Books/Volumes by Benjamin De Vos

Published in English.
The contributors of this volume set out to explore some new approaches to ... more Published in English.
The contributors of this volume set out to explore some new approaches to the fourth-century Christian novel traditionally known as the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies or Klementia . They raise and answer questions about this narrative by approaching it as an original rhetorical, and philosophical novel. The volume seeks to improve understanding of this text as a late antique novel with its own textual unity. It pays attention both to its literary qualities as well as to the role of rhetorical education, the reception of Sophistic traditions, and ancient philosophy. It includes theological reflections and discusses the role of the Homilistic author, his skills in the field of paideia , and his reflections on truth. In this way, the contributors offer new insights into the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies as a unique novel from late antique Syria.
Veröffentlicht auf Englisch.
Die Autoren des vorliegenden Bandes nähern sich den pseudoklementinischen Homilien oder Klementia als einem originellen rhetorischen und philosophischen Roman aus dem spätantiken Syrien. Sie beleuchten dabei die Rolle der rhetorischen Bildung, sophistischer Traditionen, der antiken Philosophie und der theologischen Diskussionen in dieser Erzählung und ihren Überlegungen zum Begriff der Wahrheit.
Call for Papers by Benjamin De Vos

This conference has been postponed to February 25-27, 2021.
This conference wants to bring toget... more This conference has been postponed to February 25-27, 2021.
This conference wants to bring together four fields of study: the ancient novel, ancient philosophy, ancient rhetoric, and Jewish-Christian narrative. We aim to study one Greek novel from different perspectives: the so-called Pseudo-Clementine Homilies.
The conference sets out to explore the intellectual context of this novel and the ways in which the Homilies had an impact on readers in Late Antiquity. By approaching the Homilies as a philosophical and rhetorical work in its own right, the conference seeks not only to improve our understanding of the Homilies as a late ancient novel, but also the role of philosophy and rhetoric in the religious narratives of Late Antiquity. We welcome studies on
1. the role of philosophy in the Homilies: e.g. the presentation of Christianity as the true philosophy, the influence of Plato, the Sophists, and other philosophical traditions in the Homilies.
2. rhetorical techniques used in the numerous disputations within the novel and in the characterisation of the main protagonists, and
3. novelistic topoi as structural elements: the function of novelistic motives in the Homilies …
Journal Articles by Benjamin De Vos

This review article discusses Dominique Côté’s innovative insights into Pseudo-Clementine scholar... more This review article discusses Dominique Côté’s innovative insights into Pseudo-Clementine scholarship over the past 25 years. These insights have recently been collected in his edited volume, "Pseudo-Clément et Vrai Prophète. Itinéraire d’Athènes à Jérusalem". My brief discussion is not so much a discussion of his "Itinéraire d’Athènes à Jérusalem" as such, but rather a reconsideration of the original aspects of Côté’s own itinerary in Pseudo-Clementine scholarship. In the past century, much attention has been paid to complex source-critical theories and hypotheses of second-century, even first-century, (Jewish)Christian sources that potentially, but implausibly, underlie the various traditions. These possible reconstructions did not reveal much of the extant Pseudo-Clementines as such, but were rather quests to uncover the earliest but hypothetical foundations of Christianity that scholars believed were hidden in the supposedly less original extant versions. The original voices of the various Pseudo-Clementine traditions have still not been fully heard, especially in the fields of rhetorical, literary, and philosophical studies. It is precisely here that Côté has laid a strong foundation for future scholarship on the Pseudo-Clementines, especially with regard to late ancient Neoplatonic philosophy in dialogue with Jewish and Christian philosophical and religious voices.
