Dawn Flynn
Avid lover of nature, birder, field biologist, and insect systematist.
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Universidad de Antioquia
Papers by Dawn Flynn
from Arizona in 1894, has remained little known. Images of Philya posted recently on the internet represent misidentifications of the Neotropical P. lowryi Plummer, known only from the type locality in south-central Mexico; the records refer to P. ferruginosa. The nymphs and adults of P. ferruginosa we found on New Mexico locust (Robinia neomexicana A. Gray; Fabaceae) in southeastern Arizona are the first host records for the treehopper. We differentiate P. ferruginosa from its native congener
P. californensis (Goding) and the Mexican P. lowryi, describe the fifth-instar nymph of P. ferruginosa, and present new records from Madrean Sky Island localities in Arizona. We regard as incidental the collection of adults from plants that seem unlikely to support nymphal development.
and one incertae sedis in the genus Cladonota Stal. The genus Cladonota contains
four subgenera: Falculifera McKamey, Cladonota Stal, Lecythifera Fowler, and
Lobocladisca Stal. This paper treats the 20 species of the subgenus Lecythifera
Fowler, which includes: C. affinis (Fowler); C. bulbosa Flynn; C. championi
(Fowler); C. costaricensis Flynn, new species; C. costata (Buckton); C. falleni
(Stal); C. globonegra Flynn, new species; C. gonzaloi (Pelaez); C. grisea Flynn,
new species; C. hoffmanni (Pelaez); C. inflata (Fowler); C. locomotiva (Breddin); C.
machinula (Breddin) [ Hypsoprora maculata Fonesca and Diringshofen, new
synonym]; C. meteorus Arnaud; C. orellana Flynn, new species; C. pieltaini (Pela
ez); C. plummeri (Pelaez); C. robustula (Fowler); C. siparuna (Strumpel) and C.
yucatanensis Flynn. Keys to species of the subgenus and illustrations and diagnoses
are given for each species treated.
Hypsoprorini) is recorded from Paraguay as a new country record. Furthermore, this is also
the first report of the genus Cladonota Stål, 1869 in Paraguay (sensu Flynn, 2018).
from Arizona in 1894, has remained little known. Images of Philya posted recently on the internet represent misidentifications of the Neotropical P. lowryi Plummer, known only from the type locality in south-central Mexico; the records refer to P. ferruginosa. The nymphs and adults of P. ferruginosa we found on New Mexico locust (Robinia neomexicana A. Gray; Fabaceae) in southeastern Arizona are the first host records for the treehopper. We differentiate P. ferruginosa from its native congener
P. californensis (Goding) and the Mexican P. lowryi, describe the fifth-instar nymph of P. ferruginosa, and present new records from Madrean Sky Island localities in Arizona. We regard as incidental the collection of adults from plants that seem unlikely to support nymphal development.
and one incertae sedis in the genus Cladonota Stal. The genus Cladonota contains
four subgenera: Falculifera McKamey, Cladonota Stal, Lecythifera Fowler, and
Lobocladisca Stal. This paper treats the 20 species of the subgenus Lecythifera
Fowler, which includes: C. affinis (Fowler); C. bulbosa Flynn; C. championi
(Fowler); C. costaricensis Flynn, new species; C. costata (Buckton); C. falleni
(Stal); C. globonegra Flynn, new species; C. gonzaloi (Pelaez); C. grisea Flynn,
new species; C. hoffmanni (Pelaez); C. inflata (Fowler); C. locomotiva (Breddin); C.
machinula (Breddin) [ Hypsoprora maculata Fonesca and Diringshofen, new
synonym]; C. meteorus Arnaud; C. orellana Flynn, new species; C. pieltaini (Pela
ez); C. plummeri (Pelaez); C. robustula (Fowler); C. siparuna (Strumpel) and C.
yucatanensis Flynn. Keys to species of the subgenus and illustrations and diagnoses
are given for each species treated.
Hypsoprorini) is recorded from Paraguay as a new country record. Furthermore, this is also
the first report of the genus Cladonota Stål, 1869 in Paraguay (sensu Flynn, 2018).