egiatan humas kini sudah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan organisasi atau perusahaan... more egiatan humas kini sudah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan organisasi atau perusahaan. Di banyak perusahaan, humas sudah mulai memperoleh tempat yang cukup baik dalam struktur organisasi. Sebagai contoh, di Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), humas kini menempati posisi yang cukup strategis jika dibandingkan dengan keadaan sepuluh tahun lalu (Putra,1996). Di perusahaan Garuda Indonesia, humas menempati posisi penting dengan jabatan direktur komunikasi perusahaan. Begitu juga di berbagai perusahaan atau organisasi lainnya, seperti di Bank Mandiri, di berbagai stasiun televisi, di PT Astra Internasional. Di Bank Mandiri, humas atau Komunikasi Korporat berhasil membantu pengintegrasian bank-bank yang merger menjadi Bank Mandiri, sehingga para pegawai Bank Mandiri saat ini tidak lagi menonjolkan asal-usul mereka. Komunikasi Korporat Bank Mandiri membantu mensosialisasikan budaya perusahaan Bank Mandiri. Untuk kegiatan eksternal, Humas Bank Mandiri juga berhasil membangun reputasi sebagai bank terbesar milik pemerintah yang kokoh, sehingga para nasabahnya tidak mudah berpindah tempat untuk menabung atau menggunakan produk jasa perbankan lainnya. Dengan penempatan posisi yang relatif baik ini, bagian humas dan para praktisi humas dapat memaksimalkan sumbangannya untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. Upaya yang harus dilakukan oleh bagian humas dan praktisi humas untuk mengoptimalisasikan sumbangannya kepada organisasi adalah dengan cara mengelola kegiatan kehumasannya dengan baik. Untuk dapat mengelola kegiatan humas dengan baik, mereka perlu menerapkan prinsipprinsip manajemen, yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan penilaian atau pengevaluasian kegiatan kehumasan. Secara umum, pada Modul 1 ini akan dibahas mengenai konsep dasar hubungan masyarakat dan konsep manajemen humas. Sedangkan secara khusus, dalam Kegiatan Belajar 1 akan dibahas mengenai pengertian atau K PEN D A HU L UA N brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by Universitas Terbuka Repository 1.2 Manajemen Hubungan Masyarakat konsep dasar humas dan manajemen humas. Selain itu, juga dibahas mengenai pengertian manajemen dalam konteks manajemen humas. Pada Kegiatan Belajar 2 akan dibahas mengenai perbedaan antara manajer dan teknisi humas dalam organisasi.
Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia
Textbooks play an important role in the learning process in universities. They must be able to pr... more Textbooks play an important role in the learning process in universities. They must be able to present the latest developments in theory, concepts and their application in everyday life. In the field of public relations, the existence of textbooks has been recorded since public relations as a scientific discipline was taught in universities. Unfortunately, there is almost no research that examines public relations textbooks in Indonesia. Therefore, this research asks the question of how does public relations textbook written by Indonesian authors discuss digital public relations? The research was conducted through a qualitative approach by describing the discussion of digital public relations and analyzing how public relations textbooks place digital communication technology in public relations. This study found that not all introductory public relations textbooks published between 2015-2020 presented a chapter on digital public relations. The introductory public relations textb...
Mass media, especially, press have important rules in the democration process. There are three cr... more Mass media, especially, press have important rules in the democration process. There are three criteria to evaluate performance of the press. Press as a civic forum, it's related to Habermas's public sphere that there is space for citizen to discuss about public interest in thhe free condition. Press as a watchdog , that it's means press has to protec minority rights from malfuntion of majority power. Press as a mobilization agent, it's medium to increase society involment in the politic process.
Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia
The aviation industry is one of the most vulnerable industrial sectors to the crisis. Failure to ... more The aviation industry is one of the most vulnerable industrial sectors to the crisis. Failure to manage the crisis they face can threaten their lives. Therefore, managers of airline companies are required to have the ability to manage crisis and communicate in crisis situations. Crisis communication strategy becomes an important part in crisis management. This study uses content analysis of the crisis communication strategies used by AirAsia and Malaysia Airlines in their respective aircraft accidents on December 28, 2014 and March 8, 2014. This research found that both companies were fast enough to respond to crises despite differences in strategy they use in responding the crisis. AirAsia emphasizes the use of apology without ignoring compensating, while Malaysia Airlines emphasizes compensation without ignoring apology.
Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, Dec 1, 2019
The rise of the internet and social media has promoted the evolution of a new form of social move... more The rise of the internet and social media has promoted the evolution of a new form of social movement in Indonesia, one that has predominantly promoted socio-cultural, rather than political change. However, many of these movements have continued to face the classic challenges of social movements, particularly consistency and sustainability. As such, a number of movements have dissolved as they have been unable to accumulate and allocate their resources. This article has taken on internet-based social movement, Akademi Berbagi (Akber), for an instrumental case study. Akber is a movement that has emerged and been active almost wholly through Twitter, with its main goal being to promote sociocultural change at the individual level, particularly in the field of education. This article seeks to analyse the organizational management of Akber, referring specifically to its organizational efforts and strategies to accumulate and allocate its resources. Data were collected through interviews and online/offline observations, as well as investigation of the digital documents from the official social media accounts of Akber and its members. This research finds that the optimal management of socio-cultural movements such as Akber relies on several factors, including the use of various internet platforms, the loose federal organizational structure, the movement's ability to avoid the trap of pseudo-support, and the ability to respond to external changes.
The aviation industry is one of the most vulnerable industrial sectors to the crisis. Failure to ... more The aviation industry is one of the most vulnerable industrial sectors to the crisis. Failure to manage the crisis they face, it can threaten their lives. Therefore, managers of airline companies are required to have the ability to manage crisis and communicate in crisis situations. Crisis communication strategy becomes an important part in crisis management. This study uses content analysis of the crisis communication strategies used by AirAsia and Malaysia Airlines in their respective aircraft accidents on December 28, 2014 and March 8, 2014. This research found that both companies are fast enough to respond to crises, despite they use different strategies in response of the crisis. AirAsia emphasizes the use of apology without ignoring compensating, while Malaysia Airlines emphasizes compensation without ignoring apology. Abstrak Dunia penerbangan merupakan salah satu sektor industri yang sangat rentan terserang krisis. Kegagalan dalam mengelola krisis yang mereka hadapi dapat mengancam kehidupan mereka. Oleh karena itu, para manajer pengelola perusahaan penerbangan dituntut untuk memiliki kemampuan dalam mengelola krisis dan berkomunikasi dalam situasi krisis. Strategi komunikasi krisis menjadi bagian penting yang dalam pengelolaan krisis. Penelitian ini dengan menggunakan analisis isi terhadap strategi komunikasi krisis yang digunakan AirAsia dan Malaysia Airlines dalam kecelakaan pesawat mereka yang terjadi masing-masing pada 28 Desember 2014 dan 8 Maret 2014. Riset ini menemukan bahwa kedua perusahaan cukup cepat dalam merespon krisis walau terdapat perbedaan dalam strategi mereka dalam merespon krisis. AirAsia lebih menekankan pada penggunan apologi tanpa mengabaikan kompensasi, sementara Malaysia Airlines lebih menekankan kompensasi tanpa mengabaikan apologi.
This paper explores the issues of public relations academics credentials on teaching public relat... more This paper explores the issues of public relations academics credentials on teaching public relations at undergraduate level. Generally, most Asian universities look to the United States education system as the ideal model in developing their own curricula, and frequently invite American professors as visiting fellows to help set up their programmes. In addition, Asian universities, including those in Malaysia and Indonesia still harbour the view that the US offers the best public relations education and practices, and therefore follow the US model regarding any matters related to curriculum, study materials, teaching modules, learning resources and the structure of exam papers. Whilst seeming efficient, as the US leads the fields of public relations, it appears to be done blindly without considering such variables as the encompassing political, economic, legal, media and cultural factors of the society adapting these curricula that should determine the roles and functions of public relations practitioners in any given country. This paper concludes that US still offers the best public relations education in comparison to any Asian universities due to lack of academic credentials.
