Papers by F Febiyanto

Clays and Clay Minerals, 2022
Clay minerals in Gamalama volcanic soil
have not yet been identified thoroughly. The soil is
esti... more Clay minerals in Gamalama volcanic soil
have not yet been identified thoroughly. The soil is
estimated to contain nanoscale natural clays, such as
halloysite or imogolite. The occurrence of nanoclays in
the soil will support the development of many applica-
tions in nanotechnologies from nature. The objective of
the present study was to characterize soil samples from
five different locations around the volcano at three dif-
ferent depths from the soil surface. A total of 50 g of dry
soil sample was stirred slowly in 300 mL of distilled
water. Stirring was stopped after the addition of 10 mL
of 30% H2O2 and then allowed to stand for 24 h. The
small floating particles with dimensions of <2 μm were
separated from the mixture and collected using a centri-
fuge at 4000 rpm (1790×g) for 30 min. About 5 g of
solid sample was obtained for further characterization.
X-ray diffraction results showed the presence of
halloysite, allophane, and kaolinite. Morphology ana-
lysis by scanning and transmission electron microscopy
of some representative samples showed short tubes 10–
20 nm in diameter and 50–100 nm long with the
halloysite structure. Halloysite was found at 70 cm
depth from the soil surface at almost all locations. The
surface area determined by the surface area analyzer
using the BET equation was as much as 112.51 m2
/g. This surface area is thought to be the largest ever deter-
mined for a natural nanoclay, paving the way for future
application as catalytic or photocatalytic-supporting

Walisongo Journal of Chemistry, 2021
In this work, a facile enhanced property of Ag3PO4 photocatalyst using H2O2 for methylene blue ph... more In this work, a facile enhanced property of Ag3PO4 photocatalyst using H2O2 for methylene blue photodegradation has been conducted. Ag3PO4 photocatalyst was synthesized using the coprecipitation method. Then, the photocatalytic activity and stability of Ag3PO4 were tested in the methylene blue degradation under the addition of an H2O2 30% solution. According to the results, the prolonged photocatalysis reaction led to a decrease in the catalysis ability of the Ag3PO4 photocatalyst. Meanwhile, the addition of 5 mL of H2O2 (AH-10% sample) tends to enhance the stability of Ag3PO4 photocatalyst with the dye removal percentage and recycling test were up to 90.3% and three recycle runs, respectively. The low stability of Ag3PO4 might be due to the catalyst photo-corrosion through Ag + reduction. This research suggests that H2O2 is beneficial to inhibit the photo-corrosion of Ag3PO4 photocatalyst, even though released Ag ions that were caused by the excess addition of H2O2 oxidizing agent should be considered.

Walisongo Journal of Chemistry, 2020
This study investigated the electrolyte property of humus-contained andosol soil using ... more This study investigated the electrolyte property of humus-contained andosol soil using Volta cell. The electrodes that are used were Cu and Zn for cathode and anode, respectively. This research was done by varying electrode area and distance between Cu and Zn electrodes. The varied electrode area was 20, 30, and 40 cm2, whereas the electrode distance was 3, 4, and 5 cm. Then, the current and voltage profiles of Volta cell system were measured using a digital multimeter. The result showed that humus-contained andosol soil has an electrolyte property. Electrolyte property of andosol soil might be due to the humus substance that has a high cationic-exchange capacity. Besides, it showed that the increase of the electrode area, the current and voltage were increased gradually. In contrast, the increase in current and voltage could be found by the decrease of electrode distance. In addition, the use of 24-Volta cells system enhancing current and voltage compared to a single cell. It suggests that the increase of current and voltage was relatively proportional to the number of Volta cell. Therefore, this research can be a reference for the identification of electrolyte property of natural or waste materials.

Walisongo Journal of Chemistry, 2020
This work investigated the effect of temperature and aeration treatments on the dissolved oxygen ... more This work investigated the effect of temperature and aeration treatments on the dissolved oxygen (DO) values in freshwater. The study was carried out using a simple water bath reactor in room temperature condition. Based on the results, freshwater sample without the aeration and temperature treatments (control) indicates a fluctuating profile on which the obtained values of DO were 4.21-4.98 mg/L at Taverage = 27.7 °C. However, the aeration treatment was slightly able to enhance the DO value up to 8.12 mg/L from the initial concentration of 3.88 mg/L at Taverage = 27.4 °C. Compared to the aeration treatment, the addition of temperature treatment has extremely increased the DO value up to 21 mg/L from 6.6 mg/L (T0 minutes = 27 °C) for 20 minutes of DO observation (T20 minutes = 12.4 °C). Hence, this brief report suggests that the addition of temperature treatment gave a significant effect on the DO value in freshwater than the aeration treatment and control.

