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This publication, developed by the Green European Foundation with support of the Finnish Green Cultural and Educational Centre "Visio", is a first step by the two organisations in mapping the various problems Roma communities in Europe... more
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We moeten voorbij een gefragmenteerde sociaal werk, richting geïntegreerde aanpak. Anders zullen goedbedoelende sociaal werkers elke dag opnieuw voor een onmogelijke puzzel staan.'
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    • Panopticon
The recent flow of Roma immigrants to Western Europe has caused a lot of societal and political discussion. Initiatives and policy measures are introduced at the European and national or local level in order to deal with this situation.... more
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      Roma educationEducation of Romany (Gypsy) childrenCulture and Education of Roma (Gypsy)Right to Education of Roma Children
She has a PhD in educational sciences. Her research interests are social work, poverty, gender, critical disability studies, and narrative and ethnographic research.
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      SociologySocial WorkPovertyStock Market Interdependency
For history researchers, it is not a needless luxury to consider from time to time the content and the significance of the basic concepts they use, certainly if they have the ambition to interpret and/or explain history in addition to... more
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      History of EducationSocial Problems
In the authors’ aim to go beyond the ‘silent’ school desk they returned to sources such as public contracts, photographs, advertising leaflets and (the often neglected) patents kept in the municipal archives of Brussels. In this article,... more
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      Intellectual PropertyPhotographyAdvertisingCase Studies
The works of the Belgian neurologist and educationist Ovide Decroly (1871–1932) extended over the medical and pedagogical fields as well as both the practical‐professional and the theoretical‐disciplinary fields. For this reason, Decroly... more
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      Social NetworksCase StudiesSciencesCase Study
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, exercise books have almost entirely disappeared from primary and secondary education in Flanders. Preprinted workbooks and reference books have gradually taken over their function. For... more
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Die Autoren schlagen vor, die Materialität der Erziehung als ökonomische Strategie und als Ausdruck der Grammatik pädagogischer Institutionen zu analysieren. […] Als intellektuelle Spielerei über eine merkwürdige "Erfindung"... more
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      Progressive EducationEveryday LifeInterviewEmpirical Study
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, exercise books have almost entirely disappeared from primary and secondary education in Flanders. Preprinted workbooks and reference books have gradually taken over their function. For... more
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    • Status
En este artículo analizamos el impacto del darwinismo en la formación de la teoría psicopedagógica en Bélgica, mediante tres hipótesis que marcarán el camino del desarrollo de nuestro pensamiento en la materia. 1) La "influencia" de... more
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This article attempts to contribute to the historically relevant debate about the role of social work in poverty situations, focusing on the emblematic and radical question whether the poor actually need social work. In the context of the... more
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    • Social Work
This article attempts to contribute to the historically relevant debate about the role of social work in poverty situations, focusing on the emblematic and radical question whether the poor actually need social work. In the context of the... more
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    • Social Work
Social work research is inherently normative and as such the assumptions about social problems in social work research should be open to scrutiny and contestation. But although researchers often face tussles and huge contradictions, they... more
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    • Social Work