Up2pay e-Transactions WooCommerce Payment Gateway


This module adds a Up2pay e-Transactions Payment Gateway to your Installation of WooCommerce.

Up2pay e-Transactions is a Payment Services Provider in Europe, part of the Crédit Agricole Bank.

plugin actions in wordpress:

this plugin offers an admin panel from the order section to the settings of Woocommerce.
it adds payment information to the orders details and changes the status of orders (upon reception of an IPN, see below.) and adds payment means on the checkout page.

This plugin takes information from the order and creates a form containing the details of the payment to be made, including parameters configured in the admin panel of the module that identify the mechant.

The plugin checks for availability of the Up2pay e-Transactions platform, through a call to our servers.
It then submits with javascript the form to the first available server.

the customer is then presented with a payment page, hosted on the Up2pay e-Transactions Platform (urls above).

The Up2pay e-Transactions Platform sends an Instant Payment Notification (IPN) to the server when the customer actually made the payment, indicating to the merchant the status of the payment.

the plugin generates a url that can catch the IPN call from Up2pay e-Transactions’s server, filtering incoming calls to the Up2pay e-Transactions IP address.

if payment is successfull, then the plugin validates the order though woocommerce.


  1. Upload the entire folder e-transactions-wc to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    or through WordPress’s plugin upload/install mecanism.

  2. Activate the plugin through the ›Plugins‹ menu in WordPress


What is the HMAC key in the admin panel for ?

The HMAC key is generated on Up2pay e-Transactions server through your Up2pay e-Transactions back office. it is used to authenticate your calls to Up2pay e-Transactions Server. it is generated on the platform you choose: Production (live) or Pre-Production (test)

My orders are not validated, even though the payment went through ?

The oder paid with Up2pay e-Transactions is only validated upon rectpion of a positive Instant Payment Notification (IPN) this IPN is authenticated with the filter on the IP address, if the IP is somewhow changed, the plugin will give a 500 HTTP error.
Avoid Maintenance mode, or allow Up2pay e-Transactions IP to go through (, If the WordPress Installation is in maintenance mode, the Up2pay e-Transactions server will not be able to contact it.

Something is not working for me, how can i get help ?

Contact Up2pay e-Transactions WordPress Support, we will be glad to help you out !


2025-يىلى 11-فېۋرال
Bonjour, Attention aux mises à jour de cette solution, qui apporte souvent plus de problèmes que de solutions… Heureusement le support est là, mais n’au aucun support numérique pour l’historique de ces problèmes clients. La dernière version de Uptopay 3.0.8, a une contrainte au niveau des urls et n’est pas compatible par défaut avec WPML . il faut re-paramétrer les urls pour les langues étrangères, afin d’assurer le retour IPN de vos commandes, et ainsi déclencher la validation de commande dans woo-commerce. Privilégier «/en/» au lieu de «?lang=en»
2024-يىلى 1-دېكابىر
12/2024 Yes ! Thanks for the update and the removal of the mandatory phone number. 09/2024 This plugin works until version 2.0.3 on woocommerce 9.2.3. Newest versions of the plugin add mandatory field (mobile phone number) on transaction form which comes without explanation nor field de-activation capability. This plugin support forum doesn’t seem to be known by the developers, hence not answer whatsoever to any questions from them.
2024-يىلى 13-نويابىر
3.0.5 version doesn’t respect Wooocommerce standards in many ways. Phone number field check is completely buggy. Gateway Payment order preference is not respected (shows up in last position). Use of custom order status that cannot be changed. Several CSS bugs / overriding rules not respecting our theme. No Woocommerce subscriptions support. And finally no support in forum. Who the hecks is actually coding this plugin?
2024-يىلى 27-مارت 4 replies
Erreur critique sur le site après la mise à jour du plugin. En cause deux lignes qui font appel à des fichiers et un répertoire qui n’existent pas : require_once(dirname(__FILE__).’/trait/wc-etransactions-config-get-options.php‹); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).’/trait/wc-etransactions-config-cards.php‹); Du coup, downgrade en urgence pour remettre le site en fonction. Pas très sérieux tout cela ! version e-transactions-wc.2.0.1
2024-يىلى 26-مارت 2 replies
Ce module n’est ni fiable, ni sécurisé. De nombreux plantages dans la gestion du HMAC qui saute à chaque montée en version, les contraintes d’integrité sur la verification 3dsecure ne sont pas enforcées, pas de tests automatisés, pas de suivi de version ni de php, ni de wordpress, ni de woocommerce : wphive.com/plugins/e-transactions-wc/ Le support nous dit qu’ils sont conscient des problemes, que des «corrections sont à venir» , mais on ne voit rien venir En l’état, il est fortement déconseillé d’utiliser ce module en production
11 باھالاشنىڭ ھەممىنى ئوقۇش

تۆھپىكار ۋە ئىجادكار

«Up2pay e-Transactions WooCommerce Payment Gateway» كودى ئوچۇق يۇمشاق دېتال. تۆۋەندىكى كىشىلەر بۇ قىستۇرمىغا تۆھپە قوشقان.