Walisongo Journal of Chemistry, 2019
To promote the student curiosity and understanding in the electrolyte medium was carried out usin... more To promote the student curiosity and understanding in the electrolyte medium was carried out using home-made Volta cell. The electrode materials were iron and carbon for anode (-) and cathode (+), respectively. The experiment was designed by two models that were single-chamber (SC) and three series-packed chambers (3-SCs), respectively. Electrolyte properties could be investigated in pineapple peel (Ananas comosus L.)-based electrolyte medium during the operating time of 8 hours, respectively. The measured-voltage of 2.63 and 2.60 of the 3-SCs system could turn on the LED lamp. However, in this study, the decrease of voltage and current were due to the oxidation process of the pineapple peel-based medium under air, room temperature, and normal pressure during the long-operating time of the experiment. Finally, this research expected to provide additional valuable experience and knowledge as same as to facilitate in information delivering to the students in understanding the electrolyte medium from the waste or natural sources.

Jurnal Kimia Valensi, 2020
Synthesis of Ag3PO4 photocatalyst under the varied concentrations of AgNO3 and Na2HPO4·12H2O as s... more Synthesis of Ag3PO4 photocatalyst under the varied concentrations of AgNO3 and Na2HPO4·12H2O as starting material has been successfully synthesized using the co-precipitation method. The concentration of AgNO3 is 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 M, whereas Na2HPO4·12H2O is 0.03, 0.17, 0.33, and 0.67 M, respectively. The co-precipitations were carried out under aqueous solution. As-synthesized photocatalysts were examined to degrade Rhodamine B (RhB) under blue light irradiation. The results showed that varying concentrations of starting materials affect the photocatalytic activities, the intensity ratio of [110]/[200] facet plane, and their bandgap energies of Ag3PO4 photocatalyst. The highest photocatalytic activity of the sample was obtained by synthesized using the 1.0 M of AgNO3 and 0.33 M of Na2HPO4·12H2O (AP-1.0). This is due to the high [110] facet plane and increased absorption along the visible region of AP-1.0 photocatalyst. Therefore, this result could be a consideration for the improvement of Ag3PO4 photocatalyst.

Al-Kimia, 2019
The cellulose acetate-polystyrene or CA-PS composite membrane from pineapple peel waste for methy... more The cellulose acetate-polystyrene or CA-PS composite membrane from pineapple peel waste for methylene blue removal has been conducted. The steps were nata de pina preparation, cellulose acetylation process, preparation, and characterization of CA-PS composite membrane. The CA-PS composite membrane was characterized using Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), tensile and strain examination, respectively. The as-synthesized CA-PS composite membrane has the characteristic of rejection ability was about 29.96% with the pore size, membrane modulus, stress and strain were 1.9 μm, 12.48 MPa, 31.91 MPa, and 2.55, respectively. In this research, CA-PS composite membrane from pineapple peel waste was successfully removed the methylene blue dye even needs improvement to enhance its capability in rejection efficiency as same as membrane characteristics.

Jurnal Kimia Terapan Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Applied Chemistry), 2019
Biodiesel production from avocado seed oils has been carried out using the heterogeneous catalyst... more Biodiesel production from avocado seed oils has been carried out using the heterogeneous catalyst of Mg-Al/hydrotalcite. Transesterification process was conducted by varying temperature reaction and oil-methanol molar ratio. The reaction temperature was 30, 40, 50, and 60°C, whereas the oil-methanol molar ratio was 1:3, 1:6, 1:9, and 1:12, respectively. The as-synthesized Mg-Al/hydrotalcite catalyst was characterized using X-ray diffraction and FTIR. Meanwhile, the biodiesel was analyzed their density, viscosity, water content, and 1 H-NMR analysis. The results showed that optimum condition in biodiesel production was the oil-methanol molar ratio of 1:6 at a reaction temperature of 60°C for 60 minutes and catalyst quantity of 2% yielding biodiesel conversion percentage was approximately 15.90%. However, these preliminary findings showed that Mg-Al/hydrotalcite was able to convert the avocado seed oils into biodiesel even if still need further analysis and research so that produces a higher percentage of biodiesel conversion.

Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 2019
The highly active photocatalyst of Ag3PO4 could be synthesized under ammonia solution using the f... more The highly active photocatalyst of Ag3PO4 could be synthesized under ammonia solution using the facile co-precipitation method with the starting material of AgNO3 and Na2HPO4.12H2O. The variation of ammonia concentration was designed at 0.00, 0.05, 0.15, and 0.30 M. The products were characterized using X-ray diffraction, UV-diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. The photocatalytic activities were evaluated using the Rhodamine B degradation under blue light irradiation. The effect of calcination, pH condition, and visible light source irradiation was carried out in the experiment. The highest photocatalytic activity was found in the sample prepared using the addition of ammonia solution at the concentration of 0.05 M. This photocatalytic activity was 4.13 times higher compared to the Ag3PO4 prepared without the ammonia. The effective condition of photocatalytic activity was achieved at the sample prepared without calcination, degradation at pH of 7 and under blue light irradiation.

Jurnal MIPA, 2016
Rhodamine B (RhB), indogosol and naphtol dyes are used in batik industries. Electrodecolorization... more Rhodamine B (RhB), indogosol and naphtol dyes are used in batik industries. Electrodecolorization method is an electrochemical process to remove the dye using direct current. The purpose of this study is to decrease the concentration of the liquid waste of batik dye optimally by electrodecolorization method by utilizing the carbon rods of used batteries. The batik liquid waste is rhodamine B (RhB), naphtol blue black and indigosol as a source of dye. Electrochemical cell cathode in the form of carbon rod derived from used batteries and anode in the form of iron plate. Optimization in dye degradation process is done on the variation of the current, pH and distance of two electrodes. Current variation is set at 3, 5 and 7 A; pH is at 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11; distance of two electrodes is set at 1; 1.5 and 2 cm. Decreasing the concentration of rhodamine B (RhB) shows that the distance, pH and optimum current respectively 1 cm, pH 9 and the current 7 A that is 78.68%. Decreasing the concentration of indigosol shows that the distance, pH and optimum current respectively 1 cm, pH 11 and the current 7 A that is 95.90%, whereas naphtol blue black dye shows that the distance, pH and optimum current respectively 1 cm, pH 9 and current 7 A that is 74.15%.

Jurnal UIAC, 2015
Clean air is a fundamental requirement for human and the others. In particular, the quality of ai... more Clean air is a fundamental requirement for human and the others. In particular, the quality of air must be
maintained from air pollution because almost 90% of people living in the room. The air pollution in the room arising
from the activity of people in industrial and transportation sectors. This was reported by EPA in 1989 that study of
indoor air pollution is more severe than the outdoors. It reduce the labor productivity up to US $10 billion. People
generally use Air Conditioner (AC) and air freshener to decrease the bad smell in the room. However, use of Air
Conditioner has a bad impact because it contains Chlor (Cl) like Freon and CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon). It was
decreasing the ozon layer causing global warming. Then, it also consumses of 45-66% electrical energy. The
alternative solution to solve this problem is to use activated carbon as adsorbent which is more saving energy and
friendly technology. The use of activated carbon is one application of Green Building. The activated carbon is a good
adsorbent for purification, decreasing dye and smell, dechlorination, detoxification, filtration, separation as well as a catalyst. The activated carbon has long been studied because its ability to absorb the air pollution. For example, Basuki
(2007), make a media-coated exhaust activated carbon without the insertion of TiO2 can reduce HC air pollution with
long media 5,10 and 15 cm are 142,67; 122,67 and 90,67 ppm respectively, from initial concentration 663 ppm.
Whereas, SO2 gas can be decreased to 477,950; 367,353; 215,95 μg/m3 respectively, from initial concentration 930,41
μg/m3 etc.The activated carbon with a specific method can be packed into a painting. Through the use of activated
carbon as a panting not only can absorb the odors but also improve the aesthetics of the room (2 in 1).
Catalysis Communications, 2016
Saddle-like Ag3PO4 particles of tetrahedron structure were successfully synthesized using
a co-pr... more Saddle-like Ag3PO4 particles of tetrahedron structure were successfully synthesized using
a co-preciptation method by mixing H3PO4 ethanol solution and AgNO3 ethanol aqueous
solution, where the percentage of ethanol in AgNO3 ethanol aqueous solution was varied at 0, 50,
80, 90 and 100 % (v/v). The photocatalytic performance of the synthesized samples was
evaluated by photodegradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) under blue light irradiation (λ=455 nm).
The results showed that the morphology of the Ag3PO4 particles greatly changed depending on
the ethanol content in the reaction solution. Excellent photocatalytic activity was observed at 80 %
(v/v) of ethanol, where the Ag3PO4 showed saddle-like morphology derived from the tetrahedron

