Teaching Documents by Alessandro Paini

In this thesis I explore the phenomenon of post-fascist populism within the Italian political lan... more In this thesis I explore the phenomenon of post-fascist populism within the Italian political landscape, focusing on Fratelli d’Italia and its leader, Giorgia Meloni. My study identifies a new political category that – while rooted in historical traditions – manifests with innovative characteristics in contemporary politics. I begin this research with a historical and conceptual analysis, highlighting the persistent influence of fascism in Italy through its evolution into neofascist and post-fascist forms. This background sets the stage for understanding Fratelli d’Italia’s combination of modern populism with a fascist legacy.
Through a detailed examination of the party’s 2022 electoral program and communication strategies, I reveal how it skillfully blends traditionalist and nationalist rhetoric with populist themes, appealing particularly to younger voters. Despite this success, my study notes a significant decline in youth support for Fratelli d’Italia by 2024, suggesting that initial enthusiasm may have been driven more by disillusionment with existing political alternatives than by genuine ideological alignment.
My thesis raises concerns about the potential for an afascist revision of history and the erosion of antifascist democracy in Italy, driven by growing political disengagement. In my research, I underscore the fragility of historical memory and the importance of preserving it in the face of attempts to rewrite or erase the past. Ultimately, I conclude this study by questioning whether Fratelli d’Italia can be defined as anything other than a post-fascist populist movement, with significant implications for the future of democracy in Italy and beyond.

Understanding the present and what brought us here in order to find new ways to develop the futur... more Understanding the present and what brought us here in order to find new ways to develop the future is one of our greatest interests. Our interest in this research lies mainly in understanding how best to develop the new leaders of tomorrow. This master thesis therefore offers an analysis of the main leadership competences and models known to date, then focuses on the novelty of the Europe101 programme and finally provides the reflections of some young leaders - whom we will interview - in order to understand also, from their point of view, what they consider important to be leaders and what they would feel the need for if they had the opportunity to follow a targeted leadership development training. We therefore opted for a qualitative approach and decided to design and undertake face-to-face interviews in order to compensate for a limited sample of respondents with the quality of their responses. Given the limited number of respondents we had the opportunity to interview, we consider this dissertation to be a work in progress and invite future researchers to continue our research.

La rivoluzione di Karl Heinrich Ulrichs per la lotta a favore dei diritti LGBT+, 2019
Come e quanto hanno influito gli studi e gli sforzi di Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, noto giurista tedes... more Come e quanto hanno influito gli studi e gli sforzi di Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, noto giurista tedesco vissuto nel XIX secolo, sulla nascita del movimento di liberazione omosessuale? Il quasi dimenticato „Numa Numantius“, pseudonimo con cui Ulrichs si firmò nelle sue prime opere, fu il primo a rendere l’omosessualità una materia scientifica da studiare, al fine di dimostrarne la natura innata. Nonostante i suoi lavori siano stati lasciati da parte mentre lui era ancora in vita, la svolta arrivò pochi anni dopo la sua morte, quando un gruppo di scienziati e studiosi tedeschi decisero di portare avanti la sua eredità e creare il primo movimento omosessuale, il Wissenschaftlich-humanitäres Komitee.
Essere gay, lesbiche, bisessuali o di qualunque altro orientamento sessuale non è moda, tantomeno lo è la lotta per riacquistare la propria dignità. Questa dissertazione vuole quindi mostrare al lettore le origini dei movimenti che oggi vediamo sfilare annualmente nelle vie delle più grandi città mondiali e lavorare giornalmente per un futuro migliore: si andranno ad analizzare dapprima le opere scientifiche del primo personaggio pubblico nella storia ad avere fatto „coming out“ e lottato per l’uguaglianza, passando successivamente alle conseguenze che questi scritti portarono nel XX secolo.
La lotta per la giustizia, sia che essa tratti di orientamento sessuale, religione, colore della pelle, sesso, condizioni personali o qualunque altra caratteristica vittima di discriminazioni, non è mai moda, ma sempre dovere morale e civico di ogni individuo.
Naturam expelles furca, tamen usque recurret. (Quintus Oratius Flaccus)
Papers by Alessandro Paini

