Papers by Rury Eprilurahman

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Anthropogenic activities drove an unprecedented rate of land-use change in the last century. Corp... more Anthropogenic activities drove an unprecedented rate of land-use change in the last century. Corporate is one of the most highlighted sectors due to the extent of the impact on the environment. Therefore, PROPER (Corporate Performance Rating Assessment for Environmental Program) was developed by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry as a safeguard to halt biodiversity loss due to corporate-related development in Indonesia. The present study analyzed the flora and fauna composition, structure, and trend in PT. Geo Dipa Energi Dieng well pad surrounding area from 2019-2021, as a critical part of the PROPER assessments. The study revealed that the study area was homogeneously dominated by shrubs-herbaceous plants, contributing to 60% of total species richness and abundance. Two dominant species were the introduced wild species Ageratina riparia and the cultivated plant Solanum tuberosum. Moreover, despite tree individual scarcity, the tree growth form was primarily constituted by introduced species with a mean abundance of 347 individuals, or 5-fold higher than native species. Acacia decurrens and Cupressus sempervirens, the introduced tree species planted during the rehabilitation program, dominated the area. The homogeneous floristic composition led to a homogenization of the fauna community, particularly birds, dominated by cosmopolitan insectivorous species. NMDS analysis and Shannon-Diversity Index also revealed that the pattern and trend among sites and years were similar, and there was an insignificant change, showing the urgency of the long-term revegetation programs to rehabilitate the ecosystem. Moreover, the presence of protected species in the study area showed that ecosystem rehabilitation is critical.

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Environmental DNA (eDNA) has become a widely used tool for aquatic biodiversity monitoring, as we... more Environmental DNA (eDNA) has become a widely used tool for aquatic biodiversity monitoring, as well as for formulating effective landscape management strategies. Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA), Indonesia, has a green belt landscape located on the Indian Ocean coast. YIA's landscape biodiversity analysis is still unexplored. Herein, we first used high throughput sequencing DNA metabarcoding to identify and investigate aquatic biodiversity in a pond on the airport landside areas. The metabarcoding eDNA sequencing analysis yielded 224,737 raw reads from the metagenomics utilizing Illumina MiSeq sequencing. We identified 588 eukaryote species from 205 families and 300 genera. Actinopteri is the most dominant class with a diversity of 160 taxa, followed by Mammalia (88), Amphibia (60), and Chlorophyceae (25). At the order level, Anura has the highest order diversity (50), followed by Rodentia (31), Chiroptera (17), Eulipotyphla (16), Squamata (15), and Cypriniformes (14). We found that Plasmodium was the genus with the highest relative abundance in this pond (18,030 reads). Furthermore, the large variety of fish and other taxa in this pond may attract waterbirds, increasing the risk of bird strike. The abundance of Plasmodium sp. in this airport area is an important issue, especially regarding airport malaria risk. Integration of biodiversity monitoring using eDNA with aviation security management provides valuable information for the airport's wildlife hazard management plan. To prevent the recurrence of bird strikes and prevent airport malaria, aviation security strategies utilizing habitat management approaches are recommended.
Zoo Indonesia, Jun 1, 2010
diperoleh 51 jenis herpetofauna yang terdiri dari 15 suku. Oua puluh jenis tergolong ke/as Amfibi... more diperoleh 51 jenis herpetofauna yang terdiri dari 15 suku. Oua puluh jenis tergolong ke/as Amfibia, 15 jenis termasuk anggota anak bangsa Lacerlilia dan 16jenis termasuk anggota anak bangsa Ophidia. Lima diantaranya merupakan herpetofauna endemik Jawa, yaitu Ichthvophis §fb Huia masonii, Megoprhvs montana, Rhacophorus margaritifer dan Sphenomorphus puncticentralis. Oari hasil juga dipero/eh spesimen dari marga Limnonectes dan Ichthyophis yang masih be/um berhasil teridentifikasi.

