قىستۇرما بەلگىسى:: VAST
Vast Demo Import
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Import the Vast Theme demo contents, widgets and customizer settings with one click.
Fluid Player
(5 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)The plugin makes it easy to embed the VAST ready Fluid Player video player.
Target Video Easy Publish
(6 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Seamlessly embed your videos (YouTube, streaming, HTML5, Flash) using TargetVideo video players into your WordPress site or blog.
Video Block with Ads
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Video Gutenberg Block and video player on steroids and low fat.
(1 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)VideoADShtml5 is a WordPress video Player where you can insert ads on your WordPress site.