Intersections of Identity and Liberation: Exploring the links between queer identity pursuit and maroon Freedom Dreams, 2023
This essay explores my personal experience of struggling with my identity and the parallels betwe... more This essay explores my personal experience of struggling with my identity and the parallels between my journey and the freedom dreams of maroons. I start by recounting a scarring incident during my thesis fieldwork where I was indirectly targeted with derogatory remarks, highlighting the marginalization and exclusion I felt. Drawing upon the works of Richard Price and Robin Kelley, the essay examines the strategies employed by maroons, such as armed rebellion and the formation of independent communities, to resist oppressive systems. I then connect these strategies to the resilience and determination displayed not only in my own experience, but in the experiences of many other LGBTQ+ people, emphasizing the quest for autonomy, resistance, and belonging shared by marginalized communities. The concept of intersectionality is introduced to explore the complexities of identity formation and the intersections of race, gender, sexuality, and other identity markers in the pursuit of freedom and self-determination. The essay also emphasizes the significance of community-building and chosen families in both personal journeys and maroon struggles. By examining the lessons learned from studying maroon communities, I aim to inform contemporary discussions on identity, autonomy, and resistance from new perspectives. The essay concludes by highlighting the shared sense of marginalization and the various forms of resistance utilized by marginalized communities in their pursuit of liberation.

The new Italian government led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni opened 2023 with a bang, and on 2... more The new Italian government led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni opened 2023 with a bang, and on 2 January the decree-law on new urgent provisions for the management of migratory flows was approved and published in the official journal of record. This decree shakes up the entire European unitary system for the umpteenth time, reawakening once again the complicated and never-ending issue of managing migration flows to the European Union. At the same time, the 'NGO decree' shows the flaws in the continental agreements that continually cause diplomatic incidents, heated discussions, and new directives between member states, all at the expense of migrants.
The aim of this short essay is to discuss the motivations of the Italian government behind this decree, trying to better understand what this represents on a European level and what Italy could gain both domestically and internationally. In addition, the focus of this essay will also be on reflecting on how the European Union can respond to a measure that is on the borderline of compliance with international laws. This paper initially investigates the events that gave rise to this decree, and then reflects on current trends that often lead various national governments to impose measures against relief NGOs. Subsequently, criticism of NGOs in response to this decree is presented and the measures recently taken by the EU to deal with the problem of migration flows are discussed. Lastly, the essay weighs up the possible gains and losses resulting from a potential reform of migration and asylum rules.
In this essay, the focus is on the recent events affecting the indigenous Maasai community, and t... more In this essay, the focus is on the recent events affecting the indigenous Maasai community, and the Tanzanian government's treatment of them when it comes to entering into agreements with international actors. In particular, the recent clash between the Maasai ethnic group and the state police and army in the town of Loliondo in the Ngorongoro district is discussed. The aim of this essay is to answer mainly two questions: what insights does the situation of the Maasai give us? What is the potential of the Global North in mediation and humanitarian aid in conflicts like this?

The story of Marat/Sade is set in 1808: the inmates of the asylum of Charenton perform the murder... more The story of Marat/Sade is set in 1808: the inmates of the asylum of Charenton perform the murder of Jean Paul Marat by Charlotte Corday in 1793, in a show scripted and directed by the Marquis de Sade (also an inmate) with the approval and encouragement of the director of the asylum, François Simonet de Coulmier. This play represents one of Weiss’ earliest attempts at composing a Dokumentartheater piece. It shows the opposition between Sade’s radical individualism, nihilism and aestheticism and Marat’s revolutionary activism. The work has been revised many times by the author, enough to change his own judgment on the two antagonists: his sympathy moves, in fact, from Sade’s firmness to Marat’s boldness, making Jean Paul result as the moral victor and giving him back that part of dignity he had lost because of 19th century historians, who presented him as „an abhorrently bloodthirsty figure“. The work we are going to present in the following pages deals with the relationship between reality and fiction in Marat/Sade. More precisely, is there a neat separation between reality and fiction in this play?
In this work, we will initially talk about the genre called documentary theatre. This will allow us to get detailed definitions of what we mean by „reality“ and „fiction“. At this point, we will try to analyse the metatheatrical dimension of Marat/Sade and what its main meaning could be. Finally, we will be able to find the boundaries set between reality and fiction in the play, which will lead us to the final conclusions.