As a part of management function public relations has been practiced in Indonesia since
the Inde... more As a part of management function public relations has been practiced in Indonesia since
the Independence day. The development of public relations practice in Indonesia is influenced,
among other things, by political system, government policies and economic development. As
Indonesian political system is becoming more democratic, organizations are required to apply
the symmetrical public relations models as suggested by Grunig.
egiatan humas kini sudah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan organisasi atau perusahaan... more egiatan humas kini sudah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan organisasi atau perusahaan. Di banyak perusahaan, humas sudah mulai memperoleh tempat yang cukup baik dalam struktur organisasi. Sebagai contoh, di Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), humas kini menempati posisi yang cukup strategis jika dibandingkan dengan keadaan sepuluh tahun lalu (Putra,1996). Di perusahaan Garuda Indonesia, humas menempati posisi penting dengan jabatan direktur komunikasi perusahaan. Begitu juga di berbagai perusahaan atau organisasi lainnya, seperti di Bank Mandiri, di berbagai stasiun televisi, di PT Astra Internasional. Di Bank Mandiri, humas atau Komunikasi Korporat berhasil membantu pengintegrasian bank-bank yang merger menjadi Bank Mandiri, sehingga para pegawai Bank Mandiri saat ini tidak lagi menonjolkan asal-usul mereka. Komunikasi Korporat Bank Mandiri membantu mensosialisasikan budaya perusahaan Bank Mandiri. Untuk kegiatan eksternal, Humas Bank Mandiri juga berhasil membangun reputasi sebagai bank terbesar milik pemerintah yang kokoh, sehingga para nasabahnya tidak mudah berpindah tempat untuk menabung atau menggunakan produk jasa perbankan lainnya. Dengan penempatan posisi yang relatif baik ini, bagian humas dan para praktisi humas dapat memaksimalkan sumbangannya untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. Upaya yang harus dilakukan oleh bagian humas dan praktisi humas untuk mengoptimalisasikan sumbangannya kepada organisasi adalah dengan cara mengelola kegiatan kehumasannya dengan baik. Untuk dapat mengelola kegiatan humas dengan baik, mereka perlu menerapkan prinsipprinsip manajemen, yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan penilaian atau pengevaluasian kegiatan kehumasan. Secara umum, pada Modul 1 ini akan dibahas mengenai konsep dasar hubungan masyarakat dan konsep manajemen humas. Sedangkan secara khusus, dalam Kegiatan Belajar 1 akan dibahas mengenai pengertian atau K PEN D A HU L UA N brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by Universitas Terbuka Repository 1.2 Manajemen Hubungan Masyarakat konsep dasar humas dan manajemen humas. Selain itu, juga dibahas mengenai pengertian manajemen dalam konteks manajemen humas. Pada Kegiatan Belajar 2 akan dibahas mengenai perbedaan antara manajer dan teknisi humas dalam organisasi.
Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia
Textbooks play an important role in the learning process in universities. They must be able to pr... more Textbooks play an important role in the learning process in universities. They must be able to present the latest developments in theory, concepts and their application in everyday life. In the field of public relations, the existence of textbooks has been recorded since public relations as a scientific discipline was taught in universities. Unfortunately, there is almost no research that examines public relations textbooks in Indonesia. Therefore, this research asks the question of how does public relations textbook written by Indonesian authors discuss digital public relations? The research was conducted through a qualitative approach by describing the discussion of digital public relations and analyzing how public relations textbooks place digital communication technology in public relations. This study found that not all introductory public relations textbooks published between 2015-2020 presented a chapter on digital public relations. The introductory public relations textb...
Mass media, especially, press have important rules in the democration process. There are three cr... more Mass media, especially, press have important rules in the democration process. There are three criteria to evaluate performance of the press. Press as a civic forum, it's related to Habermas's public sphere that there is space for citizen to discuss about public interest in thhe free condition. Press as a watchdog , that it's means press has to protec minority rights from malfuntion of majority power. Press as a mobilization agent, it's medium to increase society involment in the politic process.
Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia
The aviation industry is one of the most vulnerable industrial sectors to the crisis. Failure to ... more The aviation industry is one of the most vulnerable industrial sectors to the crisis. Failure to manage the crisis they face can threaten their lives. Therefore, managers of airline companies are required to have the ability to manage crisis and communicate in crisis situations. Crisis communication strategy becomes an important part in crisis management. This study uses content analysis of the crisis communication strategies used by AirAsia and Malaysia Airlines in their respective aircraft accidents on December 28, 2014 and March 8, 2014. This research found that both companies were fast enough to respond to crises despite differences in strategy they use in responding the crisis. AirAsia emphasizes the use of apology without ignoring compensating, while Malaysia Airlines emphasizes compensation without ignoring apology.
Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, Dec 1, 2019
The rise of the internet and social media has promoted the evolution of a new form of social move... more The rise of the internet and social media has promoted the evolution of a new form of social movement in Indonesia, one that has predominantly promoted socio-cultural, rather than political change. However, many of these movements have continued to face the classic challenges of social movements, particularly consistency and sustainability. As such, a number of movements have dissolved as they have been unable to accumulate and allocate their resources. This article has taken on internet-based social movement, Akademi Berbagi (Akber), for an instrumental case study. Akber is a movement that has emerged and been active almost wholly through Twitter, with its main goal being to promote sociocultural change at the individual level, particularly in the field of education. This article seeks to analyse the organizational management of Akber, referring specifically to its organizational efforts and strategies to accumulate and allocate its resources. Data were collected through interviews and online/offline observations, as well as investigation of the digital documents from the official social media accounts of Akber and its members. This research finds that the optimal management of socio-cultural movements such as Akber relies on several factors, including the use of various internet platforms, the loose federal organizational structure, the movement's ability to avoid the trap of pseudo-support, and the ability to respond to external changes.
The aviation industry is one of the most vulnerable industrial sectors to the crisis. Failure to ... more The aviation industry is one of the most vulnerable industrial sectors to the crisis. Failure to manage the crisis they face, it can threaten their lives. Therefore, managers of airline companies are required to have the ability to manage crisis and communicate in crisis situations. Crisis communication strategy becomes an important part in crisis management. This study uses content analysis of the crisis communication strategies used by AirAsia and Malaysia Airlines in their respective aircraft accidents on December 28, 2014 and March 8, 2014. This research found that both companies are fast enough to respond to crises, despite they use different strategies in response of the crisis. AirAsia emphasizes the use of apology without ignoring compensating, while Malaysia Airlines emphasizes compensation without ignoring apology. Abstrak Dunia penerbangan merupakan salah satu sektor industri yang sangat rentan terserang krisis. Kegagalan dalam mengelola krisis yang mereka hadapi dapat mengancam kehidupan mereka. Oleh karena itu, para manajer pengelola perusahaan penerbangan dituntut untuk memiliki kemampuan dalam mengelola krisis dan berkomunikasi dalam situasi krisis. Strategi komunikasi krisis menjadi bagian penting yang dalam pengelolaan krisis. Penelitian ini dengan menggunakan analisis isi terhadap strategi komunikasi krisis yang digunakan AirAsia dan Malaysia Airlines dalam kecelakaan pesawat mereka yang terjadi masing-masing pada 28 Desember 2014 dan 8 Maret 2014. Riset ini menemukan bahwa kedua perusahaan cukup cepat dalam merespon krisis walau terdapat perbedaan dalam strategi mereka dalam merespon krisis. AirAsia lebih menekankan pada penggunan apologi tanpa mengabaikan kompensasi, sementara Malaysia Airlines lebih menekankan kompensasi tanpa mengabaikan apologi.
This paper explores the issues of public relations academics credentials on teaching public relat... more This paper explores the issues of public relations academics credentials on teaching public relations at undergraduate level. Generally, most Asian universities look to the United States education system as the ideal model in developing their own curricula, and frequently invite American professors as visiting fellows to help set up their programmes. In addition, Asian universities, including those in Malaysia and Indonesia still harbour the view that the US offers the best public relations education and practices, and therefore follow the US model regarding any matters related to curriculum, study materials, teaching modules, learning resources and the structure of exam papers. Whilst seeming efficient, as the US leads the fields of public relations, it appears to be done blindly without considering such variables as the encompassing political, economic, legal, media and cultural factors of the society adapting these curricula that should determine the roles and functions of public relations practitioners in any given country. This paper concludes that US still offers the best public relations education in comparison to any Asian universities due to lack of academic credentials.
As a part of management function public relations has been practiced in Indonesia since
the Inde... more As a part of management function public relations has been practiced in Indonesia since
the Independence day. The development of public relations practice in Indonesia is influenced,
among other things, by political system, government policies and economic development. As
Indonesian political system is becoming more democratic, organizations are required to apply
the symmetrical public relations models as suggested by Grunig.
Papers by Gusti N. Putra
the Independence day. The development of public relations practice in Indonesia is influenced,
among other things, by political system, government policies and economic development. As
Indonesian political system is becoming more democratic, organizations are required to apply
the symmetrical public relations models as suggested by Grunig.
the Independence day. The development of public relations practice in Indonesia is influenced,
among other things, by political system, government policies and economic development. As
Indonesian political system is becoming more democratic, organizations are required to apply
the symmetrical public relations models as suggested by Grunig.