancasila.

The article aims to understand two issues related to sciences and religions. Firstly, in what for... more The article aims to understand two issues related to sciences and religions. Firstly, in what forms are sciences and religions related? Secondly, how are the methods of that relation? For that purpose, the subject matter of this study are issues included in the relation between sciences and religion, especially those related to forms of relation and its methodological aspects, which will be discussed by proposing thoughts by a numbers of scholars with different background, especially from Christian-West and Muslims. In addtion, to respond to the research questions, the auhtor will employ Philosophy of Science as a perspective which simultanously be the formal object of the study. The study reveals that while sciences and religions are two difference entities as source of knowledge and source of value of human, the relationship between the two is very dynamic. The dynamic involves conflicts and contrast, independent, dialogous and inter conversation and complatible, to the point of ...

There are two main issues in this article, namely: firstly, is about major distinction of the con... more There are two main issues in this article, namely: firstly, is about major distinction of the concept of knowledge truth in philosophy and religion, and, secondly, is about relation between philosophy and religion. In the first issue, it is mentioned that although philosophy and religion are similarly in creation norms truth and false, but the both are differently in determining its criteria. Religion, on the side, determines these criteria based on wahyu (revelation), so it results the true or absolute truth. On other side, philosophy determines these criteria based on aql (reason), so it results the speculative or relative truth. While in the second issue, the article explains that to seek the truth of knowledge or the true knowledge, so philosophy can used really as a good tool to explain and support religion position. Whereas religion can used as a source to inspirited fervent and true philosophical thinking. Point of intersection of the both is its position in the same matter,...

This article aims to explore philosophical thoughts of Sir Muhammad Iqbal on several problems whi... more This article aims to explore philosophical thoughts of Sir Muhammad Iqbal on several problems which are faced by Moslems. There are three sub topics will be discussed in this article. They are: firstly, characteristic of Iqbal's philosophical thoughts; secondly, roots of Iqbal's philosophical thoughts; and, thirdly, influences of Iqbal's philosophical thoughts toward developments of Western and Islamic philosophy. The material object of this study is Iqbal's philosophical thoughts on several problems of Moslems which will be analyzed by using epistemology as the formal object. This study results three main points. They are: firstly, Iqbal's philosophical thoughts on several problems of Moslems is epistemologically based on Quranic paradigm which is a way to revitalize spirit of intellectualism through three integrated sources of knowledge: sensory perception, reason, and intuition. The Quranic paradigm becomes a thought model of Iqbal especially in reconstructin...

Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2016
The article describes a case study on KH Abdul Muhaimin and his Pesantren of Nurul Ummahat who ha... more The article describes a case study on KH Abdul Muhaimin and his Pesantren of Nurul Ummahat who has a curious awareness and some real actions to growing up multiculturalism consciousness. The study results that Kyai recognizes a vision of the pesantren with three words: Modernity, Moderates, and Humanity, that viewed to respond any challenges and opportunities of the modernization and the globalization, including multiculturalism awareness. So, the Kyai elaborates about nationalism based on theological perspective, beside sociological and cultural. Theologically, the Kyai views that any human being must be recognized rightly at all, and do not depend on their position and entity. In this context, the Kyai and his Pesantren of Nurul Ummahat had done several actions, namely: academic discussions, dialogues among religious peoples, launching of FPUB, the Toya Mili movement, and the Palem Consortium. The article intends become a solution for the government, especially in creating new pol...

Panangkaran: Jurnal Penelitian Agama dan Masyarakat, 2020
This study employs a philosophical approach to ideas and thoughts of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), one of... more This study employs a philosophical approach to ideas and thoughts of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), one of largest Islamic mass organisation in Indonesia, in regards to the way this organisation responds to globalization, providing reference especially to their adherence and Muslim society in general. As many other Muslim organisations, NU has been struggling in to deal with globalization issues, along with its challenges, opportunities, and threats. Initiatives and efforts have been initiated by NU leaders to avoid negative impacts of globalisation for the society. In this regards, NU leaders with their discourse of Islam Nusantara are known for their thoughts and approach in maintaining religious harmony, not only among Muslims but also for Indonesian society in general. The Research focuses on three research questions; firstly, what is the main idea behind the discourse of Islam Nusantara?; secondly, what are the approach employed by NU leaders to promote the discourse of Islam Nusantara?...

Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 1970
These are Sir Muhammad Iqbal’s philophical views and his thoughts on Islamiceducation.This is a q... more These are Sir Muhammad Iqbal’s philophical views and his thoughts on Islamiceducation.This is a qualitative descriptive study that describes Iqbal’s philophicalviews and his thought on Islamic education. This is a qualitative descriptive study that describes Iqbal’s philophical views and his thought on Islamic education. The study result is that the philophical views and his aim thought on Islamic education is how to create Insan Kamil. The Insan Kamil must be a basic goal of the aim education. According to Iqbal, there are main eight ideas to reconstruct the philosophically Islamic education by improving human dynamics and creativity. They are: the concept of individuality,the individual growth, the balance of spiritual and physical, uniting both individuality and society, an individual creativity, intelligence and intuition instruction, education of characters, and social education. Inilah pandangan filosofis Sir Muhammad Iqbal dan pemikirannya tentangpendidikan Islam. Ini penelit...
Al-Jami'ah, 2001
GENDER AND RELIGION : AN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE. SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH , (2008) GENDER AND RELIGION : ... more GENDER AND RELIGION : AN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE. SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH , (2008) GENDER AND RELIGION : AN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE. ... Feminis Muslim menyuarakan penolakan atas ketidaksetaraan kontruksi jender dan dominasi laki-laki terhadap perempuan. ...

Jurnal Filsafat, 2017
The Research aims to know: (a) How about Mehdi Golshani’s thoughts on relationship between scie... more The Research aims to know: (a) How about Mehdi Golshani’s thoughts on relationship between science and religion?, and, (b) How about relevancy Mehdi Golshani’s thoughts for developing of science and religion scientifically. So, the material object of the research is Golshani’s thoughts on relationship between science and religion that is studied with using epistimology as it’s the formal object. Results of the research that: firtsly, Golshani used terms of “the sacred sciences” and “the secular sciences” for understanding to relationship between the science and the religion. Then, his idea on “the sacred sciences” developed by him becomes “Islamic Science”. He defines that the “Islamic Science” is a kind of science that has a weltanschauung which it based on the Quran values. Here, Golshani stresses on an importance to develop the Quran epistemology in Moslems society in modern era now. Secondly, to create ideal expectations in the relationship between science and rel...
Pesantren masa depan: wacana pemberdayaan …, 1999
Dinamika dan dialektika an tara konservatisme yang selalu menengok Islam ke inasa lalu dan progre... more Dinamika dan dialektika an tara konservatisme yang selalu menengok Islam ke inasa lalu dan progresivisme yang selalu ingin merekonstruksi Islam untuk masa depan merupakan agenda laten uma~ Islam sepanjang sejarah.

Al-Ghazali Majalah Ilmu Pengetahuan Agama Universitas Sriwijaya, 1998
Tulisan membincang bagaimana perdebatan umat Islam awal mengenai konsep khilafah (pemerintahan) m... more Tulisan membincang bagaimana perdebatan umat Islam awal mengenai konsep khilafah (pemerintahan) memberikan dampak langsung terhadap dinamika pemikiran teologi Islam. Perdebatan konsep khilafah ini bermula dari wafatnya Rasulullah saw yang juga memberikan kebebasan kepada umat Islam untuk memilih sendiri secara demokratis siapa yang berhak menjadi pemimpin mereka sekaligus manjadi khalifatuurasul (pemimpin penerus rasul). Dalam sejarah Islam, proses pencarian konsep khilafah ini menghasilkan format-format sukses yang beragam, baik dari masa khualafaurrasyidin, daulah-daulah Islam, hingga masa modern.
Konsep khilafah ini pun melahirkan beberapa kelompok dan aliran dalam sejarah (teologi) Islam, antara lain: Syiah, Khawarij, Murjiah, dan Mu’tazilah, dengan tema-tema teologis yang dijadikan perdebatan di anatara mereka, misalnya: persoalan status kafir dan mukmin, dosa besar, perbuatan manusia dan keadilan Tuhan, serta mengenai kamakhlukan al-Quran.
Lektur Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Islam, 1996
Pendidikan Islam merupakan aset yang besar dan penting, baik dalam aspek tujuan, kurikulum, metod... more Pendidikan Islam merupakan aset yang besar dan penting, baik dalam aspek tujuan, kurikulum, metode pengajaran, dan aspek-aspek lainnya, karena bersifat praktis, mendetail, lengkap, dan komprehensif. Sekarang adalah saat yang tepat untuk kembali kepada sistem pendidikan Islam yang berlandaskan kepada nilai-nilai Qurani dan al-sunnah al-Nabiwiyah dalam usaha untuk menegaskan posisi kita sebagai “Kuntum khaira ummatin ukhrijat li al-naas”.
Lektur Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Islam, 2003
One of human being civilization mainstreams in modern era is feminist
criticism toward of the est... more One of human being civilization mainstreams in modern era is feminist
criticism toward of the establishment of patriarch ate culture which has
dominated all aspects of human lift. They have criticized and accused the
general understanding of society that tends to place female as the second class
under masculinity of male. It also has happened in the Muslim world, such as
in Islamic educational discourses. Therefore, Islamic education has to be
reinterpreted and reconstructed based on the gender justice discourses.
Keywords: Kesetaraan Jender

