Papers by Raf Vanderstraeten

The Sociological Review, Nov 1, 2016
The editors of this book are all prominent in their field, and any book that they are involved wi... more The editors of this book are all prominent in their field, and any book that they are involved with is worth reading. To have all four of them together in a joint effort indicates that this is an unusually special occasion, and befits a collection of papers by Gail Jefferson (1938Jefferson ( -2008)). Including their Introduction, this volume contains seven chapters of a very high quality. Chapters One to Six are all previously published analyses under the auspices of a single topic, from Jefferson's participation in a research project directed by John R.E. Lee at the University of Manchester, on troubles-telling in conversation. At the start of each chapter the editors provide readers with instructive accounts of how each paper fitted into the overall project, and the significance of the analyses within conversation analysis (CA). Published accounts of Manchester as the centre for teaching ethnomethodology and CA are rare, so I feel justified in discussing the excellent Introduction within this review. To declare an interest, I read undergraduate and graduate degrees at the Department of Sociology, University of Manchester -the institution where Jefferson began her analytic work on troubles-telling in conversation. My teachers at the Department in the Coupland Building remembered her extremely fondly: she had been a dear friend and a highly valued colleague. Anecdotes of her time in Manchester were not only affectionate -her arrival in Manchester in 1978 dragging suitcases full of data -but these were often told for pedagogic purposes: recalling her demands for clarity, both of expression, and of the use of examples; her measured, cumulative delivery in seminars; her impatience with theoreticism, and with analytic claims unsupported by data; and her intricate critique of Francis Ford Coppola's The Conversation, extemporised after a showing she attended (at the Aaben Cinema in Hulme) with her new colleagues.
Beltz Juventa eBooks, 2020
University Press eBooks, 2006
British Journal of Sociology, May 20, 2009

Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie, 2006
Seit dem Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts wurde im Bereich der Statistik (Staatswissenschaft) eine Lawin... more Seit dem Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts wurde im Bereich der Statistik (Staatswissenschaft) eine Lawine von ‚gedruckten Zahlen' produziert. Ein prominentes Beispiel dafür bildet die Bevölkerungsstatistik. In der historischsoziologischen Literatur werden den Daten, die in den vorhergehenden Jahrhunderten gesammelt und verarbeitet sind, viel Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet. In diesem Aufsatz wird aber vor allem fokussiert auf die Evolution der statistischen Methodologie und Klassifikationsschemata; dabei wird exemplarisch näher eingegangen auf die Berufsstatistik in Großbritannien und Belgien. Drei Merkmale werden hervorgehoben und analysiert: das Zählen von Individuen anstelle von Haushalten, die Exklusion von unbezahlter Hausarbeit, die Eliminierung von sozialem Status als Kriterium bei der Registrierung von individuellen Berufstätigkeiten. Diese Analyse der Konstruktion von statistischen Daten ist zugleich ein Beitrag zur Analyse der modernen Gesellschaft. Summary: Since the end of the eighteenth century, an avalanche of "printed numbers" has been produced in the field of statistics. Prominent examples are population statistics. In historical and sociological research, most attention has hitherto been paid to printed numbers. In this paper, however, attention is focused on the evolution of the methodology and classification schemes of these statistics in Great Britain and Belgium -especially with regard to occupational statistics. Three characteristics are highlighted: the practice of counting individuals instead of households, the exclusion of unpaid labor in the household, and the abandonment of social status as the criterion for distinguishing between occupational identities. This paper sheds light on the evolution of society via an analysis of the evolution of these kinds of statistical constructions. * Für instruktive Anregungen dankt der Verfasser den anonymen Gutachtern und den Herausgebern dieser Zeitschrift, insbesondere Hartmann Tyrell. Für die freundliche Unterstützung seiner Arbeit dankt der Verfasser auch Klaus Dammann, Marc Depaepe und Rudolf Stichweh. Diesem Artikel liegt ein von der belgischen föderalen Regierung gefördertes Forschungsprojekt zugrunde.
Constructivist Foundations, 2015
Matuszek's article points to some ambiguities in Luhmann's late work, but the reinterpret... more Matuszek's article points to some ambiguities in Luhmann's late work, but the reinterpretations he offers suffer from various sociological and philosophical difficulties. By elaborating on the relevance of time in Luhmann's operational constructivism, this commentary opens up some alternative interpretations.
Liaoning University Press eBooks, 2006
Springer eBooks, Dec 31, 2021
Since the publication of this chapter, it has come to our attention that the author of this chapt... more Since the publication of this chapter, it has come to our attention that the author of this chapter failed to properly attribute the work of Alex Csiszar from the text titled "'Disciplining' Educational Research in the Twentieth Century" on pages 53-4 and 73. The author acknowledges his error and we publish this erratum to correct the record.
Papers by Raf Vanderstraeten