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2016
The iron oxide-silver orthophosphate composites were successfully synthesized by co-precipitation... more The iron oxide-silver orthophosphate composites were successfully synthesized by co-precipitation method using Fe(NO3)3.9H2O, AgNO3, and Na2HPO4.12 H2O, followed by calcination at 500oC for 5 hours. The Fe/Ag mole ratios of iron oxide-silver orthophosphate composites were designed at 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4. The samples were characterized using X-ray Diffraction, Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Specific Surface Area. The photocatalytic activities were evaluated using Rhodamine B degradation under visible light irradiation. The iron oxide-silver orthophosphate composite with the Fe/Ag mole ratio of 0.2 exhibited higher photocatalytic activity
compared to the pure Ag3PO4 under visible light irradiation. The enhanced photocatalytic activity could be attributed to the effective separation of hole (+) and electron pairs in the iron oxide-silver orthophosphate composite.
Teaching Documents by F Febiyanto
Inorganic & Materials: Notes, 2020
Peran kimia organologam dalam pengembangan Kimia Anorganik.
Inorganic & Materials: Notes, 2020
Baca dan pahami satu topik kecil dalam buku senyawa organologam (The Organometallic Chemistry of ... more Baca dan pahami satu topik kecil dalam buku senyawa organologam (The Organometallic Chemistry of The Transition Metals karya Robert H. Crabtree)!