«Up2pay e-Transactions WooCommerce Payment Gateway» نى تىلىڭىزغا تەرجىمە قىلىڭ

ئىجادىيەتكە قىزىقامسىز؟

كودقا كۆز يۈگۈرتۈپ، SVN خەزىنە تەكشۈرۈپ ياكى RSSئارقىلىق ئىجادىيەت خاتىرىسىگە مۇشتەرى بولغىلى بولىدۇ.

ئۆزگىرىش خاتىرىسى


  • Fixed: updated transaction number after capture


  • Fixed: tag country mobile phone


  • Removed: number phone field
  • Fixed : payment status in several x
  • Fixed : the order of payment methods
  • Fixed : postcode
  • Fixed : Payment card display when customer aren’t login
  • Fixed : 3ds display guaranteed
  • Fixed : simple permalink
  • Fixed : compatibility with plugin Anti-SPAM CleanTalk
  • Add transaction page
  • Fixed : translation following WordPress 6.7 upgrade


  • Better gestion of update process
  • Fixed : Timeout on migration of old orders to «Processing» status (from «Capture» status)


  • Fixed : Prevent multiples captures tentatives on differed payments
  • Removed : «Capture» status, and migration of old orders to «Processing» status


  • Fixed : V2 to V3 data migration, problem with the HMAC key
  • Fixed : Restored the original HMAC key from V2 if the new one is empty or invalid


  • Fixed : Better regex on PBX_BILLING
  • Fixed : V2 to V3 data migration


  • Fixed : Bloc Gutenberg for payment page (Shortcode)


  • Added : New UX design for merchant
  • Added : New features : demo mode – test mode – live mode – new contact process – userguide – check configuration – instalment integrated – dedicated page for up2pay transactions
  • Added : Bloc Gutenberg for payment page
  • Added : New payment mean Pluxee


  • Phone field mandatory


  • Fix broken links for picture


  • Fixed: missing directory


  • Fixed: Sodexo name rebranding to Pluxee
  • Fixed : format field PBX_CMD


  • Deleted: IP declaration
  • Deleted: Paylib payment mean withdrawn
  • Fixed: Logo & rebranding
  • Fixed: Code refactoring (class & request modernization, minification)
  • Fixed: Cancel or back button on payment iframe
  • Fixed: Appetiz name rebranding to Bimply
  • Added: Refund
  • Added: New logs


  • Update IP list
  • Fix IPN error in some specific cases


  • Fix CountryCode value if empty
  • Fix IPN for 3x CB


  • Improve 3DSv2 XML
  • Update compatibility
  • Fix typo into FR translations


  • Add 3DS exemptions


  • Remove Paylib
  • Improve debug & IPN HTTP status code


-updated compatibility levels declaration
-HMAC integration for API calls
-3DSv2 fields adjustments
-CountryCode fix (3 positions)
-no more IP modification possible
-filter on configuration parameters (to avoid input error)
-fix cart persistance on some woocommerce versions


-updated compatibility levels declaration
-fixed compatibility with wordpress 5.8.1 (thx glouton)
-fixed test mode switching


-Up2pay branding & Adding many features to the plugin:
-iFrame integration
-payment mean choice on the woocommerce checkout
-one-click payments
-debit upon change of status (when shipping for instance)
-settings is now fully sappable between production and testing:
one can have 2 very different settings for both modes and review settings,
without changing the actual working mode for the website.

Force 3DSv2 for all cards

Add 3DSv2 support

various fixes and alignments

shortening long api names for plugin

fixing Woocommerce active detection mechanism

fixing mcrypt deprecation when goin with php > 7.1.x + translations and adding icon for payment means

Correcting transaction/call mixup and translation of minimal amount label.

adding HTTP/2 compatibility.

Correction for PHP7.2 mcrypt removal: openssl used if no mcrypt present.

Correction for potential HTTP 500 error: thx @.

Correction for network urls, order properties calling.

Correction of url called, to work for mobile.= 0.9.8 =
Correction of minor bugs.

Correction of multisite wordpress bug.


Correction of a potential fatal error on error logging thx @vasyltech!.

Urls construct

Compatibility for folder-based wordpress mono-site.
Urls construct

Added compatibility for folder-based wordpress multi-site.
Removed IPN IP checking

only rely on the $_SERVER data to check for the IP address:
this solves the non reception of the IPN (error 500)

Second release:
-Missing table now created ok.
-«Syntax error: Unexpected token < » message when checking out,
-Use of deprecated functions to get pages url: now we use endpoints.

Added :
-Informations about the payment on the order detail page, now actually displayed.
-3D Secure status properly rendered
-card numbers appear in the detail
-three time payment IPN properly stored

First stable release