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The nature of the interaction of insect cuticular proteins and chitin is unknown even though about half of the cuticular proteins sequenced thus far share a consensus region that has been predicted to be the site of chitin binding. We... more
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      ZoologySequence alignmentProtein structureProtein Sequence Analysis
The most abundant family of insect cuticular proteins, the CPR family, is recognized by the R&R Consensus, a domain of about 64 amino acids that binds to chitin and is present throughout arthropods. Several species have now been shown to... more
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      Molecular EvolutionGene expressionBiological SciencesPhylogeny
The majority of cuticular protein sequences identified to date from a diversity of arthropods have a conserved region known as the Rebers and Riddiford Consensus (R&R Consensus). This consensus region has been used to query the whole... more
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      ZoologyDrosophila melanogasterSoftwarePhylogeny
Identification of authenticated cuticular proteins has been based on isolation and sequencing of individual proteins extracted from cleaned cuticles. These data facilitated classification of sequences from conceptual translation of cDNA... more
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      ZoologyMass SpectrometryProteomicsMuscles
Over 100 sequences for cuticular proteins are now available, but there have been no formal analyses of how these sequences might contribute to the helicoidal architecture of cuticle or to the interaction of these proteins with chitin. A... more
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      ZoologyCell DifferentiationProtein Sequence AnalysisSecondary Structure
The nature of the interaction of insect cuticular proteins and chitin is unknown even though about half of the cuticular proteins sequenced thus far share a consensus region that has been predicted to be the site of chitin binding. We... more
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      ZoologyCircular DichroismProtein Sequence AnalysisProtein Interaction
We have cloned and sequenced members of a cuticular protein multi-gene family from the mosquito Anopheles gambiae. Three genes (agcp2a-c), each approximately 1 kb in length, were found in a 17.4 kb genomic phage clone. Analysis of ten... more
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      ZoologyDrosophila melanogasterGene expressionAnopheles
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      ZoologyInsectInsect Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyBiochemistry and cell biology
CPR proteins are the largest cuticular protein family in arthropods. The whole genome sequence of Anopheles gambiae revealed 156 genes that code for proteins with the R&R Consensus and named CPRs. This protein family can be divided into... more
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      ZoologyGene expressionAnopheles gambiaeCuticular Proteins
Cuticular proteins (CPs) are structural proteins of insects as well as other arthropods. Several CP families have been described, among them a small family defined by a 51 amino acid motif [Andersen, S.O., Rafn, K., Roepstorff, P., 1997.... more
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      ZoologyRNASequence AnalysisPhylogeny
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      Animal BehaviorGenomicsReproductionMolecular Evolution
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsZoologyGenomics
Variation in vectorial capacity for human malaria among Anopheles mosquito species is determined by many factors, including behavior, immunity, and life history. To investigate the genomic basis of vectorial capacity and explore new... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsGenomicsMolecular Evolution
Myriapods (e.g., centipedes and millipedes) display a simple homonomous body plan relative to other arthropods. All members of the class are terrestrial, but they attained terrestriality independently of insects. Myriapoda is the only... more
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      Molecular EvolutionComparative GenomicsTranscription FactorsPhylogenomics
The insect exoskeleton or cuticle is a bi-partite composite of proteins and chitin that provides protective, skeletal and structural functions. Little information is available about the molecular structure of this important complex that... more
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      Relational DatabaseDrosophila melanogasterBiological SciencesMathematical Sciences
A common consensus region (extended R&R Consensus) found in the majority of cuticular proteins, the CPRs, binds to chitin. Previous work established that β-pleated sheet predominates in the Consensus region and we proposed that it is... more
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      PhysiologyInsect PhysiologyDrosophila melanogasterHomology Modeling
Background: Published data revealed that two of the 243 structural cuticular proteins of Anopheles gambiae, CPLCG3 and CPLCG4, are implicated in insecticide resistance and a third, CPF3, has far higher transcript levels in M than in S... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyImmunohistochemistryWestern blottingInsecticides
Alpha-dystroglycan requires a rare O-mannose glycan modification to form its binding epitope for extracellular matrix proteins such as laminin. This functional glycan is disrupted in a cohort of muscular dystrophies, the secondary... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyMultidisciplinaryWestern blottingMice
Members of the family Trypanosomatidae infect many organisms, including animals, plants and humans. Plant-infecting trypanosomes are grouped under the single genus Phytomonas, failing to reflect the wide biological and pathological... more
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      GeneticsCoffeeFrancePlant diseases