Biogenesis: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi, 2021
The Australian red claw freshwater crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus is one of the most widely dis... more The Australian red claw freshwater crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus is one of the most widely distributed and cultivated freshwater crayfish due to its high tolerance towards various environmental conditions. Native to North Australia and South Papua New Guinea, this crayfish was found in Tambakboyo Retention Basin in 2016 and Sermo Reservoir in 2019. This research was aimed to identify the morphological and molecular characters of C. quadricarinatus collected from Sermo Reservoir and Tambakboyo Retention Basin, Yogyakarta. The genetic information of the samples was compared to Australian red claw freshwater crayfish currently available. The methodology used for this research are morphological, morphometrical, meristic identification, and molecular identification using the PCR method. The primer used to be 1471 primers as the forward primer and 1472 primers as the reverse primer. In conclusion, all six specimens obtained were identified to be C. quadricarinatus. Morphological analy...

Indonesian Journal of Conservation, Jun 1, 2014
The Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) covers an area of 318 590 km2, owns ± 8% of the total numb... more The Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) covers an area of 318 590 km2, owns ± 8% of the total number of amphibian and reptile species in Indonesia (± 1.100). Compared to the other groups of animals, these species are relatively easy to find in rural area (remote area). In addition to their high biodiversity value, the existence of these two groups of animals is also an important component of the ecosystem. The analysis of social paradigm in D.I.Y. region aimed to measure the communities' support towards and knowledge about the conservation of amphibians and reptiles. The survey was conducted in October-December 2013. The Location of the surveys included Gadjah Mada University (Kab. Sleman), Sermo Wildlife (Kab. Progo), Dlingo Village (Kab. Bantul), Kukup Beach and Ngandong (Kab. Gunung Kidul). The data collection was carried out using a questionnaire about amphibians and reptiles. The result showed that most respondents supported the existence of the amphibian and reptile conservation, but the communities' knowledge was still lacking in order to support the conservation. Law enforcement and legal awareness of some community groups and the publics were still deemed less. On a regional scale, threats to the amphibians and the reptiles were partly antrophogenik and some of them were natural. In addition, on the regional scale, a topic emphasized was the conflict between men and snakes. This study is expected to be basis principles on policy-making, community supporting action and authorities in nature conservation, particularly for amphibians and reptiles.

Biota : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati, 2022
Kadal dan ular termasuk dalam hewan anggota bangsa Squamata, kelas Reptilia. Dua kelompok hewan r... more Kadal dan ular termasuk dalam hewan anggota bangsa Squamata, kelas Reptilia. Dua kelompok hewan reptil tersebut secara umum sering sekali ditemukan di dalam dan di sekitar kawasan hutan terutama yang memiliki sumber air. Bagi beberapa masyarakat, spesies ular dan kadal tersebut sering dimanfaatkan untuk dijadikan hewan peliharaan dan kadang dikonsumsi. Suaka Margasatwa Paliyan adalah kawasan hutan yang memiliki keanekaragaman spesies fauna yang perlu untuk diteliti. Kawasan dilindungi tersebut merupakan habitat bagi salah satu jenis cicak jenis baru yaitu Cyrtodactylus semiadii. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut perlu dilihat keanekaragaman spesies anggota reptil ordo Squamata di Kawasan Suaka Margasatwa Paliyan, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis reptil anggota ordo Squamata yang ada di wilayah Suaka Margasatwa Paliyan. Kawasan Suaka Margasatwa (SM) Paliyan merupakan habitat bagi 7 spesies kadal dan 6 spesies ular. Keanekar...