De Reactor, 2024

Klimaatverandering, zware aardbevingen, oorlogen, epidemieën… de weg naar innerlijke zielsrust ve... more Klimaatverandering, zware aardbevingen, oorlogen, epidemieën… de weg naar innerlijke zielsrust verloopt niet zonder slag of stoot, en we hebben het geweten. In de betere boekhandel staan de schappen van 'filosofie', 'spiritualiteit' en 'psychologie' steeds boller van zelfhulpboeken. Daarbij is een specifiek niche van zelfhulpboeken gebaseerd op de antieke Griekse en Romeinse filosofie. Dat is niet verwonderlijk natuurlijk. Zo reflecteerden de Atheense 'Grote Drie', Socrates, Plato en Aristoteles, over wat het betekende een goed en gelukkig leven te leiden en hoe men dit kon verwerven. Het ethische project, met name dan innerlijke vrijheid of autarkeia, kwam nog sterker centraal te staan in de hellenistische filosofische stromingen, zoals het epicurisme, stoïcisme en het cynisme. Theoretische inzichten in de mens, de natuur en het goddelijke stonden in teken van een filosofisch, ethisch levensproject. Moderne interpretatoren trachten die gesofisticeerde antieke zelfhulp te actualiseren voor de hedendaagse levensproblemen en-inzichten. Een belangrijke impuls hiervoor komt vanuit de academische wereld. Verschillende Griekse en Romeinse wijsgeren en

Ancient Narrative
First and foremost, this contribution offers (1) a structural and rhetorical reading of the debat... more First and foremost, this contribution offers (1) a structural and rhetorical reading of the debates on the third day between Clement and Appion in the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies (Hom. 6) and shows that there is a well-considered rhetorical ring structure in their disputes. Connected with this first point (2), the suggested reading will unravel how Clement and Appion use and manipulate their sophisticated rhetoric, linked to this particular structure. This is well worth considering since these debates deal with Greek paideia, which means culture and above all education, of which rhetorical education forms part. The rhetorical features will be displayed as a fine product of the rhetorical and even sophistic background in Late Antiquity. Clement, moreover, will present himself as a master in rhetoric against Appion, who is presented as a sophist and grammarian in the novel. Finally (3), the focus on the narrative structure of and the rhetorical dynamics in Hom. 6. will contribute to a ...

Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 2021
You can read the paper via:
This article deals wi... more You can read the paper via:
This article deals with a late ancient and highly distinctive take on the Genesis story found in the so-called Pseudo-Clementine Homilies or Klementia. It is the extant Greek version of the Pseudo-Clementine narrative, regarded by many scholars as the only surviving Christian novel from fourth-century Syria. In one of the many disputes in this rhetorical and philosophical-religious novel, the protagonists Clement and Appion discuss allegorical interpretations of Greek myths. Among those is the story of the Greek hero Achilles and the Trojan princess Polyxena, which, I argue, is told in a way that evokes the Genesis story of Adam and Eve. This evocation is deeply sophisticated and playful. The mythological framework of the birth and death of Achilles and his love for Polyxena is allegorically associated with the Genesis story of Adam and Eve. Moreover, it interacts with the peculiar interpretation of the Genesis story by the apostle Peter in the rest of the Homilies. In contrast to many Jewish and Christian views, he acquits Adam of original sin in human history. Here I analyze this double approach to the Genesis story (Achilles and Adam) and its role within the narrative framework.

Ancient Narrative, 2019
First and foremost, this contribution offers (1) ... more
First and foremost, this contribution offers (1) a structural and rhetorical reading of the debates on the third day between Clement and Appion in the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies (Hom. 6) and shows that there is a well-considered rhetorical ring structure in their disputes. Connected with this first point (2), the suggested reading will unravel how Clement and Appion use and manipulate their sophisticated rhetoric, linked to this particular structure. This is well worth considering since these debates deal with Greek paideia, which means culture and above all education, of which rhetorical education forms part. The rhetorical features will be displayed as a fine product of the rhetorical and even sophistic background in Late Antiquity. Clement, moreover, will present himself as a master in rhetoric against Appion, who is presented as a sophist and grammarian in the novel. Finally (3), the focus on the narrative structure of and the rhetorical dynamics in Hom. 6. will contribute to a better understanding of these disputes between Appion and Clement (Hom. 4-6) and their function in the novel generally.

Vigiliae Christianae 73 (54-88), 2019
The Pseudo-Clementines is the traditi... more
The Pseudo-Clementines is the traditional title of a unique Christian novel (3rd4th century) transmitted in several versions. This article focuses on the Greek version,
called the Homilies, and more specifically on a much discussed part of these, namely the discussions with the pagan Appion. The passage in which the main character
Clement enters into discussion with Appion shows us how those characters claim
truth and argue about true culture, philosophy, education, sexuality etc.. This passage
is all too often considered as “separate” and “alien” in Pseudo-Clementine source criticism, making it underexposed territory in rhetorical and literary but also philosophical
research. This contribution offers a rhetorical and narrative analysis of those disputes
with Appion including some philosophical insights. This analysis also serves as a case
study for the overall reading experience and the general interpretation of the PseudoClementine Homilies.