Inorganic & Materials: Notes, 2020
Senyawa kompleks merupakan senyawa yang terbentuk melalui ikatan kovalen koordinasi diantara ion ... more Senyawa kompleks merupakan senyawa yang terbentuk melalui ikatan kovalen koordinasi diantara ion atau atom pusat dengan ligannya. Ikatan kovalen koordinasi merupakan ikatan yang terbentuk dimana pasangan elektron yang digunakan secara bersama-sama berasal dari salah satu atom. Dalam hal ini, ion atau atom pusat dalam senyawa kompleks berperan sebagai asam Lewis atau akseptor pasangan elektron bebas, sedangkan ligan-ligan yang mengelilingi atom pusat berperan sebagai donor elektron atau pemberi pasangan elektron bebas. Salah satu bahasan dalam senyawa kompleks adalah tinjauan kestabilan senyawa kompleks dilihat baik secara termodinamik maupun kinetiknya. Kestabilan realtif senyawa kompleks dibedakan kedalam kestabilan termodinamik dan kinetik. Kestabilan termodinamik yakni berbicara mengenai stabil dan tidak stabil. Kestabilan termodinamik berkaitan erat dengan energi ikatan diantara logam dengan ligan, tetapan kestabilan dan variabel-variabel turunannya atau potensial redoks yang mengukur kestabilan tingkat valensi logam. Sedangkan kestabilan kinetik membahas inert dan labil yang berkaitan dengan sifat senyawa kompleks dalam larutan baik menyangkut laju dan mekanisme reaksi kimiawi, misalnya subtitusi dan transfer elektron atau transfer gugus, termasuk juga pembentukan senyawa kompleks antara atau kompleks teraktivasi. Dengan kata lain kestabilan kinetik sangat berkaitan erat dengan mekanisme laju terhadap perubahan.
Inorganic & Materials: Notes, 2020
Inorganic and Materials: Notes, 2020
Berikut merupakan url untuk mendownload aplikasi Image J secara gratis: (National Institute of He... more Berikut merupakan url untuk mendownload aplikasi Image J secara gratis: (National Institute of Health). Sesuaikan dengan perangkat OS di dekstopmu. 2. Setelah terinstal (terekstrak), buka aplikasi Image J dan akan muncul tampilan sebagai berikut: 3. Buka gambar SEM/TEM yang akan dianalisis. Klik File → Open. 4. Tampilan akan berubah menjadi dua bagian yakni jendela aktif toolbar dan jendela aktif aktif gambar SEM.
Inorganic and Materials: Notes, 2019
Presentasi Jurnal
Inorganic and Materials: Notes, 2019
Tugas pengganti Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Analisis Klinik dan Forensik [MKK-6505] 2019.
Papers by F Febiyanto
have not yet been identified thoroughly. The soil is
estimated to contain nanoscale natural clays, such as
halloysite or imogolite. The occurrence of nanoclays in
the soil will support the development of many applica-
tions in nanotechnologies from nature. The objective of
the present study was to characterize soil samples from
five different locations around the volcano at three dif-
ferent depths from the soil surface. A total of 50 g of dry
soil sample was stirred slowly in 300 mL of distilled
water. Stirring was stopped after the addition of 10 mL
of 30% H2O2 and then allowed to stand for 24 h. The
small floating particles with dimensions of <2 μm were
separated from the mixture and collected using a centri-
fuge at 4000 rpm (1790×g) for 30 min. About 5 g of
solid sample was obtained for further characterization.
X-ray diffraction results showed the presence of
halloysite, allophane, and kaolinite. Morphology ana-
lysis by scanning and transmission electron microscopy
of some representative samples showed short tubes 10–
20 nm in diameter and 50–100 nm long with the
halloysite structure. Halloysite was found at 70 cm
depth from the soil surface at almost all locations. The
surface area determined by the surface area analyzer
using the BET equation was as much as 112.51 m2
/g. This surface area is thought to be the largest ever deter-
mined for a natural nanoclay, paving the way for future
application as catalytic or photocatalytic-supporting
maintained from air pollution because almost 90% of people living in the room. The air pollution in the room arising
from the activity of people in industrial and transportation sectors. This was reported by EPA in 1989 that study of
indoor air pollution is more severe than the outdoors. It reduce the labor productivity up to US $10 billion. People
generally use Air Conditioner (AC) and air freshener to decrease the bad smell in the room. However, use of Air
Conditioner has a bad impact because it contains Chlor (Cl) like Freon and CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon). It was
decreasing the ozon layer causing global warming. Then, it also consumses of 45-66% electrical energy. The
alternative solution to solve this problem is to use activated carbon as adsorbent which is more saving energy and
friendly technology. The use of activated carbon is one application of Green Building. The activated carbon is a good
adsorbent for purification, decreasing dye and smell, dechlorination, detoxification, filtration, separation as well as a catalyst. The activated carbon has long been studied because its ability to absorb the air pollution. For example, Basuki
(2007), make a media-coated exhaust activated carbon without the insertion of TiO2 can reduce HC air pollution with
long media 5,10 and 15 cm are 142,67; 122,67 and 90,67 ppm respectively, from initial concentration 663 ppm.