FIGURE 2. Maximum Likelihood tree showing the phylogenetic position and relationship of the new s... more FIGURE 2. Maximum Likelihood tree showing the phylogenetic position and relationship of the new species within the genus Microhyla, based on a 470 bp fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene. Values above and below the branches indicate Ultrafast Bootstrap Support (UFB)> 50% and Bayesian Posterior Probabilities (BPP)> 0.50, respectively. Orange circles on the nodes denote species groups. Putative species delimited in the Microhyla achatina group using bPTP analysis are indicated with grey vertical bars (support>0.90) or open vertical bars (support <0.70); black bars represent the currently recognized species identities. GenBank accession numbers and other sample details are referenced in Table 1. Photographs of frogs in life represent Microhyla species known to occur in Indonesia. (Photo credits: M. achatina, M. berdmorei, M. orientalis, M. palmipes, M. sriwijaya sp. nov. and M. mukhlesuri by S.D. Biju; M. gadjahmadai by E. Smith; M. heymonsi by F. Alhadi; M. malang b...
Biota : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati, 2019
The aim of this research was to find out the daily behaviour of Crocodylus porosus in Jogja Anima... more The aim of this research was to find out the daily behaviour of Crocodylus porosus in Jogja Animal Rescue Center (PPSJ). The daily behaviour included feeding habit, social behaviour, basking and movement. This research was using Focal Animal Sampling Method and observed for four months. As individual targets were male and female dominant of C. porosus, Monti and Bunda. The Runs test showed that the behavior of C. porosus had a pattern in daily activities. Based on Mann-Whitney U test, both male and female of C. porosus did not have any difference in feeding habit (U=16; n1= 6; n2=6; p>0,05), social behaviour (U=29; n1= 8; n2=8; p>0,05), basking (U=12; n1= 5; n2=5; p>0,05) and movement (U=16; n1= 6; n2=6; p>0,05).

Biota : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati, 2021
Kepiting infraordo Brachyura dikelompokkan ke dalam 53 familia yang tersebar di seluruh dunia. Di... more Kepiting infraordo Brachyura dikelompokkan ke dalam 53 familia yang tersebar di seluruh dunia. Di Indonesia dapat ditemukan 40 familia kepiting non air tawar dan tiga familia endemik kepiting air tawar, yaitu: Potamidae, Gecarcinudae, dan Parathelpusidae. Karapas dan capit (chela) merupakan bagian tubuh kepiting yang dapat digunakan untuk identifikasi taksonomi. Beberapa fragmen fosil kepiting yang dijumpai di Indonesia biasanya berupa bagian karapas dan capit. Panduan mengenai karakter morfologi karapas dan capit anggota infraordo Brachyura belum tersedia terutama untuk identifikasi fosil kepiting di Indonesia, sehingga perlu dikaji. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji karakter morfologi karapas dan capit sebagai karakter diagnostik kepiting sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan dalam identifikasi fosil kepiting. Spesimen yang diteliti adalah koleksi dari Laboratorium Sistematika Hewan Fakultas Biologi, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Metode yang digunakan yaitu komparasi morfo...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The endemicChelodina mccordiis considered extinct in the wild; however, ex-situ populations are t... more The endemicChelodina mccordiis considered extinct in the wild; however, ex-situ populations are thriving and sampled for our genetic diversity assessment. We used three sequences resulting from blood and tissue samples of five individual turtles amplified for 650-bp cytochrome oxidase I (COI) fragment of the mitochondrial DNA. We analysed a total of 30 barcoding DNA sequences for phylogenetic relationships and genetic distances amongChelodina spp. Nucleotide diversity of eightC. mccordisamples is 0.007 ± 0.001 with a haplotype diversity of 0.893 ± 0.086. All these samples form a monophyletic clade that is sister to a clade of Australian and New Guinean long-necked turtles. Genetic distances calculated using Kimura 2-paramater model amongC. mccordisequences range between 0.2% and 1.5%, while a few others are without distance. The shortest genetic distance is between individuals from Rote Island, whereas the longest distance was found between individuals, each of which was derived fro...
Taprobanica, 2016
We conducted a study on the feeding habits of dholes in the Baluran National Park, Indonesia. Sca... more We conducted a study on the feeding habits of dholes in the Baluran National Park, Indonesia. Scat analysis was employed to identify the prey consumed. In total, 54 scats were collected across the park during the dry season of 2013 and analyzed to identify the prey of this species; at least 20 prey species were identified. Ungulates are the most important prey, estimated to contribute more than 95 % of the biomass consumed by dholes in BNP. Efforts to ensure availability of ungulates and to secure habitat will be the key to the dhole's conservation in Java.