Not everyone remembers it, but in the European Union there is still a wall dividing a capital, th... more Not everyone remembers it, but in the European Union there is still a wall dividing a capital, that of Nicosia in Cyprus: it is the only capital in the world that is split in two to this day. Since 1974, the northern part has been inhabited by the Turks, while the southern part is inhabited by Greek-Cypriots. The southern area of the island is known as the Republic of Cyprus (RoC) and has been part of the European Union since 2004, while the northern region is de facto the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Both have, therefore, Nicosia as their capital. Over the last decade, exploration off the coast of Cyprus, Egypt, Israel and Lebanon has uncovered large deposits of natural gas and oil. As a result, the Mediterranean has rapidly turned into a zone of tension.
Solving the Cyprus drilling problem can ease tensions in the region and, at the same time, in the dynamics of reconciliation that have lasted for decades. The Cypriot media speak of a psychological war, a radical change that Turkey wants to impose in the eastern Mediterranean (Emmanouilidis 2019). The aim of this essay is therefore to recount the latest events of this continuous dispute between the two communities of the island of Cyprus and, above all, to try to answer a crucial question: is there, within the foreseeable future, the opportunity to find a common solution to help end this long „Cold War II“ in the Eastern Mediterranean?
Un compte rendu pour vous informer de la situation concernant l’État de droit en Égypte, en rappe... more Un compte rendu pour vous informer de la situation concernant l’État de droit en Égypte, en rappelant l’un des problèmes encore non résolus des relations diplomatiques entre les États égyptien et italien : le meurtre de Giulio Regeni. On commence avec une très brève présentation de l'Égypte, puis on présente l'État de droit et la situation égyptienne. Ensuite on parle des nombreux cas des disparitions forcées et de la torture au nom de la lutte contre le terrorisme, en précisant que le meurtre de Giulio Regeni est malheureusement comme une goutte dans l'océan. Finalement, on se pose la question de savoir ce que l'Union européenne fait à ce sujet.
Teaching Documents by Alessandro Paini
Through a detailed examination of the party’s 2022 electoral program and communication strategies, I reveal how it skillfully blends traditionalist and nationalist rhetoric with populist themes, appealing particularly to younger voters. Despite this success, my study notes a significant decline in youth support for Fratelli d’Italia by 2024, suggesting that initial enthusiasm may have been driven more by disillusionment with existing political alternatives than by genuine ideological alignment.
My thesis raises concerns about the potential for an afascist revision of history and the erosion of antifascist democracy in Italy, driven by growing political disengagement. In my research, I underscore the fragility of historical memory and the importance of preserving it in the face of attempts to rewrite or erase the past. Ultimately, I conclude this study by questioning whether Fratelli d’Italia can be defined as anything other than a post-fascist populist movement, with significant implications for the future of democracy in Italy and beyond.
Essere gay, lesbiche, bisessuali o di qualunque altro orientamento sessuale non è moda, tantomeno lo è la lotta per riacquistare la propria dignità. Questa dissertazione vuole quindi mostrare al lettore le origini dei movimenti che oggi vediamo sfilare annualmente nelle vie delle più grandi città mondiali e lavorare giornalmente per un futuro migliore: si andranno ad analizzare dapprima le opere scientifiche del primo personaggio pubblico nella storia ad avere fatto „coming out“ e lottato per l’uguaglianza, passando successivamente alle conseguenze che questi scritti portarono nel XX secolo.
La lotta per la giustizia, sia che essa tratti di orientamento sessuale, religione, colore della pelle, sesso, condizioni personali o qualunque altra caratteristica vittima di discriminazioni, non è mai moda, ma sempre dovere morale e civico di ogni individuo.
Naturam expelles furca, tamen usque recurret. (Quintus Oratius Flaccus)
Papers by Alessandro Paini
The aim of this short essay is to discuss the motivations of the Italian government behind this decree, trying to better understand what this represents on a European level and what Italy could gain both domestically and internationally. In addition, the focus of this essay will also be on reflecting on how the European Union can respond to a measure that is on the borderline of compliance with international laws. This paper initially investigates the events that gave rise to this decree, and then reflects on current trends that often lead various national governments to impose measures against relief NGOs. Subsequently, criticism of NGOs in response to this decree is presented and the measures recently taken by the EU to deal with the problem of migration flows are discussed. Lastly, the essay weighs up the possible gains and losses resulting from a potential reform of migration and asylum rules.