Pseudo-Clementinen De zoektocht naar de ware 'sophia' in de disputen met Appion BENJAMIN DE VOS D... more Pseudo-Clementinen De zoektocht naar de ware 'sophia' in de disputen met Appion BENJAMIN DE VOS De Pseudo-Clementinen pretenderen het leven weer te geven van Clemens van Rome, zijn bekering tot het christendom, zijn reizen, contacten met Barnabas en vooral met Petrus, en de hereniging met zijn verloren gewaande familieleden, vanuit het autobiografische standpunt van Clemens. 1 Deze ikvertellende Clemens mogen we niet gelijk stellen aan de historische Clemens. 2 Deze laatste is een van de belangrijkste figuren uit de 1 ste eeuw van het vroege christendom. Volgens de 2 de -eeuwse kerkvader Irenaeus (Adversus Haereses, III.3.3) en de 3 de /4 de -eeuwse kerkhistoricus Eusebius van Caesarea (Historia Ecclesiastica, III.4.9; III.155) is Clemens de derde opvolger van Petrus als bisschop van Rome. In de Pseudo-Clementinen echter wordt hij als directe volgeling en opvolger van Petrus beschreven. Clemens is in de Pseudo-Clementinen dan ook een literair personage, gekaderd in een specifiek retorisch opzet. Beschouwd als de eerste christelijke roman kent dit werk een grote complexiteit en is het eigenlijk niet zomaar bij een bepaald genre onder te brengen. Naast de pretenties als autobiografie, fungeren de Pseudo-Clementinen als een christelijke 'Bildungsroman'. Als lezer volgen we de bekering en het volwassen worden van Clemens in een christelijke wereld. Tegelijkertijd wil dit werk de lezer bijsturen waar nodig en iets leren door die bepaalde wereld en bijbehorende kennis aan te reiken. Het werk deelt daarenboven plotstructuren met de Griekse romans zoals Charitons Callirhoë 1 Voor dit artikel baseer ik me op enkele conclusies van mijn masterthesis 'Retoriek, narrativiteit en fictionalisering in de Apiondisputationen. In het oog van de Pseudo-Clementijnse waarheidsvortex.' (2016 -promotor: prof. dr. Koen De Temmerman, co-promotor: prof. dr. Danny Praet). 2 Het enige algemeen authentiek geachte werk van Clemens Romanus is een brief aan de Korinthische christengemeenschap. Deze werd geschreven tijdens de vervolging onder keizer Domitianus (95-96) terwijl de kerk van Korinthe ook te lijden had onder interne twisten. Ook paraenetische werken worden soms aan hem toegeschreven zoals een 2 de -eeuwse homilie en 'Brieven aan Maagden' (Schneider et Cirillo (1 ste -2 de eeuw) en Xenophons Ephesiaca (3 de eeuw). Zo heeft het motief van de 'anagnorismos' of herkenning, meer bepaald van verloren gewaande familieleden, een centrale rol in de narratieve opbouw van het Pseudo-Clementijnse corpus net als in de Griekse romans. De Pseudo-Clementinen moeten ook in het licht van de apocriefe apostelakten gelezen worden, zoals de Handelingen van Johannes en die van Thomas, Andreas, Petrus en Paulus. Deze niet tot de Bijbelse canon behorende Handelingen verhalen over tochten, wonderen en predikingen van de gelijknamige personages. Zo kan men ook de Pseudo-Clementinen zien als de 'handelingen van Clemens en Petrus'. Daarenboven is het werk ook te kaderen binnen de Tweede Sofistiek, een culturele stroming uit de eerste eeuwen na Christus, zoals ik nog nader zal verklaren, en binnen het Syrisch Neoplatonisme, waar ik niet verder op inga. Dit complexe generische karakter van de tekst gaat gepaard met een interessante narratieve opbouw. Op intratekstueel niveau speelt zich een heus raamwerk van discussies af tussen de apostel Petrus en Simon Magus, de 'vader' van de gnostische sekten 3 en tussen Clemens, volger van Petrus, en de heiden Appion 4 , die zich in het gevolg van Simon Magus bevindt. De opbouw van bepaalde discussies en van het raamwerk errond wordt door allerlei misleidende situaties bepaald, onder meer door het aannemen van andere 'retorische' gedaantes, of zelfs letterlijk, het aannemen van andere lichamelijke gedaantes. Deze complexiteit op formeel en thematisch niveau zorgde ervoor dat dit werk in de 19 de eeuw ten onrechte werd aanzien als een potpourri van verschillende aaneengeflanste bronnen. Eenzelfde lot kenden ook andere, laatantieke romans als Apuleius' De Gouden Ezel en Philostratus' Leven en werken van Apollonius van Tyana. De Pseudo-Clementinen vallen in twee grote tradities uiteen: de Recognitio (ook wel in het meervoud aangeduid als Recognitiones) en Homilieën (of Klementia). De