Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Architecture
The facade has a function to improve the energy performance of the building by controlling the ac... more The facade has a function to improve the energy performance of the building by controlling the acquisition of sunlight and natural lighting. The biomimetic architecture approach is one form of architecture that imitates the principles of nature—integrating photovoltaics with facades to utilize solar lighting and generate electricity for building needs. The novelty of this study aims to examine the effectiveness of adaptive facade forms with a biomimetic approach integrated with photovoltaic on heat transfer and energy saving and determine the factors that influence it. This study uses the parametric modeling simulation method. In addition, this study compares aspects of heat transfer and energy generated by photovoltaics on adaptive facades with a biomimetic approach. The study's results using a flower petal-shaped adaptive biomimetic facade showed that OTTV 35 watt/m2 (standard) obtained all grid configurations with an opening angle of 10-20 degrees, and the average electrical ...
Energy efficiency is important in saving energy needs and reducing budget funds for hospital oper... more Energy efficiency is important in saving energy needs and reducing budget funds for hospital operations. There needs to be an effort to save energy using renewable solar energy sources. This study aimed to determine the optimal energy gain, the Break Event Point value, and the PV efficiency on the facade and roof of the RSUP Trauma Center NTB. It was conducted using a simulation method with the Rhino Grasshopper application and Open Studio Sketchup. It also involved collecting data and creating 3D input models into the Grasshopper and Open Studio plugin. The next stage was simulating OTTV, Cooling Load, and Photovoltaic in the test room within a year. The optimal PV shading based on the simulation was applied to the facade of the Trauma Center building. The results showed that laying PV on the roof would be more effective within 20 years than on the façade. This is because the efficiency value on the roof is higher than on the facade. The PV system measuring at a distance of 0.8 m on the facade and roof is 4.21% and 8.82% efficient, respectively. The efficiency at a distance of 1 m on the façade and roof is 6.31% and 7.81%, respectively.
Penelitian ini merupakan studi perbandingan hunian sementara dengan pendekatan prefabrikasi. Pene... more Penelitian ini merupakan studi perbandingan hunian sementara dengan pendekatan prefabrikasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan kebutuhan akan preseden desain hunian sementara dengan pendekatan prefabrikasi yang dapat tetap mendekati standar hunian sementara pemerintah (setidaknya mendekati spesifikasi dan anggaran). Penelitian ini akan membandingkan spesifikasi dan anggaran dari 9 model hunian sementara prefabrikasi berdasarkan standar hunian sementara Nasional Indonesia. Tujuannya adalah untuk menemukan preseden untuk hunian sementara prefabrikasi yang lebih mendekati standar hunian sementara di Indonesia. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa metode yaitu kuantitatif dalam deskripsi data awal, kualitatif dalam penilaian akhir, yang dipadukan dengan perbandingan skor yang diberikan pada setiap shelter. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukannya dua tipe hunian sementara prefabrikasi yang cukup mendekati standart hunian sementara Nasional Indonesia berupa sampel F 3...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Cooling energy demand is a global problem, especially in the hot area. According to the Internati... more Cooling energy demand is a global problem, especially in the hot area. According to the International Energy Agency, this problem is driven by complex factors, from economic condition to urbanization. This paper examines the use of simple sun shading design as one of possible solutions to reduce the cooling energy in buildings by lowering indoor temperature. Four south oriented wooden boxes were constructed; three of them have L-shaped mini louvers for sun shading attached while another one without any shading device acted as a base case. Mini-overhangs were also tested under the same conditions. The experiment was conducted in Kitakyushu, Japan for 5 days to show the performance of the sun shading in reducing the indoor temperature. The data were recorded using thermo recorder every 30 minutes. The mini louvers showed better performance than overhang. The mini louvers with gap to size ratio of 1:1 reduced around 12 percentage points of average and 33 percentage points of peak tempe...
ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development, 2019
Indonesia is prone to a variety of natural disasters, one of which is earthquakes. Earthquakes ar... more Indonesia is prone to a variety of natural disasters, one of which is earthquakes. Earthquakes are detrimental to human life, causing among other things a loss of shelter. As such, victims of earthquakes need basic assistance in the form of shelter, which the Indonesian government provides in the transition phase of emergency responses. Several innovations in the provision of temporary shelter have arisen in terms of packaging and fast unloading. This research aimed to examine the effective value of OTTV energy (overall thermal transfer value), differences in room temperature, and thermal comfort in existing temporary shelters. OTTV values and thermal comfort are adapted to Indonesia's humid tropical climate, which has a temperature ranging 24–30°C and air humidity of 75%. Temporary shelters were simulated with Rhinoceros and Grasshopper softwares. The simulation was carried out in two stages, with the first stage simulating the temporary shelter materials and the second stage s...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is implementing the concept of green campus by various means includ... more Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is implementing the concept of green campus by various means including through elements in its sustainable campus development plan. With regards to several factors related to Energy and Climate Change indicators set by UI GreenMetric, this research examined the existing condition of the area of UGM which belongs to academic zone in order to construct a proposal based on a building mass reconfiguration. This proposal was aimed to improve the implementation of energy-specific green campus concept within the Forestry cluster area as a sample case study. This selection was based on the average value of the Building Coverage Ratio (BCR) values in all of the clusters; thus, the scenario was relevant for generalization and could be replicated in other clusters in the university. The study was done in three stages of simulation, and was based on a series of digital simulation of sunlight hour and solar radiation run in Grasshopper using Lady Bug environmental a...
Abstract This paper investigates the energy performance of an office building with a ventilated c... more Abstract This paper investigates the energy performance of an office building with a ventilated composite Trombe wall for winter heating application. The heating potential of composite Trombe wall for an office building was estimated using the dynamic thermal load calculation software, THERB for HAM. We designed a new composite Trombe wall which is oriented on the south side of the office building, and designed pipe with the fan that can control thermo-circulation, located in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan. The office building satisfies the Japan thermal regulation. The central concrete core of the wall is covered with a layer of dark paint, to improve absorptivity of the wall. In addition, to control air flow from the ventilated air layer to the indoor, the ventilation rates of the fan were controlled at 40 m3/h. The effects of those fans that is turned on and off at different time were also investigated. The temperature of the air layer of composite Trombe wall and the room is simulated. The investigation showed that the composite Trombe wall with optimized ventilation can reduce annual energy cost up to 3.7% compared to the composite Trombe wall without air supply.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is implementing the concept of green campus by various means includ... more Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is implementing the concept of green campus by various means including through elements in its sustainable campus development plan. With regards to several factors related to Energy and Climate Change indicators set by UI GreenMetric, this research examined the existing condition of the area of UGM which belongs to academic zone in order to construct a proposal based on a building mass reconfiguration. This proposal was aimed to improve the implementation of energy-specific green campus concept within the Forestry cluster area as a sample case study. This selection was based on the average value of the Building Coverage Ratio (BCR) values in all of the clusters; thus, the scenario was relevant for generalization and could be replicated in other clusters in the university. The study was done in three stages of simulation, and was based on a series of digital simulation of sunlight hour and solar radiation run in Grasshopper using Lady Bug environmental a...
The annual growth of energy consumption in both residential and public buildings has been establi... more The annual growth of energy consumption in both residential and public buildings has been established globally as been significantly increasing. Therefore, the proposed active and passive building designs are intended to provide convenience and greatly reduce the high energy requirements, before considering mechanical systems (associated with fossil fuel-based energy consumption). This encourages the development of a new design, such as the Climate Adaptive Building Shell (CABS). This study aims to assess the effectiveness of CABS with Helicone mechanisms on energy and natural lighting, as well as its influential factors. The parametric modeling simulation method was applied to compare the energy and natural lighting aspects, between the adaptive and static facades of the Helicone mechanism. The results indicated that the adaptive facade was more effective than the static, based on energy and natural lighting. It was also found that the 30° adaptive configuration with the Helicone m...
