قىستۇرما بەلگىسى:: child theme
Child Theme Configurator
(277 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)When using the Customizer is not enough – Create a child theme from your installed themes and customize styles, templates, functions and more.
Child Theme Creator by Orbisius
(45 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Create Child Themes quickly and easily from any theme that you have currently installed on your site/blog.
WP Child Theme Generator
(17 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)WP Child Theme Generator is an easy solution to all your child theme creating problems!
Child Theme Wizard
(34 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Creates a child theme with one click and lets you customise its options.
Generate Child Theme
(15 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Create child themes of any WordPress themes effortlessly with Generate Child Theme.
Quick Child Theme Generator
(5 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Quick Child Theme Generator is a WordPress plugin and it is helpful for creating child themes quickly.
Child Theme Check
(8 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Warns you about outdated template files in your child theme and shows a diff view of the changes between parent and child theme template.
Child Theme Copy Settings
(9 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)This plugin helps you to copy the settings of the Customizer from the parent theme to the child theme easier.
Inherit Theme Mods
(2 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)'Inherit Theme Mods' enables to copy customizer properties from parent theme to child.
Include Parent Theme RTL CSS
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Allows to include a parent theme RTL stylesheet for a child theme.
Site Specific CSS
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Add site specific CSS to each blog individually, instead of changing your theme or using a million child themes.
Guan Mystique Theme Code Inserter
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)This plugin allows you to insert html code into Mystique theme without the need to hand code the original theme files.
Mercenary Theme Modifications Automatic Importer
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Mercenary Theme Modifications Automatic Importer
NP Child Theme Generator
(1 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)This plugin allows you to generate a child theme for your active theme with a simple button click.