Panangkaran Jurnal Penelitian Agama dan Masyarakat, 2019
This Research is a philosophical study on idea and thought of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), which on... more This Research is a philosophical study on idea and thought of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), which one of largest Islamic movement in Indonesia, in responding toward globalization for religious adherents, specially, and Indonesian people in general. Globalization, with its challenges, opportunities, and threats, have been responded by them in order to find solutions and strategies to avoid negative impacts of globalitation that threats on unity and harmony of religious people and society in Indonesia.
The Research has some questional researches are: firstly, what the mean of idea of Islam Nusantara is?; secondly, how does idea of the Islam Nusantara will be developed?; and, thirdly, why does idea of the Islam Nusantara will be need in order to respond toward globalization. Therefore, the research aims to: firstly, describe about idea of Islam Nusantara; secondly, find how does idea of the Islam Nusantara will be developed; and, thirdly, analysis why does idea of the Islam Nusantara will be need in order to respond toward globalization.
The data collected by using technique of literature and documentary study either from primary sources or non-primary sources. Then, after the data already collected, they are described by analysed and reflected
The research results are: firstly, the idea of the Islam Nusantara is an effort of Islamic renewal in nusantara region that deals with creating dialogue between something newer and heritage of the past. The Islam Nusantara, as an idea, tries to interprete and continues on Abdurrahman Wahid idea of “Pribumisasi Islam” in 1980s era practically. Secondly, idea of the Islam Nusantara has been developed till now based on either NU organization institutionally or ideas and thoughts of prominent figure of NU and acadimician personally who cares to understanding the Islam Nusantara idea. Thirdly, idea of the Islam Nusantara is a respond way toward globalization with empowering locality from nusantara regions. So, in its relationship with globalization, if it used Hegelian’s perspective, the Islam Nusantara is a synthetis of globalization, as a thesis, and locality, as its an anti-thesis.
Keywords: Globalization, Locality, NU, Islam Nusantara
Papers by Syarif Hidayatullah
Keywords Perennial Philosophy, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Religious Studies, Traditional Wisdom, Islam
Konsep khilafah ini pun melahirkan beberapa kelompok dan aliran dalam sejarah (teologi) Islam, antara lain: Syiah, Khawarij, Murjiah, dan Mu’tazilah, dengan tema-tema teologis yang dijadikan perdebatan di anatara mereka, misalnya: persoalan status kafir dan mukmin, dosa besar, perbuatan manusia dan keadilan Tuhan, serta mengenai kamakhlukan al-Quran.
criticism toward of the establishment of patriarch ate culture which has
dominated all aspects of human lift. They have criticized and accused the
general understanding of society that tends to place female as the second class
under masculinity of male. It also has happened in the Muslim world, such as
in Islamic educational discourses. Therefore, Islamic education has to be
reinterpreted and reconstructed based on the gender justice discourses.
Keywords: Kesetaraan Jender
The Research has some questional researches are: firstly, what the mean of idea of Islam Nusantara is?; secondly, how does idea of the Islam Nusantara will be developed?; and, thirdly, why does idea of the Islam Nusantara will be need in order to respond toward globalization. Therefore, the research aims to: firstly, describe about idea of Islam Nusantara; secondly, find how does idea of the Islam Nusantara will be developed; and, thirdly, analysis why does idea of the Islam Nusantara will be need in order to respond toward globalization.
The data collected by using technique of literature and documentary study either from primary sources or non-primary sources. Then, after the data already collected, they are described by analysed and reflected
The research results are: firstly, the idea of the Islam Nusantara is an effort of Islamic renewal in nusantara region that deals with creating dialogue between something newer and heritage of the past. The Islam Nusantara, as an idea, tries to interprete and continues on Abdurrahman Wahid idea of “Pribumisasi Islam” in 1980s era practically. Secondly, idea of the Islam Nusantara has been developed till now based on either NU organization institutionally or ideas and thoughts of prominent figure of NU and acadimician personally who cares to understanding the Islam Nusantara idea. Thirdly, idea of the Islam Nusantara is a respond way toward globalization with empowering locality from nusantara regions. So, in its relationship with globalization, if it used Hegelian’s perspective, the Islam Nusantara is a synthetis of globalization, as a thesis, and locality, as its an anti-thesis.