2006. majus 26-an 6.5 magnitudoju foldrenges sujtotta az indoneziai Yogyakarta szultanatust. Az a... more 2006. majus 26-an 6.5 magnitudoju foldrenges sujtotta az indoneziai Yogyakarta szultanatust. Az aszeizmikus regiokent szamon tartott teruleten, az ismert toresvonalaktol tavol megis 155.000 haz dőlt ossze. A sulyosan serult epuletek kozott volt a Prambanan szentelykomplexum. Felmertuk a serulesek helyet, a kőtombok elmozdulasanak, ill. lehullasanak iranyat. Rekonstrualtuk a legerősebb rongalast okozo feszultsegiranyt. A 30°-210° iranyu σ1 főfeszultseg iranya megegyezik a foldrengest kivalto vető csapasiranyaval. | A M 6.5 earthquake hit Yogyakarta on May 26, 2006. The region, considered aseismic, suffered high damages: 155,000 houses were destroyed. The Prambanan temple complex was among the severely damaged masonry buildings. Location and direction of damages have been investigated: displacement and falling direction of masonry was surveyed. We reconstructed the strong motion responsible for the damages. Direction of σ1 stress (30°-210°) is parallel to the strike of the causative f...
Badminton is one of the most popular sport game in Indonesia after football. It can be observed t... more Badminton is one of the most popular sport game in Indonesia after football. It can be observed through the people�s enthusiasm when a badminton match is broadcasted on TV. If the team wins, the athletes will be honored and praised. But if they�re losing, they will become the target of people�s dejection. A few decades ago, Indonesia is the king and the master of this sport in Asia even in the wolrd. But it seems our achievements nowadays are decreasing. In the last few years Indonesia seems to be absent being the champion and holding a trophy in many leagues and internatinional tournaments. We believe this happens because of the quality of new athletes is not as good they used to be. This descending quality of the young smashers can be caused by 2 factors, first is the unconvincing fees, this makes the athles is less motivated than before. The second reason is the lack of training center for the young athletes. The second reason is writer�s main focus in this writing. In Ri...
Energy consumption is a major sustainability issue. One of the largest portions of energy consump... more Energy consumption is a major sustainability issue. One of the largest portions of energy consumption in buildings comes from cooling. This paper proposes the use of L-shaped minilouvers as shading, which both improve useful daylight illuminance (UDI) and reduce cooling-energy consumption. Jakarta, Indonesia was chosen as the study location since it has driving factors for higher cooling energy, ranging from those of demographic to the environment. An open office was chosen for simulation in Rhinoceros 3D with the Grasshopper, LadyBug, and Honeybee plug-ins, which utilize the EnergyPlus engine. Following the UDI and cooling-energy simulations, surveys were conducted to gather the information of the price of materials for shading and electricity. Savings from cooling energy were compared with the cost of shading application to obtain the simple payback periods. The best shading was provided by L-shaped minilouvers, which can achieve a simple payback period of 0.86 years, reducing coo...
The increase in energy consumption for cooling is a global problem, especially in hot regions, in... more The increase in energy consumption for cooling is a global problem, especially in hot regions, includingIndonesia. It happens because of wealth, population growth, climate, building designs, and electronicappliances. Focusing on Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital city, louvres in 18 different dimensions andoverhangs in 2 different dimensions are simulated using Rhinoceros and Grasshopper with EnergyPlusto show their performance in reducing cooling energy. The design of the louvres is inspired by Japanesekoshi. L-shaped aluminium profiles are used as mini-louvres. These mini-louvres can be placed onthe outside surface of a glass window or can be attached to the window frame. The cost saving inelectricity is obtained from the resulting reduction in cooling energy consumption, which utilisesair-conditioning units that follow government regulations. The construction cost includes the price ofaluminium profiles and attachment elements. The results show that the horizontal koshi mini-louvresare...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
TOD neighborhood actually experiences a significantly higher UHI increase compared to the non-TOD... more TOD neighborhood actually experiences a significantly higher UHI increase compared to the non-TOD area. One of the factors that affects is high density where it has an impact on the outdoor thermal discomfort. Yogyakarta Tugu Station area which has outdoor thermal discomfort will be planned to be a TOD neighborhood. An increase in density according to the TOD principle will allow the thermal comfort condition to decrease. The purpose of this study is to find the optimal urban density value for the outdoor thermal comfort. This research method uses simulation with Envi MET 3.1 software that aims to test the effect of urban density with variables such as BCR, FAR, and urban morphology on climatic factors (air temperature Ta, mean radiation temperature Tmrt, relative humidity RH). A parametric study was conducted on interactions between urban density and microclimate. The results of this study will find the optimal value of each building density variable that increases the value of out...
Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Architecture
The facade has a function to improve the energy performance of the building by controlling the ac... more The facade has a function to improve the energy performance of the building by controlling the acquisition of sunlight and natural lighting. The biomimetic architecture approach is one form of architecture that imitates the principles of nature—integrating photovoltaics with facades to utilize solar lighting and generate electricity for building needs. The novelty of this study aims to examine the effectiveness of adaptive facade forms with a biomimetic approach integrated with photovoltaic on heat transfer and energy saving and determine the factors that influence it. This study uses the parametric modeling simulation method. In addition, this study compares aspects of heat transfer and energy generated by photovoltaics on adaptive facades with a biomimetic approach. The study's results using a flower petal-shaped adaptive biomimetic facade showed that OTTV 35 watt/m2 (standard) obtained all grid configurations with an opening angle of 10-20 degrees, and the average electrical ...
Energy efficiency is important in saving energy needs and reducing budget funds for hospital oper... more Energy efficiency is important in saving energy needs and reducing budget funds for hospital operations. There needs to be an effort to save energy using renewable solar energy sources. This study aimed to determine the optimal energy gain, the Break Event Point value, and the PV efficiency on the facade and roof of the RSUP Trauma Center NTB. It was conducted using a simulation method with the Rhino Grasshopper application and Open Studio Sketchup. It also involved collecting data and creating 3D input models into the Grasshopper and Open Studio plugin. The next stage was simulating OTTV, Cooling Load, and Photovoltaic in the test room within a year. The optimal PV shading based on the simulation was applied to the facade of the Trauma Center building. The results showed that laying PV on the roof would be more effective within 20 years than on the façade. This is because the efficiency value on the roof is higher than on the facade. The PV system measuring at a distance of 0.8 m on the facade and roof is 4.21% and 8.82% efficient, respectively. The efficiency at a distance of 1 m on the façade and roof is 6.31% and 7.81%, respectively.
Penelitian ini merupakan studi perbandingan hunian sementara dengan pendekatan prefabrikasi. Pene... more Penelitian ini merupakan studi perbandingan hunian sementara dengan pendekatan prefabrikasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan kebutuhan akan preseden desain hunian sementara dengan pendekatan prefabrikasi yang dapat tetap mendekati standar hunian sementara pemerintah (setidaknya mendekati spesifikasi dan anggaran). Penelitian ini akan membandingkan spesifikasi dan anggaran dari 9 model hunian sementara prefabrikasi berdasarkan standar hunian sementara Nasional Indonesia. Tujuannya adalah untuk menemukan preseden untuk hunian sementara prefabrikasi yang lebih mendekati standar hunian sementara di Indonesia. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa metode yaitu kuantitatif dalam deskripsi data awal, kualitatif dalam penilaian akhir, yang dipadukan dengan perbandingan skor yang diberikan pada setiap shelter. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukannya dua tipe hunian sementara prefabrikasi yang cukup mendekati standart hunian sementara Nasional Indonesia berupa sampel F 3...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Cooling energy demand is a global problem, especially in the hot area. According to the Internati... more Cooling energy demand is a global problem, especially in the hot area. According to the International Energy Agency, this problem is driven by complex factors, from economic condition to urbanization. This paper examines the use of simple sun shading design as one of possible solutions to reduce the cooling energy in buildings by lowering indoor temperature. Four south oriented wooden boxes were constructed; three of them have L-shaped mini louvers for sun shading attached while another one without any shading device acted as a base case. Mini-overhangs were also tested under the same conditions. The experiment was conducted in Kitakyushu, Japan for 5 days to show the performance of the sun shading in reducing the indoor temperature. The data were recorded using thermo recorder every 30 minutes. The mini louvers showed better performance than overhang. The mini louvers with gap to size ratio of 1:1 reduced around 12 percentage points of average and 33 percentage points of peak tempe...
ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development, 2019
Indonesia is prone to a variety of natural disasters, one of which is earthquakes. Earthquakes ar... more Indonesia is prone to a variety of natural disasters, one of which is earthquakes. Earthquakes are detrimental to human life, causing among other things a loss of shelter. As such, victims of earthquakes need basic assistance in the form of shelter, which the Indonesian government provides in the transition phase of emergency responses. Several innovations in the provision of temporary shelter have arisen in terms of packaging and fast unloading. This research aimed to examine the effective value of OTTV energy (overall thermal transfer value), differences in room temperature, and thermal comfort in existing temporary shelters. OTTV values and thermal comfort are adapted to Indonesia's humid tropical climate, which has a temperature ranging 24–30°C and air humidity of 75%. Temporary shelters were simulated with Rhinoceros and Grasshopper softwares. The simulation was carried out in two stages, with the first stage simulating the temporary shelter materials and the second stage s...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is implementing the concept of green campus by various means includ... more Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is implementing the concept of green campus by various means including through elements in its sustainable campus development plan. With regards to several factors related to Energy and Climate Change indicators set by UI GreenMetric, this research examined the existing condition of the area of UGM which belongs to academic zone in order to construct a proposal based on a building mass reconfiguration. This proposal was aimed to improve the implementation of energy-specific green campus concept within the Forestry cluster area as a sample case study. This selection was based on the average value of the Building Coverage Ratio (BCR) values in all of the clusters; thus, the scenario was relevant for generalization and could be replicated in other clusters in the university. The study was done in three stages of simulation, and was based on a series of digital simulation of sunlight hour and solar radiation run in Grasshopper using Lady Bug environmental a...
Abstract This paper investigates the energy performance of an office building with a ventilated c... more Abstract This paper investigates the energy performance of an office building with a ventilated composite Trombe wall for winter heating application. The heating potential of composite Trombe wall for an office building was estimated using the dynamic thermal load calculation software, THERB for HAM. We designed a new composite Trombe wall which is oriented on the south side of the office building, and designed pipe with the fan that can control thermo-circulation, located in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan. The office building satisfies the Japan thermal regulation. The central concrete core of the wall is covered with a layer of dark paint, to improve absorptivity of the wall. In addition, to control air flow from the ventilated air layer to the indoor, the ventilation rates of the fan were controlled at 40 m3/h. The effects of those fans that is turned on and off at different time were also investigated. The temperature of the air layer of composite Trombe wall and the room is simulated. The investigation showed that the composite Trombe wall with optimized ventilation can reduce annual energy cost up to 3.7% compared to the composite Trombe wall without air supply.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is implementing the concept of green campus by various means includ... more Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is implementing the concept of green campus by various means including through elements in its sustainable campus development plan. With regards to several factors related to Energy and Climate Change indicators set by UI GreenMetric, this research examined the existing condition of the area of UGM which belongs to academic zone in order to construct a proposal based on a building mass reconfiguration. This proposal was aimed to improve the implementation of energy-specific green campus concept within the Forestry cluster area as a sample case study. This selection was based on the average value of the Building Coverage Ratio (BCR) values in all of the clusters; thus, the scenario was relevant for generalization and could be replicated in other clusters in the university. The study was done in three stages of simulation, and was based on a series of digital simulation of sunlight hour and solar radiation run in Grasshopper using Lady Bug environmental a...
The annual growth of energy consumption in both residential and public buildings has been establi... more The annual growth of energy consumption in both residential and public buildings has been established globally as been significantly increasing. Therefore, the proposed active and passive building designs are intended to provide convenience and greatly reduce the high energy requirements, before considering mechanical systems (associated with fossil fuel-based energy consumption). This encourages the development of a new design, such as the Climate Adaptive Building Shell (CABS). This study aims to assess the effectiveness of CABS with Helicone mechanisms on energy and natural lighting, as well as its influential factors. The parametric modeling simulation method was applied to compare the energy and natural lighting aspects, between the adaptive and static facades of the Helicone mechanism. The results indicated that the adaptive facade was more effective than the static, based on energy and natural lighting. It was also found that the 30° adaptive configuration with the Helicone m...
