The University of Georgia
Department of Religion
From From Jesus to the New Testament by Jens Schröter. Copyright © 2013 by Baylor University Press. Reprinted by arrangement with Baylor University Press. All rights reserved.
From Jesus of Nazareth by Jens Schröter. Copyright © 2014 by Baylor University Press. Reprinted by arrangement with Baylor University Press. All rights reserved.
From Christian Theology and Its Institutions in the Early Roman Empire by Christoph Markschies. Copyright © 2015 by Baylor University Press. Reprinted by arrangement with Baylor University Press. All rights reserved. For further... more
PDF version of Wayne Coppins' Review of Jesus Handbuch. Edited by J. Schröter and C. Jacobi, with the collaboration of Lena Nogossek. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017. XIII, 685 pages. Published online at the Jesus Blog:... more
The main thesis of this article is that the ‘two-animal’ interpretation of Matthew 21:7, according to which Matthew speaks of Jesus as sitting on two animals, can be shown to be more probable than the ‘multiple-garments’ interpretation,... more
Although the significance of ʿAbd al-Karīm al-Qushayrī’s Qur’anic commentary, Laṭāʾif al-ishārāt, might appear limited, in fact its impact was widespread geographically and historically and was both obvious and hidden. This study... more
There is no question that it is easy to get lost when climbing outside the ivory tower of academia and becoming a socially engaged scholar. In my case, such engagement has substantially delayed many other projects that are dear to my... more
In addition to beginning with Bismillāh ir-raḥmān ir-raḥīm, in the name of God, the Infinitely Merciful and Infinitely Compassionate,2 traditional Muslim discourse should begin by a declaration of taking refuge in God from the deviousness... more
First of all, as the keynote speaker for this international symposium on Molla Fanārī, I would like to start by speaking about why holding a conference now on Mullā Shams aldīn Muḥammad ibn Ḥamzah alFanārī (b. 751/1350-d. 834/1431)1 in... more
- by Alan Godlas