The University of Georgia
Die Katakomben erschienen im Südkaukasien seit der frühen Bronzezeit im Verbreitungsgebiet der Kura-Araks Kultur im Ostgeorgien. Sie sind auch in der Mittelbronzezeit in Ostgeorgien und in der Spätbronzezeit in Armenien bekannt. Im... more
The article deals with burial site classification in Trialeti Culture. They are divided into two main groups: burial mounds (1) and burial pits (2). In addition there is also an exceptional case (3). Each group is divided into several... more
Am Ende des dritten Jts. und am Anfang des zweiten Jts. v. Chr. war im Zentralteil Südkaukasiens die mittelbronzezitliche Trialeti-Kultur verbreitet. Diese Kultur stand im Kontakt mit vorderasiatischen Hochkulturen. Beweise dafür sind... more
Place “Amirani’s Valley” is located on the territory of lower flow of river Alazani, on the right bank of river Alazani, to the south of village Sabatlo, approximately 12 km away to the north from Mingachevir reservoir. Directly close to... more
The article addresses one form of pottery disseminated during the Bronze Age in Georgia – the hollow leg vase. This form of pottery is found in the Early Bronze Age, specifically within the Kura-Araxes culture. Examples have been... more
The issue of origin of the foot amulet made of agate discovered in Trialeti XIV burial mound is reviewed in the article.
In the Trialeti Culture there are several artifacts that have analogies in the Aegean world of the Bronze Age. Yet, the same analogies are also present in other regions. Despite this, Trialeti and Aegean ar tifacts differ from one another... more