Papers by Gilang Mahadika
Inside Indonesia, 2025
Tulisan ini mengajak untuk mengamati secara seksama cara para pekebun Dayak Benuaq mengelola kebu... more Tulisan ini mengajak untuk mengamati secara seksama cara para pekebun Dayak Benuaq mengelola kebun di tengah hutan. Mereka tidak terasing: sudah lama mengenal pohon karet dan sawit. Namun, mereka tetap menjaga subsisten, tak lupa menghidupi dirinya dari tanah sendiri. Sawitpun mereka tanam diselingi tanaman pangan. Tanpa dicampuri perusahaan global. Sepertinya, model 'agroforestri' mereka justru lebih berkelanjutan.
Artikel Populer tentang Masyarakat dan Kebudayaan Indonesia, 2022
Artikel Populer tentang Masyarakat dan Kebudayaan Indonesia, 2022 more
Artikel Popular tentang Masyarakat dan Kebudayaan Indonesia, 2021 more DAFTAR ISI Editorial Board .

Digital Press Social Sciences and Humanities, 2023
We are now living in the epoch of Anthropocene-the epoch wherein human and nonhuman beings have b... more We are now living in the epoch of Anthropocene-the epoch wherein human and nonhuman beings have become increasingly involved. The Anthropocene was also a mark to determine human existence begin to overwhelm biological and geological forms and displace the Holocene era. Indonesia is the one in many countries facing ecological crisis. The widespread of global monocultures such as sugarcane, cacao, oil palm and tea plantations are examples of providing an intolerance of diversity, meaning that only putting human desires above all of nonhuman species. The era also shows the struggles for social justice towards nonhuman beings. Hence, this paper expects to discuss conceptual and pragmatical levels of the Anthropocene in the more-than-humans' anthropological studies. Meanwhile, anthropology and any subdisciplines take "ontological turn" into account. Talking ontological anthropology is also a way of rethinking and requestioning the division and dichotomy between nature and culture, technology and society, human, and nonhuman beings, and so on. So, our research question is how "ontological turn" contributes to making social justice towards multispecies and geological life. Justice has been a great deal to preserve only humans based on Eurocentric perception and thought. By giving social justice to more-than-human realms is also resolving both "epistemologies of ignorance" and indigenous-led decolonization. Alternatively, ontological anthropology provides the ability to give a "voice" to more-than-human beings in order to have equal footing as humans. Therefore, against the Anthropocene means collapsing 'the divide' between culture and nature, human and non-human, and so on. Besides, the turn to anthropology of ontology also means demanding collaborations and balance between humans and nonhuman beings in the Anthropocene. The introductory anthropology of ontology could potentially open pathways of future possibilities for methodological and theoretical standpoints towards more-than-human realms in Indonesia.

Simulacra, 2021
This paper expects to reveal the struggle of elderly female porters or buruh gendong who mostly h... more This paper expects to reveal the struggle of elderly female porters or buruh gendong who mostly had a historical background of working in industrial production (factory) but ended up being self-employed at Beringharjo traditional market of Yogyakarta. They used to work as factory workers. However, most factories collapsed in the aftermath of the 1997 economic crisis, especially in Southeast Asia. These older people from peri-urban (and rural) areas with lower-class status ended up in urban areas to be self-employed and became precarious workers. Therefore, the research questions are how they cope with the income uncertainties only to meet their daily needs and still desire their children to have a better living condition. Observations and interviews were done with 25 elderly female traditional porters as the research methods from 2020. They are primarily in the age range of late 50-80 years old. The results show that income uncertainties and social insecurity bring about precariousn...

JCIC : Jurnal CIC Lembaga Riset dan Konsultan Sosial
Mining corporation plays a role as surrogate state since it takes after the state in its developm... more Mining corporation plays a role as surrogate state since it takes after the state in its development agenda. One of the biggest coal mining companies in Indonesia, PT. KPC (Kaltim Prima Coal), has carried out several activities other than mining ones. The activities are manifested in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programs. An obligation to recover post-mining area by KPC is already implemented in a program called PESAT (Integrated Cattle Farm) which is one of the CSR programs. The farm in the recovered post-mining area is developed as a social program for people living around the mining area. My research was carried out with qualitative approach. Participatory observation and interviews with people in the village of Swarga Bara, Kutai Timur, East Kalimantan, were used in collecting data. The result shows that the people living around the KPC is an active agent in responding the corporate lives. The local people, in fact, depend on the KPC’s social programs since the programs...