Whereas, SO2 gas can be decreased to 477,950; 367,353; 215,95 μg/m3 respectively, from initial concentration 930,41
μg/m3 etc.The activated carbon with a specific method can be packed into a painting. Through the use of activated
carbon as a panting not only can absorb the odors but also improve the aesthetics of the room (2 in 1).
a co-preciptation method by mixing H3PO4 ethanol solution and AgNO3 ethanol aqueous
solution, where the percentage of ethanol in AgNO3 ethanol aqueous solution was varied at 0, 50,
80, 90 and 100 % (v/v). The photocatalytic performance of the synthesized samples was
evaluated by photodegradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) under blue light irradiation (λ=455 nm).
The results showed that the morphology of the Ag3PO4 particles greatly changed depending on
the ethanol content in the reaction solution. Excellent photocatalytic activity was observed at 80 %
(v/v) of ethanol, where the Ag3PO4 showed saddle-like morphology derived from the tetrahedron
compared to the pure Ag3PO4 under visible light irradiation. The enhanced photocatalytic activity could be attributed to the effective separation of hole (+) and electron pairs in the iron oxide-silver orthophosphate composite.
Teaching Documents by F Febiyanto
have not yet been identified thoroughly. The soil is
estimated to contain nanoscale natural clays, such as
halloysite or imogolite. The occurrence of nanoclays in
the soil will support the development of many applica-
tions in nanotechnologies from nature. The objective of
the present study was to characterize soil samples from
five different locations around the volcano at three dif-
ferent depths from the soil surface. A total of 50 g of dry
soil sample was stirred slowly in 300 mL of distilled
water. Stirring was stopped after the addition of 10 mL
of 30% H2O2 and then allowed to stand for 24 h. The
small floating particles with dimensions of <2 μm were
separated from the mixture and collected using a centri-
fuge at 4000 rpm (1790×g) for 30 min. About 5 g of
solid sample was obtained for further characterization.
X-ray diffraction results showed the presence of
halloysite, allophane, and kaolinite. Morphology ana-
lysis by scanning and transmission electron microscopy
of some representative samples showed short tubes 10–
20 nm in diameter and 50–100 nm long with the
halloysite structure. Halloysite was found at 70 cm
depth from the soil surface at almost all locations. The
surface area determined by the surface area analyzer
using the BET equation was as much as 112.51 m2
/g. This surface area is thought to be the largest ever deter-
mined for a natural nanoclay, paving the way for future
application as catalytic or photocatalytic-supporting
maintained from air pollution because almost 90% of people living in the room. The air pollution in the room arising
from the activity of people in industrial and transportation sectors. This was reported by EPA in 1989 that study of
indoor air pollution is more severe than the outdoors. It reduce the labor productivity up to US $10 billion. People
generally use Air Conditioner (AC) and air freshener to decrease the bad smell in the room. However, use of Air
Conditioner has a bad impact because it contains Chlor (Cl) like Freon and CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon). It was
decreasing the ozon layer causing global warming. Then, it also consumses of 45-66% electrical energy. The
alternative solution to solve this problem is to use activated carbon as adsorbent which is more saving energy and
friendly technology. The use of activated carbon is one application of Green Building. The activated carbon is a good
adsorbent for purification, decreasing dye and smell, dechlorination, detoxification, filtration, separation as well as a catalyst. The activated carbon has long been studied because its ability to absorb the air pollution. For example, Basuki
(2007), make a media-coated exhaust activated carbon without the insertion of TiO2 can reduce HC air pollution with
long media 5,10 and 15 cm are 142,67; 122,67 and 90,67 ppm respectively, from initial concentration 663 ppm.
Whereas, SO2 gas can be decreased to 477,950; 367,353; 215,95 μg/m3 respectively, from initial concentration 930,41
μg/m3 etc.The activated carbon with a specific method can be packed into a painting. Through the use of activated
carbon as a panting not only can absorb the odors but also improve the aesthetics of the room (2 in 1).
a co-preciptation method by mixing H3PO4 ethanol solution and AgNO3 ethanol aqueous
solution, where the percentage of ethanol in AgNO3 ethanol aqueous solution was varied at 0, 50,
80, 90 and 100 % (v/v). The photocatalytic performance of the synthesized samples was
evaluated by photodegradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) under blue light irradiation (λ=455 nm).
The results showed that the morphology of the Ag3PO4 particles greatly changed depending on
the ethanol content in the reaction solution. Excellent photocatalytic activity was observed at 80 %
(v/v) of ethanol, where the Ag3PO4 showed saddle-like morphology derived from the tetrahedron