2006. majus 26-an 6.5 magnitudoju foldrenges sujtotta az indoneziai Yogyakarta szultanatust. Az a... more 2006. majus 26-an 6.5 magnitudoju foldrenges sujtotta az indoneziai Yogyakarta szultanatust. Az aszeizmikus regiokent szamon tartott teruleten, az ismert toresvonalaktol tavol megis 155.000 haz dőlt ossze. A sulyosan serult epuletek kozott volt a Prambanan szentelykomplexum. Felmertuk a serulesek helyet, a kőtombok elmozdulasanak, ill. lehullasanak iranyat. Rekonstrualtuk a legerősebb rongalast okozo feszultsegiranyt. A 30°-210° iranyu σ1 főfeszultseg iranya megegyezik a foldrengest kivalto vető csapasiranyaval. | A M 6.5 earthquake hit Yogyakarta on May 26, 2006. The region, considered aseismic, suffered high damages: 155,000 houses were destroyed. The Prambanan temple complex was among the severely damaged masonry buildings. Location and direction of damages have been investigated: displacement and falling direction of masonry was surveyed. We reconstructed the strong motion responsible for the damages. Direction of σ1 stress (30°-210°) is parallel to the strike of the causative f...
Badminton is one of the most popular sport game in Indonesia after football. It can be observed t... more Badminton is one of the most popular sport game in Indonesia after football. It can be observed through the people�s enthusiasm when a badminton match is broadcasted on TV. If the team wins, the athletes will be honored and praised. But if they�re losing, they will become the target of people�s dejection. A few decades ago, Indonesia is the king and the master of this sport in Asia even in the wolrd. But it seems our achievements nowadays are decreasing. In the last few years Indonesia seems to be absent being the champion and holding a trophy in many leagues and internatinional tournaments. We believe this happens because of the quality of new athletes is not as good they used to be. This descending quality of the young smashers can be caused by 2 factors, first is the unconvincing fees, this makes the athles is less motivated than before. The second reason is the lack of training center for the young athletes. The second reason is writer�s main focus in this writing. In Ri...
Energy consumption is a major sustainability issue. One of the largest portions of energy consump... more Energy consumption is a major sustainability issue. One of the largest portions of energy consumption in buildings comes from cooling. This paper proposes the use of L-shaped minilouvers as shading, which both improve useful daylight illuminance (UDI) and reduce cooling-energy consumption. Jakarta, Indonesia was chosen as the study location since it has driving factors for higher cooling energy, ranging from those of demographic to the environment. An open office was chosen for simulation in Rhinoceros 3D with the Grasshopper, LadyBug, and Honeybee plug-ins, which utilize the EnergyPlus engine. Following the UDI and cooling-energy simulations, surveys were conducted to gather the information of the price of materials for shading and electricity. Savings from cooling energy were compared with the cost of shading application to obtain the simple payback periods. The best shading was provided by L-shaped minilouvers, which can achieve a simple payback period of 0.86 years, reducing coo...
The increase in energy consumption for cooling is a global problem, especially in hot regions, in... more The increase in energy consumption for cooling is a global problem, especially in hot regions, includingIndonesia. It happens because of wealth, population growth, climate, building designs, and electronicappliances. Focusing on Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital city, louvres in 18 different dimensions andoverhangs in 2 different dimensions are simulated using Rhinoceros and Grasshopper with EnergyPlusto show their performance in reducing cooling energy. The design of the louvres is inspired by Japanesekoshi. L-shaped aluminium profiles are used as mini-louvres. These mini-louvres can be placed onthe outside surface of a glass window or can be attached to the window frame. The cost saving inelectricity is obtained from the resulting reduction in cooling energy consumption, which utilisesair-conditioning units that follow government regulations. The construction cost includes the price ofaluminium profiles and attachment elements. The results show that the horizontal koshi mini-louvresare...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
TOD neighborhood actually experiences a significantly higher UHI increase compared to the non-TOD... more TOD neighborhood actually experiences a significantly higher UHI increase compared to the non-TOD area. One of the factors that affects is high density where it has an impact on the outdoor thermal discomfort. Yogyakarta Tugu Station area which has outdoor thermal discomfort will be planned to be a TOD neighborhood. An increase in density according to the TOD principle will allow the thermal comfort condition to decrease. The purpose of this study is to find the optimal urban density value for the outdoor thermal comfort. This research method uses simulation with Envi MET 3.1 software that aims to test the effect of urban density with variables such as BCR, FAR, and urban morphology on climatic factors (air temperature Ta, mean radiation temperature Tmrt, relative humidity RH). A parametric study was conducted on interactions between urban density and microclimate. The results of this study will find the optimal value of each building density variable that increases the value of out...
Papers by Agus Hariyadi