Keywords: Globalization, Locality, NU, Islam Nusantara
Keywords Perennial Philosophy, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Religious Studies, Traditional Wisdom, Islam
Konsep khilafah ini pun melahirkan beberapa kelompok dan aliran dalam sejarah (teologi) Islam, antara lain: Syiah, Khawarij, Murjiah, dan Mu’tazilah, dengan tema-tema teologis yang dijadikan perdebatan di anatara mereka, misalnya: persoalan status kafir dan mukmin, dosa besar, perbuatan manusia dan keadilan Tuhan, serta mengenai kamakhlukan al-Quran.
criticism toward of the establishment of patriarch ate culture which has
dominated all aspects of human lift. They have criticized and accused the
general understanding of society that tends to place female as the second class
under masculinity of male. It also has happened in the Muslim world, such as
in Islamic educational discourses. Therefore, Islamic education has to be
reinterpreted and reconstructed based on the gender justice discourses.
Keywords: Kesetaraan Jender
The Research has some questional researches are: firstly, what the mean of idea of Islam Nusantara is?; secondly, how does idea of the Islam Nusantara will be developed?; and, thirdly, why does idea of the Islam Nusantara will be need in order to respond toward globalization. Therefore, the research aims to: firstly, describe about idea of Islam Nusantara; secondly, find how does idea of the Islam Nusantara will be developed; and, thirdly, analysis why does idea of the Islam Nusantara will be need in order to respond toward globalization.
The data collected by using technique of literature and documentary study either from primary sources or non-primary sources. Then, after the data already collected, they are described by analysed and reflected
The research results are: firstly, the idea of the Islam Nusantara is an effort of Islamic renewal in nusantara region that deals with creating dialogue between something newer and heritage of the past. The Islam Nusantara, as an idea, tries to interprete and continues on Abdurrahman Wahid idea of “Pribumisasi Islam” in 1980s era practically. Secondly, idea of the Islam Nusantara has been developed till now based on either NU organization institutionally or ideas and thoughts of prominent figure of NU and acadimician personally who cares to understanding the Islam Nusantara idea. Thirdly, idea of the Islam Nusantara is a respond way toward globalization with empowering locality from nusantara regions. So, in its relationship with globalization, if it used Hegelian’s perspective, the Islam Nusantara is a synthetis of globalization, as a thesis, and locality, as its an anti-thesis.
Keywords: Globalization, Locality, NU, Islam Nusantara
Dengan demikian, maka teologi feminisme Islam harus diorientasikan sebagai suatu pandangan agama dalam pers pektif Islam tentang penghapusan diskriminasi gender, terutama yang disebabkan oleh pemahaman keagamaan yang bias gender. Karenanya, mendesak untuk mengkon struksi ulang teologi Islam yang terkait dengan persoalan feminisme ini. Rekonstruksi teologi feminisme Islam ini harus menyentuh juga wilayah penafsiran sumber-sumber teks-wahyu keagamaan yang selarna ini melahirkan ma salah diskriminasi gender bagi kaum perempuan, termasuk di Indonesia.
Di antara diskursus yang meramaikan peta pemikiran Mesir adalah tafsir Al-Qur'an. Berbagai jenis tafsir Al-Qur' an lahir dari tanah intelektual Mesir yang subur. Tapf, pada prinsipnya kesemua tafsir itu bisa dikelompokkan ke da lam tiga sudut pandang: filologi, sejarah alam dan masalah sehari-hari umat Islam.
Secara akademis, diperlukan sebuah karya utuh yang mereview peta perkembangan tafsir dan memang sudah banyak.ahli yang berusaha memenuhi tugas ilmiah ini. Antara lain Baljon, misalnya. Hanya saja, Baljon menulis karya reviewnya ketika Tafsir Al-Qur'an Bint Shatr belum terbit, sehingga tak mengherankan kalau kemudian karya tersebut belum masuk dalam sorotan Baljon. Padahal, Rarya Bint Shati' ini penting, karena bisa mencerminkan satu perspektif yang berbeda, yakniperspektif perempuan.
Karya J.J.G. Jansen ini beda. Dalam karyanya, Jansen berusaha memotret perkembangan tafsir modern Mesir secara keseluruhan, termasuk Tafsir Bint Shati'. Karena itu karya ini penting sebagai karya pengantar untuk memasuki belantara karya tafsir modem. Dalam konteks itulah, kami menghadirkan karya Jansen ini ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Buku ini tidak saja penting bagi mahasiswa Strata 1, Strata 2 dan Strata 3 lAIN, tapi juga bagi orang lain yang berminat dengan studi tafsir.