Character of anuran larvae (or known as tadpoles) that can be used for identification is labial t... more Character of anuran larvae (or known as tadpoles) that can be used for identification is labial tooth row formula (LTRF) from its mouthpart. This character was written and widely used in the amphibian field guides as identification character into species. Sometimes, this could lead to misidentification due to different formulas within one species. Hydrophylax chalconotus (Anura: Ranidae) and Duttaphrynus melanostictus (Anura; Bufonidae) are common anurans species around the human activity area such as garden, pool, and other habitats. This research was aimed at describing the development of labial tooth row formula (LTRF) of H. chalconotus and D. melanostictus during metamorphosis. Specimens were taken from several locations in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Province. This research was done by collecting and rearing tadpoles from eggs into larvae. The observation was conducted using stereo microscope. Premetamorphosis phase (stage 17-35) was determined based on Gosner (1960), wh...

Jurnal Biologi Udayana, 2021
Genus Macrobrachium memiliki anggota spesies yang banyak dan terdistribusi di berbagai negara dia... more Genus Macrobrachium memiliki anggota spesies yang banyak dan terdistribusi di berbagai negara diantaranya Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos dan Vietnam. Salah satu spesies anggota genus Macrobarachium yang dapat ditemukan di Indonesia adalah Macrobrachium sintangense atau lebih dikenal sebagai udang regang. Identifikasi terhadap spesies ini penting dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk memperluas kajian mengenai udang regang di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Identifikasi terhadap spesies ini dilakukan secara morfologis maupun molekuler dengan gen 16S. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakter morfologis dan molekuler dari M. sintangense. Identifikasi morfologis dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi karakter morfologi, morfometri, dan meristik sesuai kunci identifikasi. Analisis secara molekuler dilakukan dengan isolasi, amplifikasi, elektroforesis, dan visualisasi DNA dengan UV iluminator, DNA di sekuensing oleh 1st Base. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan karakter morfologis ber...

Jurnal Biologi, 2014
Anura sering disebut sebagai katak dan kodok (Iskandar, 1998). Penelitian mengenai keanekaragaman... more Anura sering disebut sebagai katak dan kodok (Iskandar, 1998). Penelitian mengenai keanekaragaman anggota Anura di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) telah banyak dilakukan. Penelitian tersebut sebagian besar difokuskan di lereng selatan Gunung Merapi, tetapi beberapa penelitian juga telah dilakukan di sekitar kampus UGM dan di Sungai Code (Eprilurahman, 2007; Eprilurahman & Kusuma, 2011; Yudha, dkk, 2013). Wilayah DIY dialiri oleh banyak sungai, beberapa diantaranya yang banyak dikenal, diurutkan dari barat ke timur adalah Sungai Progo, Sungai Winongo, Sungai Code, Sungai Gajah Wong dan Sungai Opak (Anonim, 2010; Brontowiyono, 2010; Siradz et al., 2008). Sungai Opak merupakan salah satu sungai besar di DIY yang berhulu di Gunung Merapi. Jalur utama Sungai Opak menjadi pertemuan beberapa sungai, hal tersebut dapat diasumsikan bahwa pada beberapa titik pertemuan merupakan area yang subur dan rimbun. Daerah yang rimbun tersebut merupakan habitat yang baik bagi herpetofauna, terutama ang...
Amphibians and reptiles (herpetofauna groups) produced of many compounds. The herpetofauna and th... more Amphibians and reptiles (herpetofauna groups) produced of many compounds. The herpetofauna and their chemical compounds have been the subject of intense research interest for many years due to their potential in medical application and in lead compound development for new drugs. A number of different types of compounds have been identified from the glandular skin secretions of amphibians and venom or saliva of reptiles. These compounds have been shown to be active against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, fungi, enveloped viruses, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and cardiovascular disorder.Key words: Herpetofauna, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, drugs, pathophysiology