oorspronkelijk in het Grieks geschreven Recognitio legt meer nadruk op het narratieve raamwerk van herkenningen ('recognitiones') van familieleden. Van deze versie zijn maar enkele Griekse fragmenten bewaard. Daarnaast is een deel van deze variant in een Syrische vertaling van de Pseudo-Clementinen opgenomen. In het Westen is voornamelijk de Latijnse adaptatie 5 van Rufinus Aquileiensis bekend. Die valt te dateren voor 406 en is iets ouder dan de Syrische versie. De traditie van de Homilieën is echter meer 3 Simon Magus wordt als de eerste gnostische systeembouwer beschouwd (Jonas 1969: 119-127). Deze relatie met gnosis vinden we reeds terug bij Irenaeus (Adversus Haereses, I.23.4 en VI.33). Naar Simon is trouwens de gnostische sekte der Simonianen genoemd. 4 Voor alle duidelijkheid: 'Apion' verwijst naar het historische personage en 'Appion' naar de narratieve figuur in deze Homilieën (Bremmer 2010b: 80-81 en Carleton Paget 2010: 440, noot 44).
Book Chapters by Benjamin De Vos

This volume explores the reception of biblical figures in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, with a... more This volume explores the reception of biblical figures in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, with a particular focus on Antiquity and incursions in the Middle Ages and modernity. The contributions included here offer a glimpse of the complexity of the mechanics of transmission to which these figures were subjected in extra-biblical texts, either concentrating on one author or corpus in particular, or broadening the scope across time and cultural contexts. The volume intends to shed light on how these biblical figures and their legacies appear as channels of collective memory and identity; how they became tools for authors to achieve specific goals; how they gained new and powerful authority for communities; and how they transcend traditions and cultural boundaries. As a result, the vitality and fluidity of the developments of traditions become clear and prompt caution when using modern categories.
Books/Volumes by Benjamin De Vos
The contributors of this volume set out to explore some new approaches to the fourth-century Christian novel traditionally known as the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies or Klementia . They raise and answer questions about this narrative by approaching it as an original rhetorical, and philosophical novel. The volume seeks to improve understanding of this text as a late antique novel with its own textual unity. It pays attention both to its literary qualities as well as to the role of rhetorical education, the reception of Sophistic traditions, and ancient philosophy. It includes theological reflections and discusses the role of the Homilistic author, his skills in the field of paideia , and his reflections on truth. In this way, the contributors offer new insights into the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies as a unique novel from late antique Syria.
Veröffentlicht auf Englisch.
Die Autoren des vorliegenden Bandes nähern sich den pseudoklementinischen Homilien oder Klementia als einem originellen rhetorischen und philosophischen Roman aus dem spätantiken Syrien. Sie beleuchten dabei die Rolle der rhetorischen Bildung, sophistischer Traditionen, der antiken Philosophie und der theologischen Diskussionen in dieser Erzählung und ihren Überlegungen zum Begriff der Wahrheit.
Call for Papers by Benjamin De Vos
This conference wants to bring together four fields of study: the ancient novel, ancient philosophy, ancient rhetoric, and Jewish-Christian narrative. We aim to study one Greek novel from different perspectives: the so-called Pseudo-Clementine Homilies.
The conference sets out to explore the intellectual context of this novel and the ways in which the Homilies had an impact on readers in Late Antiquity. By approaching the Homilies as a philosophical and rhetorical work in its own right, the conference seeks not only to improve our understanding of the Homilies as a late ancient novel, but also the role of philosophy and rhetoric in the religious narratives of Late Antiquity. We welcome studies on
1. the role of philosophy in the Homilies: e.g. the presentation of Christianity as the true philosophy, the influence of Plato, the Sophists, and other philosophical traditions in the Homilies.