Global: Jurnal Politik Internasional
In the European nations, there has been a lot of discussions and arguments regarding the communit... more In the European nations, there has been a lot of discussions and arguments regarding the community who have a ‘migration background’. Migrants nowadays are more capable of competing against local residents in terms of looking for better employment and participating in the political activities in European countries. Consequently, it creates fear within ‘mainstream’ society since it is presumably able to threaten their way of life. This interesting moment can benefit the populist political parties for gaining voices from the majority population. But, in the aftermath of 22/7 terror attacks in Norway, it also created tension between locals and those who are considered having a ‘migration background’. The people who have migration background, especially Muslim community, already has long history of migration to Norway. Therefore, the research question is how the Muslim community adapt to the situation of populism in Norway. By using historical literatures and research articles regarding...

Global Jurnal Politik Internasional, 2021
Di negara-negara Eropa, banyak diskusi dan perdebatan mengenai komunitas yang berlatar belakang m... more Di negara-negara Eropa, banyak diskusi dan perdebatan mengenai komunitas yang berlatar belakang migrasi. Migran saat ini lebih mampu bersaing dengan penduduk lokal dalam hal mencari pekerjaan yang lebih baik dan berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan politik di negara-negara Eropa. Hal ini menimbulkan ketakutan dalam masyarakat 'mainstream' karena diduga dapat mengancam kehidupan mereka. Momen menarik ini bisa menjadi manfaat bagi partai politik populis untuk mendapatkan suara dari mayoritas penduduk. Namun, pasca serangan teror 22/7 yang terjadi di Norwegia berhasil menciptakan ketegangan antara warga lokal dengan mereka yang dianggap 'berlatar belakang migrasi'. Mengingat, orang-orang yang berlatar belakang migrasi, khususnya komunitas Muslim, sudah memiliki sejarah panjang migrasi ke Norwegia. Oleh karena itu, pertanyaan penelitian artikel ini adalah bagaimana komunitas Muslim beradaptasi dengan situasi Populisme di Norwegia. Dengan menggunakan literatur sejarah dan artikel-artikel penelitian pasca 22/7 menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan interseksional berguna untuk melihat percampuran aspek kelas, identitas, agama, kebangsaan, gender, dan etnisitas masyarakat yang terpinggirkan. Kini, para migran ini menghadapi berbagai diskriminasi. Melakukan protes di ruang publik sebagai cara beradaptasi dengan iklim populisme menjadi salah satu perjuangan mereka untuk memperoleh hak-hak sebagai warga (kewargaan) karena pemerintah dinilai gagal mengelola masyarakat yang beragam, terutama dalam membantu kelompok minoritas. Situasi seperti ini cukup umum terjadi di era populisme yang muncul di banyak negara yang menargetkan kelompok minoritas sebagai manuver politik untuk mendapat suara yang besar di kalangan masyarakat 'umum'.

Simulacra, 2021
This paper expects to reveal the struggle of elderly female porters or buruh gendong who mostly h... more This paper expects to reveal the struggle of elderly female porters or buruh gendong who mostly had a historical background of working in industrial production (factory) but ended up being self-employed at Beringharjo traditional market of Yogyakarta. They used to work as factory workers. However, most factories collapsed in the aftermath of the 1997 economic crisis, especially in Southeast Asia. These older people from peri-urban (and rural) areas with lower-class status ended up in urban areas to be self-employed and became precarious workers. Therefore, the research questions are how they cope with the income uncertainties only to meet their daily needs and still desire their children to have a better living condition. Observations and interviews were done with 25 elderly female traditional porters as the research methods from 2020. They are primarily in the age range of late 50-80 years old. The results show that income uncertainties and social insecurity bring about precariousness. Buruh gendong have to work every day only to make ends meet. However, these conditions could also open up alternative perspectives that they often found themselves liberated from the control of industrial production. They do not work for capital owners or bosses; they work for themselves (self-employed). They are free or more flexible on working hours, but, at the same time, they have to accept their insecure employment. Buruh gendong also have desires for their children to be able to achieve a higher education level. Eventually, the desires are mostly unfulfilled; their children get unfortunate work and still live barely.
Jurnal Perempuan
This research examines women’s role and their decision-making related to swidden farming. This re... more This research examines women’s role and their decision-making related to swidden farming. This research was conducted in two different regions, Sorong (lowland) and Maybrat (highland) in West Papua. Key informants in this research were indigenous Papuan women, their husbands, and relatives. The aim of the research is to demonstrate that in the realm of traditional agriculture, women play important roles, starting from production, plant nursery, to the crop distribution to market. Nonetheless, the role of women tends to disappear, when the system of agriculture changes to sedentary farming by using chemical substances and other modern and farming technologies.
Jurnal Perempuan
This research examines women’s role and their decision-making related to swidden farming. This re... more This research examines women’s role and their decision-making related to swidden farming. This research was conducted in two different regions, Sorong (lowland) and Maybrat (highland) in West Papua. Key informants in this research were indigenous Papuan women, their husbands, and relatives. The aim of the research is to demonstrate that in the realm of traditional agriculture, women play important roles, starting from production, plant nursery, to the crop distribution to market. Nonetheless, the role of women tends to disappear, when the system of agriculture changes to sedentary farming by using chemical substances and other modern and farming technologies.

