قىستۇرما بەلگىسى:: windows
Next Active Directory Integration
(16 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Next Active Directory Integration allows WordPress to authenticate, authorize, create and update users against Microsoft Active Directory.
Bootstrap Modals
(8 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)This plugin adds Bootstrap Modal functionality to WordPress. All you need to do is add the Modal HTML mark up code.
Windows Compatibility Fix
(8 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Fixes long filename problem on Windows systems when doing updates, such as updating from EDD based sites.
ExXmlRpc for WordPressPost
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)ExXmlRpc(WordPressPost) is a plugin to post to WordPress from WordPressPost.
App Service Assistant
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)App Service Assistant is a troubleshooting assistant for Microsoft Azure App Service Web Apps (Windows).
Embedded learning videos and practice material by TEST4U
(1 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)40000+ categorized videos for Microsoft Office, LibreOffice, OpenOffice, Long Docs, Data Analysis, UBER. Enhance your site with notes, queries.
My Desktop – Manage your site from a web desktop
(2 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Manage your site from a web desktop. Do multitasking with windows, click icons, use notes. Jump to any place in your wp-admin quickly.