2. rhetorical techniques used in the numerous disputations within the novel and in the characterisation of the main protagonists, and
3. novelistic topoi as structural elements: the function of novelistic motives in the Homilies …
Journal Articles by Benjamin De Vos
This article deals with a late ancient and highly distinctive take on the Genesis story found in the so-called Pseudo-Clementine Homilies or Klementia. It is the extant Greek version of the Pseudo-Clementine narrative, regarded by many scholars as the only surviving Christian novel from fourth-century Syria. In one of the many disputes in this rhetorical and philosophical-religious novel, the protagonists Clement and Appion discuss allegorical interpretations of Greek myths. Among those is the story of the Greek hero Achilles and the Trojan princess Polyxena, which, I argue, is told in a way that evokes the Genesis story of Adam and Eve. This evocation is deeply sophisticated and playful. The mythological framework of the birth and death of Achilles and his love for Polyxena is allegorically associated with the Genesis story of Adam and Eve. Moreover, it interacts with the peculiar interpretation of the Genesis story by the apostle Peter in the rest of the Homilies. In contrast to many Jewish and Christian views, he acquits Adam of original sin in human history. Here I analyze this double approach to the Genesis story (Achilles and Adam) and its role within the narrative framework.
First and foremost, this contribution offers (1) a structural and rhetorical reading of the debates on the third day between Clement and Appion in the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies (Hom. 6) and shows that there is a well-considered rhetorical ring structure in their disputes. Connected with this first point (2), the suggested reading will unravel how Clement and Appion use and manipulate their sophisticated rhetoric, linked to this particular structure. This is well worth considering since these debates deal with Greek paideia, which means culture and above all education, of which rhetorical education forms part. The rhetorical features will be displayed as a fine product of the rhetorical and even sophistic background in Late Antiquity. Clement, moreover, will present himself as a master in rhetoric against Appion, who is presented as a sophist and grammarian in the novel. Finally (3), the focus on the narrative structure of and the rhetorical dynamics in Hom. 6. will contribute to a better understanding of these disputes between Appion and Clement (Hom. 4-6) and their function in the novel generally.
The Pseudo-Clementines is the traditional title of a unique Christian novel (3rd4th century) transmitted in several versions. This article focuses on the Greek version,
called the Homilies, and more specifically on a much discussed part of these, namely the discussions with the pagan Appion. The passage in which the main character
Clement enters into discussion with Appion shows us how those characters claim
truth and argue about true culture, philosophy, education, sexuality etc.. This passage
is all too often considered as “separate” and “alien” in Pseudo-Clementine source criticism, making it underexposed territory in rhetorical and literary but also philosophical
research. This contribution offers a rhetorical and narrative analysis of those disputes
with Appion including some philosophical insights. This analysis also serves as a case
study for the overall reading experience and the general interpretation of the PseudoClementine Homilies.
Book Chapters by Benjamin De Vos
The contributors of this volume set out to explore some new approaches to the fourth-century Christian novel traditionally known as the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies or Klementia . They raise and answer questions about this narrative by approaching it as an original rhetorical, and philosophical novel. The volume seeks to improve understanding of this text as a late antique novel with its own textual unity. It pays attention both to its literary qualities as well as to the role of rhetorical education, the reception of Sophistic traditions, and ancient philosophy. It includes theological reflections and discusses the role of the Homilistic author, his skills in the field of paideia , and his reflections on truth. In this way, the contributors offer new insights into the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies as a unique novel from late antique Syria.
Veröffentlicht auf Englisch.
Die Autoren des vorliegenden Bandes nähern sich den pseudoklementinischen Homilien oder Klementia als einem originellen rhetorischen und philosophischen Roman aus dem spätantiken Syrien. Sie beleuchten dabei die Rolle der rhetorischen Bildung, sophistischer Traditionen, der antiken Philosophie und der theologischen Diskussionen in dieser Erzählung und ihren Überlegungen zum Begriff der Wahrheit.
This conference wants to bring together four fields of study: the ancient novel, ancient philosophy, ancient rhetoric, and Jewish-Christian narrative. We aim to study one Greek novel from different perspectives: the so-called Pseudo-Clementine Homilies.
The conference sets out to explore the intellectual context of this novel and the ways in which the Homilies had an impact on readers in Late Antiquity. By approaching the Homilies as a philosophical and rhetorical work in its own right, the conference seeks not only to improve our understanding of the Homilies as a late ancient novel, but also the role of philosophy and rhetoric in the religious narratives of Late Antiquity. We welcome studies on
1. the role of philosophy in the Homilies: e.g. the presentation of Christianity as the true philosophy, the influence of Plato, the Sophists, and other philosophical traditions in the Homilies.