Jurnal MIPA, 2015
Kawasan Suaka Margasatwa (SM) Sermo merupakan salah satu kawasan lindung yang terdapat di Daerah ... more Kawasan Suaka Margasatwa (SM) Sermo merupakan salah satu kawasan lindung yang terdapat di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Kawasan tersebut merupakan habitat bagi berbagai jenis tumbuhan dan hewan, salah satunya adalah herpetofauna (amfibi dan reptil). Hutan di kawasan SM Sermo terdiri dari hutan sekunder yang umum dimasuki manusia dengan kerapatan vegetasi kurang dari 90%, dengan ketinggian antara 90-250 mdpl dan luas sekitar 181 ha. Sampling dilakukan selama dua hari tanggal 13-14 Januari 2013, dan dilakukan pada pagi dan malam hari dengan metode sampling perpaduan antara VES (Visual Encounter Survey), Time Search, dan Road Cruising. Hasil identifikasi diperoleh 5 (lima) spesies amfibi dan 13 (tiga belas) spesies reptil. Spesies amfibi yang ditemukan di kawasan SM Sermo adalah Fejervarya limnocharis, Duttaphrynus melanostictus, Ingerophrynus biporcatus, Polypedates leucomystax, dan Kaloula baleata. Reptil yang ditemukan terdiri atas dua Subordo, yaitu Subordo Serpentes (ular), dan Subo...

There are three known kraits species of the Genus Bungarus (Elapidae) inhabit Java Island, Indone... more There are three known kraits species of the Genus Bungarus (Elapidae) inhabit Java Island, Indonesia. Two species out of the three species, i.e., Bungarus candidus (Malayan kraits) and Bungarus fasciatus (Banded kraits) are commonly found in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) Province. However, a longterm research about herpetofauna diversity in the Southern slope of Mount Merapi since 2006 until 2011 shows no species records from genus Bungarus . A nocturnal survey on April 28 th , 2012 was administerd around the Kaliurang recreational area. We found snake which was suggested belong to the genus Bungarus . Detailed identification showed that this snake was Bungarus fasciatus or banded kraits snake. This finding provide the new record of genus Bungarus in Southern slope of Merapi especially since the periodical research of herpetofauna diversity which was started in 2006. To complete the data, it needs intensive research to know the distribution and species abundance of Bungarus fasc...

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 2010
Frogs and toads (Amphibia: Anura) were very sensitive to environmental changes. Due to their sens... more Frogs and toads (Amphibia: Anura) were very sensitive to environmental changes. Due to their sensitivity, usually they can be used as indicator for environmental changes. On the other hands, there has been only limited data on the diversity and distribution of frogs and toads in Java. This could lead to the reducing population of frogs and toads in Java. Based on those facts, this research was aimed to collect data on species diversity, species richness, species composition and species distribution of frogs and toad from Sawangan Ecotourism, Magelang, Central Java Province. This study was expected to complete the database of anurans in Central Java. The research was conducted from June to July 2009, mostly at night. The VES ( Visual Encounter Survey ) method combined with 200 m transects were used for sampling. Seven species of anurans were recorded during the survey. They were Duttaphrynus melanostictus, Limnonectes kuhlii, Limnonectes microdiscus, Microhyla achatina, Odorrana hosi...

Jurnal Biologi Udayana, 2021
Macrobrachium merupakan genus dari subfilum Crustacea dengan keanekaragaman tertinggi. Identifika... more Macrobrachium merupakan genus dari subfilum Crustacea dengan keanekaragaman tertinggi. Identifikasi morfologi dari genus Macrobrachium sebagian besar sulit dilakukan karena karakter untuk identifikasi tingkat spesies yang rumit, sedangkan banyak karakter umum untuk semua spesies anggota Macrobrachium. Sulitnya identifikasi morfologi juga disebabkan oleh pengaruh dominansi sosial pada jantan. Diperlukan pendekatan lain untuk mengidentifikasi Macrobrachium secara akurat, salah satunya dengan DNA barcoding menggunakan gen mitokondria 16S. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakter morfologi dan molekuler kelompok spesies Macrobrachium pilimanus berdasarkan gen mitokondria 16S dari sungai Opak, Winongo, dan Sempor di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Sampel udang diidentifikasi berdasarkan karakter morfologi, meristik, dan morfometri. Analisis molekuler menggunakan primer 16Sar sebagai primer forward dan 16Sbr sebagai primer reverse. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi morfologi, sampel ud...
Papers by Rury Eprilurahman