In this work, we will initially talk about the genre called documentary theatre. This will allow us to get detailed definitions of what we mean by „reality“ and „fiction“. At this point, we will try to analyse the metatheatrical dimension of Marat/Sade and what its main meaning could be. Finally, we will be able to find the boundaries set between reality and fiction in the play, which will lead us to the final conclusions.
Solving the Cyprus drilling problem can ease tensions in the region and, at the same time, in the dynamics of reconciliation that have lasted for decades. The Cypriot media speak of a psychological war, a radical change that Turkey wants to impose in the eastern Mediterranean (Emmanouilidis 2019). The aim of this essay is therefore to recount the latest events of this continuous dispute between the two communities of the island of Cyprus and, above all, to try to answer a crucial question: is there, within the foreseeable future, the opportunity to find a common solution to help end this long „Cold War II“ in the Eastern Mediterranean?
Through a detailed examination of the party’s 2022 electoral program and communication strategies, I reveal how it skillfully blends traditionalist and nationalist rhetoric with populist themes, appealing particularly to younger voters. Despite this success, my study notes a significant decline in youth support for Fratelli d’Italia by 2024, suggesting that initial enthusiasm may have been driven more by disillusionment with existing political alternatives than by genuine ideological alignment.
My thesis raises concerns about the potential for an afascist revision of history and the erosion of antifascist democracy in Italy, driven by growing political disengagement. In my research, I underscore the fragility of historical memory and the importance of preserving it in the face of attempts to rewrite or erase the past. Ultimately, I conclude this study by questioning whether Fratelli d’Italia can be defined as anything other than a post-fascist populist movement, with significant implications for the future of democracy in Italy and beyond.
Essere gay, lesbiche, bisessuali o di qualunque altro orientamento sessuale non è moda, tantomeno lo è la lotta per riacquistare la propria dignità. Questa dissertazione vuole quindi mostrare al lettore le origini dei movimenti che oggi vediamo sfilare annualmente nelle vie delle più grandi città mondiali e lavorare giornalmente per un futuro migliore: si andranno ad analizzare dapprima le opere scientifiche del primo personaggio pubblico nella storia ad avere fatto „coming out“ e lottato per l’uguaglianza, passando successivamente alle conseguenze che questi scritti portarono nel XX secolo.
La lotta per la giustizia, sia che essa tratti di orientamento sessuale, religione, colore della pelle, sesso, condizioni personali o qualunque altra caratteristica vittima di discriminazioni, non è mai moda, ma sempre dovere morale e civico di ogni individuo.
Naturam expelles furca, tamen usque recurret. (Quintus Oratius Flaccus)
The aim of this short essay is to discuss the motivations of the Italian government behind this decree, trying to better understand what this represents on a European level and what Italy could gain both domestically and internationally. In addition, the focus of this essay will also be on reflecting on how the European Union can respond to a measure that is on the borderline of compliance with international laws. This paper initially investigates the events that gave rise to this decree, and then reflects on current trends that often lead various national governments to impose measures against relief NGOs. Subsequently, criticism of NGOs in response to this decree is presented and the measures recently taken by the EU to deal with the problem of migration flows are discussed. Lastly, the essay weighs up the possible gains and losses resulting from a potential reform of migration and asylum rules.
In this work, we will initially talk about the genre called documentary theatre. This will allow us to get detailed definitions of what we mean by „reality“ and „fiction“. At this point, we will try to analyse the metatheatrical dimension of Marat/Sade and what its main meaning could be. Finally, we will be able to find the boundaries set between reality and fiction in the play, which will lead us to the final conclusions.
Solving the Cyprus drilling problem can ease tensions in the region and, at the same time, in the dynamics of reconciliation that have lasted for decades. The Cypriot media speak of a psychological war, a radical change that Turkey wants to impose in the eastern Mediterranean (Emmanouilidis 2019). The aim of this essay is therefore to recount the latest events of this continuous dispute between the two communities of the island of Cyprus and, above all, to try to answer a crucial question: is there, within the foreseeable future, the opportunity to find a common solution to help end this long „Cold War II“ in the Eastern Mediterranean?