Jurnal CIC Lembaga Riset dan Konsultan Sosial, 2021
Mining corporation plays a role as surrogate state since it takes after the state in its developm... more Mining corporation plays a role as surrogate state since it takes after the state in its development agenda. One of the biggest coal mining companies in Indonesia, PT. KPC (Kaltim Prima Coal), has carried out several activities other than mining ones. The activities are manifested in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programs. An obligation to recover post-mining area by KPC is already implemented in a program called PESAT (Integrated Cattle Farm) which is one of the CSR programs. The farm in the recovered post-mining area is developed as a social program for people living around the mining area. My research was carried out with qualitative approach. Participatory observation and interviews with people in the village of Swarga Bara, Kutai Timur, East Kalimantan, were used in collecting data. The result shows that the people living around the KPC is an active agent in responding the corporate lives. The local people, in fact, depend on the KPC's social programs since the programs are in favor of local development and welfare. Nevertheless, the local people respond negatively toward programs which do not meet their needs.
Conference Presentations by Gilang Mahadika

16th Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies, 2021
This paper expects to reveal the struggle of elderly female porters or buruh gendongs who mostly ... more This paper expects to reveal the struggle of elderly female porters or buruh gendongs who mostly have historical background of working in industrial production, but ended up being self-employed at Traditional Beringharjo Market of Yogyakarta. They used to work as factory workers. But, in the aftermath of 1997 economic crisis especially in Southeast Asia (Ahn, 2000), most of the factories collapsed. These older people who came from peri-urban (and rural) areas and considered to be of lower class status ended up in urban areas to be self-employed and become precarious workers. The government generally provided social protection as pensions for the elderly butis only for people working at formal sector (Cook and Pincus, 2014: 6). Meanwhile, neoliberal principles are going along with the process of informalization of the economy (Gago, 2017: 7). So, the elderly who live barely as low-income workers and are expecting retirement benefits are beyond their reach, since they are working in the informal sector. Buruh gendongs then are experiencing the flexibilization of labor, since they have to adapt to a new type of working environments. Their adult children are not able to help the elder, because they are in economic distress as well. This state of affairs shows that buruh gendongs is a precarious labor. My research questions are how they cope with the income uncertainties only to meet their daily needs and still have desire for their children to have a better situation. Observations and several interviews were done with 25 traditional elderly women porters as my methods from the beginning of 2020. They are mostly in age range 50-80 years old. The results show that income uncertainties and social insecurity bring about the precariousness. They have to work everyday (no day-off) only to make ends meet. But these conditions could also open up alternative perspectives that they often found themselves liberated from the control of industrial production. They don’t work for capital owners or bosses; they work for themselves (self-employed). They are free or more flexible on working hours, but, at the same time, they have to accept their insecure employment. Buruh gendongs also have desires for their children to be able to achieve a higher education level. Buruh gendongs’ awareness to send their children to higher education level can be seen in their unceasing efforts to cope with their income uncertainties and social insecurity. Eventually, the desires are mostly unfulfilled; their children get unfortunate work and still live barely.
Books by Gilang Mahadika
Kongres Kebudayaan Desa, 2020
Gilang Mahadika yang berjudul “Meninjau Ulang Niat Pemerintah Memperbaiki Kehidupan Masyarakat Da... more Gilang Mahadika yang berjudul “Meninjau Ulang Niat Pemerintah Memperbaiki Kehidupan Masyarakat Dataran Tinggi” kaya akan sumber pustaka mengenai bagaimana secara historis negara selama ini mengabaikan pedesaan di dataran tinggi. Pengabaian ini membuat negara seperti tidak pernah hadir dalam komunitas-komunitas di dataran tinggi dan pegunungan. Gilang mengkritik bahwa sekalinya pemerintah hadir dalam mengupayakan pembangunan di dataran tinggi, justru tidak menghadirkan solusi, melainkan memunculkan masalah baru bagi penduduk setempat. Beragam agenda pembangunan daerah tertinggal oleh pemerintah perlu melandaskan kembali pada konteks sejarah ekonomi dan sosial budaya yang ada di masyarakat, tidak sekadar mencerabut masyarakat dari akar tradisi atau budayanya.
Papers by Gilang Mahadika
Conference Presentations by Gilang Mahadika
Books by Gilang Mahadika