compared to the pure Ag3PO4 under visible light irradiation. The enhanced photocatalytic activity could be attributed to the effective separation of hole (+) and electron pairs in the iron oxide-silver orthophosphate composite.
22,48% hemiselulosa dapat dihidrolisis menjadi xilosa kemudian dihidrogenasi
menjadi gula rendah kalori xilitol.
Karya tulis ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk memberikan wawasan serta
informasi pemanfaatan limbah sekam padi yang dapat dioptimalkan untuk
dijadikan gula bagi penderita diabetes. Mengupayakan kehidupan yang lebih sehat
melalui inovasi gula rendah kalori (xilitol) dari limbah sekam padi bagi penderita
diabetes. Mengoptimalkan potensi limbah sekam padi yang saat ini belum bisa
Metode penulisan yang digunakan dalam proses penyusunan karya tulis ini
adalah dengan metode pengumpulan data, proses penyeleksian dan konsultasi
dengan dosen ahli, diskusi dan uraian singkat, kemudian data yang sudah
didapatkan diolah, disusun secara sistematis, kemudian ditarik kesimpulan.
Pemanfaatan limbah sekam padi sebagi gula bagi penderita diabetes ditujukan
bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia khusunya bagi penderita diabetes yang
menginginkan kehidupan yang lebih sehat tanpa gula tinggi kalori. Langkah yang
diambil untuk mencapai tujuan ini yakni pertama, identifikasi bahan dalam skala
riset sehingga dihasilkan produk yangs sesuai; kedua, pengujian produk ke
lembaga pemerintahan seperti Kemenkes dan BPOM agar layak konsumsi melalui
uji klinis; ketiga, menjalin kerja sama dengan pihak indutri dalam memproduksi
bahan bangunan. Namun, pemanfaatan biji ketapang khusunya menjadi minyak saat ini belum diterapkan di masyarakat Cilacap sehingga biji ketapang terbuang
percuma atau manfaatnya belum bisa dimaksimalkan. Minyak Ketapang (MiyKe) menjadi solusi yang tepat guna dengan mengkonversi biji ketapang menjadi
minyak goreng sebagai pemecah masalah sekaligus sumber alternatif. Karya tulis ini bertujuan merumuskan konsep untuk menyadarkan masyarakat daerah Cilacap akan kebermanfaatan biji.Penginformasian gagasan ini
dilaukan beberpa tahap. Pertama adalah dengan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat Cilacap. Tahap kedua adalah dengan pendidikan dan pembinaan. Pada tahap ke
tiga adalah dilakukannya proses produksi baik dari segi kecil-menengah bagi masyarakat kekuatan potensial kecil atau bahkan menengah ke atas bagi masyarakat yang mampu secara mandiri dan potensi yang dimilki. Terakhir
adalah proses pendampingan yang di dalamnya mencakup pengawasan dan media konsultasi. Gagasan ini ditulis dengan dengan analisis dari beberapa permasalahan yang terjadi didaerah Cilacap, yang dikombinasi dengan solusi logis berdasarkan tinjauan pustaka yang ada.
Latar belakang daerah Cilacap yang mendukung serta diterapkannya gagasan ini dapat menjadi solusi dalam pemecahan masalah biji ketapang yang kurang termanfaatkan. Produk yang dihasilkan bisa menjadi sumber alternatif selain pengunaan minyak goreng dari kelapa sawit serta bisa menjadi sarana perkembangan indutrial di kawasan tersebut yang mampu membuka lapangan pekerjaan baru sehingga meningkatkan pendapatan daerah di Cilacap
didoping dan dikombinasikan dengan suatu material adsorben seperti karbon aktif sehingga dapat bekerja maksimal dibawah sinar tampak. Mekanisme penurunan kadar polutan udara menggunakan ACe pada filter ventilasi yakni ketika nano-TiO2 terdoping yang dikombinasikan dengan karbon aktif diaktivasi menggunakan sinar (hv) pada panjang gelombang tertentu akan menghasilkan elektron spesis kimia (e-) dan hole (h+). Hole (h+) akan berinteraksi dengan uap air (H2O) di udara menghasilkan OH radikal (•OH) yang bersifat sebagai oksidator kuat. Elektron (e-) akan bereaksi dengan O2 di udara membentuk radikal superoksida (•O2-) yang bersifat sebagai reduktor. Spesis radikal kimia yang dihasilkan bersama-sama akan digunakan untuk mendegradasi polutan udara yang akan masuk ke dalam ruangan melalui sistem filter ventilasi. Pemanfaatan Air Cleaning System (ACe) menggunakan nano-TiO2 terdoping yang dikombinasikan dengan karbon aktif yang dipasang pada sistem ventilasi akan dapat menurunkan kadar polutan udara sehingga udara menjadi bersih dan lebih sehat bagi penghuni bangunan atau rumah.
asetat, asam sulfida sehingga mengurangi kemampuan lingkungan dan mengganggu lingkungan. Teknologi untuk memecahkan masalah ini sangat penting dimana dampak buruk dari kadar BOD dan COD yang tinggi di lingkungan. Teknologi berbasis fotokatalis TiO2 yakni dengan melapisi reaktor dengan fotokatalis TiO2. TiO2 disinari cahaya UV dengan energi yang sesuai maka akan terbentuk pasangan elektron–hole (e- dan h+, elektron dan lubang positif) pada permukaan lapisan. Lubang positif (hole) yang terbentuk akan berinteraksi dengan air atau ion OH- menghasilkan radikal hidroksil (·OH). Radika hidroksil ini merupakan spesies yang sangat reaktif menyerang molekul-molekul organik dan dapat mendegradasinya menjadi CO2 dan H2O (dan ion halida jika molekul organik mengandung halogen) (Linsebigler, 1995). Dengan menggunakan TiO sebagai fotokatalis yang dijadikan sebuah lapisan reaktor bisa mendegradasi kandungan dari limbah cair tahu dimana masih tertinggal sehingga penurunan COD dan BOD bisa dioptimalisasi dan tidak berbahaya bagi lingkungan.