2. rhetorical techniques used in the numerous disputations within the novel and in the characterisation of the main protagonists, and
3. novelistic topoi as structural elements: the function of novelistic motives in the Homilies …
This article deals with a late ancient and highly distinctive take on the Genesis story found in the so-called Pseudo-Clementine Homilies or Klementia. It is the extant Greek version of the Pseudo-Clementine narrative, regarded by many scholars as the only surviving Christian novel from fourth-century Syria. In one of the many disputes in this rhetorical and philosophical-religious novel, the protagonists Clement and Appion discuss allegorical interpretations of Greek myths. Among those is the story of the Greek hero Achilles and the Trojan princess Polyxena, which, I argue, is told in a way that evokes the Genesis story of Adam and Eve. This evocation is deeply sophisticated and playful. The mythological framework of the birth and death of Achilles and his love for Polyxena is allegorically associated with the Genesis story of Adam and Eve. Moreover, it interacts with the peculiar interpretation of the Genesis story by the apostle Peter in the rest of the Homilies. In contrast to many Jewish and Christian views, he acquits Adam of original sin in human history. Here I analyze this double approach to the Genesis story (Achilles and Adam) and its role within the narrative framework.
First and foremost, this contribution offers (1) a structural and rhetorical reading of the debates on the third day between Clement and Appion in the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies (Hom. 6) and shows that there is a well-considered rhetorical ring structure in their disputes. Connected with this first point (2), the suggested reading will unravel how Clement and Appion use and manipulate their sophisticated rhetoric, linked to this particular structure. This is well worth considering since these debates deal with Greek paideia, which means culture and above all education, of which rhetorical education forms part. The rhetorical features will be displayed as a fine product of the rhetorical and even sophistic background in Late Antiquity. Clement, moreover, will present himself as a master in rhetoric against Appion, who is presented as a sophist and grammarian in the novel. Finally (3), the focus on the narrative structure of and the rhetorical dynamics in Hom. 6. will contribute to a better understanding of these disputes between Appion and Clement (Hom. 4-6) and their function in the novel generally.
The Pseudo-Clementines is the traditional title of a unique Christian novel (3rd4th century) transmitted in several versions. This article focuses on the Greek version,
called the Homilies, and more specifically on a much discussed part of these, namely the discussions with the pagan Appion. The passage in which the main character
Clement enters into discussion with Appion shows us how those characters claim
truth and argue about true culture, philosophy, education, sexuality etc.. This passage
is all too often considered as “separate” and “alien” in Pseudo-Clementine source criticism, making it underexposed territory in rhetorical and literary but also philosophical
research. This contribution offers a rhetorical and narrative analysis of those disputes
with Appion including some philosophical insights. This analysis also serves as a case
study for the overall reading experience and the general interpretation of the PseudoClementine Homilies.
This week's Fellows' Brunch will be held by Benjamin de Vos, who will present to us his studies on "What does it mean to be ‘Ἕλλην’? The Role of Mattidia in the Greek Pseudo-Clementines and its Metaliterary Reflections on Greek Identity."
If you are not here in person, you can join in via Zoom:
Meeting-ID: 639 9126 6705
Meer informatie:
Weinig figuren uit het vroege christendom hebben zo tot de verbeelding gesproken als Simon de Magiër. Na zijn eerste optreden in de Handelingen van de Apostelen (8:9-25), waar hij Petrus’ woede ervaart omdat hij de gave van de Heilige Geest meent te kunnen kopen, groeit Simon in de eerste eeuwen van onze tijdsrekening snel uit tot dé aartsketter bij uitstek, het begin van alle heresie en/of het begin van het zogenaamd gnostische gedachtegoed.
Zijn personage kent een hoogst originele uitwerking in de eveneens unieke Pseudo-Clementijnse Homilieën, één van de vierde-eeuwse versies van de eerste (en misschien wel enige) christelijke roman: de Pseudo-Clementijnen. In eerder onderzoek werd dit personage vaak gelinkt aan anti-Simoniaanse, anti-Paulinische, en/of anti-Marcionitische tendensen van deze roman. Mijn lezing zal de homilistische karakterisering van Simon vanuit een andere hoek benaderen: Simon als pepaideumenos en als (falende) sofist. Op deze manier wordt duidelijk dat Simon fungeert als een symbolische tegenstander, niet alleen op vlak van religieus-theologisch gedachtegoed, maar ook op vlak van paideia, waaronder retoriek, sofistiek en filosofie.