قىستۇرما بەلگىسى:: most popular
Most Popular Posts
(1 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)This is a very simple widget that displays a link to the top commented posts on your blog.
Simple Popular Posts
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Creates a very simple and basic widget for your sidebar to display most popular posts on your blog based on the number of comments only.
KR Popular Posts
(1 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)KR Popular Posts shows graph of a posts popularity percentage. Popularity based on post views, comments, ratings, retweets and facebook likes ( popula …
Disqus Popular Threads Widget
(2 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Shows your most commented posts from Disqus via widget, shortcode, or template tag.
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Prizma for WordPress is a Video Engagement Platform that earns you money while keeping visitors on your website.
TopPosts for Google Analytics
(2 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)TopPosts for Google Analytics relies on your site's analytics to identify and showcase your website's most visited posts.